pycls finds datasets via symlinks from pycls/datasets/data
to the actual locations where the dataset images and labels are stored. The instructions on how to create symlinks for ImageNet and CIFAR are given below.
Expected datasets structure for ImageNet:
|_ train
| |_ n01440764
| |_ ...
| |_ n15075141
|_ val
| |_ n01440764
| |_ ...
| |_ n15075141
|_ ...
Expected datasets structure for CIFAR-10:
|_ data_batch_1
|_ data_batch_2
|_ data_batch_3
|_ data_batch_4
|_ data_batch_5
|_ test_batch
|_ ...
Create a directory containing symlinks:
mkdir -p /path/pycls/pycls/datasets/data
Symlink ImageNet:
ln -s /path/imagenet /path/pycls/pycls/datasets/data/imagenet
Symlink CIFAR-10:
ln -s /path/cifar10 /path/pycls/pycls/datasets/data/cifar10