A powerful PHP helper class to validate arrays and objects.
The primary usage is to validate arguments passed to a web server (i.e. validating $_GET and $_POST vars) against a series of per variable checks. For example:
$_GET, //array to validate
array( //array of what to validate
"customerName" => array("string", "notblank"), //array of checks to perform on $_GET["customerName"]
"customerDOB" => array("regex /[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{4}"), // array of checks to perform on $_GET["customerDOB"]
It can be used for much more general purposes too. For instance, it can be used as part of a web services testing framework to validate responses to REST/JSON requests; Parsing the JSON into a PHP array using json_decode, one can then validate both the structure, and content of the resulting array thusly:
"Customer" => array("array"), //check that $decodedJSON["Customer"] is itself an array
//We can also deal with multi dimensional arrays, so if you have a customer object in you're JSON, you can validate it like:
"/Customer/FirstName" => array("string", "regex /[a-zA-Z]*/"),
"/Customer/LastName" => array("string", "regex /[a-zA-Z]*/"),
//We can go deeper too, and deal with numeric arrays
"/Customer/PreviousAddresses/0/HouseNumber" => array("int"),
//What?! you want to validate all the elements of a numeric array without repeating yourself and knowing how long the array with be? OK, just do:
"/Customer/PreviousAddresses/*/HouseNumber" => array("int"),
This flexible path specification structure combined with the checks below (particularly the regex and clojure options) make this a powerful, yet easy to use validation tool.
When validating, you can either pass an optional callback to handle validation transgressions, or by default Argh will throw a ValidationException. Argh::validate will also return true|false
validateArgs( array $arguments, array $constraints, \Callable $callback = null , bool $dumpOnViolation = false)
- $arguments - An array to validate, e.g. $_POST
- $constraints - An array of key -> properties, see example
- $callback - A callback to call on validations errors instead of throwing exceptions.
Supported Constraints:
- int - must be an integer (implies 'numeric')
- numeric - must be numeric
- notzero - must not be zero (implies 'numeric')
- notblank - string must not be blank (implies 'string')
- string - must be string
- array - must be array
- func - provided Closure must return true.
- lbound arg - must not be below arg (e.g. "lbound 2")
- ubound arg - must not be above arg (e.g. "ubound 600")
- regex arg - must match regex given be arg
- class name - must be instanceof th given class
Any constraint can be prepended with "?" to allow null as well.
See example usage below
returns the version number of this class
* callback function for argument validation - used by ArgValidator class
$handleArgValidationError = function ($msg, $argName="", $argValue="")
echo "<pre>";
echo "There has been a validation error"
echo "</pre>";
//A closure can also be used instead of "handleArgValidationError"
($_GET, array(
"test1" => array("string", "notblank"),
"test2" => array(function($a){return $a > 0;}),
"test3" => array("lbound 5","ubound 500"),
"test4" => array("regex /a/"),
"test5" => array("notzero"),
"test5" => array("array"),
See Test-Examples Directory for more examples