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AAA4js1 1 autos autosenthusiasts 85234 849060 668458 805617 627479 803135 1029617 668458 469866 197847 605038 37146 1029617 668458 593600 469866 668458 849157 469866 452986 668458 659829 694550 452986 920303 469866 567616 16430 921888 811866 408273 374074 526257 939979 948157 317285 563541 1021798 251762 28708 159996 692172 917209 469866 891965 469866 73164 251762 668458 805617 976284 939979 836455 231080 923956 668458 448934 767963 831797 815341 469866 567616 251762 668458 805617 486080 1017702 852920 704323 897742 378639 251762 381985 859850 668458 469866 393538 403863 825139 756487 37146 64699 469866 567616 753636 28582 654835 833401 961795 768791 37146 668458 849157 920303 231080 85234 798692 486080 972015 704323 1029617 370113 469866 918943 398844 469866 1029617 638798 869155 469866 567616 1029617 893517 761834 469866 567616 535613 943145 102588 180609 365939 655025 77948 864461 231080 814108 831797 363017 514348 1029617 180609 720583 469866 523420 514348 815520 180609 469866 567616 1029617 865611 638798 869155 865363 831797 247882 231080 85234 659039 831797 668458 707035 469866 100429 469866 251762 767963 361903 1021798 917209 231080 545209 184955 922892 469866 407417 436234 231080 7231 469866 452986 765787 592986 346246 970159 473531 469866 668458 805617 849060 231080 843560 917209 469866 891965 994062 505327 28708 836455 415782 1029617 976887 692172 840252 725837 469866 313324 469866 621160 225801 251762 857004 535613 831797 259576 668458 849157 469866 234355 668458 469866 567616 840591 452986 230288 668458 985710 231080 401735 152359 931604 357736 251762 300343 939979 668458 469866 891965 994062 937097 195413 29400 993264 970159 567616 274999 The 2018 Boss Nationals Everyone loves a Boss, whether it's a Boss 302, Boss 429, or Boss 351 Mustang or Cougar, and this September you'll be able to see them all in the small hamlet of Marysville, Kansas, as the Boss Nationals comes to town. Any Boss-powered Ford is invited, and the Boss Nationals will have several "feature" cars including the Tasca Super Boss, NASCAR star David Pearson's Torino, and drag racing legend Dyno Don Nicholson's Boss 429 Cougar. The event will also feature a cruise, live bands, a swap meet, and a beer garden, and there are multiple judged classes plus other awards. Registration is $50 for a judged class, $25 for non-judged, and a 15x20 swap meet space is $30. The location is Boss Motors, Inc, the Ford dealer in Marysville. For more information, email BossNationals@gmail.com , or check out their Facebook page, Boss Nationals 2018 . Why Marysville, Kansas? This small town has a population of only 3,200, but among the residents there is one Boss 429, five Boss 351s, and three or four Boss 302s. Maybe they should change the name to Boss, Kansas? Follow MSN Autos on Facebook and Twitter
AAAmVfC 2 lifestyle lifestylewhatshot 641795 994062 100970 668648 871806 372970 79452 994062 169040 85234 659019 1021798 250859 432448 923443 469866 516576 729783 151556 1029617 1005530 655290 37146 654381 131264 143348 543650 37146 592521 469866 621160 469866 929087 469866 605038 972015 889893 951830 523202 231080 740579 1029617 786816 299781 774898 543564 567616 658678 514348 940096 231080 34715 457501 251762 896953 267110 432448 612957 317058 1029617 684269 729577 951497 469866 1021798 111314 972276 432448 176347 251762 317291 329810 593162 539914 670822 514348 61269 106693 469866 807581 605425 567616 906946 939979 342017 1021478 754120 231080 753056 1029617 588386 403121 724902 1029617 338970 625808 469866 317058 1029617 115428 753905 1021798 897744 811866 655400 852227 502008 939979 798771 251762 786816 231080 569881 469866 251762 432448 902797 412218 539914 1029617 860304 692172 898563 576552 567616 836298 943277 231080 415074 469866 152359 243456 40443 567616 823691 234781 708985 939979 733031 143394 231080 863411 251762 634651 692172 251762 543564 469866 251762 432448 679967 741633 1029617 910712 989513 234781 939979 346058 251762 53854 762217 692172 251762 32638 231080 948801 939979 510662 164635 251762 786816 469866 251762 902797 547350 41351 918643 431811 1021478 754120 539914 1029617 601010 939979 787038 251762 1021478 989084 469866 807581 931124 317285 939979 251762 634651 692172 251762 543564 231080 85234 122767 762217 994062 101603 295605 898742 407678 1021478 754120 169040 31493 469866 729142 811866 2 798958 514348 1029617 1005530 655290 486080 868646 431877 251762 370606 692172 988713 1021798 452592 408008 469866 16430 831797 605038 231080 85234 460683 692172 16430 786816 831797 251762 24523 729783 773966 725168 543564 567616 766508 379331 543564 469866 498360 605038 37146 407997 939979 412138 655290 827965 831797 733493 73715 139719 231080 726998 791324 923384 998733 567616 972631 238528 168312 869561 469841 480930 692172 16430 659019 757521 231080 129054 695333 494724 323430 988249 579158 323430 986002 739394 722071 What? Now Colored Pencil Nails Exist?! The latest in bizarre nail trends, Instagram user @nail_sunny created a manicure that's basically every crafty person's dream, but, IDK, it also looks highly uncomfortable. Take a look at these nails and decide for yourself. Last week the Russia-based nail chain posted a video seen below, in which each nail (excluding the thumb) was sculpted with acrylic (for extra length), then shaped and styled to resemble colored pencils. Though a far cry from a DIY mani, @nail_sunny posted a hyperlapsed tutorial just in case you were curious how to get the look. First, the nail technician started with a base of solid primary and secondary colors. Then, they used darker and lighter polish shades to create dimension. On the tips of the nails, the nail tech painted a light tan polish to replicate the wooden part of the pencil. And to really sell the look, the technician even whittled down actual colored pencils with a knife to reach the colored lead, then glued them to the tips of the nails. The craziest part? They actually work like colored pencils! So, if you're looking for a manicure that will bring back the nostalgia of coloring in elementary school, this is it. The creator of this look @nail_sunny is the same user behind molar nails and royal wedding nails , so it's safe to say that nothing is off limits next. I'm sure Crayola and my first grade teacher would approve of this latest design. GALLERY: These 6 Nail Trends Prove Nail Art Is Back
AAyfEHE 3 finance finance-insurance 859692 873753 73164 669627 807356 535304 662125 311518 255263 398590 575878 726351 879973 692172 74024 127569 993264 669627 939979 997009 346246 592689 189102 231080 948801 911250 669627 801682 593735 469866 111314 279502 745513 231021 469866 831797 835754 164107 939979 74024 469866 801682 515582 469866 111314 279502 897870 231021 567616 415621 469866 976284 299781 1029617 193323 655290 246882 721059 688010 231080 948801 147830 98575 860885 847775 605038 616587 807356 1017702 901860 312477 238855 621160 564552 469866 567616 152359 943145 547361 939979 629638 939979 860515 498360 1021798 251762 951599 260050 231080 34715 313215 469866 669627 762509 460838 655290 801682 515582 807356 469841 160064 847775 552556 993264 745062 398805 493320 131622 251762 139719 935988 260050 231080 85234 466453 514348 669627 26571 357002 469866 411870 469866 469550 279617 655290 692426 469841 160064 589466 231080 903144 725293 313215 469866 993264 633696 469866 131622 251762 139719 617160 231080 585787 662125 311518 37146 485139 692172 786811 839554 469866 452986 920163 469866 943145 840252 547361 939979 160064 70270 231080 903144 993264 633696 213589 655290 465611 231080 505327 275790 655290 669627 193323 287981 486080 535304 920163 564399 469866 201389 74024 1021798 1029617 873558 374058 205896 231080 460199 469866 563541 831797 69738 700398 231080 959482 939979 662125 311518 37146 868994 539199 395447 469866 379009 596525 774244 1029617 481179 1021798 460584 213586 939979 745062 160064 1021798 669627 807356 231080 838011 77948 391582 469866 729142 251762 485139 692172 669627 801682 515582 135890 552556 1021798 1029617 501948 313215 469866 567616 662125 311518 37146 404791 831797 840252 70270 231080 903144 469866 801682 515582 807356 469841 807210 592986 299781 70270 231080 903144 73164 264054 514348 214356 876936 123353 460584 469866 164744 81979 317285 733493 251762 440341 514348 251762 304693 70270 231080 494724 231080 585787 911250 251762 868994 539199 163895 836086 882015 839778 692172 164533 514348 74024 469866 605038 37146 575878 98575 275790 1029617 646798 663520 939979 251762 238961 299781 679356 231080 859692 621715 214356 920163 85234 498225 692172 662125 311518 920163 831797 939979 159885 74024 939979 98744 346246 415491 160350 1021798 251762 774244 692172 600962 231080 242140 469866 214356 920163 1017702 366055 1029617 271939 696159 1021798 131731 260050 692172 773900 1022185 939979 77776 564552 539914 346246 159910 469866 567616 592689 831797 98575 366125 231080 392795 469866 114386 669627 807356 1017702 901860 535082 299781 333804 1029617 733609 180917 469866 152359 811883 901860 387403 613899 592986 251762 920163 498360 284004 74024 1017702 901860 798958 73505 939979 231080 553066 1021798 564266 838011 849060 469866 662125 311518 379009 176868 1029617 70270 404791 469866 251762 131465 1021798 24563 260050 231080 585787 114386 669627 801682 515582 807356 749713 1030562 469866 251762 774009 692172 74024 176868 98575 184275 390940 592986 692172 662125 311518 231080 85234 238961 469866 997260 469866 831797 655290 238812 74024 621715 655290 61269 391066 1021798 679356 939979 997009 346246 159910 469866 547350 729142 28904 2 485958 847775 1029617 362288 523420 452986 498360 184955 725293 692117 231080 85234 460808 655290 669627 914544 564552 214356 920163 724902 251762 798771 943509 283971 74024 299781 745062 424335 238422 231080 344254 89957 831797 663383 724902 669627 287981 930591 251762 868994 539199 395447 831797 329229 1029617 279566 53021 366798 469866 605038 843968 551592 272084 251762 238961 692172 650974 74024 724902 669627 193323 255263 231080 398441 37146 114386 74024 432869 943145 1030294 939979 669627 567616 188459 338131 481068 662125 311518 943145 69738 469017 514348 655290 395447 452986 469866 638630 469866 605038 721334 843968 988553 939979 317285 114386 535613 943145 98575 460584 939979 36815 231080 948801 469257 37146 374074 914422 359819 514348 662125 311518 299781 251762 24523 465611 73164 669627 296137 251762 509827 366234 469866 73164 655290 469841 539373 131898 460584 583970 692172 399142 910982 592261 567616 927510 317285 239160 73164 1029617 976971 231080 641795 831797 251762 509827 994062 149777 679136 444495 1021798 1029617 444589 419571 404791 469866 621160 655290 37146 69738 36927 74024 931604 782433 993264 312477 514490 416567 231080 6664 469866 28904 575885 563541 1005121 358281 1001181 567616 143594 655290 7609 89944 1029617 663520 939979 1029617 952124 238961 655290 843968 342061 939979 374074 312477 382343 231080 1020423 469866 745062 948312 370608 692172 74024 486080 629638 939979 902775 596766 514348 284004 260050 939979 122738 231080 463981 85234 662125 311518 810833 238812 1022185 894177 937399 811866 2 407678 238812 66541 469866 811866 2 1029617 28104 260050 452986 184955 773966 993264 12404 910982 597259 231080 585787 1029617 584410 692172 288069 864959 662125 311518 144032 679136 362101 745361 1029617 736915 1021798 12404 910982 390940 231080 545209 180398 469866 259576 493556 189494 679136 688010 811866 73164 444589 73164 123732 469866 572854 184955 972276 313215 231080 373051 811866 180643 502008 939979 923005 12404 662125 311518 460584 469866 28904 338004 811866 679136 111069 638016 539914 251762 102673 692172 889933 28904 2 563541 951424 231080 816765 366234 939979 180643 184955 847775 774898 519032 231080 Seniors suffer as Medicare premiums outpace Social Security hikes Video by CNBC Millions of seniors rely on Medicare to cover their healthcare needs. And while Medicare Part A, which covers hospital visits, is generally free to seniors, Part B, which covers doctor visits and diagnostics, comes at a premium that enrollees must pay. And make no mistake about it: Those premiums have been going nowhere but up, and they are expected to continue to do so in the coming years. Last year, Medicare trustees forecast that Part B premiums would increase about 5% on an annual basis over the next 10 years. The Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services, meanwhile, recently estimated that spending would increase 7.4% per year, on average, over the next decade. But Social Security's cost-of-living adjustments , or COLAs, are only expected to increase 2.4% on average during that time. This means that Medicare premium increases will outpace COLAs significantly, leaving seniors in a pretty bad spot. Thankfully, all is not lost. Thanks to Social Security's "hold harmless" provision, recipients cannot face a drop in benefits due to an increase in Medicare premiums. In other words, if the cost of Medicare Part B rises 5% in a given year, and Social Security's COLA is only 2.4%, Part B premiums would max out at 2.4% as well for those already receiving benefits, thereby letting them off the hook for the remaining 2.6%. But while the "hold harmless" clause offers some degree of protection for seniors, it's by no means a perfect solution to the problem at hand. Seniors need those COLAs The purpose of Social Security COLAs is to enable seniors to retain their buying power in the face of inflation. Unfortunately, those COLAs have done a poor job in recent years of allowing retirees to keep up with their expenses, and healthcare is no exception. Furthermore, because Medicare premiums have been increasing at such a rapid rate, they've been virtually wiping out the COLAs so many seniors have been looking forward to. Case in point: In 2018, Social Security recipients saw a 2% COLA, the largest in six years. But because Medicare Part B premiums increased simultaneously, the bulk of seniors saw no additional income out of Social Security. The problem, however, is that most seniors need that extra money in hand to cover their expenses, even if we're talking about a mere $25 or so more per month. The fact that Medicare eats up those COLAs from the get-go leaves seniors at an ongoing disadvantage. Not everyone is protected from Medicare increases While the "hold harmless" provision is indeed a double-edged sword, it doesn't fully solve the problem of protecting seniors from Medicare premium hikes. That's because seniors who are new to Medicare and aren't yet collecting Social Security are not eligible for that provision -- or, rather, it simply doesn't apply to them because there are no benefits to protect. And let's be clear: Filing for Social Security at the same time as Medicare isn't the answer here, as that would mean taking benefits ahead of full retirement age and slashing them substantially as a result. What is the answer? It could lie in a much bigger COLA, but that's not something seniors should count on going into 2019 . Still, we can all cross our fingers and hope that lawmakers enact a solution to a persistent problem that doesn't seem to be going away. Otherwise, an untold number of seniors will continue to struggle financially for many years to come. SPONSORED: The Social Security bonus most retirees overlook If you're like most Americans, you're a few years (or more) behind on your retirement savings. But a handful of little-known Social Security secrets could help ensure a boost in your retirement income. For example, one easy trick could pay you as much as $16,122 more each year. Once you learn how to maximize your Social Security benefits, we think you could retire confidently with the peace of mind we're all after. Click here to learn more about these strategies.
AAzfcw7 4 entertainment entertainment-celebrity 163284 943145 827965 407678 630518 849060 295920 561659 592986 548222 891688 653404 469866 261589 100536 320307 469866 892959 294950 567616 184955 453218 943145 827965 407678 630518 231080 701936 594865 234247 753905 798771 1029617 378615 547955 911250 857068 174430 567616 628931 1021798 228569 231080 368280 477314 1029617 786839 383157 251762 687959 794320 761043 642061 655290 408841 567616 346246 259573 477627 275345 580420 231080 85234 143461 931540 353732 197797 790925 259576 151836 567616 259576 675577 469866 1029617 420520 852211 567616 1029617 580420 222060 469866 621160 655290 753905 836532 44762 514348 85234 117869 469866 432869 869464 564552 477365 741629 275924 614135 469866 160723 807349 28792 943839 564552 222060 993264 251762 856571 692172 251762 143461 231080 85234 848931 757297 37146 512413 22735 469866 111314 931540 992595 160024 939979 131264 106484 222571 567616 485957 448640 692172 572775 939979 869464 564552 469866 972015 353732 1029617 399142 864957 498360 655290 251762 148209 575885 378508 993264 251762 518473 156122 486082 131898 1029617 749339 724902 477365 300117 184641 424465 469866 111314 798917 733493 299781 552556 1029617 231080 559962 231080 131264 394893 231080 948801 729142 655290 37146 69738 889807 44762 469866 609790 168914 811866 798771 1029617 745627 692172 16430 863411 332546 469866 701936 567616 477365 263271 716712 745062 61269 890232 737245 299781 346246 276143 19305 231080 929199 231080 782485 910465 757297 93148 469866 432869 412032 251762 136068 485909 692172 179403 643876 37146 321378 160017 1021798 843797 471072 567616 64302 982770 231080 596058 939979 93148 567616 477365 865132 469866 1028987 469866 514348 951599 939979 251762 316442 313114 514348 882015 332546 935718 713275 251762 860951 469866 85234 117869 73267 1029617 473574 692172 893904 567616 93148 231080 224871 85234 117869 679136 798771 1029617 860716 732958 724902 259576 692172 125050 37146 238812 1021798 131171 184763 169040 843560 774869 1029617 1030422 708623 1026616 811866 575885 774869 1029617 1030422 279566 629689 593699 994062 398441 37146 243500 261589 100536 320307 567616 724976 549768 320307 497741 312439 251762 332546 729117 231080 863411 838582 231080 998049 469866 849060 469866 251762 156335 403863 840602 939979 238611 516576 826866 939979 346132 733493 251762 737603 197151 284166 469866 111314 428228 102588 1030422 633722 567616 172035 469866 73164 264054 73164 1029617 353571 1017827 567616 839800 547955 231080 84532 988606 972212 469866 753905 131898 1029617 1030422 593699 469866 261589 910667 1021798 259576 684269 231080 505327 831797 502008 81844 57132 605038 370607 840252 305305 169040 60153 169040 726998 811883 721079 547350 547481 692172 16430 469866 621160 510939 231080 85234 160350 526488 972015 411412 641911 346246 358623 514348 251762 526641 968765 605038 37146 498360 881647 498360 28904 575885 898742 592986 366234 469866 73164 261589 218362 231080 85234 312439 692117 469866 972917 53629 882015 910712 993264 251762 787244 213589 745062 869049 539914 190655 469866 275565 655290 549768 85697 251762 284166 114386 81844 37146 510662 514490 646053 567616 62033 939979 948157 16430 976759 993264 745062 222160 733493 692172 273744 231080 368280 62033 939979 774869 477365 132026 757521 794447 567616 997730 939979 1017702 477365 132026 477893 798771 860765 469866 972917 218362 231080 643390 939979 1017618 692372 152107 974835 231080 7231 469866 95842 871491 37146 894434 831797 498360 28240 469866 402932 254923 972917 404039 486080 948157 1029617 313324 510584 160064 1021798 692372 131171 131622 251762 312439 457501 231080 85234 642996 415782 708393 16430 1030668 85234 871491 326740 85234 871491 326740 868735 939979 143557 795379 469866 717363 974835 231080 306332 379331 394893 605222 242522 53193 696581 1021798 692372 514348 843797 759638 567616 497055 455237 469866 911250 238611 287721 889893 1017702 972015 493764 403538 692172 333739 939979 156565 1029617 354016 452986 889623 231080 863411 900783 231080 41544 469866 849060 469866 105742 473667 655290 805260 971126 600759 589466 231080 552556 3569 993264 1029617 737245 580420 1029617 230288 794320 469866 234355 819064 469866 903144 469866 185685 210022 390816 362476 539914 1029617 333612 1021798 363366 854523 588715 251762 234355 794320 860716 972917 259000 1021798 251762 24523 799047 514348 989746 3569 1021798 836669 231080 843560 994062 31493 655290 238611 469081 567616 263271 1017702 1029617 300443 939979 1030592 1026616 152359 2 123624 724902 592986 692172 836455 231080 331778 374074 164412 169040 68067 698321 567616 682312 627167 931540 98834 184955 197749 523587 993264 1029617 399142 457501 692172 379331 378135 469866 788302 169040 51651 473667 993264 718248 231080 70270 469866 849060 231080 169434 251762 472908 159910 329810 251762 973080 251762 44188 610387 422720 1021798 731344 469866 331322 111314 77453 745062 279617 148648 1029617 852684 231080 85234 847902 567616 102356 931540 349388 251762 671110 378615 939979 864870 346246 469081 567616 263271 724902 838582 231080 145 939979 718248 231080 725837 231080 149777 37146 279617 152359 98834 329895 725293 543650 993264 642254 514348 313324 960155 725808 568606 469866 54150 514348 840591 728875 692172 243304 567616 964393 939979 745361 251762 973080 329810 299781 292157 968943 843773 1021798 337699 567616 572740 469866 742233 514348 840591 728875 692172 98636 567616 890380 469866 95046 993264 201112 469866 177197 993264 251762 847902 37146 519104 487512 379331 485835 567616 398857 539954 469866 725838 567616 915525 725293 543650 993264 284166 902814 231080 149777 37146 98575 358560 964039 251762 526488 716712 251762 45239 284026 692172 331322 299781 259576 692172 346246 379331 754200 231080 665790 131622 251762 717252 485392 629933 682312 37146 210516 390816 354429 300778 469866 111314 247406 251762 753387 692172 234355 192588 231080 994704 23760 40091 48138 432869 57441 972131 519118 363017 1021798 921888 849060 575878 36125 964355 592986 692172 1029617 704417 131622 251762 372287 911984 575878 613717 1021798 918537 692172 477365 78572 897694 993264 838582 231080 903144 231080 930591 321126 692172 366836 61821 860755 782383 346246 823236 575878 964355 592986 692172 24364 131264 394893 469866 502008 284004 798771 939979 786793 993264 251762 642431 692172 251762 352544 43128 994062 398441 37146 918690 243500 251762 683802 535223 497741 231080 368280 1005504 197797 708554 918643 724902 251762 592727 319134 915817 362476 231080 268593 857131 251762 935417 469866 994704 840602 251762 143866 431877 939979 662562 383066 567616 807581 939979 477365 741629 580420 514348 745062 456713 332860 231080 643390 939979 105742 469866 81844 716712 313324 960155 567616 774341 184955 197749 363017 897742 597112 601160 338064 349497 74041 605038 918643 951424 123353 102588 786454 419612 778083 70270 1029617 231080 559962 231080 993264 838582 231080 552556 1029617 104953 231080 282284 700427 45168 473667 1021798 700369 483987 849060 655290 376969 317058 1029617 696159 247136 993264 251762 642996 781910 60153 781831 61821 1029617 1030422 263083 939979 679133 584530 156122 514348 477361 567616 238611 283535 299781 346246 201261 1021798 228569 469866 360360 567616 884148 720334 231080 85234 263083 469841 931540 238216 90600 398857 53916 231080 260243 567616 684370 231080 177230 1029617 313215 231080 724472 231080 838011 77948 1026215 69722 863411 718248 231080 539954 469866 849060 469866 753905 1029617 28104 728875 320482 152359 275345 605038 898415 469866 661613 563797 993264 614710 515582 37146 539205 737864 53615 567616 238611 341485 716687 692172 407278 1030422 90166 939979 374074 539914 346246 259123 469866 26351 911250 885325 539914 542685 947170 231080 138572 37146 320772 1030422 90166 514348 97955 184708 939979 374074 539914 238611 469866 218362 251762 30800 968654 231080 138572 37146 906703 1029617 592846 692172 391066 469866 621160 605038 37146 563541 856744 514348 26351 231080 948801 655290 37146 432869 972917 860515 571999 514348 238528 567616 726998 255696 605038 231080 1006922 661613 469866 726998 408273 292001 939979 238611 452986 972917 408273 292001 939979 238785 231080 78875 28904 621715 251762 465611 231080 1025364 469866 729142 535613 37146 1029617 852935 259443 939979 251762 435910 469866 605038 37146 655290 614710 37146 238216 856162 486080 374074 1029617 288069 251314 684127 539914 661613 592986 692172 251762 498181 838011 700369 836669 469866 43183 515582 449006 1029617 106996 960722 600713 939979 238611 654611 724976 469866 814427 404663 231080 85234 205942 1030467 469866 814427 469866 168914 968085 860515 630518 762217 811866 741629 972631 588485 231080 253323 692172 518470 251762 893542 534659 324725 564552 452986 889875 382343 469866 251762 1029188 949636 774341 251762 1022265 464942 477365 300343 78215 449006 231080 138572 807581 943830 251762 449006 1022265 1021798 1029617 984931 567616 609648 605038 806632 238611 630547 469866 972917 498270 213589 1029617 459472 849060 275254 993264 251762 870351 399774 346132 508516 559329 231080 270613 251762 420430 469866 726998 811883 915134 605038 1021798 1029617 984931 469866 111314 568513 1029617 798466 32883 469866 726998 15938 231080 149777 37146 299781 251762 717252 692172 972631 630547 231080 533625 575885 948157 605038 469866 621160 726998 15938 605038 37146 535613 567616 605038 37146 733493 972631 893542 231080 138572 568690 993264 939979 53064 548222 972917 774341 251762 960722 78215 449006 726998 753905 667764 469866 575885 943509 57857 251762 721127 692172 493670 605038 889875 469866 498360 726998 831504 1029617 897870 939979 3165 605038 733493 972631 893542 469866 972917 218362 231080 149777 568513 770219 469866 621160 243500 726998 568690 57857 329810 498360 770219 231080 626730 43183 469866 593735 592846 692172 972631 902784 329810 939979 860515 539914 493670 592986 692172 972631 175967 952238 231080 149777 329810 468709 407678 1029617 976269 231080 726998 753905 62033 939979 935220 197087 567616 1030294 823148 567616 770776 575878 655290 543650 231080 726998 234247 684280 939979 1017702 402932 915104 692172 160024 993264 238785 231080 356022 114386 972917 37146 370607 1029617 77893 843968 539373 811866 931604 287834 939979 948157 863013 199358 773966 251762 115497 692172 1029617 259514 963872 700783 231080 85234 227001 313215 510531 972131 251762 939080 692172 238611 238528 749382 469866 259123 443520 469866 539914 1029617 539954 231080 903144 3569 783022 440711 1029617 955662 355608 418108 469866 111314 972917 758198 733493 993264 238611 516576 826866 993264 582133 231080 214618 231080 85234 156335 435473 403863 247468 1029617 234938 684269 692172 238611 543912 341485 935717 73164 292157 782362 584254 906669 231080 562727 440711 469866 972917 679136 374074 547481 374914 1021798 251762 250933 231080 149777 37146 288586 197847 251762 65120 329810 1029617 440711 724902 97955 724741 476625 500976 452986 724902 477361 231080 571539 655400 106724 729142 358281 712799 469257 630518 601191 592986 358281 741629 823324 1026616 28904 655400 494724 469866 621160 655290 567607 469841 374074 911150 522886 514348 148938 438405 58706 231080 85234 259123 692172 742590 567616 850467 876880 876936 415782 238611 741629 20516 567616 275924 803509 169040 838011 849060 469866 742590 37146 692322 642066 655290 339862 100810 469866 432869 415782 972015 552102 73164 742590 37146 275924 36047 469866 415782 901860 169024 73164 251762 506674 37146 803509 567616 20516 931540 968765 972917 329810 227001 168556 510531 169040 871491 619843 448779 292079 951424 972917 922547 766508 898400 575878 592707 1029617 122712 247725 911250 123624 1029617 497903 922581 1021798 204387 993264 582133 231080 375243 231080 289129 469866 923009 692172 251762 766508 263271 943145 69738 848792 939979 292108 349474 1021798 906771 231080 571539 408273 674831 655290 939979 251762 968943 234938 127305 692172 765840 655290 122738 539914 341755 855349 602866 231080 707105 821756 567616 788865 501341 1017702 721079 57850 469866 251762 39211 494459 700877 150432 73164 762217 692172 745062 869049 655290 720876 251762 1007525 993264 661083 523420 231080 398441 831797 498360 69738 358281 952238 469866 972917 218362 469866 814849 655290 972917 567616 238611 724976 387084 923490 939979 923490 452986 1022265 939979 1022265 180249 231080 289129 469866 251762 716533 234247 15938 502008 939979 391445 1026616 152359 412218 782459 431877 1021798 4178 231080 595899 469866 1021798 563541 214356 260050 469866 152359 721079 61688 564552 251762 580592 692172 299892 655290 251762 78068 692172 630518 192804 993264 131264 394893 231080 571539 399774 563541 251762 465611 469866 567616 28904 569830 469866 621160 28904 753905 815095 391445 114386 726998 935220 407678 700857 575885 374074 90292 299781 420543 469866 218362 707105 231080 948801 726998 811883 774341 251762 490141 379334 726998 267908 1030467 696648 567616 726998 791324 407678 469866 57132 655290 539373 994062 567616 807581 1030467 605038 939979 799321 567616 943509 469866 811866 572173 655290 994062 726998 815095 684280 655290 398857 972631 481477 567616 726998 231080 862831 320772 494724 469866 160723 300302 131264 886300 169040 398441 37146 918690 243500 413844 393226 497741 1021798 251464 939979 374074 539914 477365 263271 911250 857068 477365 459435 346132 739422 863745 231080 85234 757297 448779 16430 860857 317158 893853 131264 144051 886300 469866 222097 993264 1029617 284166 724902 913147 939979 675298 939979 228569 379334 956729 450366 41978 329810 914617 669600 793454 231080 85234 274047 993264 674459 473667 993264 661083 247882 655290 530222 618603 106870 1029617 181223 465778 308241 621918 469866 378639 251762 201128 3165 148379 868786 210010 750371 184955 197749 214551 655290 972917 370129 299781 251762 223758 949768 659253 213589 344374 458609 901676 993264 661083 371169 231080 85234 106503 1029188 949636 37146 918565 831797 931540 750371 184955 197749 362841 231080 894879 231080 585787 69738 131264 823860 415782 122738 61210 724902 251762 1009361 37146 724976 469866 825139 618603 368280 843968 497609 530222 1029617 168765 131264 28104 