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Decoding Kubernetes Objects

This package demonstrates how to use the klient/decoder package in coordination with the test framework to use YAML or JSON representations of k8s.Object from any io.Reader or fs.FS compatible source to create resources to use in tests.

The decoder package supports decoding YAML or JSON encoded Kubernetes objects from files, strings, and byte slices (any io.Readder).

MutateFunc and HandlerFunc variations allow for various workflows:

  • Load a set of YAML or JSON files to create objects in a feature Setup
  • Delete a set of Kubernetes objects in a feature Teardown
  • Load and patch a set of resources, injecting a dynamic namespace field
  • Apply resource changes based on easily edited files
  • Create/Delete resources in a testenv.Setup or testenv.Teardown function

Decoding in a Setup Function

Kubernetes objects may be represented as a string for convenience:

var initYAML string = `
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: mytest-namespace
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: mysa
  namespace: mytest-namespace

Multi-document decoding support allows multiple Kubernetes objects to be decoded from one io.Reader, as represented above.

To create a set of objects from a YAML document stream, before tests are run, call the decoder in a testenv.Setup env.Func, passing it a decoder.CreateHandler to handle creation:

		func(ctx context.Context, cfg *envconf.Config) (context.Context, error) {
			r, err := resources.New(cfg.Client().RESTConfig())
			if err != nil {
				return ctx, err
			// decode and create a stream of YAML or JSON documents from an io.Reader
			decoder.DecodeEach(ctx, strings.NewReader(initYAML), decoder.CreateHandler(r))
			return ctx, nil

Decoding Objects

To decode an object from an io.Reader, the decoder package offers many options.

The simplest options include:

Decoding from a single file:

    .Assess("Single File", func(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, cfg *envconf.Config) context.Context {
		f, err := os.Open("testdata/configmap.yaml")
		if err != nil {
		obj, err := decoder.DecodeAny(f)
		if err != nil {
		configMap, ok := obj.(*v1.ConfigMap)
		if !ok {
			t.Fatal("object decoded to unexpected type")
		return ctx

Or, decoding a set of files:

    testdata := os.DirFS("testdata")
	pattern := "*"
    .Assess("Multiple Files", func(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, cfg *envconf.Config) context.Context {
		objects, err := decoder.DecodeAllFiles(ctx, testdata, pattern)
		if err != nil {
		for _, obj := range objects {
			t.Log(obj.GetObjectKind(), obj.GetNamespace(), obj.GetName())
		return ctx

Decoding with HandlerFuncs

Some decoder functions accept a HandlerFunc, which specify a function to execute with the decoded object after decoding and any defined MutateFunc options are applied.

The decoder package includes a number of built-in HandlerFuncs that allow for basic CRUD (Create, Update, Read, and Delete) operations:

// CreateHandler returns a HandlerFunc that will create objects
func CreateHandler(r *resources.Resources, opts ...resources.CreateOption) HandlerFunc

// ReadHandler returns a HandlerFunc that will use the provided object's Kind / Namespace / Name to retrieve
// the current state of the object using the provided Resource client.
// This helper makes it easy to use a stale reference to an object to retrieve its current version.
func ReadHandler(r *resources.Resources, handler HandlerFunc) HandlerFunc

// UpdateHandler returns a HandlerFunc that will update objects
func UpdateHandler(r *resources.Resources, opts ...resources.UpdateOption) HandlerFunc

// DeleteHandler returns a HandlerFunc that will delete objects
func DeleteHandler(r *resources.Resources, opts ...resources.DeleteOption) HandlerFunc

A common pattern in tests is to create a set of resources in a Setup function, and consequently delete them in a Teardown:

// use files matching the Glob testdata/* in the following tests
testdata := os.DirFS("testdata")
pattern := "*"
features.New("setup and teardown").
    Setup(func(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, cfg *envconf.Config) context.Context {
        r, err := resources.New(cfg.Client().RESTConfig())
        if err != nil {

        if err := decoder.DecodeEachFile(ctx, testdata, pattern,
            decoder.CreateHandler(r),           // try to CREATE objects after decoding
            decoder.MutateNamespace(namespace), // inject a namespace into decoded objects, before calling CreateHandler
        ); err != nil {
        return ctx
    ... // An assessment function would be able to use or test the created resources
    Teardown(func(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, cfg *envconf.Config) context.Context {
        // remove test resources before exiting
        r, err := resources.New(cfg.Client().RESTConfig())
        if err != nil {
        if err := decoder.DecodeEachFile(ctx, testdata, pattern,
            decoder.DeleteHandler(r),           // try to DELETE objects after decoding
            decoder.MutateNamespace(namespace), // inject a namespace into decoded objects, before calling DeleteHandler
        ); err != nil {
        return ctx

The decoder.MutateNamespace(namespace) DecodeOption injects the dynamically generated namespace into the decoded objects before it tries to create or delete them from the test cluster.

The decoder package includes a number of built-in MutateFunc DecodeOptions to perform common operations:

// MutateLabels is an optional parameter to decoding functions that will patch an objects metadata.labels
func MutateLabels(overrides map[string]string) DecodeOption

// MutateAnnotations is an optional parameter to decoding functions that will patch an objects metadata.annotations
func MutateAnnotations(overrides map[string]string) DecodeOption

// MutateOwnerAnnotations is an optional parameter to decoding functions that will patch objects using the given owner object
func MutateOwnerAnnotations(owner k8s.Object) DecodeOption

// MutateNamespace is an optional parameter to decoding functions that will patch objects with the given namespace name
func MutateNamespace(namespace string) DecodeOption