Failures can happen to the instance operator at any time and we need to handle them, especially when the job controller is in the middle of processing job submission. During the job submission pipeline, various types of Kubernetes resources are created asynchronously, such as Import CRD, Export CRD, Hostpool CRD, ProcessingElement CRD, Pod, etc. Because the instance operator is a Kubernetes deployment, its life cycle is managed by Kubernetes: a new pod will be recreated if it fails. Whatever Kubernetes resources that were created before will be notified to the restarted instance operator. An important responsibility of the instance operator is to identify the jobs that have not been successfully submitted before due to failures, and complete the submission for those jobs (complete the creation of all its dependent Kubernetes resources).
In order to identify those aborted job submissions, a Job FSM is run inside the instance operator, which reacts to the notifications regarding the creations of all the Job dependent resources. In the Job CRD spec, a field named "phase" is used to indicate the job submission state. When all the dependent resources of a Job are created, the Job phase is transited from "Submission" to "Submitted". Hence, when the job controller reacts to the addition event of a Job CRD that was created before, the job controller first checks its phase. If the job phase has not been transited to "Submitted", the job controller will retry to complete the submission.
The challenge becomes how to clean up the Job dependent resources created in the previous submission: do we only create the remaining resources that were left from the previous submission? Or do we delete all the old resources and start a fresh job submission? Think of the scenario that a job needs to create 5 ProcessingElements (PEs), but only three Pods were created in the previous submission just before the failure happened. When the instance operator comes back again, those three Pods can be in any nondeterministic state, and as a result the corresponding PE CRD maybe modifided to reflect the changes in connectivity or restart count. To complete the job submission, those three stale Pods need to be deleted.
The first approach is to delete the Pods created in the previous submission and re-create all other resources. However, it requires complex bookkeeping to manipulate states:
Delete pods that were created prior to the restart. However, in order to handle voluntary deletion of pods from users, the Pod controller will re-create the deleted pod if the corresponding job still exists. Hence, special label needs to be given to those pods to bypass the re-creation. A natural follow-up question is that given we need to re-create the Pods anyway, why bypassing the re-creation here? The reason is that creation of Pod requires the configmap that stores the aadl to be updated. Pod created at this stage may just grab the stale aadl from the configmap.
Create Pod using the right version of ProcessingElement CRD. The ProcessingElement controller takes the responsibility to create Pod when reacting to the addition or modification event of the ProcessingElement (PE) CRDs. For failure handling, we need to differentiate if the PE CRDs are created before the restart or not. PE CRD created before the restart may contain stale states which should be discarded from creating Pods. Hence a special field in PE CRD is needed to differentiate those scenarios.
The second approach is to delete the Job CRD whose submission has been interrupted and re-create a new one to complete its submission. Given that the resources that dependent on Job CRD have ownerReferences correctly set up, the deletion of the Job CRD triggers the deletion of all its dependents.
There are two cascading deletion options provided in Kubernetes: Foreground and Background. In the background deletion, Kubernetes deletes the Job CRD immediately and the garbage collector then deletes the dependents in the background. Hence, the deletion of the old resources happens concurrently with the addition of new resources, which may easily lead to risk condition if not handled carefully. Background deletion is the only deletion option exposed through kubectl and the Kubernetes java client.
In the foreground deletion, Kubernetes first sets the “deletion in progress” state for Job CRD, the garbage collector deletes the dependents of Job CRD. Once the garbage collector has deleted all “blocking” dependents, it deletes the owner object. Foreground deletion option fits well with our needs. When the Job controller receives the deletion event of Job CRD, all its dependents are guaranteed to be deleted. At this point, all stale states have been cleaned up and a new Job CRD is created to recover the submission from failure.
Through the trial and error, we realize foregound deletion of Job CRD followed by recreation is the solution to handle failures during job submission. We also realize what is the missing from the Kubernetes client (exposing foreground deletion option) to contribute due to our extensive use of customresources and the operator model.