260050 469866 621160 81844 37146 869609 238611 939979 882015 692172 317285 469866 1029617 412199 700877 85234 274047 993264 674459 231080 781406 931540 259000 251762 78068 514348 477361 231080 673846 231080 1021124 28104 473559 295605 156565 939979 943485 185441 621160 226465 469866 761458 1017702 939979 354077 993264 251762 280048 514348 1029617 556207 231080 505327 329810 251762 897744 514348 25545 513666 583970 692172 857068 238611 849060 106484 250507 469866 514348 111314 972917 275623 363017 280048 939979 617700 1029617 1018218 77893 231080 838011 251464 939979 77837 251762 185441 943485 469866 25545 774341 939979 374074 968943 600713 469866 111314 440384 41144 299748 1021798 251762 213957 692172 251762 852684 939979 588320 231080 85234 633629 700877 388513 93496 469866 726998 469841 69634 902906 564552 299781 70270 1021798 251762 362313 567616 726998 952569 1017702 1029617 267279 692172 658610 168497 567616 357746 753905 139719 939979 238785 231080 726998 469841 902906 564552 567616 726998 469841 753905 588320 605038 726998 469841 753905 469866 407678 469866 836327 605038 1021798 972631 119515 231080 149777 37146 7492 939979 77837 655290 185441 231080 344374 21971 931540 197151 214618 951843 828171 939979 36815 251762 527568 308241 168765 539914 111314 425556 501549 395443 1021798 700369 836669 231080 105742 473667 993264 603027 231080 70270 655290 251762 828171 621288 329810 721079 588386 724902 251762 930775 469866 127747 152359 127861 815814 823324 939979 996875 872808 291896 575878 61717 911135 231080 722071 1021798 243632 469866 85234 125050 834706 57204 655290 1029617 918483 575885 485139 398857 758612 567616 539954 469866 160723 1029617 394893 469866 498360 729142 344374 197151 840252 259576 828171 560061 939979 33005 131622 251762 168765 469866 972917 37146 798958 299781 1029617 184935 692172 993812 231080 1018663 1029617 313215 231080 349237 231080 84532 387435 993264 197847 452986 69738 425556 486080 164814 251762 24523 828171 625824 1026616 344374 267943 251762 168765 370607 655290 152359 811883 275345 605038 898415 231080 231080 231080 920364 231080 7231 473667 1021798 242650 483987 655290 1021798 238611 1030294 361777 469866 104751 348252 463712 939979 1029617 92634 84221 469866 380611 490973 114576 238611 864912 778904 139341 469866 111314 972917 548169 935105 73164 69738 911150 268060 469866 275565 655290 251762 156109 692172 238611 156122 312267 692172 737636 452986 358138 543887 968938 469866 720823 469866 539323 469866 567616 132026 147652 469866 539914 251762 712854 28708 823860 692172 526874 452986 86431 407109 514490 251762 362304 231080 138572 914544 526874 935881 1029617 692117 567616 89997 477627 1029617 457501 469866 972917 997640 231080 545209 708351 469866 251762 70019 415782 1029617 213397 692172 435866 567616 320572 539914 514441 567616 522396 939979 911109 1014188 937399 655290 843968 243304 73164 303891 939979 811866 73164 1029617 988606 242819 692172 209207 881215 469866 605038 37146 960522 114386 811866 815095 1017702 550826 469866 380611 37146 275924 263083 469866 432869 976284 939979 251762 172604 37146 580420 234355 728875 1029617 457501 939979 679133 514348 238611 567616 238611 263271 231080 253855 563541 251762 28623 898443 243500 972917 914544 452986 843968 452347 724902 251762 460808 655290 238611 452684 831797 939979 638854 131264 807215 514490 1029617 584354 692172 737422 341907 251762 238812 865325 831797 16430 85234 70019 843968 93982 794805 911250 972917 37146 246865 114386 238611 77893 473801 238611 655290 605038 37146 911150 7492 993264 251762 543131 844686 231080 838011 460808 469866 380611 843968 370180 448194 514348 299781 156083 106558 745062 951843 951424 972917 37146 366055 246865 231080 1015539 231080 38157 939979 860515 1029617 898032 696159 304618 251762 700369 871880 978980 993264 818420 725837 692172 459435 37146 85234 994616 469866 306322 111927 58706 197151 1029617 86337 939979 180249 251762 700369 766508 939979 362101 238611 432448 238611 915045 692172 229098 83582 174453 37146 733729 251762 255456 831797 872808 609457 575878 142117 108132 993264 818420 725837 469866 251762 690989 473667 1021798 921888 849060 231080 306322 209066 980811 939979 308798 238611 968707 539914 73164 444589 831549 73164 597159 567616 831797 209066 308740 939979 943509 655290 61269 469321 469866 1029617 435473 539259 700877 251762 997438 231080 31493 729142 655290 275790 799464 523080 539914 717209 989294 939979 791099 939979 1029617 328889 432869 831797 370607 993264 251762 77948 840479 469866 807581 306322 415782 98575 111010 539914 848064 655290 231080 138572 831797 766286 317231 567616 238879 378778 567616 831797 423876 972917 37146 774341 333804 865195 914609 724902 251762 700369 766508 231080 398441 37146 861105 643390 939979 251762 690989 469866 978980 415782 469257 306322 15938 655290 972917 37146 848064 1029617 898032 696159 231080 75099 1009361 669600 97767 530495 530592 724902 882015 692172 251762 472908 349935 1021798 1017618 514348 928572 2287 289154 231080 585787 605038 329810 98575 28708 601413 85234 1009361 147650 993264 989106 774341 939979 374074 180573 469866 911250 882015 692172 251762 869066 774341 939979 374074 737244 231080 566299 469866 1029617 526488 692172 251762 382770 469866 407678 907769 567616 87461 469866 185306 346246 741629 828171 1001822 469866 972917 700877 987595 847311 73164 762217 692172 745062 869049 655290 720876 251762 1007525 993264 660114 231080 494724 231080 241969 469866 259576 692172 251762 238812 592727 172722 692172 869066 819373 1021798 251762 106484 714340 835335 37146 201128 308241 168765 836532 993264 989106 724902 1029617 24124 621160 638630 724902 251762 633629 432869 411412 714340 939979 420064 469866 113178 254752 231080 113178 404039 1029617 592846 692172 238611 741629 869066 1021798 251762 147880 972917 415782 1029617 873558 501880 918565 169040 838011 460808 469866 655290 201128 308241 168765 329810 295605 113178 37146 231080 138572 411412 655290 1021798 567616 329810 407678 469866 16430 898742 994062 218362 669600 231080 261589 843651 495049 37146 868786 489425 943145 753905 911150 798819 514348 238611 460760 469866 498360 972917 497741 243500 402932 77948 280113 567616 1013555 156335 403863 469841 860515 758106 7406 1021798 317285 169040 287452 469866 655290 37146 861105 469866 251762 106503 85234 777316 34453 692172 915861 403863 37146 259123 433519 247468 259576 692172 261589 37146 926694 144032 993264 274999 469866 432495 564552 847775 251762 460808 655290 261589 57260 852493 1021798 238611 460760 231080 505327 1005741 185091 564552 251762 1009407 567616 329106 251762 238961 692172 852895 469866 176947 592986 1009407 819605 231080 926560 180643 36927 1030294 131264 394893 169040 268593 273847 854483 567616 562852 780899 57858 251762 922945 993264 661083 371169 469866 152359 716712 1029617 989350 299781 240100 469866 1029617 787387 934998 143461 1021798 981716 469866 204387 469866 655290 37146 901860 1021798 251762 847902 37146 263271 514348 795697 260050 231080 287452 469866 972917 337666 1029617 996950 742506 972917 147323 1029617 1013555 633629 231080 149777 894193 939979 374074 234738 539914 595401 992508 169040 85234 700427 535223 415746 702812 764204 1029617 873558 456713 440711 1026616 972917 193639 238611 238528 749382 469866 259123 562065 469866 1021798 700369 836669 231080 595401 37146 440711 939979 238785 329810 1029617 679356 23749 806734 564223 539914 923555 692172 251762 164064 897758 37146 155640 692172 563541 823695 469866 567616 972276 361777 329810 634114 539914 1029617 288069 523100 655290 218362 37146 165492 553130 407678 37146 165492 553130 231080 85234 806734 329810 23749 1021798 251762 403809 692172 745062 510531 74148 996950 469866 702812 700877 814427 50503 213589 1029617 550019 275254 993264 477365 700369 852684 346132 231080 863411 660114 231080 123732 469866 537226 327424 40499 745062 135322 655290 485139 184955 197749 238812 66541 147830 1021798 745062 671110 313215 1029617 181223 742281 469866 107512 213589 745062 185028 539914 901897 969445 859564 1021798 884148 720334 528232 231080 643390 939979 987595 847311 469866 251762 148209 37146 840312 790034 172353 621483 259576 692172 238611 48822 555753 869464 238611 431877 589466 469866 725838 231080 306332 879404 102817 86358 1021798 299781 539954 469866 317574 911250 238611 34178 436257 469866 111314 836532 155587 514348 280134 939979 251762 906771 338064 459472 469866 486080 869464 431877 708311 725837 469866 396111 231080 487269 469866 238611 868786 386744 489425 943145 750371 523530 469866 160723 231080 224871 1029617 415514 679136 840335 580463 523080 939979 41102 514348 621833 567616 321496 169040 231080 643390 939979 362028 467515 649066 37146 468983 870785 362841 573101 469866 644000 674598 329810 493764 939979 856476 251762 280077 514348 251762 345979 114386 81844 329810 531470 1026616 81844 547481 302168 789809 329810 1017837 184955 391066 993264 43271 37146 85234 40021 197749 81844 329810 1017837 514348 251762 568231 37146 85234 499323 412829 231080 244904 222429 41102 329810 663104 1029617 255481 853010 939979 147830 184955 391066 231080 942817 37146 98575 386509 692172 16430 469866 621160 467515 131684 592986 655290 251762 197797 943145 843797 428627 575878 518594 125050 365790 136640 738950 231080 75254 37146 982284 383066 250935 939979 251762 906771 939979 353389 855349 602866 567616 95842 871491 514348 592851 993264 665247 362841 231080 643390 939979 938762 421775 469866 251762 526488 448779 588109 1021798 423619 939979 659579 251762 973080 567616 547350 560143 659161 346246 156122 231080 85234 870351 670842 939979 166313 567616 1029617 477893 692172 980971 345208 931540 345712 251762 716533 514348 592851 469866 621160 251762 947996 267090 567607 1021798 251762 383066 37146 733745 469866 745062 171994 168937 382343 299781 251762 431877 692172 251762 383066 782408 939979 251762 864957 939979 996875 547884 856508 231080 953491 811866 798771 12404 300125 366055 320482 12404 57301 408008 234877 994062 77215 481487 994062 1025364 469866 320482 251762 453218 692172 817461 423111 412218 997755 346246 849060 234877 506549 469866 817461 423111 46741 279117 469866 152359 531084 514348 184955 848309 968883 940023 251762 465646 655290 243213 1013840 169040 707105 591755 274431 567616 731696 85234 682634 558976 843797 568690 1021798 514348 969648 320482 914617 918462 469866 346246 897870 700877 987595 847311 231080 777944 337474 931524 254949 530592 329810 498360 341485 939979 696222 994062 656206 187936 906669 564552 847775 753905 502008 444589 605038 485139 939979 354268 477365 700078 939979 319134 915817 213589 251762 692117 692172 251762 849060 961219 83002 567616 251762 762274 461476 831797 101975 169040 368280 247468 655290 81844 98834 847775 363017 469866 160723 939979 137308 847775 1029617 90102 172722 939979 411477 968765 852990 815095 1017702 1029617 242487 514348 605427 469866 111314 275790 94028 1017702 939979 390816 251762 827364 115387 231080 368280 964113 721623 453218 514348 251762 346132 567616 69782 378639 743575 212569 469866 791738 152869 469866 450967 348182 469866 937449 22513 469866 825936 534468 567616 427638 970290 231080 323033 279188 415746 1029617 60644 340630 794829 939979 131264 271797 692172 251762 918531 567616 794447 692172 258330 469866 111314 625213 292157 753728 238482 1021798 231497 231080 85234 914880 1029617 836214 510766 77453 398857 923808 567616 539954 469866 160723 655400 251762 530604 692172 1029617 457501 692172 395070 852409 575878 251762 619096 679644 469866 432869 989353 939979 251762 692264 73164 251762 258330 44016 273847 213589 745062 869049 539914 388513 93496 655290 720876 251762 1007525 993264 550019 375243 231080 149777 774341 898742 592986 365939 567616 457321 567616 436920 567616 642254 567616 155640 231080 149777 37146 563541 251762 1014188 811866 625655 774341 1029617 988684 939979 860515 911250 28904 811883 901860 169024 469866 972917 218362 231080 585787 726998 62033 939979 127026 539914 1029617 794829 231080 571539 898742 123732 951843 728875 567616 952356 882015 353635 1017702 1025795 951843 16462 469866 111314 275790 152359 2 836345 234355 469866 24563 823589 1029617 852684 469866 567616 726998 753905 510662 935220 407678 518470 1029617 44861 794829 831797 36927 811866 2 848792 939979 860515 514348 940096 621160 811866 815095 860515 605038 44762 231080 626730 323033 469866 726998 62033 939979 687685 655290 939979 358281 263271 231080 726998 469057 407678 726998 62033 630518 939979 935220 251762 671323 469866 251762 539185 567616 671323 692172 243500 28904 811883 901860 526257 939979 877264 642912 231080 347715 886183 169040 705548 898050 90507 1030294 683802 968765 882354 567616 238611 871363 317311 910455 1021798 465224 836669 469866 621160 972917 74078 370746 1021798 184955 197749 535931 1029617 394893 403454 313215 231080 806582 469866 28904 218362 1029617 394893 231080 85234 690989 473667 1021798 242650 483987 655290 251762 420430 840602 580420 362841 231080 70270 3569 1021798 556141 951424 477890 1021798 836669 231080 838011 700369 921888 469866 233500 426791 498270 213589 745062 275254 993264 862887 941658 871363 169040 655290 238611 724976 469866 640988 426791 469866 774341 725837 469866 160723 280048 692172 927083 910385 939979 346246 319134 915817 580420 1021798 745062 885464 939979 168092 346246 230909 333612 231080 368280 659161 605038 567616 605038 881220 1021798 1029617 988606 375077 567616 259576 692172 214356 988606 687497 411412 605038 1021798 469866 972917 218362 469866 864677 251762 877264 73164 745394 621160 948298 206026 231080 118230 485407 469866 81844 52928 798771 605038 658610 44762 469866 233500 489323 231080 948801 807581 655290 894062 1021798 407678 197797 444565 469866 498360 370607 81844 37146 477314 1029617 890232 823710 758106 1021798 251762 333612 939979 147830 605038 927083 658610 231080 862831 539904 494724 231080 552556 3569 1021798 869066 131622 251762 444135 692172 12404 132026 420064 231080 100970 840027 848064 655290 1021798 251762 444135 692172 1029617 457501 169040 398441 37146 243500 981953 788996 497741 231080 85234 633629 40499 139570 750371 251762 11636 176004 1021798 371529 849060 131622 1029617 943818 692172 753905 1029617 28104 728875 231080 169434 251762 807359 403415 994062 908055 621918 140170 1021798 299781 49855 567616 849014 485054 469866 1029617 213533 733782 605425 1025609 567616 655132 489425 231080 863411 900783 231080 552556 251314 197749 840591 168556 951424 972917 840602 939979 516576 939979 346132 733493 251762 477365 567616 77677 780869 655290 972917 567616 661613 259000 115387 951424 362762 346246 259123 469866 26351 469866 1021798 665247 614710 515582 197587 939979 251762 473574 737737 152107 939979 394898 251762 254923 1030294 739596 375077 655290 251762 30800 968654 308335 238611 514348 238611 8357 897694 469866 251762 968943 238528 259576 692172 292157 580504 1021798 251762 769551 27296 469866 221670 939979 160024 948157 605038 366234 231080 100970 726998 791324 510662 976515 1017702 939979 180643 502008 939979 497767 469866 614710 218362 1021798 1029617 684269 847775 251762 375077 231080 386248 469866 98575 852540 231080 863411 665247 33162 469866 542685 947170 473667 655290 978942 831797 906703 293380 748349 433011 939979 403863 993264 251762 1030294 778940 692172 769439 541769 306983 231080 138572 408273 931540 774869 580420 235333 729142 972917 629452 993264 1029617 234913 778940 567616 552514 729142 972917 267943 514348 1029617 119513 778940 231080 293380 881220 1021798 485401 514348 1029617 968943 988606 980983 567616 510662 667764 972917 679136 567616 469841 798771 758612 469866 160723 469866 1029617 412199 700877 542685 947170 469866 814849 655290 399452 692172 251762 77948 769439 541769 453218 448779 782408 939979 655290 1026616 152359 238528 412218 452986 547350 370607 231080 937399 840252 605038 655400 498360 493556 939979 688010 251762 472910 514348 131264 985108 362652 638533 347715 588386 469841 811866 943509 514348 523080 432869 547886 926838 12404 65712 964718 994062 38257 729142 811866 2 998663 157846 567616 537233 157846 169040 87581 722019 469866 1029617 848932 514348 402652 1016998 469866 172284 854311 740708 415703 1026616 81844 531523 1021798 231497 655290 251762 526488 497741 69738 798771 379334 152359 943145 370607 575878 527077 346246 263271 238528 231080 244904 823186 275623 882015 675860 469866 69834 1029617 403755 724902 998663 993264 274999 567616 1029617 489487 564552 823186 724902 87581 514348 215677 51651 231080 682910 469866 251762 848932 57657 592986 939979 251762 939979 267079 939979 317285 61210 231080 85234 751660 453218 807581 230601 87581 567616 477365 263271 1029617 164107 1030592 1021798 259576 692172 346246 197797 737911 655101 708554 1021798 443835 469866 534297 231080 643390 939979 1024599 231080 7231 469866 1026616 762339 514348 401684 982775 567616 718702 17633 943145 90507 1021798 24563 692117 543375 469866 152359 972831 798771 349388 564552 643009 73164 288069 73164 234355 444565 231080 726998 288574 605038 918643 469866 87581 700877 1024599 231080 7231 73164 762217 692172 745062 869049 32706 993264 665247 70270 231080 726998 469841 69738 374074 370081 539914 317285 906703 514348 605038 469866 621160 726998 774341 700877 317285 655290 28904 469841 856744 939979 659579 443835 861182 567616 28904 74078 486080 469866 753905 69738 993264 346246 856417 231080 583885 391066 1021798 1029617 687546 535502 994062 496651 509998 231080 88950 172888 980609 1021798 12404 687546 724902 1029617 53193 147880 403863 567616 852152 939979 77520 605038 563541 939979 122712 994062 1025364 469866 655290 37146 510662 753905 69738 873825 299781 563541 231080 404516 561866 184578 1029617 968943 366360 61893 692172 391066 939979 697586 37146 42767 319134 915817 951424 765997 493670 238611 324884 535502 312439 238611 512771 540023 1026442 724902 166364 978137 231080 753056 251762 960067 370608 831797 894552 469866 605038 37146 931540 398857 539954 3569 567616 903144 469866 523611 469866 523611 231080 54807 649066 567616 810243 1024361 46810 943145 782408 704808 782408 231080 305999 745062 869049 539914 542685 947170 655290 720876 251762 1007525 993264 660114 231080 375243 469866 251762 154739 318072 403863 498270 655290 251762 601142 633629 374467 415611 563541 230288 692172 238611 897758 231080 138572 37146 901860 1021798 563541 972631 939080 733664 469866 218362 810243 231080 138572 37146 407678 1029617 897870 231080 138572 37146 407678 469866 231080 726998 791324 366234 231080 217080 431877 580293 231080 54807 329810 893765 176453 431877 1021798 540023 1026616 810243 568690 514490 749784 539914 238611 976487 749382 469866 981168 826866 469866 320482 238611 312772 329810 155587 939979 646061 54807 57260 993264 251762 172719 539914 251762 897870 469866 972917 37146 407678 469866 811866 2 69738 976515 860515 605038 469866 726998 791324 976515 860515 605038 469866 810243 350105 231080 138572 329810 539610 231080 585787 807581 251762 897870 37099 1021798 567616 643009 234355 444565 469866 251762 97955 304625 592986 231080 368280 69634 469866 407678 469866 98797 592986 231080 689741 469866 69738 89957 57260 1029617 782646 679356 724902 259576 692172 125050 37146 238812 592727 778043 911250 114663 251762 193192 692172 939080 169040 347715 444589 329810 251762 1013888 811866 127861 993264 12404 403454 897694 994062 571539 575820 605038 234247 547350 122738 782408 939979 590433 929007 37146 734062 897694 630547 111314 831797 279617 939979 1017702 485139 131622 523420 469866 160723 169040 287452 469866 655290 37146 861105 469866 590433 111077 1029617 213533 169478 295433 692102 655290 831797 498360 807359 567616 7492 939979 122738 575878 655290 292157 960067 762274 461476 831797 894552 469866 127747 605038 931540 77453 234355 980609 231080 590433 40499 251762 19952 172353 539914 973423 656206 459155 115172 231080 306332 234913 1013888 692172 251762 852684 123072 1029617 695255 456598 259841 213533 384888 478859 399809 655290 931540 485139 70270 469866 844982 469866 691517 251762 568606 939979 1029617 370608 655290 37146 485248 184955 197749 251762 762274 692172 251762 633696 543650 37146 65120 231080 863411 665247 247882 469866 1029617 960847 724902 251762 915861 171994 349455 993264 970159 655290 405809 600759 252069 993264 238611 770182 299781 299631 594541 547350 127747 152359 952569 721079 535206 320482 231080 948801 605038 37146 69738 251762 238528 465611 251762 968654 415782 61688 564552 251762 148218 514348 1029617 721379 299781 745062 915861 171994 275661 667712 231080 722071 1021798 512771 469866 563559 960847 349455 993264 274999 655290 504386 259000 238611 106315 770182 299781 299631 594541 231080 446319 490141 469866 251762 339201 567616 495632 860631 403863 37146 889906 700877 85234 884148 720334 353086 231080 504386 57132 774898 1014188 563541 251762 465611 231080 585787 81844 843968 684280 939979 860515 646553 939979 831724 605038 231080 149777 37146 753905 477365 588485 231080 833369 811866 856744 676894 994062 817748 473559 1017702 745062 431821 514348 563541 1014188 536717 469866 567616 1012184 855267 764003 831797 225801 317285 231080 585787 213586 939979 477365 148209 576711 469866 1026616 605038 881220 465611 939979 361759 993264 745062 213300 823860 692172 536717 518662 469866 1012184 774341 251762 275790 939979 688010 564552 988606 465611 169040 368280 956501 592986 8288 469866 758612 514348 745062 613513 498181 724902 251762 916757 43128 231080 368280 361759 993264 251762 93837 259576 692172 251762 535566 518840 724902 251762 1013555 935717 299781 745062 357643 275345 967389 692172 676894 231080 305999 745062 869049 539914 83542 655290 720876 251762 1007525 993264 550019 849014 469866 261589 100536 320307 642066 251762 506513 655290 535613 37146 1029617 163895 1021798 238611 486080 280221 655290 238611 300125 469866 481487 567616 543564 486080 209066 374074 366055 547350 1026616 972917 37146 98575 119117 526257 939979 774869 543023 692172 477361 231080 726998 448779 1029617 1022238 655290 729142 726998 567608 498360 592986 692172 605038 655290 726998 575885 547350 44622 567616 726998 791324 469866 407678 469866 787076 993264 172632 469866 726998 695850 621715 972631 300125 469866 972631 543564 567616 972631 481487 366055 231080 726998 684280 939979 786816 73164 44861 73164 597159 469866 972917 218362 231080 938762 469866 477915 300343 831797 261589 231080 643390 939979 251762 884148 720334 233205 469866 33692 402081 329810 539610 939979 481179 197930 213589 1029617 122712 357643 514348 251762 45159 939979 33005 745062 238482 692172 986760 692172 893108 539914 503733 309862 231080 78894 514348 251762 1030422 469809 143866 539914 251762 757381 926694 469866 432869 453218 73164 269092 332521 993264 251762 720876 846089 506549 469866 412218 299781 869836 213589 251762 977335 1029617 675735 180135 679321 514348 769247 463723 37146 339380 201083 527101 122712 1021798 319134 915817 993264 603027 231080 494724 231080 33692 663104 230601 400221 213589 251762 357643 320482 692547 477365 361759 939979 482349 231080 503733 37146 166099 427924 403863 273847 854483 931540 164811 251762 361759 823148 469866 69834 33692 939979 989340 477365 361759 939979 197930 231080 682910 469866 843797 453218 700398 939979 563559 2998 469866 432869 457390 918643 78419 1021798 251762 753728 361759 231080 735798 692172 251762 848775 994062 926560 575885 459435 567616 980408 486082 259006 251762 238216 469866 621160 729142 811866 383324 846089 405339 567616 980408 539914 1029617 415514 469866 605038 37146 976515 485139 1029617 873558 115107 231080 593735 592846 692172 275761 650596 539904 11734 469866 621160 1026616 811866 2 1029617 415514 469866 952356 152359 2 762217 692172 251762 889623 263096 231080 681699 344815 840602 110727 539914 655290 403777 213589 251762 305722 677076 293811 469866 238883 939979 753915 733493 238611 656206 178807 465224 931524 254949 567616 787313 251762 78068 692172 251762 243489 299802 299781 251762 923189 692172 231080 681699 931540 531084 939979 939225 251762 407989 213586 939979 251762 106484 914611 37146 548167 567616 485923 407989 469866 111314 243213 300066 939979 940059 11734 993264 251762 931524 254949 111314 473500 843968 370423 539914 681699 37146 518487 692172 952356 539904 457321 299781 683505 716581 231080 655877 762217 692172 745062 869049 539914 788302 169040 51651 655290 720876 251762 1007525 993264 582133 231080 568865 469866 251762 275761 692172 593735 827196 1021798 591947 563797 993264 251762 935548 473559 1014188 152359 860515 567616 815095 860515 231080 595401 992508 469866 514348 180398 469866 843968 509827 238611 741629 172719 469866 497609 238611 741629 770182 452986 650980 238611 741629 118924 231080 726998 432879 15938 243500 939979 860515 469866 972917 218362 231080 138572 57132 469866 997260 469866 688010 238611 741629 472910 469866 147830 238611 741629 778167 567616 787313 238611 741629 106382 231080 702812 764204 972015 547919 939979 650980 238611 741629 118924 469866 911250 290916 167785 97903 972917 840252 952356 448292 238611 741629 770182 567616 115172 238611 741629 118924 231080 19042 231080 661380 89529 567616 1029617 284198 787313 514490 1029617 658569 231080 231080 231080 84532 469866 605038 37146 69738 251762 609595 692172 1029617 296147 469866 605038 37146 704808 420064 169040 85234 757297 295605 411412 1029617 284198 1021798 939979 885276 477365 1030294 353768 704221 469866 251762 541917 352681 718056 1021798 635279 528232 469866 884148 817461 231080 31493 729142 811866 770094 935220 407678 353768 1021798 1029617 865363 77340 575878 251762 796141 895383 469866 675298 939979 661380 37146 300443 169040 85234 371529 849060 807321 692172 1018849 590356 675680 630518 655290 547350 1021798 968085 469866 453218 943145 827965 407678 251762 78068 692172 630518 231080 340824 354268 251762 518594 164002 592986 1021798 894434 469866 238611 893542 329810 964113 1021798 1029617 976374 1009361 337349 931524 469866 790305 807581 840423 960146 213589 972276 394893 692172 238611 906771 469809 73164 972917 444495 1021798 1029617 214618 428290 960146 827419 299781 870613 37146 829190 908410 231080 184196 261906 692172 750761 41791 314583 231080 500645 238611 263271 37146 469836 469866 251762 229098 692172 299267 37146 893542 329810 972015 906946 539914 700136 229861 378639 234355 143615 634332 213887 656206 459155 11734 567616 213533 184543 489425 231080 165428 307685 700877 251762 319134 915817 353086 73164 762217 692172 745062 900783 231080 873980 247357 655290 972917 415782 989746 221809 469866 563541 251762 259573 692172 238611 613513 968002 469866 241079 469866 556440 972917 308782 939979 820012 114386 972917 320766 251762 634364 823215 231080 643390 939979 251762 997438 469866 251762 633629 567616 238611 407159 692172 23945 799283 238611 580420 539914 1029617 222839 390816 461477 985463 243329 231080 585787 692172 444135 169040 537226 327424 931540 600759 733982 993264 238611 247638 214529 897694 143866 299781 385913 425884 1021798 199510 192341 993264 582133 231080 160856 231080 643390 939979 105742 469866 251762 148209 716712 184955 197749 247882 473559 299781 251762 383066 514348 847775 230288 823589 231080 85234 143866 931540 440384 1029617 213533 931524 461578 216319 157310 231080 881215 514348 690181 567616 1029617 209207 729618 881215 514348 46681 231080 252362 251762 127026 692172 251762 852684 469866 322945 231080 376889 61688 564552 251762 589466 469866 758612 148218 231080 231080 231080 567616 407109 1029617 184955 197749 1018692 510584 53761 692172 552556 469866 758612 231080 930591 923555 469866 160723 831797 184955 197749 238812 473559 147830 1021798 1029617 313215 469866 1026616 811866 2 251762 280113 567616 1013555 259123 692172 1029617 415514 432869 37146 782459 563559 415514 469866 811866 575885 147830 655290 575878 750038 259576 144051 473574 993264 516576 169040 740579 259576 692172 892959 294950 37146 512771 214121 469866 514348 180398 469866 379334 972917 37146 729577 795147 993264 1029617 189401 539904 1029617 947996 692172 642805 448169 1029617 448455 231080 85234 247068 473574 469866 73267 619389 674459 169040 235080 469866 939642 238611 923555 469866 160723 231080 331778 374074 164412 169040 884148 720334 528232 37146 763714 222060 127420 299781 552556 247882 1021798 251762 362313 993264 432860 272240 661380 89529 783321 939979 993548 575878 514348 882015 61269 242650 184641 231080 85234 757297 774341 251762 263286 15587 939979 893904 1026616 81844 567616 477365 420270 53858 592986 1021798 251762 391565 823589 993264 660114 231080 849014 231080 101603 906669 745062 951843 242650 469866 1029617 412199 700877 987595 847311 231080 368280 522237 299781 725837 198088 1029617 231080 559962 231080 567616 329810 551536 164137 939979 251762 465540 514348 951599 1021798 242650 231080 368280 329810 852409 910624 567616 506044 374130 563541 778083 231080 85234 222060 329810 931540 74078 324832 1026616 251762 39211 679644 567616 477365 69993 428321 778083 552556 849014 1029617 231080 559962 231080 843560 497767 622481 300302 1026616 811866 575885 292001 994062 643390 939979 105742 469866 442292 639494 567616 405596 812430 840602 1029617 1030422 704417 724902 884148 720334 528232 939979 251762 28708 836455 692172 884148 744952 379334 442292 37146 551937 469866 814427 567616 639494 469866 918943 993264 665247 935988 231080 937399 598742 913061 831797 939979 374074 57885 469866 251762 497767 469841 811883 74119 753905 1029617 288069 184955 197749 745062 951843 567616 1029617 106558 231080 862831 518470 939979 267079 514348 798958 407678 1029617 935548 543650 169040 784436 469866 1026616 28904 115324 601160 692172 358281 860716 469866 98575 259576 831797 333308 630518 939979 1029617 543912 57301 519022 469866 621160 655290 831797 69738 251762 897744 514348 882015 453218 231080 838011 512771 469866 605038 696074 939979 537226 586763 5458 469866 432869 758198 564552 993264 251762 931524 254949 299781 251762 648280 786064 659253 696513 1029617 399142 898020 786816 231080 138572 840602 939979 516576 939979 267079 