include is a syntax extension that allows to include an OCaml source file inside another one.
include requires OCaml 4.02 or later.
include can be installed via OPAM:
$ opam install ppx_include
In order to use include, require the package ppx_include
The structure item [%%include ""]
or signature item [%%include "file.mli"]
is replaced with the structure or signature items inside
or file.mli
Whether the file is parsed as an interface or an implementation depends on the context
of the [%%include]
node; the extension is immaterial.
The file can be located anywhere in the OCaml include path.
This can be most useful if you want to have the contents of recursive modules in several files:
module rec A : sig [%%include "a.mli"] end = struct [%%include ""] end
and B : sig [%%include "b.mli"] end = struct [%%include ""] end
If your buildsystem uses separate source and build trees (like ocamlbuild does), include will not be able to find the included files. Since it is not possible to use existing mechanisms, such as ocamldep, to provide the dependencies to the buildsystem, it is necessary to specify dependencies manually.
For ocamlbuild, the
file should look like this:
open Ocamlbuild_plugin
let () = dispatch (
| After_rules ->
dep ["file:src_test/"]
["src_test/a.mli"; "src_test/b.mli"; "src_test/"; "src_test/"]
| _ -> ())
import is distributed under the terms of MIT license.