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1. Growth Hacking Unlocked: Growth Hacking Your Content Marketing
   - What is growth hacking
     - Growth hacking is combining multiple factors such as marketing technology and a bit of psychology. Everything you do when for example beginning a startup is related to growth does it produce growth? That’ll be the major question in every decision.
   - Marketing
     - Product: the product has to be something that people want, there has to be demand.
     - Promotion: Put your product at the right time, the right place, and at the right place. Give exposure for your product within your budget.
     - Price: Think about your budget, price of shipping, and other variables.
     - Place: In what channels can people buy your product? What channels are most beneficial for your business?
   - Technology
     - Make use of site/webshop, google tools such as google analytics, google tag manager, or even Ubersuggest.
   - Psychology
     - Social Proof: Need for testimonials, reviews, or logos.
     - Time: Limited time offers to induce urgency.
     - Contrast: Pricing strategies.
     - Progress: Referral systems.
     - The user himself: Addressing customer pain points.
   - The funnel of growth hacking
     - Gain visitors through promotion, paid ads, SEO.
     - Motivate visitors to buy your product.
     - Retain your customers and attain new ones.
   - Ways to growth hack your content marketing
     - Podcasting, eBooks, Social Media, Webinars, Guest blogging & podcasting.

2. Master Resource Guide: Content Production
   - What is Content Marketing?
     - Strategy in which businesses/websites create and distribute valuable, relevant, and entertaining content.
   - Why Content Marketing?
     - Helps solve problems, proves credibility, gets more exposure, sells without "selling."
   - The Base of ALL Content Marketing: Writing
     - Writing to ONE person, specificity, and creating an avatar.
     - Core message, subtopics/categories, identifying objectives, and making share-worthy content.
   - Scheduling: Be Realistic
   - Hiring A Writer
   - Key Performance Indicators
     - Email sign-ups, blog comments, increase in overall site traffic and rankings.
     - Determining the topic, research, organize, write, cool off, edit.

This information provides a comprehensive overview of growth hacking and content marketing strategies, emphasizing the importance of targeted marketing, technological tools, psychological factors, and well-planned content strategies.