Some links you can find useful if you want to start using XC. Feel free making suggestions to enhance this document. Take them in the order that suits to you.
This is all about cooperation. If you're new to open source projects you can take a look to this article.
See here
If you know already how to run a Python script you can check out the following examples. Otherwise, you can [learn a bit of Python](## Python) to get more comfortable with it (it's really easy, I promise).
- Getting started with XC. Axial force in a bar subjected to a uniform temperature increase.
- Analysis of a vibrating string under tension.
- Properties of a reinforced concrete section obtained from a fiber-section model
The test set (more than 900 hundred times an counting) we use to check that all goes as expected after each modification of the code:
Basic knowledge about Git, the version control system that we use to develop XC.
Introduction to Python, the scripting language we use to describe and analyze the finite element models.
- A Tour of C++ (C++ In-Depth Series) 1st Edition Bjarne Stroustrup. For the brave and the impatient :)
- C++ Primer 5th Edition.
- C++ Pocket Reference 1st Edition.