939979 415703 951424 972917 481756 234049 514348 69738 798958 407678 1029617 873825 125050 403863 469866 374914 469866 726998 753905 1017702 939979 267079 514348 502008 103069 726998 786816 1021798 563541 251762 976864 655290 1017702 122738 592986 231080 726998 329810 69634 539380 231080 305666 251762 465611 726998 477314 939979 251762 931524 254949 469866 726998 329810 914721 539380 231080 348252 300125 329810 1005280 469866 972631 481487 329810 139914 733493 972631 774244 567616 726998 596991 407678 726998 774341 518258 831657 726998 329810 745062 633629 1021798 16430 976214 432869 831797 848792 939979 786816 646798 1026616 811866 115324 993264 251762 931524 254949 231080 643390 939979 85234 128467 469866 549768 320307 469569 592986 251762 671110 334748 834804 516808 469866 1029617 234355 403863 57418 758145 1021798 251762 213957 692172 242125 37146 334748 669775 1012334 469866 514348 1029617 399142 457501 1021798 483987 498360 655290 81844 679136 267918 1030294 683802 567616 3386 592986 539914 477365 263271 1021798 102673 231080 356022 840027 78527 733664 469866 33162 57418 972992 469866 230288 333807 469866 1029617 222429 1001042 469866 1029617 708534 15587 469866 1029617 308906 567616 1029617 3829 214349 383066 563541 939979 940096 231080 231080 231080 69738 939979 956211 251762 684135 265913 549326 725637 567616 563541 251762 753367 655290 732958 251762 391018 580420 231080 777944 218362 391066 575885 497609 811866 856744 994062 688927 563114 279856 238611 700369 899604 864707 357301 717035 270623 498360 444589 469866 972917 774341 238611 337117 935881 169040 305999 745062 869049 539914 340932 655290 720876 251762 1007525 1021798 700369 1023615 469866 251762 420430 633629 498270 655290 197797 692172 238611 840591 106382 469866 282247 749083 567616 282247 921852 469866 655400 337117 724902 774049 74119 724902 270623 37146 877603 567616 7997 231080 268593 270623 444186 299781 251762 592261 692172 465778 1021798 836669 469866 41909 617108 238611 539914 1029617 320814 612986 539914 1029617 213533 778507 469866 111314 972917 758198 733493 993264 516576 993264 550019 552556 231080 655877 514348 749083 567616 921852 469866 101603 1017702 976374 382976 469866 688927 700877 340932 231080 726998 791324 680075 514348 317285 939979 798771 601142 498360 726998 575885 948157 729142 152359 1017702 238611 468813 856508 567616 238611 708981 231080 221323 530021 296137 547350 247882 338131 469866 621160 972917 37146 876936 489939 564552 259576 123002 692172 1029617 704808 143461 366570 231080 85234 884148 720334 233205 473667 993264 582133 231080 552556 655290 251762 420430 600759 573101 231080 210516 3569 993264 1029617 725837 469866 993979 210022 390816 234913 267438 1018324 1021798 745062 654350 419673 993264 251762 24523 452401 1021798 884148 720334 528232 37146 151059 799047 379334 972917 106870 840591 77948 852806 231080 838011 993835 469866 972917 931540 600759 989746 231080 969340 3569 993264 197797 717252 267438 527341 1021798 251762 24523 959874 73164 251762 1030294 572456 469866 111314 972917 679102 939979 147830 259576 53126 507064 469866 160723 210022 390816 457141 630152 231080 85234 976487 362476 831797 1021798 1029617 959874 159555 251762 815814 838011 700369 836669 469866 221323 98834 873980 3569 993264 1029617 840591 848775 919407 539914 1029617 1030422 609053 939979 70134 733493 110932 231080 702858 692172 630518 741629 1029617 869066 407232 469866 621160 1029617 213533 580420 514348 1029617 823860 692172 869066 994062 398441 37146 757428 745062 440402 506017 272240 811866 2 396698 231080 85234 968654 37146 868786 395378 612957 469866 111314 353732 131622 1029617 530937 692172 960146 567616 184955 197749 923555 485054 692172 738411 3165 143392 469866 625824 873413 251762 510766 692172 1029617 7519 679356 231080 31493 605038 329810 840252 861105 655290 251762 617532 823860 692172 930775 477314 292157 741629 580420 600844 328944 1021798 251762 584354 692172 1029617 217606 231080 305999 745062 869049 539914 85234 884148 720334 353086 236917 655290 720876 251762 1007525 993264 665247 523420 469866 891688 653404 498270 655290 972917 415782 1029617 860716 889906 231080 585787 815095 732958 160024 1029617 972109 231080 84532 469866 81844 37146 1029617 860716 889906 469866 57204 251762 633629 231080 368280 37146 251762 843773 231080 368280 37146 724902 689181 231080 368280 37146 498360 477404 231080 368280 188867 238785 539914 571999 469866 972917 57279 231080 331778 374074 164412 169040 272698 498270 1021798 251762 320952 823186 994062 891688 844329 679133 238611 741629 156122 469866 621160 972917 415782 362101 1026616 605038 976284 939979 964183 238611 642409 643390 939979 251762 353086 469866 593735 960847 432869 415782 53858 514348 978371 231080 987559 231080 514348 1029617 881647 465611 205908 881168 238611 469866 827473 745062 534906 432686 856419 514348 978371 231080 987559 231080 37146 897758 231080 838011 700369 921888 469866 95842 871491 448779 292079 1026616 972917 901961 592986 692172 1029617 114466 65120 567616 74041 251762 1025768 773966 477361 259006 766508 898400 231080 429806 706379 568690 918643 213589 251762 243031 37146 238528 757980 667692 308241 73164 1029617 271797 692172 251762 766508 263271 251762 432495 692172 745062 506013 299781 251762 954921 961219 692172 738404 1021798 228569 231080 70892 811866 840027 547180 1029617 935800 159555 251762 1007525 753905 575878 468872 12404 741629 1025768 994062 169040 556978 881946 296137 840252 1029617 238961 514348 225923 750100 848159 575885 374074 1001909 911150 231080 585787 840252 1029617 787033 403863 469841 374074 881946 692172 1029617 251953 469866 160723 612957 169040 398441 37146 861105 469866 951424 539904 16430 700136 823860 692172 869066 939979 251762 615809 483226 993264 512771 589466 469866 30800 271797 661613 329810 881946 692172 477365 612957 469866 111314 329810 74119 724902 477365 884148 720334 528232 378615 547955 231080 85234 868786 420520 444610 774341 901860 795147 993264 1029617 353563 787191 320482 292157 654543 231080 838011 661083 469866 81844 716887 477314 605038 431877 231080 231080 231080 937399 225923 1017702 469081 407678 774898 469866 28904 952569 638630 948212 539914 750100 770135 169040 838011 836669 469866 162288 401266 329810 251762 379310 692172 745062 440402 192880 110979 1021798 111314 523080 135255 391066 1021798 881397 514348 69738 713010 1029617 684269 163736 82322 162288 394823 993264 477365 956729 231080 339201 73505 852920 168556 939979 1026616 349497 36040 251762 753357 815048 773966 251762 213932 436577 259576 692172 162288 37146 968943 782408 469081 169040 228374 521909 925019 469866 556440 162288 415782 864959 514348 849014 260050 162288 547350 931540 477314 160024 968707 1021798 477365 868899 407678 435179 231080 402739 231080 593735 231080 212883 231080 567616 204639 71832 1029617 104855 118230 469866 163736 73171 939979 436158 251762 7232 514348 564552 939979 1025795 980609 1021798 881397 514348 69738 713010 251762 41243 231080 162288 37146 106503 300090 831797 976450 197797 28101 889540 259576 514348 73171 192880 567616 259576 514348 192880 575878 927608 844259 231080 781795 453218 943145 498360 44861 299781 243500 152359 860515 469866 152359 637886 346246 741629 885972 169040 553066 1021798 564266 221323 530021 432869 877748 988964 251762 267918 514348 251762 349747 526705 19305 231080 435179 231080 317311 575878 1029617 960847 387304 939979 251762 898594 692172 238611 882354 956838 593406 317311 469866 111314 448779 738060 231080 552556 3569 877213 753905 779028 238611 741629 292339 539914 238611 849060 101243 164690 317311 231080 306332 238528 568865 19305 231080 435179 231080 522396 1001241 931912 231080 539954 3569 567616 972917 74078 774341 1029617 28104 168556 692172 592438 939979 943509 169040 347715 444589 469841 811866 688010 939979 674831 1029617 415514 37146 860716 939979 12404 362476 366570 994062 1025364 469866 875600 812770 510662 721059 1017702 62033 319283 37146 510531 782485 469866 114386 251762 403863 696339 758612 469866 160723 806632 251762 674883 762274 1021798 251464 939979 535493 251762 390761 683802 704049 37146 319134 915817 580420 1030573 605038 514348 903144 231080 672217 3569 169040 31493 753905 243500 831797 933478 493670 514348 477365 61269 391066 994062 1025364 469866 251762 234355 794320 630152 111314 329810 485033 1021798 688482 567616 749826 671631 575878 319283 428228 57301 337085 469866 1029617 506538 317227 1025809 567616 840591 308291 922466 1029617 192673 469866 745800 81555 436701 469866 221670 939979 475658 231080 331778 374074 36927 890232 169040 863411 665247 989746 469866 614710 515582 840602 939979 238611 516576 826866 939979 729539 655290 383066 612957 223578 956493 238611 1029617 85659 399142 692172 514188 514348 1029617 976671 597351 692172 670972 469866 980688 567616 696438 231080 85234 395070 329810 1029617 403755 939979 251762 968654 37146 333927 993264 537226 327424 37146 609626 553271 231080 863411 251762 581000 469866 614710 477730 655290 972917 753905 783321 238611 391066 469866 670972 469866 205365 567616 696438 231080 843560 831797 605038 209066 251762 473559 432869 575885 688010 432869 798771 251762 238812 164107 997730 994062 169040 322817 592986 514348 1029617 394893 692172 185228 994062 223565 943145 811866 2 69738 156372 1029617 873413 903144 469866 160723 778581 407678 982879 328213 497741 1021798 231497 169040 85234 403863 725490 592986 1021798 884148 720334 528232 1021798 1029617 853040 877891 889623 74189 1029617 879404 778581 539914 1029617 725837 469866 4411 762274 461476 231080 231080 231080 111314 831797 873558 444589 753501 357736 514348 251762 543912 659596 943839 403863 288574 1017618 535223 231080 863411 665247 33162 469866 173518 241394 840602 939979 516576 939979 799283 197797 337699 1029617 98797 692172 893904 168823 299781 956729 678363 724421 73164 972917 415645 724902 1029617 403304 692172 436920 469866 567616 1029617 473574 692172 1029617 32316 1021798 251762 382421 692172 443772 469866 941543 231080 138572 62033 438403 514348 856419 469866 498360 231080 231080 231080 469866 81844 73267 251762 485700 469866 596881 655290 81844 567616 477365 345821 329742 939979 941543 753905 939979 798771 745062 740968 807215 231080 368280 708654 498270 152359 952569 295605 721169 346246 438403 626287 469866 621160 74078 469866 605038 721059 374074 164412 231080 231080 231080 384594 161524 923384 312610 502008 939979 613637 1029617 947630 169040 244904 300090 567616 106503 976214 86269 469866 406380 808948 469866 498270 993264 1029617 700369 836669 238482 692172 376955 37146 714656 655290 251762 593735 127305 757297 477627 308335 184955 197749 96 939979 972276 692172 465778 469081 231080 643390 939979 248476 75102 37146 724976 469866 384594 815341 477365 98002 131622 514348 856419 1021798 243632 567616 415746 972276 692172 317285 1029617 160549 592604 539914 96 1021798 227001 472910 73164 1029617 568587 811866 514348 782646 160024 592986 431877 1026616 420543 655400 853051 384594 658497 939979 412138 469866 469866 726998 684280 811866 745468 939979 15938 502008 444589 811866 811883 222264 939979 238785 567616 502008 444589 811866 539373 939979 238785 1021798 972631 420064 231080 726998 881220 939979 665355 231080 593735 231080 469866 726998 613722 993264 12404 563729 231080 726998 791324 498360 646422 1021798 972631 420064 939979 1017702 563541 692172 811866 567616 726998 52928 374074 379334 726998 567608 313114 486082 563541 692172 811866 469866 350105 406380 231080 970129 259576 692172 630518 465778 692172 630518 477314 1029617 3569 283684 231080 970129 144051 259576 692172 630518 231080 571539 2 1021798 243276 231080 71832 469866 243500 831797 16430 994062 368280 489525 469866 15938 28904 811883 563541 901860 57857 882015 7492 420543 469866 882015 692172 811866 943145 74078 312477 57857 605038 231080 926560 815095 1017702 939979 226871 847775 12404 642409 469866 811866 815095 1017702 939979 226871 847775 469866 811866 15938 469866 408008 469866 811866 815095 1017702 939979 226871 847775 906703 12404 852646 231080 384594 972015 696339 89957 37146 477890 469866 218362 406380 469866 432869 948298 184578 477365 96 939979 122712 231080 149777 37146 98575 988606 972212 1026616 811866 811883 477314 655290 602866 10430 810869 169040 855645 700427 45168 473667 993264 582133 231080 873980 655290 961883 625072 184578 1029617 119062 695905 539954 3569 1029617 288069 251314 197749 539954 231080 903144 3569 939979 251762 1030294 19305 231080 929199 231080 966357 567616 75319 982549 469866 111314 73127 939979 461468 1001909 692172 440816 766069 567616 122532 73164 152359 90567 803087 231080 149777 37146 654381 251762 870351 572737 692172 251762 591947 37146 439646 764336 380296 982549 231080 398441 37146 243489 184955 391066 197749 251762 633696 543650 486080 948157 1021798 1029617 976671 469866 498360 1013960 939979 251762 633629 514348 765912 882015 152246 333157 939979 1029617 695745 655290 37146 782408 939979 238611 588485 169040 426276 698321 567616 1012752 6810 931540 600759 717587 1029617 852684 299781 251762 243431 567908 1030422 222160 837373 846999 758145 1021798 251762 904723 469866 379334 152359 972131 251762 986760 692172 893108 403863 37146 535886 897694 1021798 1023615 231080 643390 939979 987595 847311 469866 114322 299781 251762 362476 629933 1029617 1030422 263083 567616 204947 939979 1029617 57418 436936 231080 149777 894193 939979 374074 1029617 835709 692172 1023528 520101 169040 655877 762217 692172 238611 651582 897694 918537 469866 251762 435473 864870 398838 96 939979 251762 923009 692172 238611 432744 60990 73164 762217 692172 70937 294702 302737 701287 692172 79627 378281 231080 46647 271797 774341 497681 939979 251762 378281 1021798 882015 243489 567616 37099 382343 539914 745062 1017599 28531 231080 1023528 57204 469866 505327 831797 251762 472908 395070 726998 811883 770094 501948 27772 770094 231080 726998 143594 811866 629638 939979 688010 605038 73505 567616 799283 563541 251762 44861 231080 22601 169040 360150 736329 844329 374074 465253 622481 469866 621160 655290 234247 993548 238611 724902 193319 514348 352544 514348 251762 119513 465611 1021798 238611 1029742 231080 85234 531811 313215 510531 633629 840602 939979 516576 993264 582133 231080 33162 939979 799283 1029617 65915 724902 251762 473574 222571 469866 111314 840602 300443 299781 238611 580420 231080 726998 935220 444589 449073 370607 197749 726998 770094 497741 1026616 726998 329810 313217 469866 972917 700877 251762 86138 231080 415074 469866 726998 329810 407678 469866 57271 469866 726998 791324 848792 939979 374074 667657 231080 641795 831797 655290 994062 169040 942817 37146 745062 811041 44830 1021798 518470 960318 73164 881647 73164 726998 1017702 231080 71832 972631 283740 243456 939979 412138 469866 726998 791324 370081 1021798 972631 741629 1022265 231080 360150 972015 218362 972917 37146 721079 44860 811773 251762 601010 231080 747580 1029617 988606 592261 192943 1021798 251762 263271 994062 928168 535613 247882 260050 398857 12404 613733 994062 169040 398441 37146 251762 897744 1021798 518594 407977 113620 344815 37146 271558 469866 379334 73164 692172 231497 469866 477365 980941 981168 469866 769247 469866 329810 593627 567616 477365 923525 981168 469866 342702 469866 329810 589466 231080 368280 972015 415782 928104 469866 222839 469866 567616 265692 469866 371169 231080 1029523 605038 976284 939979 600704 469866 535613 943145 321126 692172 260050 398857 317285 911150 113620 831797 283740 939979 620309 469866 523420 469866 336267 469866 247882 469866 207658 469866 189753 469866 567616 455825 469866 746469 469866 432869 329810 501948 564552 514348 592258 1026616 113620 329810 1021798 477365 436810 231080 398441 275790 655290 65986 469866 535613 943145 993957 260050 398857 477365 980941 567616 923525 642409 169040 252362 243500 564266 57132 259576 625287 911150 510531 939979 444833 1029617 333092 717252 994062 880071 469866 729142 811866 2 144716 548770 469866 605038 770619 231080 85234 39211 679644 469866 432869 288574 486388 1021798 371529 469866 288574 118974 1026616 972917 758198 564552 299781 251762 319134 915817 923189 692172 593735 827196 1021798 591947 993264 582133 231080 998049 539904 952370 754008 81455 387195 231080 838011 836669 469866 144716 37146 358623 700877 1024599 231080 7231 655290 251762 441613 975204 403863 103066 592986 514348 198088 444565 939979 745062 951843 131264 394893 567616 840252 485957 910247 729142 972917 37146 847775 939979 12066 469866 308270 452986 221916 231080 838011 655290 897744 469866 390812 605038 469866 184708 169040 610963 156335 435473 74221 269530 1007980 567616 109804 632852 218362 152359 721169 939979 691518 346246 981168 37146 238528 391582 993264 346246 1030294 836165 231080 431739 811866 287834 448194 251314 994062 505327 836165 831797 976515 374074 251762 807035 836165 469866 251762 1030294 192779 700877 987595 847311 73164 762217 692172 745062 869049 655290 720876 251762 1007525 993264 603027 231080 247882 231080 149777 37146 753905 519024 231080 1029523 561804 284372 485958 469866 605038 408273 374074 993264 251762 836165 609790 514348 477365 238528 391582 169040 133146 951424 563541 774898 260050 469866 827965 831797 733493 73715 73164 588386 73164 670371 831797 765831 231080 571539 2 667155 939979 948157 655290 882015 1014188 721079 357736 169040 726998 486080 469257 160024 860515 402932 346132 469866 109804 218362 692172 197847 452986 69738 81844 408273 163740 477365 981168 939979 374074 993264 156335 435473 259576 394893 231080 571539 2 366025 993264 477365 197482 169040 252362 156083 1029617 3569 725293 238482 169040 71358 214356 486671 134692 390595 469866 81844 407109 231080 368280 402982 147830 403538 729142 81844 37146 976515 860515 605038 231080 1020423 469866 815095 860515 605038 169040 619699 469866 109804 218362 692172 477365 97955 704101 469866 726998 753905 62033 160024 939979 798771 939979 819841 539914 1029617 3569 316609 169040 682626 231080 305999 1029617 997009 848775 869049 514348 251762 550019 110727 692172 359915 469866 111314 720876 251762 1007525 993264 582133 231080 494724 469866 805260 971126 498270 655290 972917 543875 873413 106558 692172 131264 394893 530431 231080 340630 831797 510662 749709 939979 238785 231080 726998 791324 1029617 988606 700771 231080 726998 798771 1025795 939979 687959 823589 131264 852684 231080 96924 939979 935988 823589 469866 295605 469866 972917 218362 469866 814849 655290 972917 972015 914544 230288 567616 1029617 106558 156122 1029617 394893 231080 726998 791324 135217 246865 469866 972917 218362 231080 596049 823589 692172 539703 1029617 852684 567616 251762 596373 939979 135217 588320 563541 394893 994062 70892 811866 547350 840027 994062 169040 843560 45227 732958 1029617 860920 452986 906137 1026616 811866 575885 45227 732958 943936 994062 310820 987845 567616 108051 862345 497741 753905 655290 469866 251762 39211 679644 700877 85234 690989 993264 674459 73164 762217 692172 745062 869049 655290 720876 251762 1007525 993264 550019 725837 231080 108051 312610 855349 602866 567616 911250 28904 655400 914617 118076 972917 329810 407678 469866 37146 45227 732958 160024 231080 726998 218362 469866 575885 45227 732958 943936 469866 621160 786309 28904 497741 567616 81844 329810 498360 168092 539914 605038 469866 972917 218362 231080 626730 251762 726998 469866 571383 403863 469866 855349 602866 831797 498360 164412 231080 310084 69634 415782 251762 250959 943936 1021798 251762 593406 231080 571539 408273 753905 1017702 939979 774869 605038 724902 811866 469866 310820 169040 507913 567616 1029617 646158 357626 156638 44762 514348 678363 724421 169040 306332 724976 469866 307253 427924 493641 173518 241394 469866 786453 230288 922525 464942 976864 692172 251762 420520 980401 567616 346246 97955 184708 469866 556440 152359 732958 228909 469866 641911 539914 251762 391582 807035 827919 692172 563541 465611 1021798 1017723 692172 678363 37146 815705 939979 420520 951424 419557 1029617 712799 231080 138572 721145 251762 922525 819327 403775 939979 251762 635327 72238 352435 1021798 953984 299613 469866 1019091 469866 1021798 700369 1023615 231080 695333 753905 568690 564552 993264 726998 935988 514490 579052 80940 231080 726998 62033 939979 630562 238611 431877 939979 420520 231080 50623 317285 172632 469866 539914 882015 362101 724902 669311 231080 469866 173518 73267 1029617 342099 692172 230288 898087 82322 733493 251762 922525 993264 516576 993264 582133 231080 568865 231080 930591 3756 238611 1030294 692040 692172 228118 573340 221735 621940 73164 762217 692172 745062 869049 539914 1024599 86138 655290 720876 251762 1007525 993264 603027 231080 41544 469866 891688 653404 464691 655290 972917 485957 1029617 221735 131264 144051 852684 231080 726998 931044 1021798 856744 539914 251762 292509 692172 605038 964393 1029617 299854 567616 518470 1029617 267279 692172 613792 452986 1029617 737945 469866 366025 993264 972631 394893 469866 972917 218362 469866 814849 655290 972917 485957 778083 745062 951843 939979 57095 567616 69738 374074 993264 972631 172719 819895 692172 243500 658761 831797 539195 993264 402932 501948 394893 231080 825681 815520 1026157 231080 149777 37146 753905 407678 469866 726998 860515 605038 131264 852684 469866 972917 218362 231080 348252 642409 943145 630562 939979 122738 1021798 567616 69256 539914 238785 729142 152359 621715 939979 605038 37146 69738 407678 726998 791324 1021798 1029617 737422 452986 36927 231080 585787 726998 753905 621715 655290 465611 567616 498360 726998 753905 774869 605038 231080 149777 37146 510662 251762 840252 465611 726998 774869 514348 172632 131264 144051 394893 819895 692172 243500 831797 312477 993264 231080 331778 374074 164412 169040 124786 16430 259576 811773 1014188 1029617 815520 415514 469841 721079 1017702 939979 972212 539914 169040 266944 56366 477627 774341 1029617 835709 868994 477365 609762 283863 169040 287452 469866 655290 37146 861105 469866 720 162307 37146 835709 329810 498360 588768 655290 972917 626130 514490 477365 378615 547955 469866 795188 477365 609762 469866 807581 230601 939979 687685 251762 581036 431877 1021798 881397 514348 882015 333750 518662 169040 31493 497741 81844 860515 605038 994062 368280 465437 708112 469866 621160 53810 906577 564552 539914 251762 960847 469866 1002524 247468 655290 972917 11842 238611 857065 514348 160024 939979 408035 238611 893542 498360 81844 300079 231080 850467 876880 931540 600759 184955 197749 989708 213589 1029617 144051 852684 592986 993264 251762 836455 911250 996954 251762 897694 692172 2302 797380 217063 621833 962357 306983 369024 539914 1029617 28104 469081 1021798 884148 720334 528232 993264 582133 231080 873980 231080 643390 939979 251762 884148 720334 233205 469866 251762 787033 148209 61688 564552 251762 148218 514348 1029617 733982 856419 299781 126713 567616 600759 981677 993264 370181 299781 183040 1021798 315061 231080 593735 625635 692172 24563 807581 518471 939979 364964 440584 469866 379334 483485 300485 564552 745062 889807 400221 148218 951424 378982 614135 596499 692172 115902 692172 599987 341273 469866 111314 81844 247468 539914 77948 911113 231080 368280 428321 745062 12451 53761 514348 251762 840529 642773 469866 432869 317058 1029617 349498 692172 251762 61769 993264 72641 231080 1029523 261589 100536 320307 567616 724976 549768 320307 292572 346246 580420 1021798 319134 915817 886885 272679 799047 939979 324283 1009434 567616 304602 195461 783686 514348 721623 231080 507064 3569 1021798 836669 469866 251762 156335 435473 448779 1029617 28104 890232 588109 939979 911109 251762 972212 231080 85234 128467 473667 993264 661083 998049 655290 1021798 346246 126922 469866 261589 708112 939979 964606 195461 37146 790320 861168 1029742 993264 342106 700427 231080 138572 972015 708112 939979 3386 592986 539914 195461 1021798 906771 567616 299781 131405 716581 407678 299781 251762 976963 143866 514348 195461 37146 144051 710295 1021798 550019 255580 231080 208608 700877 85234 128467 655290 605038 329810 251762 238528 704808 143461 972212 1021798 518487 655290 151834 342106 700427 567616 683802 919174 73164 1029617 341266 231080 689741 469866 729142 811866 575885 338004 692172 605038 469866 251762 586618 575885 234353 1029617 243489 939979 696417 733493 692172 605038 469866 861105 994062 396698 1005353 592986 873413 539954 3569 939979 103019 950256 267110 860755 469866 1021454 567616 3089 1021798 1023615 567616 57012 251762 132026 877264 993264 303990 514348 477365 454695 37146 921608 683802 684269 231080 85234 250933 469866 111314 720876 251762 1007525 993264 582133 231080 123732 469866 284372 539914 251762 391445 469866 85234 242487 514348 16430 684269 329810 37485 469866 478281 231080 775338 231080 231080 231080 571539 415746 605038 563541 382343 231080 231080 231080 961795 506640 251762 473353 231080 231080 231080 863411 582133 231080 494724 469866 251762 968654 238194 794540 299781 1029617 60341 303626 159174 939979 74041 251762 584254 840569 231080 368280 807581 61688 564552 251762 148218 514348 131264 543650 432869 329810 299781 251762 667712 847775 486388 333739 469866 378639 259576 49080 260031 485756 407109 564552 939979 184955 197749 177230 231080 368280 972015 184578 701169 469866 73164 264054 73164 366854 567616 251953 773541 395070 110381 469866 939979 251762 545789 982775 559329 37146 23084 469866 398838 259576 399922 960847 1029617 363017 469866 160723 898507 939979 251762 105891 692172 950256 469866 448779 1029617 498691 456668 939979 745062 951424 408008 3753 469866 184578 869836 939979 251762 528232 692172 950256 631747 978136 469866 1005353 131622 99065 939979 251762 105891 692172 950256 37146 685456 464050 692172 909031 567616 415746 382343 548204 692172 810869 469866 73164 264054 73164 897742 469866 939979 1029617 28104 106724 860755 231080 641795 1029617 457501 169040 863013 199358 28119 724902 319134 915817 939979 958180 514348 1029617 28104 823589 939979 147830 564552 539914 901897 476625 500976 469866 251762 283740 692172 238611 259123 469866 951424 152359 477314 1021798 1029617 288069 497822 469866 251762 156335 403863 700877 318609 73164 762217 692172 745062 869049 655290 720876 251762 1007525 993264 665247 721623 231080 571539 655400 493623 469866 567616 726998 329810 407678 469866 726998 753905 621715 939979 943509 231080 726998 234247 506640 802581 379334 452986 548222 469866 972917 218362 231080 356022 114386 28904 2 1029617 263271 370607 231080 1029523 28904 497822 469866 605038 37146 115460 753905 114386 28904 811883 901860 382343 724902 972276 77948 514348 911150 881647 567616 28904 234247 948157 972276 77948 514348 407678 197797 4065 231080 948801 28904 1017702 443520 370607 469866 567616 726998 575885 737864 539914 238611 231080 138572 37146 911150 399922 231080 31493 605038 37146 197134 939979 948157 972276 77948 469866 621160 726998 329810 407678 469866 726998 753905 621715 939979 943509 567616 53085 16430 567616 943509 431877 231080 843560 147830 1029617 172719 732958 1026616 811866 575885 774869 1029617 1030422 708623 852432 159555 251762 102131 994062 446896 391066 724902 1029617 687546 994062 1012967 840252 687546 835927 943145 836302 868801 861164 951424 1029617 1026442 469866 621160 69738 179403 643876 169040 85234 757297 469866 432869 922547 564552 539914 477365 956729 692172 687959 260050 469866 149198 109804 469866 431877 1021798 437043 469866 988964 745062 986002 692172 660595 357643 1021798 477365 881722 1022949 1021798 231497 567616 411412 1021798 882015 988606 312180 169040 85234 403863 37146 361267 357643 819373 147880 518662 724902 882015 692172 477365 472908 968707 469866 378639 1029617 1021411 724902 471072 655290 292572 514348 593466 469866 160723 231080 368280 972015 803301 539914 869066 469866 57277 567616 184955 231080 938007 469866 179403 840602 580420 725837 231080 589466 3569 951424 424533 510531 403415 81844 803416 81844 234247 621715 951424 251762 1026442 231080 149777 485957 1029617 890232 172917 692172 543650 939979 572596 1029617 212883 857065 539914 346246 741629 827927 98797 985204 993264 251762 40607 231080 948801 655290 172917 692172 543650 831797 628408 187121 469866 432869 234247 753905 940059 1029617 857065 464942 238611 724627 473574 972917 37146 972015 481642 317285 939979 251762 692081 231080 85234 403863 692172 85234 777316 34453 692172 915861 840602 939979 516576 993264 603027 231080 123732 939979 799283 852920 337699 692172 477361 156372 251762 786816 231080 673104 51432 939979 80117 469866 972917 73267 259576 98797 692172 477361 193319 601160 238611 915861 370070 667712 469866 468315 445739 469866 379334 251762 985315 655400 872808 292572 231080 351684 564552 486082 972631 77893 452986 283740 110689 815152 284004 188841 263650 621160 486082 317285 469866 110689 679136 69738 374074 432869 110689 567608 452986 1017702 604479 251762 1014188 655290 110689 1017702 313114 469866 972917 531523 1021798 251762 860378 692172 563559 989275 231080 77215 1005682 57132 113251 819263 12404 1030010 231080 673104 320140 939979 501281 110689 143594 655290 110689 575885 580463 27772 939979 217800 567616 69738 374074 468746 692172 243500 12404 1005682 415782 448779 811866 625287 313114 169040 254504 811866 563541 498360 444589 514348 251762 856744 110689 481756 152387 327933 231080 1025364 469866 655290 37146 259576 243489 939979 147830 931274 169040 703654 478869 931540 600759 725915 993264 1029617 230909 333612 539914 745062 584470 423936 514348 477365 230288 848775 457141 654350 588715 196124 535043 1021798 384153 469866 409401 469866 290893 591249 473667 993264 603027 231080 721623 231080 85234 287646 564552 539914 1029617 230109 729534 514348 251762 1030294 683127 939979 251762 593735 127305 757297 37146 443539 105663 782485 81844 498270 655290 251762 333612 486080 704323 230288 976374 1018239 939979 494182 251762 185435 840252 259576 844686 831797 514287 575878 251762 633696 333612 231080 703654 37146 543912 341485 641958 630152 972015 353732 1029617 1030422 510127 724902 251762 856570 267438 692172 251762 419673 564552 