This is a WiFi remote using a Esp8266 in the form of a Wemos D1 mini. It enables remote control of a Lay-z-Spa (3 wire model, #54075) via a Web API.
The following features can be controlled:
- Turn pump, heater and bubbles on / off
- Adjust temperature and max temperature
- View pump, heater and bubbles status
- View current temperature
- Lock temperature setting - revert any changes made by the control panel
- Auto-restart - the pump turns off after 24H, this will re-start the pump automatically
The following URIs are available:
Uri | Method | Sample data |
/autoRestart | POST | { "state": true } |
/pump | POST | { "state": true } |
/blower | POST | { "state": true } |
/heater | POST | { "state": true} |
/temperature/target | POST | { "value": 37 } |
/temperature/limit | POST | { "value": 40 } |
/temperature/lock | POST | { "state": true } |
/status | GET | { "currentState": { "pumpState": 1, "temperature": 35 }, "targetState": { "pumpState": 3, temperature": 35 }, "autoRestart": true, "temperatureLock": true, "limitTemperature": 40, "errorCode": 0 } |
The following Topics are available:
Topic | Sample Data |
/hottub/cmnd/autoRestart | { "state": true } |
/hottub/cmnd/pump | { "state": true } |
/hottub/cmnd/blower | { "state": true } |
/hottub/cmnd/heater | { "state": true } |
/hottub/cmnd/temperature/target | { "value": 37 } |
/hottub/cmnd/temperature/limit | { "value": 40 } |
/hottub/cmnd/temperature/lock | { "state": true } |
On any state change a message containg the complete status is sent to the following topic: /hottub/state/status
All available commands were recorded using an OLS Logic sniffer and the signals.xml file was created using WaveMe