Filter plugins receive a single event from either a receiver plugin or another filter plugin. After applying arbitrary filtering logic and / or transformations a filter plugin then forwards zero, one or more events to a sender plugin or another filter plugin.
The Filter interface:
Filter(evt event.Event) []event.Event
Each filter plugin instance is determined by its ID, its type, its optional name and its filter specific configuration. Often multiple filters are combined to a filter chain.
"filterChain": [
"plugin": "{filterType}",
"name": "{optionalFilterName}",
"config": {
"param1": "value1",
"param2": "value2",
"...": "...",
EARS comes with a small library of highly generic and configurable filter plugins. If needed you can develop your own filter plugin, but you should consider first if your use case can be realized using one or more filters form the standard library. There is also a Javascript filter that can be used to implement arbitrary filter or transformation logic expressed as JavaScript.
Filters operate on events. Therefore, it is important to understand the EARS event model. Each event comes with a
payload. Payloads are either byte arrays or strings. If a payload is a string it will be parsed as JSON into an interface{}
Thus, the payload will be one of map[string]interface{}
, []interface{}
, string
, bool
or float
Some filter configurations require to specify a particular subset of a deeply nested map. We use dot-delimited path
syntax for this purpose, for example
to reach the value hello
of the payload
{ "foo" : { "bar" : { "baz" : "hello" }}}
. The root path is defined as .
or blank string.
Some filters take data from one sub section of a payload and move it to another sub section of the same payload.
By convention, we use the configurations fromPath
and toPath
for this purpose. If toPath
is omitted,
then fromPath
will also be used as toPath
as well.
In addition to the payload, an event carries an extra data object called metadata. Metadata can be used to store
temporary data that is produced by one filter and may be consumed by another filter or sender downstream.
An example when this can be useful is when you use a hash filter to create a hash that you then later use in
a kafka sender to select the correct topic partition. In this case the pre-calculated hash needs to be stored
somewhere in the event without polluting its payload. We use the path prefix payload.
and metadata.
to indicate
if a filter should operate on metadata or payload. By default, we assume a path is used for payloads so the path
is equivalent to
. But if you want to access the foo key in the metadata object you have to use
as path configuration.
Current limitations: Value keys containing the dot character are currently not supported. Also, an index selector for array elements is currently not supported.
- match
- mapping
- decode
- encode
- transform
- hash
- regex
- js
- split
- log
- unwrap
- ttl
- validate
- trace
- dedup
Match an event against an event pattern, a regular expression or both. If a match is found
either let the event pass or drop it. The supported modes are pattern
, regex
and patternregex
Allow events that contain a key TopicArn
with a string value ending in _ACCOUNT
"plugin": "match",
"config": {
"mode": "allow",
"matcher": "patternregex",
"pattern": {
"body" : {
type Config struct {
Mode ModeType `json:"mode,omitempty"`
Matcher MatcherType `json:"matcher,omitempty"`
Pattern interface{} `json:"pattern,omitempty"`
ExactArrayMatch *bool `json:"exactArrayMatch,omitempty"`
Mode: "allow",
Matcher: "regex",
Pattern: "^.*$",
ExactArrayMatch: true
Valid values for mode are allow and deny.
Valid values for matcher are pattern, regex and patternregex. The pattern matcher allows you to specify a JSON fragment that must be part of the payload for the event to match. The pattern matcher allows * as wildcard character for values. The regex matcher allows to specify a single regular expression for the entire payload. The patternregex matcher combines the two: You specify a JSON fragment and one or more of its values may be specified as regular expressions.
ExactArrayMatch, if set to true, requires arrays in the pattern to match exactly, meaning same number elements and same values. If set to false the payload may contain additional elements in the array not present in the pattern. Default is true.
Map values in event payload to other values.
"plugin" : "mapping",
"config" : {
"path" : "metadata.sensorType.value",
"map" : [
"from" : null,
"to": "none"
Decode entire event payload or metadata, or part of event payload or metadata. Currently only base64 encoding is supported.
Replace the content of the message field with its base64 decoded value.
"plugin": "decode",
"name": "useCaseOneRouteDecoder",
"config": {
"fromPath": "payload.body.message",
"toPath" : "payload.body.message",
"encoding" : "base64"
Omitting configs for default behavior we can reduce this to:
"plugin": "decode",
"name": "useCaseOneRouteDecoder",
"config": {
"fromPath": ".body.message"
Encode entire event payload or metadata, or part of event payload or metadata. Currently only base64 encoding is supported.