939979 477365 32465 469866 1029617 96 580420 147880 296614 567616 1029617 502492 692172 251762 534659 222060 564223 539914 725915 1021798 122862 231080 571539 2 923384 251762 222060 567607 831797 419571 197749 358281 671110 580420 169040 116241 400643 931540 40499 184955 197749 820290 1021798 143392 724902 907769 37146 80845 553138 213589 251762 849060 561787 83002 231080 643390 939979 987595 847311 469866 238611 930775 440384 1029617 474241 200935 469866 1029617 177197 168765 469866 1029617 725808 168765 567616 1029617 947996 692172 489425 750371 593627 231080 1018663 231080 70892 811866 840027 547350 201389 251762 860716 1021798 36927 498360 341485 994062 169040 1025139 640716 329810 69738 81896 1026616 972917 848164 592986 655290 251762 337349 972917 127861 213589 251762 849060 233383 83002 329810 745062 8606 546162 889623 655290 453125 514348 977357 299781 133819 37146 231080 149777 37146 857294 655290 251762 20516 234247 506640 238785 655290 469866 251762 233074 739394 251762 884148 441613 633629 918787 939979 1029617 105742 464713 993264 603027 231080 214618 231080 726998 383324 374074 1021798 469866 407678 469866 1029617 148209 337349 469866 972917 489323 231080 85234 1009361 477314 1029617 592846 692172 205746 231080 138572 931604 688010 238785 1029617 592846 692172 391066 231080 253323 692172 906703 238611 1029617 592846 692172 391066 452986 1029617 592846 133806 391066 469866 523080 931604 209909 1025139 502008 444589 977357 275790 939979 251762 633696 543650 231080 149777 894193 939979 374074 517755 426614 169040 285987 203120 432869 914440 993264 818420 375243 692172 85234 40021 1021798 700369 836669 73164 762217 692172 426614 635689 37146 477893 498270 993264 274999 993264 603027 231080 539954 655290 251762 148209 696339 238611 263271 37146 857000 514348 24563 168556 911250 251762 943153 420430 329810 1018218 596766 231080 426614 848164 630518 572410 338064 28904 848164 758046 296086 469866 415746 238785 251762 456638 469866 324725 238785 514348 494724 168556 498360 726998 575885 798771 993264 972631 102287 169040 317338 285987 231080 838011 483987 540023 469866 1029617 412199 563797 939979 542685 947170 847775 426614 37146 848018 939979 251762 935767 972917 588673 993264 85234 40021 231080 138572 37146 251762 346132 37146 238812 547291 691599 770094 469866 218362 251762 539259 231080 138572 415782 1029617 679356 1021798 852152 251762 300125 469866 481487 567616 630547 514348 238611 477893 469866 567616 972917 489525 939979 563541 251762 889623 713005 1026616 972917 37146 69738 547350 696339 939979 374074 535613 231080 533625 658761 57132 655290 169040 626730 251762 412199 469866 138572 646231 1026616 972917 415782 939979 839848 473559 231080 231080 231080 138572 37146 547350 782408 939979 251762 670995 263271 923009 370607 231080 84532 852540 169040 975961 939979 943509 993264 1029617 156335 346132 994062 930591 605038 844329 342061 407678 251762 473559 993264 358281 428095 960157 247316 506549 407678 85234 215002 255882 943145 753905 407678 630518 469866 605038 663646 592986 535613 943145 882015 873558 1029824 786495 758106 53810 317285 169040 911828 302684 469866 432869 914440 993264 818420 160856 692172 85234 215002 469866 906669 564552 847775 238611 877264 73164 1029617 716454 231080 231080 231080 567616 502008 605038 468709 428321 238611 922547 169040 911828 567616 251762 77948 275761 655400 729534 514348 691517 346246 741629 700948 169040 287452 469866 214356 770114 683505 802885 299781 840423 505802 188459 993264 989106 251762 275761 1017702 939979 1026373 317285 724902 580420 169040 138572 997640 972917 910455 564552 692426 847775 775304 939979 923808 993264 238611 215002 630547 567616 1026616 972917 992907 329810 956493 308681 469866 972917 448779 923384 939979 815705 571999 655290 74078 774341 906969 993264 605038 169040 100970 535613 37146 36927 28904 575885 646883 939979 169040 684704 590687 931540 40499 692860 1021798 553457 143392 939979 601191 564552 238611 39211 213589 251762 849060 961219 83002 1021798 125050 993264 550019 903144 231080 169434 238611 717420 485054 692172 930775 655400 868786 489425 469866 1029617 868786 943263 651221 184955 197749 746469 485054 469866 1029617 868786 200935 567616 745062 873980 691544 168765 231080 398441 37146 243489 184955 485054 197749 28904 575885 840027 872808 729534 514348 169040 Stars are nothing like us 2018 edition Find out why Gwyneth Paltrow, Kim Kardashian West, Sofia Richie and more stars are nothing like us. Dwayne Johnson didn't just get a hotel room while shooting "Hobbs and Shaw" in London. He got a mansion -- specifically the nine-bedroom Surrey compound that Brangelina and their offspring once called home . The estate reportedly features two pools (one indoor and one outdoor), a tennis court and a home gym, but that just wasn't enough for The Rock, who set up his own personal 40,000-pound tented "pop-up" gym on the grounds of the estate. The wrestler-actor's "Iron Paradise," which reportedly accompanies him to every film shoot and takes hundreds of workers to set up, also features a full kitchen so that the superstar can feast on the healthiest meals without taking a break from his grueling exercise regimen, which kicks off at 5 a.m. every day. And if that's not impressive enough, wait till you get a load of this: On Thanksgiving , Dwayne and his family hosted an extra special guest at their temporary U.K. digs: equine actor Rusty, who portrayed the trusty steed of Russell Crowe's titular heroes in both "Gladiator" and "Robin Hood." "Thankful to Rusty and his pal, Rosey, for coming to the crib today for some Thanksgiving ridin' w/ the ohana," The Rock captioned a photo of himself and Rusty. Only The Rock could get a house call from one of Hollywood's most in-demand horses! Why take a private jet when you can take a private double-decker 747 ? That's what Kim Kardashian West and husband Kanye West did following the Thanksgiving holiday. On Nov. 26, 2018, the reality star took to her Instagram Story to show off the privately hired plane, which includes multiple private bedrooms and bathrooms, as well as a communal lounge and dining room. "No big deal, just taking a private 747," Kim joked in one video. "This is how he does it now -- only 747s! Private! I've never even heard of this, but whatever." The power couple also brought along their trainer for the flight "since it's so long so we can work out here," as Kim said. The following month, she shed some light on the trip during an interview with "Extra," explaining that Kanye charted the plane because he's "really into architecture" and "wanted to see this museum" on an island off of Japan. "He wanted to take his whole design crew and stuff to have his whole team get inspiration," she said. According to fashion search platform Lyst.com , Duchess Meghan's style is so influential, any brand she wears "will see a 200 percent increase in search demand over the following week." The website has dubbed this trend The Meghan Effect: "The Meghan Effect continues to grow worldwide," writes Lyst. "Her wedding day outfits caused huge spikes in search for both Givenchy and Stella McCartney, while her daytime looks have also inspired millions of shoppers to try a 'boat neck' or 'tuxedo dress.'" On Oct. 31, 2018, TMZ reported that Katy Perry dropped $7.5 million on a guest home -- a four-bedroom, five-bathroom, 4,400-square-foot property with a pool in Beverly Hills -- near the five-bedroom house she bought in the same neighborhood for $19 million in 2017. Why? So that her friends and family have a place to stay when they're visiting from out of town. Must be nice! Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra reportedly spent more than $800K on a full week of wedding activities , E! News reported on Dec. 2, 2018. Among the biggest expenses was the venue -- the Umaid Bhawan Palace in Jodhpur, India -- which costs an estimated $92K a night. (The bride and groom reportedly booked the entire hotel to host their friends and family from Nov. 29 to Dec. 3.) It's estimated they spent $120 per person on food for 200 guests ($24K total), $63K for three days of sound and lighting to ensure the venue was at its very best in photos and videos, $42K for three days of photography and videography, $282K on décor, $14K on the bride's traditional Hindu wedding sari and between $1,300 and $21K per person on plane tickets. It's no surprise considering the couple hosted the prime minister of India at one of their wedding receptions. Other over-the-top highlights include Priyanka's 75-foot tulle veil, which required the assistance of five attendants. Diddy channeled Will Smith -- who memorably celebrated turning 50 in September 2018 by bungee jumping out of a helicopter over the Grand Canyon -- by skydiving in celebration of his 49th birthday on Nov. 4. While plenty of thrill-seeking individuals celebrate their birthdays by jumping out of planes every day, how many get to land on the lawn of the Playboy Mansion? That's exactly what the music mogul did. (He lives two houses down from the iconic Los Angeles property.) After sticking the landing, Diddy took the party back to Ysabel restaurant and then to his own home for an epic afterparty. According to TMZ , he hosted 200 guests and had more than 50 cars parked outside -- until cops shut it down after receiving multiple complaint calls around 2 a.m. on Nov. 5 (a Monday). Multiple media outlets reported in late October 2018 that Madonna posted a job listing on the website Talent Private Staff seeking a private chef to cook kosher meals for herself and her brood at their homes in London, Lisbon and New York. The chef would reportedly bank somewhere between $108.3K and $140.1K a year. Yum. In other pampered celebritot news: On Dec. 1, 2018, just a few days before they called it quits , Offset dished on Cardi B's hectic travel schedule -- and her expensive habit of chartering private jets to be with their daughter , Kulture -- while chatting with Us Weekly. "She's flying private jets for baby girl to be with her," said the Migos rapper. "She's paying a lot of money, but it's all love for Kulture. And that's who she do everything for first and I respect it." Continued Offset, "I'll fly to her or she'll fly to me. Because we need the time." Well, if there's a silver lining to the breakup, it's that Cardi's bank account will be a little less strained with Offset out of the picture… In late 2017, Mel B removed a ribcage tattoo dedicated to her ex-husband , Stephen Belafonte. (The tat read, "Stephen, till death do us part you own my heart.") Instead of having the body art covered up or lasered away, the Spice Girl had the skin featuring his name surgically removed. She then placed the removed skin in a jar and stored it above her wardrobe, she revealed during a November 2018 appearance on the British talk show "Loose Women." Said the singer, "I've saved it in a jar, which sounds a bit strange, I know. … It's at the top of my wardrobe. Nobody can see it, but I know it's there and it's off my body." She went on to explain why she had the tattoo surgically removed: "I just thought, 'I can't go through the pain of getting it lasered,' so I convinced a doctor to cut it off my body," she said. "It sounds horrific, but what I went through was so horrific." Added Mel, "A lot of my surgery was to do with getting out of my abusive relationship. … It was almost like a cleanse. I just wanted to feel fresh and new again and untouched by that person. … I didn't want to have any remnants of him on me." Just because she's now a mother doesn't mean you should expect to see Kylie Jenner behind the wheel of a minivan anytime soon. The 20 year old celebrated the birth of her first child, daughter Stormi, with a $1.4 million push present : a black Ferrari LaFerrari, which she showed off on her Instagram Story on Feb. 24. The reality TV star shared a short video of her super-expensive ride as its butterfly doors opened. "Push present," she could be heard saying in the clip. (It's unclear whether the car was a present from baby daddy Travis Scott or from herself.) We were lucky if our mom let us pick out our own clothes when we were 6, but that alone would be too pedestrian for Blue Ivy Carter. The daughter of Beyonce and JAY-Z already has her own stylist and personal shopper! In 2018, Beyonce's rep confirmed that Manuel Mendez, who has also served as Beyonce's personal assistant, has been working as the tot's shopper and stylist -- reportedly since she was 20 months old! Meghan Markle made headlines after she broke royal protocol by hugging a charity worker while visiting a homeless center in Scotland on Feb. 13. Apparently, members of the royal family are not supposed to hug commoners in public. We'll add that to the very short list of cons that come with marrying Prince Harry. Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban have never texted, the Oscar winner told Parade as part of an interview that hit the Internet on June 25. "That is so not our relationship," she said, adding that she and her husband prefer "voice-to-voice or skin-to-skin" contact. Apparently, the duo "didn't know how to text" when they started dating back in 2005. Somehow, in all those years, they never picked up the mode of communication that the rest of us depend on every day. "We talk all the time, and we FaceTime, but we just don't text because I feel like texting can be misrepresentative at times," said Nicole. "And I've had the thing where I re-read texts and I'm like, 'What does that mean?' and then read it to somebody and go, 'Can you interpret that?' I don't want that between my lover and I." Imagine flying 6,000 miles every weekend! That's exactly what John Krasinski did in order to be with his family while shooting his Netflix show "Jack Ryan." The actor made this majorly romantic gesture every single weekend, hopping on a plane from Montreal to head to London where wife Emily Blunt was filming "Mary Poppins." The Mail on Sunday reported on June 30 that Victoria Beckham owns a whopping 14 engagement rings, including the emerald-cut yellow-diamond sparkler worth more than $157K that she debuted at the Dior Homme presentation during Paris Fashion Week on June 23. The former Spice Girl's collection is reportedly worth more than $11.6M. But not every piece has come directly from the designer's husband, David Beckham: "He doesn't buy Victoria a ring every few years, but he's treated her to some of them," a source told The Mail on Sunday. Posh reportedly bought the rest for herself. Niiice. Very few people actually try to gain weight -- but occasionally, actors have to pack on the pounds for a role. This was the case for Charlize Theron ahead of shooting her 2018 film "Tully," for which she gained 50 pounds to play a struggling mother. In order to maintain the weight gain, Charlize had to be very dedicated, which included setting alarms in the middle of the night to eat. The actress told "Entertainment Tonight," "I would literally wake up at 2 in the morning and I'd have a cup of cold macaroni and cheese just next to me. I would wake up and I would just eat it… I would just, like, shove it in my throat. It's hard to maintain that weight." Paris Hilton reportedly hired 24-hour security to protect the $2M engagement ring with which Chris Zylka proposed in late 2017. TMZ reported on Jan. 2 that the security detail was never far from the bling, though they wore street clothes to avoid being detected by potential thieves. Back in 2013, The Hollywood Reporter explained that a bodyguard can cost between $500 and $1,000 a day, so if Paris hired only one security officer to watch over the ring, she's looking at a minimum of $182.5K a year. Yikes. No word on whether or not Chris will use the same security measures when Paris returns the ring now that they've called it quits... DailyMail.com reported in early October that in her new book, "Lessons: My Path to a Meaningful Life," Gisele Bundchen details her insanely rigid diet, which she unironically describes as "not too strict," explaining that the majority of her meals consist of "raw or lightly steamed vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains, with the occasional small piece of meat or seafood added into the mix." (She eats meat twice a month and fish once a week, she says.) For dessert, the supermodel has "a blend of avocado and coconut" with honey and dates to sweeten things… If that doesn't sound as appealing to you as a big hunk of chocolate cake, it's probably because you don't have Susan, Gisele's personal chef, who comes to the model's home five days a week to cook for her and her family. Of all the revelations regarding what she eats (or doesn't) -- aside from the fact that her goal is "to turn every meal into a form of meditation" -- perhaps the most shocking is this: The supermodel doesn't consume liquids while she's eating because her mother taught her that "it's too hard on the digestive system." In fact, Gisele doesn't drink anything for at least half an hour after she's done eating. Geeze. Eager to do a great job playing the late Princess Margaret on Season 3 of Netflix's "The Crown," Helena Bonham Carter hired a psychic to contact the late royal to help her nail her portrayal of Queen Elizabeth II's sister (the monarch is being played by Olivia Colman on Season 3), the Sun reported in September 2018. "[Helena] always likes to research her roles with as much depth as possible and is always prepared to go that extra mile," a TV insider told the newspaper. "So if that means using someone with supernatural powers to speak to a character who is now on the other side, then Helena has no problems with doing that. She is naturally spiritual and open-minded and is delighted she's had such positive feedback from the late royal." That's right: According to the Sun, Margaret has let Helena know that she's "doing a great job." Costume designer Mary Vogt borrowed couture from some of the biggest names in fashion for "Crazy Rich Asians." But it was no small task: The designer gowns on loan had to be insured, while some of the jewelry had to be guarded. "Luckily, a couple of the jewelers, like Bulgari and Chopard, supplied their own security teams," she told Page Six as part of an interview that hit the Internet on Aug. 6. Surprisingly, one of the most iconic pieces of jewelry featured in the film -- Eleanor Young's emerald engagement ring -- wasn't on loan from a jeweler but rather from the actress who brought Eleanor to life, Michelle Yeoh. "Michelle wears a lot of her own jewelry in the movie -- she has a pretty extensive collection! In fact, that emerald engagement ring was actually Michelle's. She brought that in and was like, 'Will this work?'" said Mary. Kim Zolciak-Biermann's diamond earrings are just too heavy for her ears, so she did what any other rich and famous reality star would do -- put filler in them! Yep, that's right, the former "The Real Housewives of Atlanta" star's daughter Brielle shared one of Kim's beauty secrets on Twitter, opening up about the fact that Kim gets injections in her ears. This procedure plumps up the ear and fixes the problem of saggy, stretched-out ear lobes. You learn something new every day! After Kit Harington and Rose Leslie tied the knot on June 23, they hosted a reception at Wardhill Castle, a 12th century estate in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, that's been in the bride's family for 900 years. Yep, she owned a castle BEFORE she became a famous actress. It pays to be pals with Oprah Winfrey ! The media mogul gave Mindy Kaling a pretty epic present when she welcomed her first child , daughter Katherine, in late 2017. "Oprah's present to me was a hand-carved bookcase packed with 100 of the essential children's books of all literature, and each book was inscribed with a little sticker that said 'Katherine's Book Club' -- like 'Oprah's Book Club.' The bookcase was carved in the shape of an old-timey castle," Mindy told Stephen Colbert during a March appearance on his late-night show. On Aug. 16, Jennifer Lopez donned an ensemble that cost more than most Americans make in an entire year -- a whopping $68,440 -- during an outing with boyfriend Alex Rodriguez in New York City. According to Page Six, the superstar's pink Valentino frock -- hardly one of her cutest getups -- set her back $7,300. Her Gucci sandals rang in at $1,250 while her Fendi handbag, which wasn't available for sale to the public until November, will set back copycats $3,890. Finally, her Yeprem diamond hoop earrings are worth $56,000. Only a celebrity could potentially inspire someone to run for president (and win!). According to filmmaker Michael Moore's documentary "Fahrenheit 11/9," Donald Trump was inspired to enter the race for the presidency because he was upset when he heard Gwen Stefani was making more money on NBC's "The Voice" than he was making for the network's "The Celebrity Apprentice." His presidential run was initially a negotiating tactic to make more money. There's no confirmation of this, but Michael points out that the two are both repped by legendary Hollywood agent Ari Emanuel. Dublin's Delahunt restaurant closed to the public to accommodate Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan for lunch on July 11. According to Vanity Fair , the couple made arrangements in advance to visit the venue and even pre-ordered their meals. The British ambassador to Ireland and a team of palace aides reportedly joined the duo for lunch, but the pair ate alone in the restaurant's "snug," an area "tucked away at the back of the restaurant close to the kitchen" to avoid prying eyes. Did you get your hair done before your high school reunion? Your makeup? Well, before the stars of "Jersey Shore" started taping their 2018 reunion series, "Jersey Shore Family Vacation," they opted for more intense touch-ups -- the type that require needles! Nicole " Snooki " Polizzi and Mike " The Situation " Sorrentino both went in for Botox before filming began, their doctor told Page Six. Who knew red carpet couture was so expensive to mail? Christian Siriano opened up about just how much it cost to send his designs to Los Angeles during the month of the 2018 Academy Awards -- and the price tag is astronomical! He shared that he spent about $50,000 to FedEx "about a hundred" pieces to clients since stylists "don't have a budget for shipping," which means designers have to foot the bill themselves. He dressed 17 stars for the show and parties including Kelly Ripa, Amy Adams, Laurie Metcalf, Janelle Monae, Lindsey Vonn and Whoopi Goldberg. Kerry Washington gave a Tomorrow Sleep mattress to every member of the cast and crew of "Scandal," which aired its final episode in April. The mattresses (a queen size costs between $800 and $1,000) were the culmination of a week of gift giving by the Emmy nominee, who referred to the presents as the "Scandal Survival Kit" during an interview with " Entertainment Tonight " that hit the Internet on March 13. "It had work-out classes and sneakers and wine and food and books. … It's all the things you haven't had a chance to do while we've been working," she said. "But I wanted to end with a mattress. … We work 16-hour days and sometimes some departments have eight-hour turnarounds, which means they're sleeping five, six hours a night, and I just really feel like having a [good] mattress is something you're supposed to do for yourself but you don't do it enough." Added Kerry, "I wanted to give that to our 'Scandal' family. … I felt like I wanted us to feel the joy, the gratitude and joy of what we've been able to experience together." How thoughtful! Adele hasn't released new music since 2015 and her "Live" tour ended in mid-2017, but she still raked in more than $30K a day last year. (Yes, we said "a day.") The Sun reported in early October that the singer took home $11.2 million in profits after taxes in 2017. In late September, Sharon Osbourne revealed during an appearance on "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" that her husband, Ozzy Osbourne, had 3,000 pounds of ice delivered to their Los Angeles home in an effort to cool their swimming pool. "He ordered it and it came in a big truck and one of those big cranes brought it in," she said, describing the experience as "fabulous" -- but ultimately unsuccessful. "Too hot, he couldn't get it cold enough," Sharon continued. "And then that melted in like two minutes, so now he's got a special machine put in the pool to make it ice cold." Imagine wearing $6.5 million in jewelry over the course of your whole life. Now imagine doing that in the course of a week! That's what Blake Lively did. The actress donned jewels worth the exorbitant amount in August 2018 over a period of just a few days. Among the pricey items? Diamond rings weighing in at 28 and 15 carats, a custom strawberry-shaped brooch and ruby earrings. On Oct. 5 -- less than three months after she took to Instagram to show off the his-and-hers Lamborghinis that she and Offset bought themselves after welcoming their daughter , Kulture, in July -- Cardi B returned to the photo-sharing platform to debut the brand new Lamborghini truck that the Migos rapper gifted her for her 26th birthday, the very first one of its kind in the United States, according to him (see it here ). "Now I'm really gonna have to learn how to drive," Cardi said in a video about the truck. Yeah, no kidding. On July 21, Us Weekly reported that MTV is paying Bristol Palin $250K to star on the new season of "Teen Mom OG." (She'll reportedly take home $300K if she appears on a second season and $350K if she returns for a third season.) "Bristol came in hoping for a very big payday and really thought she could and would get $500,000," a source told Us Weekly, adding that none of the other "Teen Mom" stars "made close to that when they first started or even now." If only it were so easy to pay the bills for every onetime teenage parent… How far would you go for someone who publicly criticized your parenting skills? Far if you're Chip Gaines and Joanna Gaines! Daryl Austin, a writer for USA Today, enraged "Fixer Upper" fans when he wrote in April that the couple "did not get where they are now by putting their family first." His article gained some traction, prompting a response from Chip on Twitter and a follow-up article from Daryl for Fox News. Ultimately, the writer reached out to the Gaineses to apologize to them directly. The HGTV stars then offered Daryl and his family a free stay in one of their two vacation rental houses in Waco, Texas. (According to People.com, when reservations for Magnolia House and Hillcrest Estate are released in six-month increments, they regularly get booked up within as little as five minutes.) "I turned it down," Daryl told People.com as part of an interview published on July 2. "I would not be comfortable with them paying for it, but I had told them that we would love to visit Waco someday and we still will, just not on their dime." Winning money in a divorce settlement? Pretty common. Receiving seven figures in your divorce from a huge movie star and choosing to donate it all to charity ? Well, that's really just not typical at all. Amber Heard donated a very large sum of money to Children's Hospital Los Angeles after finally getting her financial settlement following her May 2016 split from Johnny Depp. Though the exact number is unknown, it's reportedly between $1 million and $4,999,999. Demi Moore and Soleil Moon Frye are close -- real close. During an interview with Us Weekly that hit the Internet on Aug. 13, the "Punky Brewster" star revealed that the older actress helped deliver all four of her children . "She's been in all my birth rooms," said Soleil. "She's like a doctor. She's like, 'Alright. I'm here. Step back everybody.'" Demi was especially helpful back in 2016 when Soleil went into labor with her fourth child, son Story, before her obstetrician was available to assist: "Demi gets [on] the phone with the doctor, she's like, 'If you're not gonna do it, I'm gonna do it,'" Soleil recalled. "She was ready. But then [the doctor] walked in and within five minutes, the baby popped out. He literally, like, shot out." Hey, not everyone gets a helping hand from one of Hollywood's most iconic actresses while experiencing the miracle of birth! How much was the outfit you wore on your last birthday? We bet it didn't even come close to Gigi Hadid 's 23rd birthday wardrobe -- which is estimated to have cost over $25,000! Yep, that's right, Gigi rocked a custom Atelier Versace minidress that is so pricey and hard to come by that its exact price tag is unknown, though it reportedly costs five figures. Gigi donned the golden frock with $995 Christian Louboutin pumps. Her second outfit of the night involved a Swarovski crystal-studded custom Juicy Couture tracksuit that reportedly cost $2,275, bringing the total to a number that's easily more than the price of the average person's car. On July 30, a woman from the Atlanta area claimed on Facebook that Ludacris dropped $375 on her groceries at Whole Foods -- even though they'd never met before. And it's not the first time the rapper has picked up the tab for a stranger at an Atlanta-area grocery store. Back in May, another woman claimed on Twitter that Luda bought her cousin groceries at Whole Foods. "Funny thing," the "Fast and Furious" franchise star's manager told The New York Times. "Luda does these things all the time. But he doesn't want to do interviews to highlight it. It's just his heart." Do you love Disneyland? Many people have an affinity for all things Disney, and Neil Patrick Harris is among them. But due to his superstar status, when it came time to bid on an amazing piece of Disney memorabilia , Neil had the means to pay up -- big-time! He shelled out $172,500 for an original picture from the