Golang utility library, With additional functions such as JavaScript/Python!
go get -d github.com/xjh22222228/gosh
package main
import (
func main() {
s := gstrings.Reverse("Hello World")
fmt.Println(s) // => dlroW olleH
Syntax: Reverse(str string) string
The reverse()
method reverses an string in place.
gstrings.Reverse("Hello World")
// => dlroW olleH
Syntax: StartsWith(str, searchString string[, position int]) bool
- str - string
- searchString - The characters to be searched for at the start of this string.
- position - [Optional], The position in this string at which to begin searching for searchString. Defaults to 0.
str := "Saturday night plans"
fmt.Println(gstrings.StartsWith(str, "Sat")) // => true
fmt.Println(gstrings.StartsWith(str, "Sat", 3)) // => false
Syntax: EndsWith(str, searchString string[, length int]) bool
- str - string
- searchString - The characters to be searched for at the end of str.
- length - [Optional], If provided, it is used as the length of str. Defaults to str.length.
str := "Cats are the best!"
fmt.Println(gstrings.EndsWith(str, "best", 17)) // => true
str2 := "Is this a question"
fmt.Println(gstrings.EndsWith(str2, "?")) // => false
Syntax: Concat(str2, [, ...strN]) string
fmt.Println(gstrings.Concat("a", "b", "c")) // => abc
Syntax: Slice(beginIndex int[, endIndex int]) string
- beginIndex
- The zero-based index at which to begin extraction. If negative, it is treated as str.length + beginIndex. (For example, if beginIndex is -3, it is treated as str.length - 3.) If beginIndex is not a number after Number(beginIndex), it is treated as 0.
- If beginIndex is greater than or equal to str.length, an empty string is returned.
- endIndex - [Optional]
- The zero-based index before which to end extraction. The character at this index will not be included.
- If endIndex is omitted or undefined, or greater than str.length, slice() extracts to the end of the string. If negative, it is treated as str.length + endIndex. (For example, if endIndex is -3, it is treated as str.length - 3.) If it is not undefined and not a number after Number(endIndex), an empty string is returned.
- If endIndex is specified and startIndex is negative, endIndex should be negative, otherwise an empty string is returned. (For example, slice(-3, 0) returns "".)
- If endIndex is specified, and startIndex and endIndex are both positive or negative, endIndex should be greater than startIndex, otherwise an empty string is returned. (For example, slice(-1, -3) or slice(3, 1) returns "".)
str := "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
fmt.Println(gstrings.Slice(str, 31)) // => the lazy dog.
fmt.Println(gstrings.Slice(str, 4, 19)) // => quick brown fox
fmt.Println(gstrings.Slice(str, -4)) // => dog.
fmt.Println(gstrings.Slice(str, -9, -5)) // => lazy
The Search() method executes a search for a match between a regular expression and this String object.
Syntax: Search(str, regexp string) int
- str - string
- regexp - A regular expression
str := "hey JudE"
fmt.Println(gstrings.Search(str, "[A-Z]")) // => 4
fmt.Println(gstrings.Search(str, "[.]")) // => -1
Syntax: Includes(str, searchString string[, position int]) bool
- str - string
- searchString - A string to be searched for within str.
- position - [Optional], The position within the string at which to begin searching for searchString. (Defaults to 0.)
fmt.Println(gstrings.Includes("Blue Whale", "blue")) // => false
fmt.Println(gstrings.Includes("Blue Whale", "Blue")) // => true
fmt.Println(gstrings.Includes("To be", "To be", 1)) // => false
The Trim() method removes whitespace from both ends of a string. Whitespace in this context is all the whitespace characters (space, tab, no-break space, etc.) and all the line terminator characters (LF, CR, etc.).
Syntax: Trim(str string) string
fmt.Println(gstrings.Trim(" Hello world! ")) // => Hello world!
str := `
fmt.Println(gstrings.Trim(str)) // => abc
The TrimStart() method removes whitespace from the beginning of a string.
Syntax: TrimStart(str string) string
// => "GOSH"
fmt.Println(gstrings.TrimStart(" Hello world! "))
// => "Hello world! "
The TrimEnd() method removes whitespace from the end of a string.
Syntax: TrimEnd(str string) string
fmt.Println(gstrings.TrimEnd(" GOSH "))
// => " GOSH"
// => "GOSH"
The center() method will center align the string, using a specified character (space is default) as the fill character.
Syntax: Center(str string, width int[, fillChar rune]) string
- width - Required. The length of the returned string
- fillChar - [Optional], The character to fill the missing space on each side. Default is " " (space)
fmt.Println(gstrings.Center("[GOSH]", 6)) // => [GOSH]
fmt.Println(gstrings.Center("[GOSH]", 7)) // => " [GOSH]"
fmt.Println(gstrings.Center("[GOSH]", 7, '*')) // => *[GOSH]
fmt.Println(gstrings.Center("[GOSH]", 8, '*')) // => *[GOSH]*
The PadStart() method pads the current string with another string (multiple times, if needed) until the resulting string reaches the given length. The padding is applied from the start of the current string.
Syntax: PadStart(str string, targetLength int[, padString string]) string
- str - string
- targetLength - int
- The length of the resulting string once the current str has been padded. If the value is less than len(str), then str is returned as-is.