Replace the content of the message field with its base64 encoded value.
"plugin": "encode",
"config": {
"fromPath": "payload..body.message",
"toPath" : "payload.body.message",
"encoding: " "base64"
Omitting configs for default behavior we can reduce this to:
"plugin": "decode",
"config": {
"fromPath": ".body.message"
Basic structural transformations of event payloads and or metadata. Existing fields can be moved around
or filtered. We are using transformation by example syntax for the transformed event and dot-delimited path
syntax to choose from the original event. The filter supports the fromPath
and toPath
configs which you can use
to move arbitrary pieces of data between the payload and the metadata section of the event.
A typical structural transformation of an event payload. The configuration only uses the transformation config, all other configs use default values.
"plugin": "transform",
"config": {
"transformation": {
"message": {
"op": "process",
"payload": {
"metadata": {
"type": "{.Message.header.type}",
"event": "{.Message.header.event}",
"timestamp": "{.Message.header.timestamp}",
"id": "{}"
"body": {
"addedAccountProducts": "{.Message.body.added}",
"removedAccountProducts": "{.Message.body.removed}"
"to": {
"location": "{}",
"app": "myapp"
Arbitrary filtering or transformation operation given in JavaScript source code. Script must return
either null
(if the event is to be filtered), a single event (original event or modified event), or an
array of events if the event is to be split. The event object must contain a payload
section and optionally
a metadata
section. The original event is reachable using the context variable _.event
Multiline scripts usually look better in YAML representation.
Filter the event if two array values in the payload are both empty ("nothing to do").
- plugin: js
source: |-
if (_.event.payload.message.payload.body.addedAccountProducts.length == 0 && _.event.payload.message.payload.body.removedAccountProducts.length == 0) {
return null;
} else {
return _.event;
Calculate a hash over a (subset of) the payload or metadata of an event.
The filter supports the standard configs FromPath
and ToPath
Supported hash algorithms are fnv, md5, sha1 and sha-256.
Apply Fowler–Noll–Vo hash modulo 100 to a subsection of the event payload and store the result in the metadata section for later downstream use in the route.
"plugin": "hash",
"config": {
"fromPath": "",
"toPath": "metadata.kafka.partition",
"hashAlgorithm": "fnv"
or equivalent
"plugin": "hash",
"config": {
"fromPath": ".to.location",
"toPath": "metadata.kafka.partition",
"hashAlgorithm": "fnv"
Perform arbitrary regular expression transformations.
Select all digits from content (leftmost match only) and place them into regexedContent.
"plugin": "regex",
"config": {
"fromPath": ".conent",
"toPath": ".regexedContent",
"regex": "[0-9]+"
Split an event containing an array in its payload into multiple events.
"plugin" : "split",
"config" : {
"splitPath" : "."
Relying on default config values this reduces to:
"plugin" : "split"
Logs the current payload and metadata values of the event. For debug purposes only. Several optional parameters can be used to choose a subset of the payload, modify the log key and to control whether the data should be logged as JSON or as string.
"plugin" : "log",
"config" : {
"path" : "payload.some.key",
"tag" : "",
"logKey": "payload",
"asString" : true
Take a subsection of the event and make the root of the event payload, throwing everything else away. This is a typical requirement when removing an event payload from an envelope.
"plugin" : "unwrap",
"config" : {
"path" : ".content"
Filter an event if it is too old. Requires a valid timestamp to be present in the event payload.
is the factor that must be applied to convert the event timestamp into nanoseconds.
The actual ttl
is given in milliseconds.
Expire events that arte older than five minutes.
"plugin" : "ttl",
"config" : {
"path" : ".content.timestamp",
"nanoFactor" : 1,
"ttl" : 300000
Validate payload against JSON schema.
"plugin" : "validate",
"config" : {
"path" : ".",
"schema" : {...}
Add standard trace information to event payload.
"plugin": "trace",
"config": {
"path" : ".tx.traceId"
Ensure same payload is not sent twice among the most recent N events. Filter uses md5 hashes to store event signatures. Deduping may be applied to only a subsection of the payload, by default the entire payload will be considered. Pay extra attention when naming an instance of this filter and consider side effects when sharing an instance of this filter type among several routes!
"plugin" : "dedup",
"config" : {
"cacheSize" : 1000,
"path: : "."
Or with default values:
"plugin" : "dedup"