Haunted Mansion. He bid on the artwork -- one of the stretching portraits from the famous ride -- at an auction called "Souvenirs of Disneyland." During an interview with ELLE that hit the Internet on March 15, Kim Kardashian West confirmed the rumor that there's a clause in her will stipulating that her hair, makeup and nails will always be done -- even when she's no longer able to take care of herself. "I made a section that if I am so out of it that I can't even communicate and I'm, like, s------- on myself, I definitely need my hair, my nails and my makeup done. I want to look as good as possible," she said. Vanity, thy name is Kim. According to the New York Post, Brad Pitt was ready to drop $120K during a charity auction for the opportunity to watch an episode of "Game of Thrones" with Emilia Clarke . Bidding for the private viewing party with the blonde beauty, who stars as Daenerys Targaryen on the hit HBO series, started at $20K during the $15K-a-seat benefit gala for Sean Penn's Haiti disaster recovery charity in Los Angeles on Jan. 6. Brad initially offered $80K during the auction before upping his bid to $90K. Emilia's "GoT" co-star Kit Harington reportedly upped the bid again, prompting Brad to raise his bid to $120K. Ultimately, both stars lost to another attendee, who threw down $160K in the final bid. Moral of the story? You can Netflix and chill without breaking the bank, but if you wanna HBO Go and chill with a celebrity, it's gonna cost a pretty penny. A lot of ladies hate wearing heels, but when you're a celebrity, sometimes they're part of the dress code. Kristen Stewart took issue with that rule during the Cannes Film Festival , opting to kick off her Christian Louboutins mid-red carpet and walk the rest of the way barefoot at the premiere of "BlacKkKlansman." Kristen reportedly opted to defy the rules due to the film festival's unfair and stringent rules, which require females to wear heels on the red carpet -- which obviously doesn't jive with Kristen's history of sometimes wearing sneakers at formal events. As part of an interview with E! News that hit the Internet on Feb. 27, the ladies of "A Wrinkle in Time" dished on the "normal people" things they do and don't do. Oprah Winfrey , for example, doesn't answer her own phone, buy her own groceries or pump her own gas. ("I wouldn't know what to do," she said.) She does, however, pay her own bills, make her own breakfast and walk her own dogs. Mindy Kaling also refuses to pump her own gas, while Reese Witherspoon admitted she only sometimes buys her own groceries and pumps her own gas. Sheesh. Mark Wahlberg and a priest walk into a casino... No, it's not the setup of a joke, it's real life! The actor actually brought a priest in to bless his new gambling den, the Ocean Resort Casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey. So if you ever feel like gambling in a space blessed by the Catholic Church, head to Mark's place! The August 2018 passing of Aretha Franklin reminded us that even in death, stars are nothing like the rest of us. To send the legendary diva out in style, her body was dressed in a different designer gown -- red, blue then rose gold -- during each day of her public viewing as she lie in a 24-karat gold casket at Detroit's Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History. Per her family's wishes, the Queen of Soul's body was also styled with elaborate accessories including five-inch patent leather Christian Louboutin heels and custom-designed earrings. Bella Thorne told the Los Angeles Times as part of an Oct. 18 profile that she has 19 cats , all the offspring of her original cat, Lola, whom she refused to spay because she finds the practice "barbaric." According to the newspaper, the actress and her army of felines share her home with a 12-foot tall unicorn statue. But of course! Jennifer Lopez reportedly dropped $13K on her twins' 10th birthday party at Sugar Factory in Las Vegas on Feb. 22. According to TMZ , the superstar hosted more than 30 people at the restaurant for about four hours. The party reportedly included a custom red velvet Mario Bros. cake for Max and a chocolate sloth cake for Emme. At the end of the night, J.Lo picked up the $7,500 tab... and added a more than 73 percent tip of $5,500. While $100,000 is more than most people make in a year, when you're the rich and famous daughter of a celebrity who's dating another celebrity, you can make that by posting one single photo on Instagram! Take one of Sofia Richie's May posts , for example, where she's seen sitting on a staircase wearing a pair of slides alongside a dog. The innocuous photo, captioned "Happy Sunday! @ugg," netted her $100,000. Must be nice! New York City's Equinox gym opens at 5:30 in the morning on weekdays -- unless Mark Wahlberg wants to stop by for some extra-early exercise . The actor had the fitness club to himself when he and his posse worked out in the wee hours on Aug. 15. "They opened an hour early," a source told Page Six. "He arrived at 3:45 a.m. and was extremely gracious to the staff for coming in early. He was giving hugs and fist bumps all around." The gym was reportedly still empty when the Oscar nominee and his squad left around 5:15 a.m. Why drive 70 miles when you can fly? According to TMZ, Hailey Baldwin and Justin Bieber took a private helicopter from New York City to the small town of New Windsor -- where Hailey's parents, Stephen and Kennya Baldwin, live -- on July 10. (If Google Maps is to be trusted, the drive would've taken just a little more than an hour and a half.) Imagine having to apologize for looking like a normal person! Fortunately, when we step outside of our house, no one is holding us to a super-high standard, but that is not the case for some stars. In May, it happened to Jennifer Love Hewitt , who showed up on the red carpet at the FOX Upfront presentation sans a full-glam look. She took to Instagram to apologize to fans after she received backlash for not looking like a typical Hollywood star, saying, "I just have to apologize for how wrecked I look in all the pictures that have come out. I was literally melting. By the time I got to the red carpet, I was honestly melting. My hair was flat, my makeup was running off my face and I looked like I had completely forgotten I was an actress in this business who is supposed to look [perfect] when you step on the red carpet." According to The Blast, Kanye West rented out the entire Chobe Safari Lodge, a five-star luxury resort in the middle of Uganda's Chobe National Park, for a full week in October so that he could record new music and hang out with his family in peace. Just imagine: 36 rooms, 21 luxury tents, four suites, a presidential cottage, a health club, a spa and a safari-themed restaurant all to yourself... not to mention the stunning Murchison Falls waterfall and all the animals that call the lodge home. Who said money can't buy you love? Barbra Streisand loved her late Coton du Tulear pup Samantha so much, she had her cloned … twice! During an interview with Variety that hit the Internet in late February, the singer-actress revealed that two of her three dogs, Miss Violet and Miss Scarlett, were cloned from cells taken from Samantha's mouth and stomach. (After Samantha died at the age of 14 in 2017, Babs commemorated her with a gravesite complete with a custom headstone , which she showed off on Instagram on March 5.) As for Violet and Scarlett, "They have different personalities," Barbra told Variety. "I'm waiting for them to get older so I can see if they have her brown eyes and her seriousness." Taylor Swift isn't even 30 yet, but she's already racking up one hell of a real estate portfolio . The New York Post reported on Feb. 5 that the singer dropped $9.75 million on a 3,540-square-foot second-floor unit in an apartment complex on the same block in New York City's Tribeca neighborhood where she owns three other properties. In 2014, she reportedly dropped $19.95 million on two top-floor units in the same building as the new purchase, which she combined to make one giant 8,000-square-foot penthouse pad. The fourth property is in a building across the street: In late 2017, Taylor spent $18 million on a three-story townhouse with a private garage to ward off paparazzi. Most of us own a jewelry box, but a custom home for a piece of jewelry? That's certainly an insane expense -- unless you're Drake . The rapper's diamond owl chain, which features over a kilo of gold and more than 100 carats of Asscher-cut diamonds, measures nearly the size of a human hand. So it was only right that the massive piece of bling got its own home -- fittingly crafted in the form of a birdcage . During an interview with The New York Times Magazine that hit the Internet on July 25, Gwyneth Paltrow revealed that she has a "house manager." But don't call him a butler. "No, he's a house manager," explained the actress. "He's the best. He's from Chicago. He's so incredible. He helps me with everything," she gushed. (Must be nice!) Also revealed in the lengthy article? Gwyneth might cook her own meals, but she has help when it comes to feeding her kids: According to the Times, "A woman who has worked for G.P. for a long time stood beside her, cooking an entirely separate dinner for G.P.'s children." In late September, Duchess Meghan made headlines when she climbed out of a chauffeured car and shut the door behind herself -- breaking royal protocol. "Door Gate" went down during the newlywed's first official solo engagement as a member of the royal family: the opening of an exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts in London. Can you imagine causing a stir across the Internet just by closing your own door?! Being robbed isn't only a problem for celebrities -- regular folks can be victims too. But only a rap star would be robbed of a $150,000 chain! That's right, after wearing this elaborate piece of jewelry to the Met Gala on May 7, Migos member Offset was robbed of his chain , which was taken from his New York City hotel room. The diamond tennis necklace had been sitting on a coffee table before its disappearance. In June, he mysteriously got it back... If celebrities have friends like these, we'd rather stick with regular folk! In 2017, Kevin Hart was the victim of an insane extortion plot in which someone demanded money in exchange for not releasing a video allegedly showing Kevin cheating on his wife. Fast-forward several months to when cops arrested the alleged culprit behind the master plan -- one of Kevin's very close friends! Jonathan Todd Jackson, whom Kevin has known for 15 years (Kevin even reportedly got him roles in his flicks like "S.W.A.T." and "Think Like a Man Too"), allegedly attempted to extort the comedian for up to eight figures in exchange for not releasing the tape. Kevin's former friend is facing two felony counts -- one for attempted extortion and one for extortion by threatening letter. Some stars are so good at what they do, they beat their own records! Case in point: Taylor Swift -- who previously held the record for the highest grossing U.S. tour by a woman thanks to the success of her 2015 "1989" world tour, which made $181.5 million domestically -- just surpassed her own numbers with her 2018 "Reputation" stadium tour. Her first 27 U.S. dates grossed $191.1 million -- and she still had a few months of concerts to go! How much would you pay to add a celebrity's house to your property portfolio? Well, Leonardo DiCaprio really must have wanted Moby's old digs, because the star paid $500,000 above the asking price in order to secure the electronic music artist's Los Angeles home -- snagging it for $4.91 million! So just what is Leo getting for his extra money? Well, the five-bedroom pad -- which was built in 1929 and lovingly renovated by Moby -- includes high ceilings, a secret speakeasy entrance and three fireplaces amidst a calm, pale color scheme, according to MailOnline. Must be something special! On July 19, Cardi B took to her Instagram Story to reveal that restaurant chain Chipotle sent her a briefcase full of coupons for a lifetime supply of chips, guacamole and queso. The gift was a response to the rapper's verse on Jennifer Lopez 's song "Dinero." On the track, Cardi raps that she just wants her "money, chips, guac and queso." (Why is it always the people who can pay who get the most free stuff?!) Heading out for a day of shopping? Chances are you're not rocking a nearly $4,000 jacket like Jessica Simpson did in April! The star stepped out in New York City in a tiny slip dress underneath a Gucci jacket with a $3,980 price tag ... which is pretty much chump change for the super-wealthy pop star-turned-fashion mogul. On July 21, Alexis Ohanian took to Instagram to share two photos : a shot of himself smiling at wife Serena Williams as she drank from a glass of wine, and a photo of a gondola in the canals of Venice, Italy. "She wanted Italian for dinner, so...," he captioned the pics, implying that he and his missus traveled to Italy just to get an authentic meal . He later revealed they'd actually planned their Italian vacay, but still, it must be nice... George Clooney sure knows how to repay a favor! His friend and former business partner , Rande Gerber, revealed on a late 2017 episode of MSNBC's "Headliners" that the A-list actor once gifted more than $1M to each of 14 friends . According to Cindy Crawford's husband, George invited his "boys" over for dinner in 2013 and gave each of them a suitcase filled with $1M in $20 bills as a thank you for helping him out back when times were tough: "George begins to say, 'Listen, I want you guys to know how much you've meant to me and how much you mean to me in my life. I came to L.A., I slept on your couch. I'm so fortunate in my life to have all of you and I couldn't be where I am today without all of you,'" recalled Rande. "Every one of us -- 14 of us -- got a million dollars. Every single one of us. We're in shock. Like, what is this? He goes, 'I know we've all been through some hard times, some of you are still going through it. You don't have to worry about your kids, you don't have to worry about, you know, school, you don't have to worry about paying your mortgage.'" George also paid everyone's taxes, said Rande, who ultimately donated his $1M to charity. It's no big deal when you've got that "Harry Potter" cash! Several media outlets reported on Feb. 18 that Emma Watson donated a jaw-dropping £1 million (a little less than $1.4 million) to the new U.K. Justice and Equality Fund, which aims to support victims of sexual harassment and abuse as they seek justice. (It's basically the British version of the Time's Up Legal Defense Fund .) That's way more money than the average person will see in a lifetime, so props to the actress for donating some serious dough to a cause that's close to her heart! Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner reportedly dropped $45K a night at the ultra-exclusive private island Coco Privé resort in the Maldives, where they celebrated the "Game of Thrones" star's 22nd birthday in February. According to Page Six, amenities at the property include a private chef and access to a luxury yacht. It pays to be a fan of Ellen DeGeneres ! As part of her 60th birthday celebration , the TV host awarded $1M to the members of her studio audience as part of Cheerios' One Million Acts of Good campaign. (Each member had contributed to the campaign in some way and walked away with an equal portion.) Ellen explained, "[This is] the biggest gift I've ever given anybody ever. I hope you continue to pay it forward and share all the good." Nice! Jane Seymour might be nearing 70, but that didn't stop her from posing for Playboy for the third time in her career. The 67-year-old actress took to Instagram on Feb. 21 to share a snap from the photo shoot, which took place at her home. "I feel much sexier now than I ever did when I was younger," she told the magazine. "Then, I was like, 'Oh gosh, I'm supposed to be sexy. What is that?!' There's an enormous freedom in having lived as long as I have. Like my father used to say, I'm comfortable in my own skin." Jane also said she's never gone under the knife. Have a big age gap in the family? Are there 30 years between your sons?! That's the case in legendary rocker Rod Stewart's fam, where as of April, his oldest son, Sean, was 37 and his youngest son, Aiden, was 7. He also has Alastair, 12, and Liam, 23. When it comes to daughters, there are plenty of years between them too: Rod is father to Renee, 25, Ruby, 30, Kimberly, 38, and Sarah, 55, who was given up for adoption when Rod was in his teens. That means that technically, there are 48 years between his oldest and youngest kids! At what point does one become too old to rock a crop top? Never, if you're Angela Bassett, it seems. The Oscar nominee, who turned 60 in August, turned heads when she showed up at the Los Angeles premiere of "A Wrinkle in Time" on Feb. 26 wearing sparkly midriff-baring separates. In 2017, Angela's trainer told People.com that the "Black Panther" star works out for 45 minutes to an hour every day and only takes breaks if she's "about to puke, faint or die." In that case, flaunt it, girl! Former reality TV villains Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt said they planned to broadcast their son 's first words on their new podcast. (Would you expect anything less?) "This podcast is gonna be the greatest podcast," the new dad told Page Six as part of an interview that hit the Internet on Jan. 30. "It's just starting. When Gunner starts talking, it'll be on the podcast -- wait for his first words!" Even after all these years, nothing is off limits as far as Speidi is concerned. (We're glad to see that some things never change!) "I will let him do any show," Spencer said of whether or not he'll allow his son to be on reality TV one day. "We're depending on his paycheck! At least a million per episode! Get those 'Big Bang Theory' checks," he added. "He better make millions if he's gonna do it. Otherwise, don't do it!" Later, Spencer said of his baby boy, "I just wanted him to get to preschool with a million followers!" Sigh. During a cover story interview for the March issue of Glamour , which hit the Internet on Feb. 6, Katy Perry revealed that she spends nearly half of every day asleep . "Sleep is really important to me. I'm a big sleeper. I get eight to nine hours every night. Nine to 10 hours, actually," she said, adding that she also eats four and a half meals a day. "I'm constantly eating," she said. Ten hours of sleep a night and the ability to constantly eat all day? Can you even imagine?! Why prank-call a neighbor or classmate when you can prank-call royalty ? Margot Robbie and Cara Delevingne did just that, the Oscar nominee told The Sun on Sunday as part of an interview that hit the Internet on March 3. "Cara knows [Prince] Harry and while we were filming 'Suicide Squad' she was like, 'Let's prank-call him.' I said, 'We can't prank-call royalty,' but anyway we did -- and he was so cool with it," she said. Added the "I, Tonya" star, "Prince Harry is so nice. England literally has the coolest royalty in the world." We'll just have to take it from you, Margot! Flowers and a card apparently weren't enough for Serena Williams ! Her husband, Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian, commissioned four billboards featuring pictures of the tennis champ and their baby girl , whom they call Olympia, along with the words "greatest momma of all time" in honor of Serena's return to tennis after becoming a mom. (She passed the billboards en route to the BNP Paribas Open in Indian Wells, California, in late February.) "These just went up on I-10 into Palm Springs. @olympiaohanian & I wanted to welcome her back to tennis. Designed them myself, with some help from Jr. #GMOAT," Alexis captioned a slideshow of four images showing off the billboards on Instagram on Feb. 27. While promoting her new line of Goop Baths bath salts as part of an interview with People magazine that hit the Internet on Jan. 31, Gwyneth Paltrow bragged that she takes a bath "every single night." "I fell in love with the ritual of it -- lighting a candle and having a cup of tea or a whiskey, depending on my day," she said, adding that she takes around an hour to "daydream and not be on [my phone]" regardless of what else is happening on any given day. "Its non-negotiable. It's just like, I do it every night," she said. "My kids are welcome to come in and chat with me if they need to -- it's not like I'm in a meditation or something. But I just need that time and so I just take it. It's really the only time I take for myself every single day regardless of what is going on." Must be nice! File this one under "things a non-celebrity would never have to deal with"! William Shatner once had a fan hold his underwear hostage ! Yep, that's right, Captain Kirk's fan was so overzealous that she snuck into his hotel room, stole his underwear, then offered to give the unmentionables back in exchange for some signed memorabilia! So did he do it? He reluctantly agreed, but upon meeting up with the woman, Bill shared that she lifted her shirt for him to sign her body so he fled. JAY-Z reportedly dropped more than $110K during a single night out on the town while celebrating the birthday of Roc Nation Sports president Juan "OG" Perez with a few friends in New York City on Feb. 18. According to the New York Post, the rap superstar picked up the tab for a $13K dinner at Zuma and dropped $9K on drinks at Made in Mexico. A group of six then headed to Playroom nightclub, where Jay racked up an impressive $80K tab after purchasing 40 bottles of Ace of Spades champagne, which he shared with other tables. He left an $11K tip for the stunned server, who posted a copy of the receipt on Snapchat. When Kim Kardashian West and husband Kanye West sold their home in Los Angeles' Bel Air neighborhood to Ukrainian entrepreneur and philanthropist Marina Acton for $17.8 million in 2017, the reality TV made a few special arrangements to sweeten the deal. The Blast reported on June 26 that in their contract, Kim agreed to promote Marina's budding singing career on social media. She also agreed to hang out with Marina in public and at industry events -- like at the release party for Marina's single "Fantasize" in March (pictured). Sources told The Blast that it was "the first real estate deal in history that incorporated social media and music promotion as a caveat." Hey, if you can think of it, the Kardashians can find a way to profit off of it, right? Drake handed out nearly $1 million to various Miami-based individuals, charities and causes in February and captured the whole experience on-camera for his "God's Plan" music video. (The clip, which hit the Internet on Feb. 16, starts with the text, "The budget for this video was $996,631.90 ... We gave it all away ... Don't tell the label ...") On Feb. 6, the rapper asked employees at a Sabor Tropical Supermarket to shut the doors temporarily. He then picked up the tab for every person who was at the store (about 60 shoppers), including one individual whose purchases added up to more than $1K. He also donated $50K, as well as toys and $150 Target gift cards, to the Lotus House Women's Shelter, awarded one young woman a $50,000 scholarship to the University of Miami, made a $25K donation to an after-school program, donated $20K to the City of Miami Fire Department, handed over $10K to the University of Miami's Frost School of Music and gave away wads of cash, as well as cars, to a few lucky individuals. What a week! Kylie Jenner flew from Los Angeles to Houston "for a few hours" to make up with boyfriend Travis Scott, the father of her daughter, after they "got in a little fight," the reality star told GQ as part of an interview that hit the Internet on July 17. "We were fighting, and I was like, I just need to go. I didn't tell anyone where or why," she said. "Just because we're a family now. When we fight, it's usually just because we've been away from each other for too long and we didn't see each other for like two weeks. And we have Stormi now, and I can't travel with her. She's too young. So it's harder to see each other, but I was like, I just need to go and fix this and go back." Why make a phone call when you can take a private jet halfway across the country? Making money from a divorce? Typically only divorce lawyers are seeing dollar signs after a split, but not Russell Crowe! The actor, who broke up with his wife of nine years, Danielle Spencer, back in 2012, held an "Art of Divorce" auction in his native Australia in April and brought in some big bucks! The star's Sydney auction featured movie memorabilia from some of his biggest roles, including a breastplate from "Gladiator" that sold for $125,000. He also parted with jewelry, guitars and more. Overall, Russell took home $3.7 million after selling old items he realized he didn't need after the split. It takes a special sort of person to sport a T-shirt with their own mug shot printed on the front . And that sort of person is Nene Leakes , who didn't just wear a shirt featuring her booking photo -- she's also peddling them to the masses. The star of "The Real Housewives of Atlanta" took to Instagram on Jan. 16 to share several photos of herself rocking the look. "From MUGSHOTS to MILLIONS #growingpains #25yearsago #nowgetyolife #embraceyou #speakyourtruth #testimonytuesday #ownit #noshamezone," she captioned one shot of herself posing outside her Atlanta clothing store, Swagg Boutique, where the shirts were being sold. "Growing up without my mother or father i experienced many growing pains but without them, i could not be who i am or have accomplished the things that i have today," she wrote in the caption of another pic . "Your past does NOT determine your future. From Trial to Triumph🙌🏾 i hope that i can inspire anybody to embrace and not be ashamed of what your past has made you become today! Thank you all so much for the love i received❤️😘 #transparency #lifelessons #collegedays #youngandstupid @swaggboutiqueatl #onewomanshow #girlsniteoutforlaughs #RHOA." Well, that's one way to make lemonade! Tom Cruise reportedly dropped $500K on a swimming pool with an infinity edge for his four-story penthouse apartment near Scientology headquarters in Clearwater, Florida, Radar Online reported on Jan. 17. The webloid caught up with a contractor responsible for the new addition to the A-list actor's Sunshine State digs -- he revealed that the pool will feature four different systems to sanitize the water (only one system is employed by the average pool). Tom's super-expensive bachelor pad also features a private elevator from the ground floor of the complex up to his level, a $1M home movie theater and a state-of-the-art gym packed with $500K in equipment. (We're sure the gym alone is bigger than our entire home!) Camila Cabello reportedly donned more than $175K in diamonds from Bulgari's Serpenti Collection during the 2018 Grammy Awards . According to Page Six, her bling included a $99K bracelet, a $14K ring, a $24K ring and a pair of earrings worth $37.5K. Can you imagine even leaving the house in something so expensive?! Taryn Manning was not impressed when she found out that the gown she wore during the 2018 SAG Awards was an Adrianna Papell dress that retailed for $199 at Macy's. "It's whack that the stylist didn't tell me that," the "Orange Is the New Black" actress griped to a TMZ cameraman on Jan. 24. "I wanna be in, like, a superstar gown," she continued. "The designer got a lot of press. She should pay me a lot of money." Instead of paying her a lot of money (or a lot MORE money), someone should remind Taryn how much $199 means to the average person. It pays to be Team Miley! Janice Freeman -- who competed on Season 13 of "The Voice" in late 2017 as part of Miley Cyrus 's team -- revealed on Twitter on Jan. 1 that the superstar paid her family's rent for six months while the aspiring singer was struggling financially. "[Miley] found us placement until we found permanent housing, gave me the deposit, covered me for 6 months so I can get on my feet!" tweeted Janice. In October 2016, a source dished to Us Weekly about Miley's dedication to the singers she mentored on "The Voice." "She's the show's most devoted coach ever," said the insider. "She has a hand in choosing the hair, makeup and wardrobe for her team, and she goes to all the dress rehearsals when she's not even paid to be there. Nobody else does that!" Added the source, "She cries when she has to eliminate people ... She's even close to the contestants' family members now." No kidding! Want to go on a reality show? While it might seem like the people on our favorite guilty pleasure series like "The Bachelor" truly are just like us, it turns out there are some pretty crazy demands put upon them! Bekah Martinez, who competed on Season 22 of "The Bachelor," opened up about her experience as a contestant... and how it almost left her broke ! Bekah and the other ladies were responsible for bringing their own wardrobes! Yep, those fancy formal dresses at rose ceremonies aren't on loan -- the ladies have to schlep them from home! She says she ended up spending about $700 to $800 on her "Bachelor" wardrobe and when she eventually was sent packing, she made sure to return everything that still had tags on it! Now there's something we can relate to! Allison Janney reportedly donned $4M in Forevermark diamonds to pick up her Oscar during the 2018 Academy Awards in Hollywood on March 4. Among her 128 carats of bling were diamond earrings, a diamond choker totaling more than 55 carats, a diamond bracelet and an 18-carat ring. That's way more carats than we can imagine being responsible for!
