We use terraform to deploy the infra resources. It will deploy api gateway which integrated with lambda functions to register and verify users. The lambda function is written in python and uses dynamodb to store the user data.
You can check the src
directory for the lambda function code and terraform
directory for the terraform configuration.
In order to deploy the infrastructure with GHA workflow, we need to grant the permission to the GHA workflow. so, we created tw-infra-taohui-github-actions-role
please check the terraform/github_iam_role
for more details. you need to use local backend to manage the state and create the role first.
For other aws resources, which include api-gateway, lambda functions, s3 and dynamodb table, we use remote backend to manage the state.
- create s3 bucket for terraform state: tw-infra-taohui-tfstate
- create dynamodb table for terraform state lock: tw-infra-taohui-tfstate-locks
- deploy (triggered by push to main branch)
- configure aws credentials
- format terraform code
- lint terraform code
- identify security issues with checkov
- deploy the infra resources
- destroy (manually triggered)
- destroy the infra resources
We have 2 lambda functions in this project.
- function
is used to register the user and store the user data in dynamodb table. - function
is used to verify the user by checking the user data in dynamodb table.
When we configure the terraform for lambda function, we need to provide the zip file for the lambda function. The following command is used to generate the zip file for the lambda function. Please upload the zip file whenever lambda function logic changes.
cd src
zip -r register_user.zip register_user.py
zip -r verify_user.zip verify_user.py
mv register_user.zip ../register_user.zip
mv verify_user.zip ../verify_user.zip
We choose Lambda Proxy Integration with AWS API Gateway, it means that API Gateway will pass the entire HTTP request to our Lambda function as a single event object. This integration allows you to handle the entire request and response cycle within your Lambda function.
If you want to test the lambda functions from aws console, you can select template as API Gateway HTTP API
and modify queryStringParameters
, add userid
param should be good, like below:
"queryStringParameters": {
"userid": "taohui"
you can check the detailed log in cloudwatch log group /aws/lambda/tw-infra-taohui_register_user
and /aws/lambda/tw-infra-taohui_verify_user
If you want to test from api gateway directly, you need to find invoke url from the api stage. The invoke url is like https://{api-id}.execute-api.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/{stage_name}/
In order to ensure the security, we use api key to protect our apis. You can find the api key value from aws console.
Example invoke url for register user api: https://bcgtiuk4z7.execute-api.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/default/register
, you can test it like below:
curl -X POST https://bcgtiuk4z7.execute-api.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/default/register?userid=taohui -H 'x-api-key: {api-key}'
Then, you should receive the response like below:
"message": "Registered User Successfully"
Example invoke url for verify user api: https://rq5nizcyyi.execute-api.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/default
, you can test it like below:
curl https://rq5nizcyyi.execute-api.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/default?userid=taohui -H 'x-api-key: {api-key}'
On successfully verification, you should receive the index html page from s3. However, if you try to verify a user that is not registered, error html page is fetched from s3.
you can check the detailed log in cloudwatch log group API-Gateway-Execution-Logs_{rest-api-id}/{stage_name}