Evaluates JavaScript and gets results. This is an alternative to evaluateJavascript
method of the WebView. Supports Android version 3.0 (Honeycomb) and newer.
Download jsevaluator.jar. You can also build it yourself with Eclipse. It will be built into JSEvaluator/bin/jsevaluator.jar.
To add JSEvaluator to your app in Eclipse:
- File > Import
project. - Open properties for your app project.
- Select
tab inJava Build Path
. - Click
Add JARs...
button and selectjsevaluator.jar
. - In your project properties click
Order and export
tab. - Tick
Create evaluator instance:
JsEvaluator jsEvaluator = new JsEvaluator(this);
is a reference to your activity.
jsEvaluator.evaluate("2 * 17", new JsCallback() {
public void onResult(final String result) {
// get result here (optional)
jsEvaluator.callFunction("function myFunction(a, b, c, a) { return 'result'; }",
new JsCallback() {
public void onResult(final String result) {
// get result here
}, "myFunction", "parameter 1", "parameter 2", 912, 101.3);
Any number of string, int or double parameters can be supplied.
Behind the scenes it creates a WebView
and feeds it JavaScript code for evaluation:
mWebView = new WebView(context);
String javascript = "<script>myObj.returnResult('Hello World')</script>";
String base64 = Base64.encodeToString(data, Base64.DEFAULT);
mWebView.loadUrl("data:text/html;charset=utf-8;base64," + base64);
The result of evaluation is sent back into Android activity:
public class JavaScriptInterface {
public void returnResult(String result) {
// result from JavaScript
mWebView.addJavascriptInterface(new JavaScriptInterface(), "myObj");
Tests are located in JsEvaluatorTests
Run as Android Application
for manual testing.
Or run as Android JUnit Test
for unit testing.
Android versions tested:
- 3.0 (Honeycomb)
- 4.0.3 (Ice Cream Sandwich)
- 4.1.2 (Jelly Bean)
- 4.2.2 (Jelly Bean)
- 4.3 (Jelly Bean)
- 4.4.2 (KitKat)
- 5.0 (Lollipop)
The result from JavaScript is returned asynchronously in the UI thread. It is recommended to evaluate in the UI thread as well.
// somewhere in UI thread ...
jsEvaluator.evaluate("2 * 17", new JsCallback() {
public void onResult(final String result) {
// Result is returned here asynchronously in UI thread
Each time the JavaScript is evaluated in the new context. It can not access the result of a previous evaluation. Please concatenate all your JavaScript to one string and evaluate it in one go.
For example, if you need to load jQuery libary and then use it:
String jQuery = "/*! jQuery JavaScript Library v2.1.1 ...";
jsEvaluator.evaluate(jQuery + "; $.isNumeric(123)", new JsCallback() { ...
If you have any issues or need help please do not hesitate to create an issue ticket.