BBMZpaA 5 lifestyle lifestylebeauty 849014 355229 88094 685601 173914 698243 514348 812494 926560 621715 1009592 605539 468813 485392 469866 407678 861105 370607 231080 685601 81555 902274 514348 427863 943145 828214 444589 184955 49294 807581 753905 910712 469866 172579 469866 567616 411528 468813 231080 769677 811866 2 876936 156372 468813 69638 567616 798958 939979 674831 1029617 798466 184955 143394 469866 452986 811866 811883 209066 457520 243500 963958 420064 831797 407678 469866 597146 621365 882015 420082 415514 300125 596902 655290 811866 408273 993570 246857 514348 948157 243500 726998 497741 535613 994062 231080 589591 973876 495877 748954 503319 85234 543912 951495 852454 692172 251762 485392 159913 724902 12134 939979 73454 469866 308260 150445 469866 415514 20516 567616 493641 692172 930250 377137 231080 85234 481751 548222 774898 110689 231080 440158 231080 69738 556044 485392 898742 498360 264054 831797 114386 152359 943145 840252 847775 1029617 12169 452986 197797 823691 197749 238611 168092 469866 910712 468813 860304 231080 863013 199358 375641 503319 937399 811866 811883 477314 882015 993696 675854 452986 119550 939979 12404 1022265 469866 156565 304618 539914 882015 402943 485392 567616 613391 469866 111314 1017702 901860 362454 469550 469866 292607 415514 506113 693053 466852 231080 149777 486080 687685 12404 300125 143394 567616 831797 1029617 968943 168092 786816 231080 933497 165259 878869 503319 988417 298111 505327 81555 889893 843773 539914 933497 37146 1022265 160594 539914 1029617 40443 860304 160594 567616 428867 564552 539914 547195 485392 469866 997640 415514 506113 233350 755723 231080 323033 279188 718234 469866 529815 503319 149777 37146 1029617 898032 180398 692172 1026616 1029617 300125 81555 510662 291956 12404 873071 81555 567616 1022265 160594 726998 856744 502008 280113 16430 81555 831797 567616 502008 605038 147830 238611 856508 786816 498360 848309 469866 997640 231080 336267 562852 718234 404516 503319 641795 37146 69738 939979 155815 131622 994062 997640 231080 85234 243489 251762 81555 284372 592986 1029617 798466 597244 299781 251762 107006 567616 807581 856265 514490 1029617 280113 469866 667856 469866 19952 411322 993264 251762 73454 231080 1025486 655290 16430 679090 164720 184708 333092 831797 543912 493556 939979 940059 114386 605038 37146 379119 469866 667657 567616 968943 415562 231080 800882 718234 469866 718234 503319 937399 811866 2 292644 847775 312477 939979 1029617 40443 468813 469866 726998 952569 543737 519024 28708 469866 997640 466852 231080 122124 575878 674883 12404 20516 939979 943509 1029617 12169 452986 197797 40443 469866 997640 466852 231080 937399 811866 684280 939979 943509 547350 526660 469866 811866 575885 209066 115324 605038 564552 1021798 563559 184306 231080 678375 884064 718234 503319 988417 298111 948801 999597 545209 523080 539914 725235 675854 407678 678375 469866 411528 300125 831797 695850 321400 861105 370607 469866 997640 466852 231080 75161 300125 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505327 831797 745062 180398 692172 243500 726998 11468 251762 646798 468813 605038 37146 543912 840216 469866 111314 263525 605038 968943 519191 469866 69738 911150 411528 469866 69738 911150 910712 469866 69738 911150 931524 469866 69738 911150 52762 231080 231080 231080 753905 861105 469866 997640 231080 438441 814369 404516 298111 438441 37146 300125 831797 766286 1029617 411528 963958 469866 111314 889893 1025890 539914 238611 1022265 160594 469866 621160 972917 37146 501948 238611 300125 143394 567616 1018371 539914 485392 902813 469866 997640 466852 231080 142117 995665 476247 474463 610480 235540 563559 81555 939979 1029617 898563 963958 209066 263525 605038 184955 1025992 469866 997640 469866 567616 1021798 16430 897744 469866 251762 852059 485392 69738 840252 749339 564552 251762 81555 621160 152359 868646 592986 251762 1018371 1021798 238611 1022265 160594 567616 147830 238611 205381 856508 786816 477404 231080 87826 656633 130778 948801 837402 87826 656633 415782 766286 473159 1022265 655290 831797 691786 840216 469866 498360 16430 411528 12169 889893 786819 539914 238611 638009 469866 997640 466852 231080 138572 415782 1029617 263741 692172 24614 667856 567616 168092 675854 1021798 238611 300125 469866 498360 605038 843968 115489 238611 592986 231080 46053 211577 2287 469866 130778 718234 503319 988417 238611 416105 1022265 567616 366360 856508 469866 16430 300125 81555 601204 564552 251762 655127 1021798 46053 37146 378300 469866 997640 755723 231080 149777 510662 745456 238611 1029617 82064 605619 231080 965681 452213 995137 503319 85234 280113 469866 115346 555635 514441 81555 831797 498360 386662 993264 667856 1022265 675854 724902 753589 939979 473159 469866 308260 231080 995137 408058 251762 242874 692172 411528 468813 856508 567616 745456 317285 184955 692172 1029617 782613 231080 15 Celeb-Inspired Hair Color Ideas for Brunettes You need "iced toffee brown" highlights, like right now. Hair color ideas for brunettes are soooo much more nuanced then just light, medium, and dark brown. Whether you're already rocking brown locks and looking to add a bit more dimension, or you've always wondered what brunette life is like, please enjoy some major celebrity hair inspo that you'll surely dye for (see what I did there?). Alexa Chung: Iced Toffee Brown "The super-beige hue of the highlights extend from root to ends," explains Paul Cucinello, celebrity stylist and founder of Cucinello Studio NYC. "The reason why these 'traditional' (i.e.: not ombre) highlights work so well is because they are only about a shade or two lighter than her cool, light brown base." Kylie Jenner: Ash Brown "If you've got some warmer tones or undertones to your skin, try playing with some ashy highlights and lowlights, which have been popular recently," suggests celebrity hairstylist Andrew Fitzsimons. "It will give your hair dimension and is a very cool look." Lily Aldridge: Chestnut Brown With Highlights "This color looks best with Lily's skin tone with a darker base tone and warmed up with chestnut highlights," says celebrity hairstylist Rita Hazan. Kerry Washington: Dark, Sable Brown "It's a great example of when a hair color really enhances your eye color and skin tone - I love how rich this color is and how it make her eyes look so intense," says Cucinello. Ruby Rose: Dark Amber Brown "What's not to drool over?" says Cucinello. "The way the color starts out a bit richer at the roots and then bleeds into a rich, warm, golden amber on the ends." Cucinello adds that this classic "surfer girl crop" is super easy to wear because it's simple, sexy and very confident. Halsey: Dark, Dark Brown "If you're thinking about going to a darker brown, I'd recommend starting small," says Fitzsimons. "Start by asking your stylist to go a shade or two darker," says Fitzsimons. If you want to go even further, you can always step it up in another appointment. Shay Mitchell: Dark Brown With Highlights And Lowlights "For someone with olive tones like Shay, dark hair is definitely trending right now," says Fitzsimons. "Darker hair colors often don't show dimension well, especially in photos, so the key is to add some layered highlights and lowlights (which, as you can see from Shay's photo, this can very subtle)." Indya Moore: Soft, Chestnut Brown With Sun-Kissed Tips "It's just so refreshing to see natural hair textures and colors take center stage," says Cucinello. "I love how her color just fades out on the ends as if she spent a good amount of time in the sun - it's not an ombre, it's a subtle gradation." Ashley Graham: Medium-To-Dark Brown Hair "What I love about Ashley's color, which is great for anyone with olive tones to their skin, is the honey highlights that give the color dimension," says Fitzsimons. Katie Holmes: Chocolate Brown "This is an example of what I consider the perfect brown: it's super-neutral, which makes it very wearable, not too dark, not too light, not too red, not too ash...just right," says Cucinello. Joan Smalls: Amber Highlights "Joan's hair is naturally a dark brunette, which looks gorgeous with her skin tone, but she's given her hair dimension and warmth with highlights throughout," says Fitzsimons. Olivia Munn: "Root Beer" Brunette "Adding another color to a solid brunette always makes it more interesting," says Cucinello, "and in this case, the auburn highlights not only break up the color but they bring out the warmth in her skin tone and make her hazel eyes look incredible." Gal Gadot: Warm And Cool "Gal Gadot has naturally fair skin that is fairly neutral, so this dark shade looks lovely with her complexion," says Fitzsimons. "She has a range of subtle warm and cool tones in her hair, so it doesn't wash her out." Anne Hathaway: Rich, Warm Dark Brown "With her porcelain skin and large eyes, this hair color plays up the rosiness in Anne's cheeks," says Hazan. "It really gives her a natural vibe." Constance Wu: Honey Brown "The rich, sun-drenched honey color is so flattering on warm skin tones from deep to fair," explains Cucinello. "Honey softens the intensity of dark brown eyes and gives them more of a glow."
BBMlBS4 6 lifestyle lifestylecareer 375243 465259 634651 655290 575885 362101 811866 786793 12404 592521 696159 767433 1029617 276113 568231 1021798 12404 931046 567616 601160 692172 605038 575885 374074 147744 1026616 811866 2 993264 251762 428204 514348 1029617 1030294 696159 452986 1029742 321098 231080 207439 37146 502008 939979 568231 514348 1029617 696159 1021798 251464 939979 753462 1029617 276113 469866 176453 568231 692172 860755 231080 162678 831797 745062 749709 753530 692172 696159 568029 1021798 882015 798511 469866 605038 679136 547350 374074 251762 234545 939979 935417 12404 592521 696159 231080 585787 547350 514348 251762 238812 543220 473559 469866 465259 575885 374074 1029617 295761 231080 347715 860515 811866 547350 633723 939979 147830 893638 469866 893765 539914 230882 994062 988417 1029617 868716 692172 519104 465259 902274 655025 184955 786471 469866 189080 571711 469866 811866 575885 753462 1029617 276228 568231 655290 575885 362101 989084 811866 939979 251762 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939979 12404 1029742 44858 452986 69738 231080 149777 37146 1029617 1017651 243489 939979 869155 473559 469866 180643 1030294 964718 469866 898742 993264 815652 469866 567616 147830 378965 420559 251762 1029742 692172 12404 411585 231080 362841 231080 71358 1021798 968883 539914 12404 575974 452986 106503 69831 231080 769677 811866 943145 74078 1021798 408008 452986 69738 469866 787038 592986 939979 12404 428095 69831 231080 101603 943145 1029617 811830 692172 922892 152359 575885 201505 600469 567616 914609 469866 799283 696159 82105 152359 943145 806686 692172 469866 567616 559584 811866 539914 346246 515082 568231 692172 494077 231080 222839 231080 46092 766083 535186 514348 927102 646553 231080 133146 729142 12404 592521 696159 831797 485157 325219 452986 1029617 798466 592986 692172 12404 787038 469866 811866 575885 74078 559584 539914 766083 535186 567616 234035 514348 745062 927102 869049 231080 33612 923384 939979 122738 308740 539914 708899 231080 149777 575885 362101 811866 939979 180643 847775 243500 251762 226545 737138 469866 502008 811866 575885 898742 420559 605038 567616 243500 251762 378328 608876 831797 407678 231080 937399 452986 1026616 251762 696159 831797 155587 469866 811866 408273 1017702 1029617 402982 852469 692172 243500 251762 378328 831797 798958 514348 567616 575885 402982 263707 514348 1029617 683505 696159 869049 231080 375243 231080 47934 939979 374074 473206 567616 77776 745062 238879 889933 231080 149777 37146 749709 939979 625903 655290 251762 473559 811866 2 465259 539914 943145 94242 469866 911150 69738 1029617 259576 243489 362673 939979 12404 592521 696159 231080 781795 692172 251762 843773 893638 943145 737515 547406 575878 247468 898114 469866 498360 725387 939979 1030592 972783 621160 815095 860304 12404 465259 547776 993264 502008 588386 523080 575885 362101 811866 798771 1021798 12404 1029742 231080 926560 721079 15938 502008 523080 679136 362101 811866 918643 251762 226623 452986 502008 811866 575885 362101 523080 658761 231080 13 networking tips that can help you land your dream job Building a strong network in your field and outside of it can be invaluable when you're on the hunt for a new job or career path. Here's how to network for a job in order to build a strong, helpful network of individuals. Networking is an important component of job hunting- in some cases, it could even be the key to landing your dream job. But even for the most extroverted people, networking can be a challenge. How do you even begin to make connections, especially with strangers? With a combination of traditional networking ideas plus more creative, modern approaches, you can build a vast network that can help lead you to the career of your dreams. Here are our tips to build a strong, professional network. 1. Volunteer in your community. Volunteering is a great way to meet new people who share your passions while making a meaningful contribution. You can easily start up conversations that stem from the work you are doing. It's also a great way to gain experience and meet people from other fields. 2. Attend professional events, like workshops and conferences. Workshops and conferences are dedicated to enhancing your skills and building your network. Generally, these conferences are filled with others who have similar skills and interests, making it less awkward to strike up a conversation with the person next to you and easier to talk about work-related goals. You can also plan ahead and prepare questions for specific speakers and attendees. "Whether it's committing to make three new connections or to [meeting] one specific person, it's important to decide what you want to get out of each event you attend," Lisa Fettner, a marketing strategist, wrote on Forbes . 3. Join professional Facebook groups and engage with others. With a bit of searching, it can be easy to find groups on Facebook dedicated to your industry, your passions and the rising professionals within it. Once you've joined the group, be sure to engage regularly with other members to start building connections and strengthening your reputation within the group. If someone posts about a job opening, you can get in touch with that person - and being recognizable as someone who's made quality contributions or asked thought-provoking questions to the group can help you stand out. 4. Attend casual meet-ups with people in your field. From brunches to bar crawls, meet-ups might seem like an unlikely place to network with professionals. But when you are in a relaxed, fun setting with people in your field (or the field you hope to be in), it can be less intimidating to genuinely talk about your work and career goals. 5. Connect with alumni. Sharing an alma matter can make it easier to build strong connections, and social media makes finding alumni easier than ever. Try reaching out to your school's alumni, especially those who are working at your dream company or in your ideal position. 6. Use your LinkedIn page. Keeping up with your LinkedIn page can seem as fun as updating your resume, but it can be quite important. Along with posting about your accomplishments, you can quickly make connections with others from your field, your school, or your favorite companies. 7. Reach out to industry professionals. It may seem intimidating and unlikely that they'll respond, but it can't hurt to let people in your field know how much you've admired their work. Try sending a personalized email to professionals you admire. You may want to include their recent work that you enjoyed and a bit about how it's resonated with you and your career aspirations. If you deem it appropriate, you can also include something you've recently worked on, and ask for feedback. They might ignore your email, but they could also provide you with valuable insight or a foot in the door. 8. Take it a step further, and ask someone to coffee. If you find yourself emailing with a professional you admire and happen to be in their city, or you know you will be in the near future, invite them to coffee. This is a great way to make a genuine connection and learn more about that person's career path and experience. The worst thing that could happen is they decline your invitation. If they do agree to meet for coffee, make sure you do some research beforehand. According to Harvard Law School, it's best to " come to every meeting prepared so that you do not waste the person's time by asking basic details you could learn easily on your own." 9. Share your goals with friends and family. Some of your best connections could be right under your nose. Let your friends and family know that you are looking to pursue a certain opportunity or field, and ask if they know anyone who could give you advice or share their experiences. Sharing a mutual connection, even if it isn't professional, is a great way to break the ice with someone who could provide you advice and new networking opportunities. 10. Join clubs even if they aren't career-based. With a online searches, you can easily find online and in-person clubs and groups that are geared toward your interests, whether they directly correlate to your career goals or not. It's a fun way to meet people, learn new skills, work on projects, and make progress toward the career of your dreams. 11. Get in touch with your current or former professors. Whether you are still in school or not, reach out to your favorite professors. They are a wealth of information - they can offer advice and feedback, share job openings they are aware of, and connect you with their wider network of professionals. 12. Ask hiring managers for informational interviews. Even if your dream job is currently occupied or a bit out of your reach, you can still connect with hiring managers and ask for an informational interview . Be sure to come prepared with questions. It can help you to learn about what the position entails, how you can work toward it and what the company culture is like. If or when the job is available, you'll have a better idea of what the company is looking for and can better prepare for a formal job interview. 13. Remember to be genuine and keep an open mind. It's important to note that the people you're networking with are humans, too - not a one-way ticket to your dream job. Some of the best connections are ones fostered by shared interests, so remember to stay professional but don't base your networking opportunities on how far someone can help you get in your career. You never know how someone could help you down the road - or how you can help someone else.
