Start a web server to display current usage of labs.
be installed.
is currently designed to run on FreeBSD 10.3.
To install the package as a service to run in the background, download /support/freebsd/dashboard-VERSION.txz
from the repository and run sudo pkg install dashboard-VERSION.txz
in the directory containing the file.
Once the package has been installed on FreeBSD, just run sudo service dashboard start
or sudo service dashboard stop
to start and stop the service.
If you obtained the program by running go get
, the following flags and environment variables may be used to customize settings and run it from the command line.
is the command used to run the server. It requires a configuration file called config.json
that is specified
as an environment variable or with command-line flags.
"interface": "localhost",
"port": "8080",
"interval": "10s",
"machineRanges": [
"prefix": "labID1",
"start": 0,
"end": 25
"prefix": "labID2",
"start": 0,
"end": 25
"prefix": "labID3",
"start": 1,
"end": 20
"prefix": "labID4",
"start": 0,
"end": 21
"prefix": "labID5",
"start": 1,
"end": 20
"prefix": "labID6",
"start": 1,
"end": 25
"prefix": "linux",
"start": 1,
"end": 12
"machineIdentifiers": [
"name": "linux",
"port": "<port-number>",
"name": "windows",
"port": "<port-number>",
"color": "MediumSlateBlue"
The settings in config.json
are the defaults for the program. These can be overwritten on a session-by-session or invokation-by-invokation
basis, using environment variables and command-line flags respectively. The machineRanges
list specifies the ranges of machines that the
program will treat as one grouping. machineIdentifiers
determine which ports the program will check and what status each port is associated with,
as well as what color will show up on the page.
dashboard [options]
dashboard --version
dashboard -h | --help
-b, --bind=(<interface>:<port>|<interface>|:<port>) Set the interface and port for the server.
-c, --config=<file> Specify a configuration file.
-i, --interval=(<sec>s|<min>m|<hr>h)
DASHBOARD_BIND=localhost:8080 | localhost | :8080