These are properties of NuttX that we can be certain of for all time:
in·vi·o·la·ble /inˈvīələbəl/
adjective adjective: inviolable
never to be broken, infringed, or dishonored.
"an inviolable rule of chastity"
synonyms: inalienable, absolute, untouchable, unalterable,
unchallengeable, unbreakable, impregnable; sacrosanct,
sacred, holy, hallowed; rare intemerate
"the inviolable right to life"
Source: Oxford Dictionary of the English Language
- Strict conformance to the portable standard OS interface as defined at
- A deeply embedded system requires some special support. Special support must be minimized.
- The portable interface must never be compromised only for the sake of expediency.
- Expediency or even improved performance are not justifications for violation of the strict POSIX interface.
- The internal modular architecture of the OS must be maintained.
- This means formalizing and documenting all internal interfaces (in the porting guide), minimal use of global variables at the interface, and only well defined functional interfaces.
- Strict conformance to the NuttX coding style. No "revolutionary" changes to the coding standard (but perhaps some "evolutionary" changes).
- Personal or organizational preference is not a justification for a coding style change.
- Nothing can come into NuttX that does not follow the coding standard.
- Expediency is not a justification for violating the coding standard.
The NuttX coding standard can be found here:
- Currently BSD 3-clause or compatible: BSD 3-clause with constraints, BSD 3 and 4 clause, MIT, public domain.
- Other unencumbered licenses such as Apache may be considered. NuttX will never be licensed under a restrictive, "Copyleft" license.
- All support must apply equally to all supported platforms. At present this includes Linux, Windows MSYS, Windows Cygwin, Windows Ubuntu, Windows native, macOS, Solaris, and FreeBSD. No tool/environment solutions will be considered that limit the usage of NuttX on any of the supported platforms.
- Inclusive rather than exclusive.
- Hobbyists are valued users of the OS including retro computing hobbyists
- and DIY “Maker” hobbyists.
- Supported toolchains: GCC, Clang, SDCC, ZiLOG ZDS-II (c89), IAR. Others?
- No changes to build system should limit use of NuttX by any user.
- Simplifying things for one user does not justify excluding another user.
- We should seek to expand the NuttX user base, not to limit it for reasons of preference or priority.
- We must resist the pull to make NuttX into a Linux-only, GCC-only, and ARM-only solution.
- The official name of authentic Nuttx will always be "NuttX".
- This name is trademarked and may not be used by other OSs or forks of NuttX.
- Doing things the easy way instead of the correct way.
- Reducing effort at the expense of Quality, Portability, or Consistency.
- Focus on the values of the organization, not the values of the Open Source project. Need to support both.
- It takes work to support the Inviolables. There are no shortcuts.
- Sometimes is better to duplicate some logic than to introduce coupling.
- Too much focus on solving the problem in hand, loss of the Big Picture.
- Insufficient understanding of the architectural principles.
- Changing things only to suit a personal or organizational preference.
- Inflexibility, Inability to adapt.
- Not Invented Here (NIH) syndrome.