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The Dainese Misano D-air jacket is equipped with a self-inflating, single-charge airbag engineered to deploy only when that level of protection is deemed absolutely necessary. This technology comes at a price: On our certified scales, the $1,700 Misano D-air weighed 10.6 pounds. This airbag-equipped motorcycle jacket is expensive, heavier than a conventional leather jacket, and requires recharging, but it might save more than your hide When Lino Dainese explained his vision for a wearable airbag to MIT engineers in the mid-1990s, he was practically laughed off the Cambridge campus. "At the time," Dainese recalled, "I wondered if the brain, in a state of fear, might produce a chemical that could activate the airbag, not accelerometers and gyroscopes as we use now." Click the image to continue reading... Will not deploy at any speed below 6 mph The 9-liter D-air Street bladder covers much of the wearer s neck, shoulders, chest, and back. Even when armed, the system will not deploy at any speed below 6 mph. Dainese s many contributions to motorcycling from the knee slider and back protector to the aerodynamic hump and, more recently, the airbag changed the way both racers and street riders think about protection. I m essentially a tailor, Dainese told me in 2014, but thanks to these young engineers and scientists, my intuitions are becoming a reality. Former AMA Superbike star Blake Young was one of the first racers to wear a Dainese suit equipped with a D-air system in competition on American soil. Young rode his Yoshimura Suzuki GSX-R1000 to victory at the final round of the 11 AMA Pro American SuperBike Championship precursor to today s MotoAmerica Series at New Jersey Motorsports Park. When I put on the suit for the first time, Young said, I was thinking, Is it going to be heavy? It wasn t. Is it going to fit? It fit like my other Dainese suits, as comfortable as ever. In the first race, I didn t get the result I wanted, so going into the second, I thought, Maybe I ll show Dainese how their suit works! I took some chances, but I got the win. In combination with race-quality leather, aluminum caps backed by CE-certified Pro-Armor safeguard the shoulders. Dainese launched D-air Racing stateside the following year. At the time, the entire system three accelerometers, a GPS receiver, three gyroscopes, and an inflatable bladder for coverage of the neck, collarbones, and shoulders, with all but the bladder in the hump on the back of the suit weighed 600 grams, down from 3 pounds for the prototype. A snap-down closure near the top of the torso-length central zipper completed the electronic circuit, and the system armed once the wearer reached 31 mph. If the system sensed a crash, compressed helium inflated the bladder faster than you can blink and remained fully inflated for 5 seconds before deflating completely in 20 seconds. In the years since, Dainese in step with Alpinestars and, more recently, Spidi has risen to the forefront of wearable airbag technology, even providing other suit manufacturers with systems to satisfy Grand Prix racing s airbag mandate. (Jared Mees, Shayna Texter, and Hayden Gillim began using Alpinestars Tech-Air system this year in American Flat Track.) But it has taken time for that technology to reach the street. Why? For one, Dainese knew street crashes often differ from those logged at the track. So the D-air Street algorithm is geared for head-on, side, and rear impacts, not only highsides and tumbling lowsides. The system is said to monitor sensor signals 1,000 times per second. An LED panel positioned midway down the left forearm communicates at a glance the status of the system to the wearer. Green indicates the system is charged. Retailing for $1,699.95, the Misano D-air jacket was introduced this year alongside two D-air-equipped textile products, the adventure-style Gore-Tex Cyclone D-air ($1,999.95) and the understated hip-length Continental D-air ($1,699.95). The fully CE-certified, Pro-Armored Misano and Cyclone zip at the waist to Dainese riding pants, leather and textile. The Misano D-air is modeled after the one-piece racing suit by the same name, with competition-grade, full-grain leather construction and aluminum shoulder inserts but minus the track-issue titanium elbow caps and replaceable sliders. The D-air system installed in the Misano is not interchangeable with that used in either the Cyclone or the Continental. A USB charger with a wall-socket adapter is supplied with the jacket. Charging the lithium-ion battery that powers the D-air system is as simple as opening a small hinged panel at the top of the back protector near the neck, reaching inside and freeing a short cable from its flexible protective housing, and then plugging the charger lead into the port. When fully charged, the system is said to provide 24 hours of constant use; standby mode engages after five minutes of non-movement. Once the circuit is closed a magnetic snap is located at chest height behind the jacket s secondary zipper the system is armed, and an LED panel located low on the left forearm communicates the status of the system: Five green flashes: 100 percent charged Up to five red flashes: each indicates a 20 percent reduction in charge One blue, five green flashes: acquiring GPS signal Blue flash: ready for use No flashes: 6 mph activation speed reached One red flash, followed by a green, red, and three green: system error Eight red flashes: sudden error or the circuit is open and the system is turning off Airbag torso coverage is substantial, with the bladder blanketing the neck, shoulders, chest, and back. Capacity has ballooned to 9 liters, more than twice that of D-air Race. Even when armed, the system will not deploy at any speed below 6 mph, meaning a tip-over at a gas station, for example, won t result in a $250 service charge to repack the airbag. Adjustments to this snug-fitting jacket are limited to a pair of hook-and-loop tabs located above the left and right hips and below the zippered vents. What if you are accidentally rear-ended at a traffic light? If you have been stationary for more than five seconds, the airbag will not deploy. Also, while all electronics are housed in the mid-to-upper portion of the back protector, the cylindrical gas canister that charges the bladder is stored horizontally behind a thin pad resting against the lumbar region of your spine. Essentially, the Misano D-air is the top half of a professional-level one-piece leather race suit, and the fit of the jacket reflects that focus. My size 56 sample fit like a track glove, which is to say snugly, but thanks to strategically placed stretch panels and elasticized inserts, adding a layer or even two during cooler months of the year is not out of the question. The zippered kidney vents are easily closed, but the micro perforation is permanent. A windproof layer, such as the D-Core No Wind Thermo Tee, should extend the riding season. I experimented with both short- and long-gauntlet Dainese gloves, and fit, relative to the zippered cuffs, was perfect. Overall appearance and general quality are beyond reproach. Four years ago, Lino Dainese sold 80 percent of the company he founded and nurtured for more than 40 years to Bahrain-based Investcorp. Advances that Dainese made with D-air in motorcycling have laid the foundation for the use of airbag systems in many other aspects of life. Air has no weight, Dainese is fond of saying, but it can save lives. Follow MSN Autos on Facebook and Twitter
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617887 567616 209797 431877 231080 475675 636302 543493 919407 469866 884148 720334 528232 838011 745062 567908 869049 539914 651764 784226 469866 57012 600539 575878 333590 582173 598803 469866 636302 498270 251762 230407 692172 477365 684135 919407 469866 296213 1021798 731132 1025312 469866 884148 720334 528232 231080 475675 636302 543493 919407 469866 884148 720334 528232 988417 613513 986002 252828 11306 469866 213533 448779 766024 469866 708305 534659 567616 86051 90615 469866 636302 230288 848775 919407 831797 118695 567616 251582 231080 207439 811866 575885 972015 205896 636302 448455 469866 257882 469866 432869 567607 415782 131622 313324 469866 160723 516576 316609 169040 475675 636302 543493 919407 469866 884148 720334 528232 965505 575878 636302 1021798 907221 514348 745062 12326 61893 469866 251762 230407 692172 251762 580420 329810 778875 1021798 27918 539914 243206 884148 720334 757521 222004 469866 419125 508119 231080 85234 976971 831797 692467 469866 609713 567616 679090 231080 475675 636302 543493 919407 469866 884148 720334 528232 85234 362476 37146 761834 329810 184543 575878 42698 652600 567616 345322 49671 534659 255323 567616 1029617 213966 403304 663475 460689 575878 366436 704049 469866 413844 306809 231080 85234 362476 972015 345322 1029617 102970 226628 168891 469866 634445 514348 403403 65383 231080 769480 549589 37146 135205 950256 786839 469866 409401 361414 1017618 1009361 769480 549589 831797 864959 514348 477365 118695 539330 254923 469866 379334 679090 292600 869155 1005871 584559 1021798 452401 576552 943277 231080 585787 477365 106503 580420 770619 556262 449006 724902 477365 243206 563541 41791 894434 231080 231080 231080 769480 549589 37146 200996 950256 786839 469866 409401 398441 37146 861105 469866 592754 769480 549589 37146 860716 831797 448194 621160 646765 231080 384543 469866 770797 567616 243431 189080 469866 131264 547955 831797 583975 539914 81555 567616 580688 231080 85234 580420 329810 151556 575878 230407 114559 939979 251762 453218 469866 958584 694284 408871 469866 432869 840602 860765 724902 737614 534659 382650 692172 251762 375441 567616 346628 231080 558672 133806 214618 81555 234171 498360 449321 152359 943145 861105 769480 549589 37146 135205 950256 786839 469866 409401 818118 575878 703954 936457 469866 16430 19703 786839 279502 131622 465778 469866 160723 210022 102287 567616 345322 172888 267566 906946 633722 567616 1025795 366360 172035 231080 942817 37146 972015 1029617 53193 675577 230909 333612 469866 1029617 997199 977069 567616 1029617 1030422 930753 231080 769480 549589 37146 135205 950256 786839 469866 409401 549924 1021798 251762 45239 415514 485407 205896 692172 817205 37709 469866 950256 469866 251762 362476 831797 750371 1029617 53105 231080 549589 292572 251762 580420 1021798 836669 469866 514348 251762 799409 61893 692172 568865 231080 552556 3569 227001 231080 276602 231080 The outrageous and opulent homes of world-famous fashion designers Fancy taking a sneaky peek inside the decadent dwellings of fashion A-listers like Marc Jacobs and Gianni Versace? Now's your chance - from crazy color palettes to lavish luxury furnishings, these haute couture homes are a feast for the eyes... The fabulous homes of fashion's elite Fancy taking a sneaky peek inside the decadent dwellings of fashion A-listers like Marc Jacobs and Gianni Versace? Now's your chance - from crazy color palettes to lavish luxury furnishings, these haute couture homes are a feast for the eyes... Donna Karan's Caribbean retreat, Turks and Caicos Famed for her use of sleek lines, simple colors and sexy female silhouettes, Donna Karan knows all about simplistic, effortless style. It's no wonder then that the American fashion icon s Caribbean home oozes sophistication. Donna Karan's Caribbean retreat, Turks and Caicos In 2014, Donna Karan sold off part of her 10-acre Caribbean estate, known as The Sanctuary. Priced at a whopping $39 million, the two luxurious villas on offer were located on the popular resort of Parrot Cay on the archipelago of Turks and Caicos. Donna Karan's Caribbean retreat, Turks and Caicos The two superb holiday homes feature gorgeous minimalist interiors with extensive natural wood, floor-to-ceiling windows and Balinese-style furnishings. Each property has four bedrooms, with the master suites boasting their own private infinity pool. Donna Karan's Caribbean retreat, Turks and Caicos Karan's estate on Parrot Cay includes private access to a glistening Caribbean beach, as well as the resort's luxury spa, dedicated butlers and personal chefs. Truly life in the lap of luxury! Donna Karen's Caribbean retreat, Turks and Caicos Covering an impressive seven acres, these stunning villas offer three outdoor swimming pools , a private guest lodge and a formal dining veranda for intimate alfresco gatherings. Plus, with the golden sands and crystal waters of the ocean just moments away, this Caribbean retreat really is heaven on earth. Coco Chanel's luxurious suite, The Ritz, Paris This luxurious suite at the Ritz Paris was frequented by fashion icon, Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel for 34 years. Known for her timeless female tailoring and making the Little Black Dress a wardrobe staple, Chanel first stayed in this regal hotel in 1937 and moved in full-time during the Second World War. Coco Chanel's luxurious suite, The Ritz, Paris Chanel decorated the 188 square-meter suite to her own impeccable tastes with delicate Asian lacquer screens and elegant furnishings. In keeping with the designer's love of gilding and monochrome, the hotel room is an opulent homage to one of fashion's most important designers. Coco Chanel's luxurious suite, The Ritz, Paris Overlooking the city's regal Place Vendôme square, the suite is opulent, spacious and refined, featuring shades of cream, charcoal and gold. Every piece of furniture has its place and each embellishment is straight from Chanel's aesthetic lookbook. Coco Chanel's luxurious suite, The Ritz, Paris The suite also houses some of Chanel's personal belongings, including various photographs and portraits, some of which have never been seen on general display. Fancy spending the night in this luxurious room? You can enjoy this piece of fashion history first-hand if you have a spare $21,000 (€18k, £16k) that is! Gianni Versace's outrageous villa, Miami Beach, Florida In 1992, Italian fashion designer Gianni Versace purchased this stunning villa on Ocean Drive, Miami Beach. From the outside, it may seem like your average luxurious celebrity mansion, but take a look inside and you'll see this home is anything but standard... Gianni Versace's outrageous villa, Miami Beach, Florida That's right, inside the property dazzles with the vibrant and daring style that we've come to love the Versace brand for. Renaissance frescoes, antique furnishings and vivid colors meet in this truly exceptional high-design dwelling. Gianni Versace's outrageous villa, Miami Beach, Florida Today, thanks to a sensitive renovation, the property maintains the lively decor that Versace put in place. Vivacious, loud and hard to ignore, Gianni's former home is still a reflection of his personality. Gianni Versace's outrageous villa, Miami Beach, Florida Versace purchased the property for $2.95 million (£2.2m), as well as a neighboring Art Deco hotel for $3.7 million (£2.8m). Despite the fact the adjacent hotel was listed on the National Register of Historic Places, Versace controversially demolished it in order to build himself a 54-foot swimming pool, complete with 24-karat gold tiles. Gianni Versace's outrageous villa, Miami Beach, Florida The property was built in 1930 by architect, Alden Freeman and Versace spent over $30 million transforming it into an elaborate palace. He built a spacious south wing and restored the building's copper-domed observatory. Sadly, before he could finish his masterpiece, Versace was tragically shot outside his home on 15 July 1997, aged just 50 years old. Gianni Versace's outrageous villa, Miami Beach, Florida Now a luxury Miami hotel, The Villa Casa Casuarina remains a living memorial to an incredible designer. Fancy spending the evening in this stunning property? Rooms cost anywhere between $457 (£350) and $1,899 (£1,440) for a single night. Diane von Furstenberg's Manhattan penthouse, New York This striking rooftop pad belongs to the Belgian-American fashion designer, Diane von Furstenberg. Known for transforming 70s style with the introduction of the now timeless wrap dress, von Furstenberg s six-story dwelling lies in the trendy Meatpacking District of New York City. Diane von Furstenberg's Manhattan penthouse, New York Designed by WORK Architecture Company , the penthouse apartment is built from an angular diamond of glass and sits on a scenic green roof offering fantastic views over the city. If that wasn't luxurious enough, the property features an opulent staircase, lined with thousands of Swarovski crystals. Diane von Furstenberg's Manhattan penthouse, New York The contemporary structure is not only home to von Furstenberg's penthouse apartment, but to her design studio, flagship store and administrative offices for thousands of staff. Now, that's what we call opulent! Anna Fendi's 20th century villa, Rome Known as Villa Laetitia, this striking 20th century property is owned by renowned handbag designer, Anna Fendi. Located in the heart of Rome, the pad was designed by Armando Brasini in 1911. From the outside, the property doesn't look like much, but inside it is a haven for exquisite and exuberant design, reminiscent of the Fendi brand. Anna Fendi's 20th century villa, Rome Anna, one of five sisters behind the Fendi label, renovated the property to the highest standards, with sophisticated décor, original period features and of course, some classic Fendi audacity. Anna Fendi's 20th century villa, Rome Anna transformed the property into a luxurious hotel, offering lucky guests an immaculately designed space with plenty of luxury services and facilities. Anna's chosen interior style is said to reflect a blend of eclecticism and rationality, and all of the guest rooms provide city vistas or tranquil garden views. Anna Fendi's 20th century villa, Rome A mix of traditional 20th century architecture, ornate frescoes and contemporary design, the hotel is uniquely luxurious. Fancy staying here? Well, a Fendi-inspired room will cost you anywhere between $105 (€90, £68) and $583 (€500, £380) per night. Louis Vuitton's family home, Asnières-sur-Seine, France Here is another famous home that you can visit. Belonging to the Louis Vuitton company, this is the former family home of the iconic French fashion designer. Located in Asnières-sur-Seine, a quiet suburb of Paris, this property reflects the luxurious style and iconic patterns of the Louis Vuitton name. Louis Vuitton's family home, Asnières-sur-Seine, France Vuitton built the Seine property in 1859 as a means of expanding his leather production from Paris to his studio with ease. The home was later expanded with several modern glass structures, which would become the workshops where many acclaimed designs were created, including the brand's iconic Monogram motif. Louis Vuitton's family home, Asnières-sur-Seine, France Recently renovated by Xavier Lemoine Interior Architecture , the Vuitton family home is now an elegant and timeless space where made-to-measure furnishings, bold wallcoverings and delicately painted morals create a nature-inspired Art Nouveau property. Louis Vuitton's family home, Asnières-sur-Seine, France The interior of the home reflects the high-quality craftsmanship of the Vuitton brand a blend of artisanal products, classic French style and practical innovation. Louis Vuitton's family home, Asnières-sur-Seine, France The Vuitton family left the home in the mid-1960s, maintaining the workshops for production. As well as the original family home, you can take a look around a permanent exhibition, La Galerie, offering 23,000 artifacts unveiling the history of this iconic fashion brand. Marc Jacobs' luxurious townhouse, New York City Daring, eccentric and boldly colorful, Marc Jacobs' fashion brand is one of the most innovative in the world. Yet the iconic designer's home is surprisingly sophisticated and pared-back. Marc Jacobs' luxurious townhouse, New York City In an exclusive interview with Architectural Digest, captured beautifully by photographer Francois Halard , Jacobs revealed the interior of his stunning townhouse, located in Greenwich Village, New York City. Marc Jacobs' luxurious townhouse, New York City With original Art Deco antiques, custom-made furniture, contemporary art and intricate statues, Jacobs' four-story townhouse is chic and refined. Here you can also spot Jacobs' dog, Neville, who alone has over 200,000 Instagram followers! Marc Jacobs' luxurious townhouse, New York City Bought by Jacobs in 2009 for an undisclosed sum, the interior of the home was refurbished in collaboration with renowned New York design firm, Thad Hayes. The result is tasteful, timeless and classic. Marc Jacobs' luxurious townhouse, New York City The property's garden was designed by Harrison Green and boasts unusual art installations and a mirrored glass screen curated by minimalist artist, John McCracken. The property also boasts a tranquil rooftop terrace, reserved for intimate gatherings. Tommy Hilfiger's colorful Miami mansion, Florida US fashion designer Tommy Hilfiger is known for his chic lifestyle brand, where classic styles meet sleek lines in block primary colors. But his former home seems slightly removed from his renowned all-American style... Tommy Hilfiger's colourful Miami mansion, Florida That's right, inside Tommy Hilfiger's house is anything but ordinary. Fun, vibrant and ultra-modern, every room is alive with color and pattern. The home was created by interior decorator to the stars, Martyn Lawrence Bullard, who took inspiration from psychedelic art galleries of the 60s and 70s. READ MORE: 24 color combinations so wrong they are right Tommy Hilfiger's colorful Miami mansion, Florida Photographed by Zachary Balber , this colossal mansion covers over 14,000 square feet and boasts seven individually-styled bedrooms and eight large bathrooms. There's also a huge outdoor swimming pool, a furnished solarium and a private beach. Tommy Hilfiger's colorful Miami mansion, Florida Located in the prime celebrity hot spot of Golden Beach, Miami, the property is worth a fortune. Hilfiger sold the home in 2017, for the tidy sum of $27.5 million (£20.9m).
BBOC6pn 9 foodanddrink restaurantsandnews 85234 693209 672742 1021798 970129 105663 85234 572131 27938 415782 901860 1029617 160292 667678 193573 567616 378208 939051 514348 856395 469866 621160 655290 843968 539373 605038 575885 374074 1009422 939979 947692 271654 231080 85234 693209 672742 1021798 970129 105663 85234 572131 27938 415782 901860 1029617 160292 667678 193573 567616 378208 939051 514348 856395 469866 621160 655290 843968 539373 605038 575885 374074 1009422 939979 947692 271654 231080 571539 1017702 713066 251762 19305 231080 435179 231080 514348 251762 843773 345407 469866 724902 679090 209207 435950 1021798 563541 16300 567616 383136 939979 57361 658652 407678 251762 1021308 667242 728317 699585 299781 85234 672742 622744 1021798 199510 192341 567616 666879 469866 605539 469866 567616 209207 932535 575878 251762 781689 299781 447017 731735 672742 112137 1021798 999471 469866 880784 231080 928572 514348 345407 469866 28904 831499 910203 469866 27938 131827 469866 567616 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901860 378208 345407 968765 189660 231080 870821 655290 122738 592986 197087 724902 251762 40937 629933 1013377 407678 209207 435950 469866 94470 634412 469866 268069 469866 506404 794360 469866 506404 794360 209207 435950 469866 567616 184955 419673 135381 407678 415781 3153 94470 469866 320572 353940 469866 993311 923186 469866 719925 998663 469866 567616 449083 539914 861010 646745 231080 85234 864469 972015 263525 255043 469866 659360 469866 353940 469866 457474 567616 885568 164107 637930 469866 567616 885568 164107 468813 268069 860937 1013296 469866 563543 378352 469866 567616 325087 1013296 231080 256753 591853 109105 37146 163605 85234 472908 424533 27938 299781 591853 109105 37146 831797 251762 84707 27938 469866 1029617 102082 993264 251762 592754 469866 708323 993264 251762 601160 469866 267856 860937 750283 563543 251349 231080 582954 885568 164107 469866 251762 27938 831797 448779 724902 563543 61664 469866 268069 469866 275525 86647 469866 567616 267856 646745 231080 85234 345407 943145 465778 725293 807349 231080 1029523 593000 109105 367616 587502 329810 115516 251762 27938 621667 320482 251762 864469 906669 1021798 173206 469866 972917 848015 939979 674831 16430 341982 438403 27938 231080 268593 144157 539914 251762 832111 539914 251762 362101 692172 469081 567616 251762 438403 333057 1021798 163605 469866 251762 374878 791099 514348 115387 231080 942817 943145 98978 539914 209207 567616 919305 947309 469866 898423 469866 325087 469866 296201 469866 567616 378866 555354 231080 85234 864469 972015 494205 523420 131965 692172 992682 469866 882015 519104 737515 567616 506378 655290 943145 184955 27938 407678 794360 267110 209207 435950 469866 94470 469866 465018 469866 453280 469866 506404 794360 89713 469866 794360 345407 469866 98696 469866 102538 469866 506404 794360 469866 3165 222365 469866 155566 757441 345407 469866 163246 469866 320572 353940 469866 774485 1013296 469866 567616 563543 721450 231080 85234 864469 972015 646971 1021798 375148 567787 428319 774027 407678 251762 1021124 58546 469866 840591 704538 692172 201932 881215 469866 592604 539914 131019 469866 57652 469866 857136 469866 567616 73513 539914 375148 567787 231080 812754 478628 37146 899269 469866 389420 469866 812754 85234 519104 438403 410621 672742 415782 847904 251762 394893 514348 604739 299781 478628 37146 899269 968765 605038 370129 1021798 4178 231080 85234 438403 410621 672742 831797 448779 539914 1029617 634676 81555 563543 27938 881215 592604 539914 898423 567616 670858 947790 567616 155714 993264 843797 288428 539914 209207 231080 85234 135205 345407 943145 375243 231080 969340 725293 807349 231080 352435 968765 742110 469866 478628 37146 899269 972015 263525 794360 345407 469866 563543 353940 469866 209207 435950 345407 469866 94470 345407 469866 567616 953318 345407 641911 539914 1003909 469866 279420 469866 567616 342308 231080 409401 67313 37146 437482 26785 85234 345407 943145 498360 362454 299781 67313 37146 437482 655290 604739 943145 745618 939979 106558 1029617 287778 725293 543650 231080 942817 943145 24563 291869 135381 655290 164635 592986 807351 131264 394893 231080 930591 563541 251762 345407 943145 889659 362454 469866 251762 27938 238812 473559 798771 683125 939979 238528 469866 221670 939979 251762 864469 469866 831797 251762 552556 599640 748954 718234 33846 998663 672742 231080 85234 106558 807349 27938 831797 448779 539914 890190 630305 567616 725153 268069 469866 592604 539914 209207 469866 180854 469866 567616 605539 567616 869489 993264 717252 539914 184955 209207 469866 180854 469866 567616 605539 231080 85234 877137 832111 773966 251762 67313 37146 437482 672742 329810 745062 754073 849014 313215 73669 692172 131951 567616 271533 469866 218362 183859 653007 469866 593000 231080 85234 345407 943145 448779 1021798 28708 505733 567616 774869 873980 823589 692172 766412 465611 320482 872808 538826 567616 552102 231080 684700 692172 358281 345407 943145 82422 469866 144070 567616 102082 469866 852409 811866 251762 843773 692172 1029617 27938 333157 877264 1021798 1029617 551592 538826 27938 469866 218362 653007 231080 641795 412218 73164 745062 1006007 864469 379334 997508 659161 647116 387435 692172 877603 567616 551457 48848 1021798 721645 415782 802994 939979 1029617 993891 210022 390816 713025 865363 231080 85234 345276 831797 993264 548081 939979 164635 227001 597403 692172 599640 748954 718234 33846 998663 343139 1021798 849060 231080 85234 77948 877137 27938 135381 943145 679090 209207 435950 469866 107196 209207 469866 506404 794360 469866 567616 343139 567616 177980 469866 111314 943145 230601 641911 539914 1029617 280190 745618 295920 1013827 226131 407678 673981 940763 565695 343139 469866 951291 33846 278059 344261 539914 382714 932535 469866 23019 614390 545955 469866 567616 622992 816672 231080 85234 894377 972015 981122 881215 181024 469866 378639 745062 345529 571233 267165 931524 461578 881215 231080 145503 722071 1021798 251762 899654 899269 740348 536829 1021798 605758 469866 251762 28708 856215 864469 1021798 740348 37146 773446 590181 329810 1029617 882354 611290 668397 679644 514348 935597 530453 268972 567616 257207 899654 231080 722071 1021798 251762 899654 899269 981122 1029617 605322 692172 345407 655290 943145 563541 889659 345529 209207 435950 469866 885702 449083 469866 282247 285834 37146 469866 567616 773644 500542 641911 539914 604845 151431 469866 931460 469866 255043 469866 778166 469866 567616 531250 231080 116857 195043 672742 112137 195043 1004430 820307 469866 195043 672742 112137 415782 901860 378208 1029617 568661 692172 116857 493764 345407 567616 646971 1021798 449083 345407 231080 825681 717252 424533 27938 831797 251762 33846 169955 278059 27938 469866 1029617 679090 469866 872852 469866 485149 449083 27938 679356 988793 1021798 280113 580585 209207 231080 85234 27938 448779 292157 394898 73164 1029617 745618 226131 469866 567616 370607 605038 831797 251762 840252 27938 226131 939979 1017702 1029617 399142 918565 547291 911063 939979 605038 231080 85234 345407 943145 292572 567607 567616 73164 762217 692172 195043 672742 112137 37146 560143 869464 543056 407678 251762 748741 355719 169635 33846 169955 278059 231080 195043 672742 112137 972015 831391 345407 539914 135381 407678 94203 469866 323071 353563 469866 567616 320572 655290 704323 102082 102319 510469 452986 353563 374075 538826 861105 1021798 540234 882015 943145 679356 988793 1021798 201932 469866 580585 469866 452986 411528 209207 231080 85234 345407 575885 374074 449081 180752 231080 619487 419368 899269 343492 528232 419368 899269 831391 28708 505733 692172 345407 469866 288162 469866 659360 469866 778166 469866 567616 353563 774027 655290 943145 292572 299781 419368 899269 565695 622744 1021798 343492 528232 567616 299781 78934 998688 952086 469866 151241 594541 469866 567616 299631 594541 426556 1021798 78934 231080 120799 575878 593000 669600 837377 1021798 993824 469866 251762 345407 943145 292572 1021798 230288 567616 1025795 27938 448893 231080 805358 345407 943145 292572 1021798 903144 230288 448893 1021798 135381 407678 94470 634412 469866 500542 10433 469866 735911 33846 998663 469866 735911 673981 940763 33846 998663 469866 735911 751230 716145 469866 593735 455127 342903 692172 454517 469866 33846 33846 998663 469866 735911 528093 33846 998663 469866 567616 108560 469866 567616 28708 345407 1021798 903144 231080 363017 1025795 448893 1021798 135381 407678 23019 33846 998663 469866 163246 469866 33846 400770 469866 582248 340808 469866 567616 441613 381980 231080 85234 864469 972015 263525 288162 469866 353563 774027 469866 659360 469866 567616 778166 231080 681530 988606 231080 32248 231080 27938 689181 85234 717252 861142 299781 988606 231080 32248 231080 27938 469866 292572 299781 842329 925132 567616 426556 469866 831797 251762 739422 393714 469866 1029617 494724 40930 655025 679090 209207 435950 27938 448779 539914 124255 672742 940763 567616 761467 539914 106558 723550 567616 106558 290916 37146 993264 717252 231080 85234 621220 692172 16430 19703 27938 329810 151556 1021798 882354 951424 251762 593000 98834 840591 856395 634210 283613 869066 231080 1029523 604739 667856 251762 27938 299781 580420 469866 251762 552556 27938 831797 708323 993264 251762 601160 567616 308577 567616 811409 922825 993264 251762 592754 231080 85234 345407 943145 498360 988606 655290 152359 943145 222264 939979 374074 919305 407678 1029617 395414 452986 407678 992682 567616 247468 540234 152359 952314 197797 939979 234355 473559 231080 85234 184743 345407 943145 292572 251454 514348 589466 972276 231080 665790 717252 243264 629933 1029617 679090 27938 675801 539914 319398 567616 750283 539914 1029617 132026 124255 27938 567616 1029617 679090 27938 539914 