- padString - string, [Optional]
- The string to pad the current str with. If padString is too long to stay within the targetLength, it will be truncated from the end. The default value is " ".
str := "abc"
fmt.Println(gstrings.PadStart(str, 10)) // => " abc"
fmt.Println(gstrings.PadStart(str, 10, "foo")) // => "foofoofabc"
fmt.Println(gstrings.PadStart(str, 6), "12345") // => " abc 12345"
fmt.Println(gstrings.PadStart(str, 8, "0")) // => "00000abc"
fmt.Println(gstrings.PadStart(str, 1)) // => "abc"
The PadEnd() method pads the current string with a given string (repeated, if needed) so that the resulting string reaches a given length. The padding is applied from the end of the current string.
Syntax: PadStart(str string, targetLength int[, padString string]) string
- str - string
- targetLength - int
- The length of the resulting string once the current str has been padded. If the value is lower than len(str), the current string will be returned as-is.
- padString - string, [Optional]
- The string to pad the current str with. If padString is too long to stay within targetLength, it will be truncated: for left-to-right languages the left-most part and for right-to-left languages the right-most will be applied. The default value for this parameter is " ".
str := "abc"
fmt.Println(gstrings.PadEnd(str, 10)) // => "abc"
fmt.Println(gstrings.PadEnd(str, 10, "foo")) // => "abcfoofoof"
fmt.Println(gstrings.PadEnd(str, 6, "12345")) // => "abc123"
fmt.Println(gstrings.PadEnd(str, 1)) // => "abc"
The IndexOf() method returns the index within the calling String object of the first occurrence of the specified value, starting the search at fromIndex. Returns -1 if the value is not found.
Syntax: IndexOf(str, searchStr string, [, fromIndex int]) int
str := "hello world"
fmt.Println(gstrings.IndexOf(str, "")) // => 0
fmt.Println(gstrings.IndexOf(str, "", 0)) // => 0
fmt.Println(gstrings.IndexOf(str, "", 3)) // => 3
fmt.Println(gstrings.IndexOf(str, "", 8)) // => 8
fmt.Println(gstrings.IndexOf(str, "", 11)) // => 11
fmt.Println(gstrings.IndexOf(str, "", 13)) // => 11
fmt.Println(gstrings.IndexOf(str, "", 22)) // => 11
str = "Blue Whale"
fmt.Println(gstrings.IndexOf(str, "Blue")) // => 0
fmt.Println(gstrings.IndexOf(str, "Blute")) // => -1
fmt.Println(gstrings.IndexOf(str, "Whale", 0)) // => 5
fmt.Println(gstrings.IndexOf(str, "Whale", 5)) // => 5
fmt.Println(gstrings.IndexOf(str, "", -1)) // => 0
fmt.Println(gstrings.IndexOf(str, "", 9)) // => 9
fmt.Println(gstrings.IndexOf(str, "", 10)) // => 10
fmt.Println(gstrings.IndexOf(str, "", 11)) // => 10
fmt.Println(gstrings.IndexOf(str, "blue")) // => -1
The LastIndexOf() method returns the index within the calling String object of the last occurrence of the specified value, searching backwards from fromIndex. Returns -1 if the value is not found.
Syntax: LastIndexOf(str, searchStr string, [, fromIndex int]) int
str := "canal"
fmt.Println(gstrings.LastIndexOf(str, "a")) // => 3
fmt.Println(gstrings.LastIndexOf(str, "a", 2)) // => 1
fmt.Println(gstrings.LastIndexOf(str, "a", 0)) // => -1
fmt.Println(gstrings.LastIndexOf(str, "x")) // => -1
fmt.Println(gstrings.LastIndexOf(str, "c", -5)) // => 0
fmt.Println(gstrings.LastIndexOf(str, "c", 0)) // => 0
fmt.Println(gstrings.LastIndexOf(str, "")) // => 5
fmt.Println(gstrings.LastIndexOf(str, "", 2)) // => 2
fmt.Println(gstrings.LastIndexOf("Brave new world", "w")) // => 10
fmt.Println(gstrings.LastIndexOf("Brave new world", "new")) // => 6
Syntax: Shuffle(str string) string
Shuffle string order:
fmt.Println(gstrings.Shuffle("世界你好 hello world")) // => 世 rhldwe l好你oo界l
fmt.Println(gstrings.Shuffle("123456789")) // => 648317529
fmt.Println(gstrings.Shuffle("abcdefghijk")) // => hgebfdkcjai
Syntax: Random() float64
The Random() function returns a floating-point, pseudo-random number in the range 0 to less than 1 (inclusive of 0, but not 1):
fmt.Println(grandom.Random()) // => 0.9023581008768102
fmt.Println(grandom.Random()) // => 0.0903486953039843
Syntax: RandBool() bool
Randomly select one from true
or false
fmt.Println(grandom.RandBool()) // => false
fmt.Println(grandom.RandBool()) // => true
Syntax: RandInt(min, max int) int
Return a number between min
and max
(both included):
fmt.Println(grandom.RandInt(-1000, 1000)) // => -352
fmt.Println(grandom.RandInt(0, 1000)) // => 191
fmt.Println(grandom.RandInt(-10000, -10)) // => -1356
Syntax: Shuffle([]string)
Shuffle the list (rearrange the order of the list items):
l := []string{"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"}
fmt.Println(l) // => [b e a c d]
See Shuffle.
l := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
fmt.Println(l) // => [6 4 2 5 1 3]
See Shuffle.
l := []interface{}{"a", false, true, 1, "e", 2, nil}
fmt.Println(l) // => [<nil> 1 e a false true 2]
func Choice(str string) string
Return a random element from a string:
str := "GOSH你好世界"
fmt.Println(grandom.Choice(str)) // => G
fmt.Println(grandom.Choice(str)) // => S
fmt.Println(grandom.Choice(str)) // => S
fmt.Println(grandom.Choice(str)) // => O
fmt.Println(grandom.Choice(str)) // => 好