☁️📦 Google Cloud storage plugin for Verdaccio.
The source code for this project started based on: https://github.com/verdaccio/monorepo/tree/v10.0.6/plugins/google-cloud
and implements missing functionality from the official Verdaccio maintained google-cloud
storage plugin.
- Google Cloud Platform Account.
- Google Cloud Platform project that is using Google Firestore in Datastore mode.
- Service account with ability to:
- read and write to the Verdaccio GCS Bucket.
- read and write to Cloud Firestore in Datastore mode.
- read the JWT signing secret stored in GCP Secret Manager.
Verdaccio loads storage plugins in a very specific manner where the name of the plugin under the storage
property of
the config.yaml
needs to line up exactly with the folder the plugin resides in under the plugins
folder configuration
value that is configured in the same config.yaml
So, when Verdaccio sees this configuration in the config.yaml
# path to the plugins directory
plugins: /verdaccio/plugins
google-cloud-storage: {} # assume the rest of the `@xlts.dev/verdaccio-google-cloud-store` config is present
Verdaccio will look for the plugin at this path: /verdaccio/plugins/verdaccio-google-cloud-storage
. Verdaccio
automatically adds the verdaccio-
prefix to the directory path when looking for the plugin. Assuming the Verdaccio
directory has been configured to /verdaccio/plugins
, the below commands can be used to install the
mkdir /tmp/verdaccio-plugin
cd /tmp/verdaccio-plugin
npm install --global-style --no-bin-links --no-optional verdaccio-google-cloud-storage@npm:@xlts.dev/verdaccio-google-cloud-storage
mv node_modules/verdaccio-google-cloud-storage /verdaccio/plugins
The below permissions (JSON format) should be attached to the Verdaccio Service Account when running command:
gcloud projects get-iam-policy <PROJECT_NAME> --format=json
"bindings": [
"role": "roles/datastore.user",
"members": ["serviceAccount:<SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME>"]
"role": "roles/storage.objectAdmin",
"members": ["serviceAccount:<SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME>"],
"condition": {
"title": "Verdaccio Bucket",
"description": "Allow access only to bucket '<VERDACCIO_BUCKET>'",
"expression": "resource.name.startsWith(\"projects/_/buckets/<VERDACCIO_BUCKET>\")"
"role": "roles/secretmanager.secretAccessor",
"members": ["serviceAccount:<SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME>"],
"condition": {
"title": "Verdaccio Secret",
"description": "Allow access only to secret '<VERDACCIO_SECRET>'",
"expression": "resource.name.startsWith(\"projects/<PROJECT_NUMBER>/secrets/<VERDACCIO_SECRET>\")"
Complete configuration example:
## Mandatory. Google Cloud Platform Project ID.
projectId: name-of-your-project
## Optional. Google Cloud Platform only recommends using this file for development.
# keyFileName: /absolute/path/to/key/file
## Mandatory. Name of the GCS Bucket to store packages in.
## This plugin does not create the bucket. It has to already exist.
bucketName: name-of-the-bucket
## Mandatory. The name of the GCP Secret Manager JWT signing secret.
## This plugin does not create the secret. It has to already exist.
secretName: 'name-of-the-secret'
## Optional. Name of the GCP Datastore `kind`s to store entities to.
# kindNames:
## Optional. Name of the `kind` to store package names to. Defaults to 'VerdaccioPackage'.
# packages: VerdaccioPackage
## Optional. Name of the `kind` to store token metadata to. Defaults to 'VerdaccioToken'.
# tokens: VerdaccioToken
## Optional. The namespace to store entities in.
# namespace: default
## Optional. Specific options when interacting with GCP Bucket storage.
## Optional. The type of validation to use when performing write operations. Defaults to 'crc32c'. See:
## https://googleapis.dev/nodejs/storage/latest/global.html#CreateWriteStreamOptions
# validation: crc32c
## Enable/disable resumable uploads to GCP Bucket storage
## The `@google-cloud/storage` SDK enables this by default.
## This may cause failures for small package uploads, so it is recommended to set this value to `false`.
## @see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53172050/google-cloud-storage-invalid-upload-request-error-bad-request
resumable: false