787076 902823 231080 30375 388792 941426 112763 265208 567616 974614 67598 906669 388792 941426 1021798 99130 939979 201505 621627 361915 724902 966070 231080 138193 251762 260050 469866 388792 941426 415782 683466 514490 1029617 481017 469866 864469 469866 750002 894377 469866 83775 275661 667712 469866 567616 395070 894377 231080 85234 749784 139554 83775 884705 345407 1017702 1029617 543484 312439 231080 46647 27938 831797 40549 308740 539914 881215 77612 469866 453055 268069 469866 197087 596699 469866 375124 469866 630305 469866 122991 1029617 412199 692172 234004 243456 1021798 378208 567616 135381 407678 972022 741610 567616 972022 350182 231080 85234 333157 831797 1014033 592986 567616 934998 510531 679356 23749 638249 53854 592904 943145 679356 799161 514490 251762 539954 316393 82422 333157 231080 373051 538826 469866 251762 345407 122738 592986 201932 993264 717252 567616 90407 19952 993264 251762 621141 231080 85234 864469 831797 972015 864959 514348 292157 741252 379331 774027 567616 704881 231080 100461 435512 37146 484655 656363 426634 435512 37146 484655 432838 251762 308678 898032 15828 435512 37146 832111 939979 147830 292157 748741 938473 469866 1029617 144070 469866 102082 469866 872852 27938 539914 1029617 440841 794453 692172 629599 567616 268069 993264 251762 601160 231080 435512 329810 864959 514348 238611 713098 231080 435512 37146 484655 255062 346246 713098 469866 209207 435950 469866 506404 794360 469866 567616 279566 209207 209207 345407 667856 1021798 567803 288069 40937 819106 1021798 656363 426634 231080 343139 943145 227001 725293 287778 231080 435512 37146 484655 972015 263525 927083 567787 531250 469866 111314 943145 292572 1021798 762445 159555 251762 896474 567616 575885 374074 449081 180752 231080 891965 693209 723794 899269 478759 60005 1012334 693209 723794 899269 478759 37146 751230 233074 27938 831797 1029617 337775 807349 692172 214085 231080 85234 143615 461477 263205 692172 16430 872852 27938 831797 770717 469866 567616 251762 27938 415782 1029617 197087 951584 530423 567616 831797 564223 539914 378866 567616 77462 231080 817748 750002 464746 1017702 663639 939979 295843 567616 431877 485272 16430 832111 469866 621160 939979 98575 724581 469866 218362 727917 190571 469866 432869 151556 251762 725837 231080 227110 27938 951424 872808 493764 213589 1029617 787244 939979 251762 578041 409406 196183 1021798 540020 505327 329810 264054 320482 3153 567616 378866 655400 547350 667764 692172 73164 1029617 679090 868716 231080 571539 696074 939979 993548 299781 1029617 534731 655290 774341 3153 559554 139719 939979 563559 534731 539914 36927 378866 231080 571539 667764 469866 935314 469866 726998 931807 469866 218362 190571 231080 46647 27938 831797 267566 820202 567616 790615 387187 1021798 1029617 890232 810784 469866 213533 448779 514348 251762 864469 469866 530975 1021798 251762 27938 37146 481808 231080 1029523 811866 238528 238879 251762 547800 469866 811866 486080 684280 939979 494235 251762 27938 231080 149777 486080 494235 407678 1029617 416363 180960 409401 378866 169040 218362 190571 231080 789327 1021798 820306 469866 251762 864469 972015 981122 567787 725353 469866 209207 342308 469866 567616 345418 231080 343139 655400 86052 1021798 605758 567616 251762 688194 751230 233074 27938 370129 1021798 540020 567616 415782 901860 251762 864469 37146 843773 861142 770094 968765 231080 735472 764239 343139 298461 219240 811773 1029617 687341 416363 1021798 469866 242125 469866 83582 764239 881220 939979 251762 19305 231080 435179 231080 1021798 1002042 231080 138572 568690 993264 939979 733031 764239 343139 469866 111314 943145 292572 1021798 604793 692172 762445 1021798 298461 469866 1029617 584410 692172 762445 1021798 30375 469866 567616 259576 894377 1021798 1024495 231080 421433 225801 251762 465778 27938 135381 831797 853051 231080 784436 469866 604739 575885 251464 1029617 287778 324574 725837 40930 345407 251454 231080 438951 629933 209207 435950 469866 882007 469866 98696 209207 435950 469866 765876 94470 469866 449083 469866 201932 209207 435950 469866 506404 794360 469866 320572 353940 469866 209207 209207 435950 469866 572345 209207 435950 469866 268069 469866 98696 634412 469866 465018 469866 567616 842411 1021798 735472 411528 209207 469866 201932 209207 469866 567616 708323 267830 231080 764239 343139 972015 263525 637930 469866 992682 469866 288162 469866 567616 696061 231080 1671 665932 899269 900403 582173 665932 567616 855267 896097 582786 665932 1017702 901860 1017837 251762 411655 507940 36749 469866 772914 56801 507940 778166 469866 292577 469866 567616 531250 968765 861493 299781 665932 899269 231080 673104 135205 848375 939979 452898 283645 766508 1009592 449083 345407 469866 535613 943145 321126 692172 507940 345407 939979 156565 231080 85234 864469 972015 263525 829316 469866 345418 469866 151431 469866 53728 469866 567616 184955 231080 760877 436847 407678 671213 708554 469866 378147 930790 469866 567616 172497 774027 943145 563541 345529 567616 362454 231080 504442 884714 116044 998688 231080 435031 46741 337666 884714 116044 998688 231080 906669 1021798 202073 567616 415782 901860 1017837 110278 538826 201220 770094 968765 231080 343139 943145 292572 667856 824078 724902 251762 40937 299781 539954 247882 3665 231080 559962 231080 291869 231080 85234 621667 481041 291869 567616 168795 231080 85234 864469 831797 972015 864959 514348 292157 778166 469866 407678 507940 205025 469866 638243 83775 469866 753752 806985 469866 567616 745062 563541 807303 898215 448779 724902 923555 510584 504442 802994 567616 749877 132026 147652 655290 943145 538826 1021798 1029617 222839 564515 74083 159823 40937 231080 85234 864469 972015 263525 679356 1014033 345418 469866 721127 641950 600637 469866 271338 469866 567616 659360 469866 111314 604739 575885 33005 872808 448779 1021798 251762 238879 321154 864469 231080 154306 408771 343139 907647 83775 786720 347690 408771 881220 939979 251762 19305 231080 435179 231080 1021798 379446 469866 567616 81844 906669 1029617 864469 700783 951424 1021798 928725 907647 231080 85234 679356 988793 209207 902168 408771 672742 831797 65967 539914 907647 567616 1029617 799348 1021798 154306 201261 231080 85234 111264 493868 860885 251762 408771 672742 514348 745062 563541 955662 955662 567616 201932 27938 469866 621160 605038 831797 69738 231080 85234 729472 692172 650550 926987 939979 375124 881215 407678 27938 831797 28461 73513 539914 251762 27938 753905 572539 73164 1029617 860304 514348 251762 926987 231080 295161 1021798 275661 465551 469866 408771 343139 943145 972015 155587 251454 197797 27938 416258 448893 943145 70270 231080 363017 567616 1029617 849014 40930 354077 831797 552556 231080 461937 231080 393418 302028 899269 478759 260679 747096 993264 251762 790478 567616 102082 567616 144070 1021798 251762 213957 469866 302028 899269 37146 862210 241079 831797 399142 692172 671474 469866 659280 469866 267830 469866 567616 320572 231080 294702 692172 251762 798814 1021798 593000 788819 664502 37146 238528 361777 469866 302028 469866 840544 564552 251762 688194 70270 231080 523420 862210 241079 27938 251762 361777 972015 415782 251762 862210 241079 832111 781831 758106 563541 346246 94127 320572 469866 267830 469866 567616 209207 514490 259576 27938 469866 807581 238194 604739 939979 90632 349935 514348 251762 1030294 126939 231080 862210 241079 354504 592986 469866 127747 98575 259576 337474 432869 241079 329810 231080 1004430 251762 361777 881220 592986 469866 997260 469866 241079 415782 494144 138572 831797 745062 765623 518206 260031 498181 831797 370607 993264 251762 408035 514348 16430 27938 299781 302028 469866 111314 906669 1021798 614028 567616 918462 1017837 862210 241079 1029617 313215 708654 231080 302028 972015 831391 209207 435950 469866 94470 634412 469866 506404 794360 469866 683540 284036 469866 279566 209207 469866 580585 209207 127169 469866 1029617 778167 27938 469866 457474 563543 251349 469866 320572 251349 469866 382714 484009 469866 885568 164107 666879 484009 641911 539914 382714 696061 61011 567616 898423 716469 1013296 231080 302028 486080 394898 1029617 799380 567616 955662 952316 449083 700783 231080 85234 864469 972015 263525 292157 688194 687341 930790 469866 794360 536407 881215 469866 575891 881215 539914 567787 357746 926987 469866 567616 469321 57301 325087 395280 395414 231080 961795 123167 251762 410915 410915 705804 469866 271338 1014033 539914 629599 268069 567616 267830 567616 538826 539914 1029617 468813 268069 514441 567787 794360 696052 469866 567616 15966 184955 267830 469866 111314 354504 409406 166847 37146 246302 169040 539914 83121 326851 567616 329810 819373 993264 409406 166847 37146 85234 693209 707795 726998 95943 878578 231080 871509 79627 957519 567616 140696 870613 85234 717252 424533 27938 299781 79627 957519 567616 140696 575885 374074 518292 299781 238528 819426 231080 641795 889893 407678 1029617 873825 268069 27938 831797 295605 745062 213300 562193 385913 672742 539914 1029617 90407 708323 423936 567616 651051 102082 922581 231080 231497 684720 469866 750002 263083 567616 427924 593000 692172 79627 957519 567616 140696 469866 279856 268069 345407 188841 564552 567616 448779 317285 580652 539914 238611 77893 469866 111314 493764 251762 717252 424533 27938 37146 832111 231080 655877 726998 477314 601142 469866 726998 275623 538763 514348 402932 864678 539914 613371 1021798 317285 231080 1029523 28904 655400 292644 692172 27938 514811 514348 251762 864469 469866 726998 218362 37146 357736 251762 519104 268069 27938 832111 567616 674831 613371 939979 317285 469866 218362 684720 231080 713888 378208 469866 251762 345407 943145 1014033 1021798 268069 567616 325087 713313 567616 468813 268069 831797 407109 939979 251762 333157 939979 733031 708323 790478 939979 251762 70270 231080 363017 27938 231080 684720 469866 432869 906669 251762 864469 1021798 243632 469866 972015 831391 209207 435950 345407 469866 94470 341345 857038 345407 539914 1029617 968883 692172 226631 1021798 251762 271569 469866 704881 931524 461578 345407 675801 539914 567787 357746 469866 708323 506404 794360 345407 469866 567616 457474 94470 345407 448779 539914 857148 350182 469866 98696 350182 469866 659280 567616 873019 77462 231080 85234 864469 972015 263525 745062 213300 325087 567616 733782 922825 794360 881215 231080 85234 864469 37146 107139 436847 1017702 901860 538826 514348 595401 992508 567616 106503 19305 231080 435179 231080 933998 1002524 145070 231080 698670 212883 410674 672742 393485 85234 19703 106558 807349 345407 538826 299781 212883 410674 672742 1017702 758106 16430 864469 993264 251762 964430 231080 703019 649864 546362 469866 745062 188478 3010 432869 98834 721623 260050 1005093 1021798 251762 698670 105663 421775 116044 769974 469866 906669 212883 410674 672742 1021798 882354 469866 567616 1026616 251762 345407 238528 370129 469866 152359 655400 633696 510766 231080 726998 774341 473801 420520 514348 1029617 370608 692172 260050 567616 774341 654537 420520 329039 469866 218362 546362 469866 655877 726998 329810 593156 251762 28708 345407 469866 726998 667764 243500 729142 726998 753905 448779 317285 419571 994062 415074 469866 726998 432879 1017702 939979 679879 73164 284004 231080 546362 840602 1029617 448290 692172 251762 502101 106558 807349 345407 939979 251762 393485 812951 426556 469866 152359 292572 592986 15880 469866 567616 251762 78068 831797 518487 231080 85234 688194 781689 579367 932535 33846 998663 831797 498360 362454 605038 329810 819373 993264 251762 1016998 196183 753905 1025795 168556 951424 546362 412218 238611 378328 567616 329810 292572 299781 859850 565262 995390 1021798 393485 231080 85234 781689 579367 932535 33846 998663 831797 708323 993264 251762 601160 469866 102082 1021798 251762 213957 469866 567616 564223 539914 209207 670972 567616 666879 769880 750283 539914 1029617 366360 246916 890190 630305 231080 85234 27938 981122 514348 745062 633696 692172 552556 299781 713025 45168 407678 19305 231080 435179 231080 672448 56471 231080 995966 53761 78875 692172 251762 510766 469866 251762 345407 868994 1029617 119117 630341 420064 197749 77948 345407 231080 101603 547408 968943 264054 469866 567616 295605 469866 745062 671110 646814 692172 927083 567787 501903 398857 197797 345407 939979 147830 251762 843773 927083 567787 857038 469866 218362 546362 469866 432869 972015 981122 363017 77948 284486 692172 345407 469866 378639 606612 508974 469866 33846 936720 209207 435950 539914 497697 469866 796151 896183 343139 103019 27938 135381 539914 456522 407678 986723 620162 469866 184743 552556 807349 345407 469866 567616 849014 807349 927083 567787 531250 231080 546362 37146 481017 831797 296213 1021798 1029617 923555 313215 510531 959874 255767 514348 712998 469866 498360 212883 410674 672742 486080 374074 840569 881922 567616 465154 1029617 982958 378281 939979 572456 1029617 642254 375077 939979 629638 691517 345407 939979 251762 692081 213589 251762 436843 231080 109174 706788 58623 925019 706788 58623 287986 346246 658652 539914 857736 469866 438403 469866 200616 469866 567616 484555 135381 231080 85234 507940 848375 299781 706788 58623 943145 448779 1021798 860716 539914 923555 510584 563543 77612 567616 943145 592604 539914 477021 452986 988918 231080 85234 642246 70270 848375 1017702 1029617 90407 144070 993191 567616 943145 984543 539914 135381 469866 111314 357736 291869 231080 85234 737547 469866 111314 238528 292572 292157 436847 299781 1029617 131282 189046 1021798 925019 320482 432495 1029617 111166 1021798 993835 469866 972015 981122 3571 848375 469866 431828 745062 857736 449083 27938 592604 539914 168181 176236 420061 469866 567616 596715 135663 580521 774027 539914 696777 23997 231080 310898 776417 169635 343139 186313 469866 410903 231080 491996 567616 685079 776417 169635 343139 831391 567616 255062 667856 345407 1021798 410903 231080 491996 567616 186313 469866 310898 469866 567616 694284 469866 891965 231080 942817 943145 259576 287778 135381 939979 683276 724902 231080 569595 575885 251464 24563 469866 222839 469866 873980 469866 214618 469866 567616 78527 345407 1021798 135381 407678 209207 435950 469866 343139 274219 400779 469866 970736 970736 469866 938473 469866 506404 794360 469866 506404 794360 290916 37146 430948 469866 506404 794360 209207 435950 469866 94470 634412 469866 94470 209207 435950 469866 739824 469866 931524 461578 469866 567616 209207 201932 209207 231080 776417 169635 343139 972015 263525 650749 974512 423020 375124 477393 65868 398857 197797 345407 692172 604739 472992 231080 672742 774027 567616 927083 567787 531250 762363 592986 251762 333537 231080 150215 462679 37146 655987 342878 462679 50823 412218 462679 37146 655987 1021798 238611 580420 1021798 351058 469866 591092 231080 1021798 540020 231080 462679 37146 655987 943145 292572 1021798 798953 910203 567616 646652 1021798 567616 778083 351058 469866 591092 231080 567616 395070 588111 692172 345407 469866 637930 469866 605562 469866 567616 222778 931460 943145 448779 939979 251464 1021798 28708 505733 655290 575885 374074 449081 180752 231080 85234 128756 385913 343139 469866 3169 605425 469866 567787 357746 73513 268069 345407 469866 1017702 901860 819373 993264 595401 992508 37146 684700 15136 103974 414054 231080 665790 268069 345407 629933 477203 567616 485407 110791 291883 231080 50823 972015 831391 500542 672742 645211 567616 562193 672742 645211 469866 843797 74178 993264 251762 222778 395414 231080 545209 798953 411477 469866 50823 972015 263525 774027 469866 255043 469866 931460 469866 843860 469866 53728 469866 73513 567787 357746 268069 345407 469866 353940 469866 637930 469866 567616 1013296 939979 251464 231080 344219 42114 37146 672742 804840 546101 85234 102082 469866 811409 469866 567616 428479 498360 922825 932535 33846 998663 831797 251762 238812 362454 27938 299781 42114 37146 672742 804840 231080 85234 539954 231080 363017 737063 831797 745062 411600 692172 251762 679090 209207 435950 27938 387304 939979 251762 608814 692172 666879 231080 569595 575885 798771 346246 27938 53085 539914 251762 721623 345407 993264 201505 469866 378639 320572 469866 683540 469866 16274 666879 469866 567616 304502 231080 85234 27938 894377 646971 1021798 485191 679356 283645 3165 592986 345407 231080 769677 811866 993548 575878 251762 667712 452986 90567 592986 251762 27938 375077 251762 840252 708351 642254 375077 1021798 344219 469866 156565 251762 536739 784254 469866 197797 345407 65869 1029617 868932 111135 692172 375124 477021 926987 231080 175003 85234 672742 622744 199510 192341 85234 77893 259123 337666 672742 622744 415782 901860 1017837 1021308 667242 345407 968765 437043 231080 294702 692172 292157 238812 362454 345407 469866 728317 699585 469866 329810 989022 575878 411302 1026616 251762 716533 663639 939979 733031 1029617 840312 209207 435950 27938 1021798 1017723 692172 54507 1023196 890882 719209 231080 145128 993264 251762 601160 567616 543912 144070 1021798 251762 213957 469866 251762 70270 728317 699585 27938 831797 448779 539914 201932 209207 251762 588074 572737 831797 667242 539914 881215 210195 231080 824697 362454 27938 831797 85234 925132 670323 469866 1029617 209207 435950 27938 993264 251762 621141 469866 675801 539914 493566 1029617 506404 794360 267279 452986 536739 492815 723550 469866 567616 750283 539914 1029617 209207 538875 231080 85234 345407 943145 292572 724902 251762 672742 622744 37146 567803 642254 993641 567616 251454 514348 798953 48848 567616 180752 605427 231080 884148 331202 85234 392498 998745 9080 88094 575878 251762 438403 683532 226131 469866 251762 379119 229449 831797 251762 238812 362454 27938 299781 85234 392498 998745 469866 111314 906669 1029617 111166 1021798 437043 951424 1029617 313215 692172 424533 299781 131282 766246 231080 85234 132059 231080 486388 229449 831797 1029617 28708 469866 271437 469866 872852 449083 27938 259841 539914 853040 769880 692172 115274 411528 209207 567616 1030588 539914 69279 630305 231080 85234 229449 831797 259576 692172 284004 449083 135381 448779 299781 251762 864469 231080 870821 629933 41791 1013377 407678 209207 435950 469866 94470 634412 469866 567616 882007 73164 264054 73164 128936 292600 407678 772611 345407 469866 325087 469866 992682 567616 167234 613792 774027 469866 567616 251762 864469 37146 741629 658652 407678 704881 98696 209207 435950 567616 83775 209207 94470 345407 231080 85234 843773 424533 815520 27938 621559 831797 251762 222778 395414 469866 111314 976284 1021798 234355 452986 24563 135381 407678 16274 666879 231080 884148 817461 85234 672742 227699 302529 1004430 836669 469866 85234 672742 227699 415782 901860 205375 584530 107139 436847 231080 85234 70270 83775 33846 343139 469866 1029617 209207 538875 27938 750283 539914 320572 993311 902823 567616 209207 608946 469866 943145 604845 231080 665790 27938 135381 629933 506404 794360 469866 590980 330724 469866 567616 993311 666879 231080 838011 683127 939979 345407 469866 251762 345276 831797 1013555 514348 292157 629599 287629 567616 972015 263525 881215 794750 469866 53728 469866 342308 469866 507940 848375 469866 209207 97954 469866 567616 255043 231080 884148 315061 689256 343139 567616 339961 169040 758782 367505 51068 98283 689256 343139 567616 339961 169040 1021798 614028 469866 567616 972917 415782 448779 873413 131264 144051 27938 251762 27938 894377 415782 901860 712963 968765 231080 85234 480906 864469 1021798 758782 37146 611813 357375 831797 238879 97626 469866 937110 469866 567616 18979 567616 981122 168795 827434 135381 448779 539914 798953 956101 407678 98696 535548 345407 567616 268069 345407 231080 665790 538826 201220 629933 98696 807349 881215 567616 659201 993311 930790 231080 884148 720334 590880 899269 884148 720334 528232 590880 899269 37146 717252 424533 27938 831797 251762 209207 435950 535701 27938 469866 708323 993264 251762 601160 539914 1029617 651051 82422 567616 922825 922581 231080 85234 494724 40930 903144 27938 831797 564223 539914 906871 107139 209207 670972 567616 608814 692172 247705 1029617 885568 164107 572737 831797 972015 552102 299781 251762 659039 1021798 567462 469866 884148 720334 231080 590880 899269 139450 772984 122419 567616 672734 84359 412218 1017837 251762 209207 435950 535701 345407 73164 1029617 873547 28929 193573 911250 152359 655400 721443 514348 1029617 469765 231080 1024599 412218 674883 514348 317285 469866 567616 251762 345407 840602 733493 251762 864469 906669 1021798 202073 231080 593735 915315 692172 77948 135381 469866 94470 634412 469866 209207 209207 435950 469866 567616 411528 209207 506404 794360 435950 469866 943145 972015 993264 201505 231080 85234 485149 567616 144070 345407 943145 449081 180752 231080 590880 899269 972015 494205 230288 288035 692172 708323 152103 725235 567616 634022 357746 469866 584117 316972 567616 603638 715581 469866 85597 588485 567616 953829 469866 567616 201841 539914 603638 715581 469866 271338 894217 469866 209207 469866 567616 629599 469866 745150 288162 469866 94470 634412 659360 469866 794056 209207 547953 469866 567616 778166 926781 469866 132026 403307 127308 469866 205025 469866 567616 132026 383338 634412 428337 231080 611813 887074 85234 672742 1024599 781502 538303 935988 260050 658434 469866 85234 672742 1024599 981122 1029617 287778 655025 284486 692172 366360 469866 102082 382714 345407 231080 85234 672742 1024599 943145 267110 592986 692172 251762 105663 812951 426556 1021798 781502 231080 101603 147830 346246 927371 164107 333157 724902 193423 567616 164814 798953 956101 1026616 597159 231080 85234 679090 209207 435950 831797 251762 238812 362454 27938 231080 183040 539914 704808 794360 469866 375124 469866 567616 584530 630305 469866 251762 90407 856403 345407 943145 102082 1021798 251762 213957 567616 556262 485149 993264 251762 790478 231080 665790 362454 135381 629933 284036 469866 94470 19952 634412 469866 931274 469866 12134 893517 213673 469866 981177 459308 485407 209207 469866 94470 209207 435950 539914 201932 567616 411528 670972 567616 890190 630305 993264 717252 169040 469866 107196 209207 469866 268069 469866 882007 469866 567616 506404 794360 267279 231080 85234 672742 1024599 386371 704881 135381 469866 333804 73164 98696 209207 435950 539914 77462 469866 247705 469866 567616 1029617 468813 268069 794360 19949 469866 567616 469866 213589 251762 993696 168556 469866 927083 567787 531250 675801 539914 1029617 798953 304919 37146 382714 927083 567787 231080 611813 932696 343139 545209 926560 554206 142837 73513 268069 345407 539914 201932 477393 943145 243500 343139 545209 926560 831797 864959 514348 231080 33842 1021798 251762 213957 567616 708323 993264 251762 790478 469866 251762 345407 943145 1025536 230288 778558 1021798 226039 567616 943145 222839 725293 287778 231080 85234 378328 156429 292157 345407 180752 567616 939979 811330 390509 251762 864469 831797 1021798 251762 24523 333057 73164 1029617 811330 860304 231080 838011 976214 514348 131622 1029617 337775 934998 469866 343139 545209 926560 972015 263525 519104 345407 469866 567616 152359 733031 27938 955677 469866 27938 152103 469866 44569 955677 469866 567616 774859 923441 73164 264054 73164 255043 469866 213533 774027 469866 881215 296407 469866 605562 469866 567616 324574 1013296 567616 637930 231080 1024495 322576 212883 37146 343139 469866 816339 322576 212883 37146 343139 843773 861142 831797 251762 898598 704881 435179 862133 469866 621160 346246 907898 528232 27938 469866 1029617 209207 435950 27938 1014033 564552 407678 1029617 629599 737687 567616 750283 539914 567787 357746 477393 469866 415782 901860 914938 251762 717252 27938 1021798 1024495 575878 102588 45168 231080 907898 528232 37146 757467 575885 374074 914504 575878 972631 209698 231080 322576 231080 33842 231080 599715 231080 373194 231080 672742 469866 218362 476625 294046 469866 251762 864469 37146 943261 27938 560061 231080 85234 70270 231080 363017 907898 528232 831797 251762 976487 27938 294046 770094 448779 469866 127423 184543 73164 1029617 778167 193573 514348 19111 422651 1018360 231080 322576 212883 37146 415782 24563 539542 135381 993264 750100 453147 469866 378639 85234 306983 469866 209207 506404 794360 469866 672742 37146 417598 672742 469866 907898 528232 469866 735081 251762 586763 692172 33846 469866 567616 294046 37146 275924 428095 692172 251762 24563 231080 781795 692172 251762 717252 424533 1013827 567616 704881 345407 629933 435179 862133 469866 703484 469866 282390 908410 726998 780154 469866 637098 469866 951291 469866 688996 469866 689746 993264 251762 541233 469866 216717 803754 22744 469866 567616 231080 85234 435179 862133 27938 453248 251762 816339 191882 862133 469866 1029617 313215 762363 761589 514348 897758 567616 992601 539914 890232 189102 231080 322576 212883 37146 343139 972131 292157 238528 778073 993264 900783 231080 539954 231080 85234 345407 943145 538826 1021798 23793 366344 567616 292572 299781 748252 954339 1021798 816339 469866 1024495 469866 353563 131827 469866 567616 251454 231080 454517 726998 147830 831797 658576 469866 218362 294046 469866 432869 840252 412218 378208 1021798 661083 836669 567616 831797 370607 164070 539914 947575 27938 333157 567616 672742 294864 231080 838011 1029617 288069 131622 1029617 313215 469866 726998 1017702 44860 724902 424533 345407 592986 692172 251762 869616 692172 972631 65120 939979 688010 514348 1029617 222060 127339 939979 872808 914938 251762 717252 27938 378328 1021798 251762 898032 502492 692172 1024495 469866 218362 294046 231080 76261 539954 414904 672742 76261 528232 539954 414904 672742 831391 1029617 568661 692172 345407 469866 724902 679090 939979 213533 1009592 939979 345407 539914 947575 898087 567616 20121 231080 942817 943145 465778 27938 135381 970736 970736 469866 629013 563543 316603 268069 27938 1014033 1021798 997580 704945 469866 209207 435950 469866 414904 94470 469866 687341 469866 567616 209207 670972 469866 938473 469866 743353 190935 190935 61011 769880 567616 201932 209207 670972 469866 94470 209207 435950 469866 94470 634412 469866 94470 319845 469866 173905 22735 209207 670972 469866 201932 209207 670972 469866 567616 320572 469866 279566 209207 469866 325087 268069 469866 721334 268069 567616 993311 131795 469866 655025 259576 168795 827434 226131 231080 539954 414904 672742 972015 981122 27938 333157 567616 27938 774027 231080 539954 414904 672742 156429 292157 568661 345407 567616 213533 1009592 345407 180752 231080 904978 740043 899269 435031 85234 28708 469866 110278 740043 899269 415782 901860 378208 930790 567616 36749 968765 93 231080 85234 802902 930883 864469 432838 73164 284004 964777 712963 956101 73164 597159 231080 825681 976155 943145 448779 724902 209898 612990 567616 90717 267815 469866 567616 985204 539914 185435 267110 943603 231080 85234 864469 448292 193314 164107 45583 160350 57857 368988 10433 37146 148938 179563 3753 567616 432838 563541 82064 469866 654398 36173 317082 231080 46647 362313 469866 740043 899269 263525 209207 279449 469866 94470 634412 469866 683540 469866 506404 794360 469866 882007 469866 567616 449083 231080 85234 864469 831797 1013555 514348 292157 507940 567616 438403 778166 407678 721127 856935 469866 721127 641950 679510 469866 926781 469866 567616 251762 688194 517299 567616 292157 978103 469866 126943 469866 567616 271338 469866 111314 943145 448779 1021798 251762 519104 507940 197333 231080 68223 339195 940324 641474 672742 998688 231080 1028815 593735 1028815 243406 968765 931915 469866 251762 339195 940324 641474 672742 998688 231080 831797 877275 390798 231080 85234 27938 894377 412218 539914 1029617 679090 209207 435950 27938 592971 539914 261374 37146 209207 670972 655290 448779 16430 27938 894377 1013555 231080 85234 27938 692040 564552 415782 683466 939979 629933 209207 877536 860937 469866 506404 794360 209207 435950 469866 567616 882007 231080 173726 692172 251762 70270 40930 209207 435950 345407 575885 374074 449081 180752 231080 427056 632102 419368 673979 120799 1021798 490384 469866 419368 457474 864469 831391 1029617 568661 692172 107139 436847 469866 378639 292157 843773 861142 536739 33846 781689 579367 672742 469866 1029617 366360 469866 82422 469866 102082 469866 885568 164107 469866 457474 27938 448779 539914 584530 956101 539914 226458 692172 820057 567616 823982 231080 701839 1021798 882354 469866 251762 927099 27938 77453 70270 231080 210516 231080 149777 972015 263525 1029617 898032 927083 567787 857038 539914 251762 864469 37146 860716 448779 457474 927083 567787 231080 85234 864469 972015 494205 186350 469866 209207 435950 469866 567616 1029617 41099 704881 226131 27938 641911 539914 885568 164107 469866 457474 279566 209207 637930 469866 457474 506404 794360 637930 567616 290904 1005798 469866 111314 943145 448779 939979 786816 407678 1029617 679090 723550 27938 469866 621160 943145 448779 534906 724902 737636 956101 231080 992135 887074 838164 641474 343139 252651 85234 717252 424533 345407 299781 838164 641474 343139 943145 251762 691471 209207 435950 469866 268069 469866 567616 279566 209207 469866 621160 251762 688194 27938 831797 251762 70270 231080 210516 344221 699299 392421 672742 469866 1029617 268069 27938 539914 629599 670972 567616 750283 539914 567787 357746 477393 567616 1029617 910712 856444 692172 629599 231080 715242 514348 1029617 798953 316296 469866 344221 469866 1029617 28531 692172 251762 27938 37146 671659 831797 184578 939979 251762 316296 37146 122712 469866 826300 541200 231080 789327 1021798 993835 469866 838164 641474 343139 469866 111314 156429 180752 469866 263525 614135 135381 692172 144070 538826 345407 469866 724902 251762 691471 939979 184955 1029957 135381 407678 599640 837338 469866 233074 83377 469866 1025067 512090 182405 469866 567616 927099 675801 345407 723550 469866 2503 61011 469866 435583 469866 452986 290916 37146 673981 940763 573663 675801 592754 1029617 27938 231080 838164 641474 343139 972015 981122 849014 135381 692172 143196 231080 992135 932696 229098 528232 899269 756849 549326 85234 717252 36749 1021798 756849 549326 943145 448779 299781 229098 528232 899269 231080 575535 857038 469866 102319 567616 860937 469866 435179 469866 739824 469866 137653 91793 469866 772914 1107 373072 469866 209207 435950 469866 567616 1005895 345407 943145 448779 291869 231080 85234 864469 469866 41102 575878 724976 567616 956729 748120 925019 567616 162331 913134 469866 972015 263525 213533 774027 469866 255043 469866 931460 469866 53728 469866 218297 469866 567616 927083 567787 231080 880784 731735 672742 112137 999471 593735 915315 692172 345407 469866 1027074 117699 447017 469866 610672 437706 231080 998663 469866 567616 932535 575878 251762 781689 469866 41102 354016 567616 354016 514348 843773 861142 469866 621160 731696 356266 469866 621833 692172 447017 731735 672742 112137 469866 997640 932535 575878 251762 781689 469866 1029617 890190 16274 666879 605539 27938 469866 766469 272127 231080 71832 563541 251762 345407 292572 299781 16430 345276 469866 251762 82422 469866 102082 27938 831797 448779 539914 1029617 213397 692172 910712 761762 77612 567616 1014033 671474 567616 415782 1029617 52998 374484 1021798 251762 213957 469866 111314 745456 605038 1029617 898032 292639 567616 465659 997757 494202 231080 743893 209207 831797 848783 271309 902813 251762 27938 567616 679102 539914 485149 209207 605539 567616 666879 769880 567616 831797 750283 733493 539914 1029617 551328 993183 19949 567616 358138 1030588 539914 69279 890190 630305 231080 85234 666879 605539 345407 943145 292572 514348 70270 1021798 667712 567616 523420 231080 461937 725293 287778 251454 231080 447017 19949 994062 806582 469866 510662 231080 571539 943145 1029891 571233 567616 629933 1029617 28722 692172 316603 880784 993183 1021798 238812 692172 358281 345407 73164 1029617 733852 939979 358281 386739 231080 942817 831797 753905 44762 993183 939979 687685 605038 1029617 226131 724642 621160 69738 44762 939979 531470 251762 848578 169040 218362 356266 231080 888405 345407 255882 943145 184955 197749 1029617 27938 152359 2 708351 169040 534297 146938 37146 484655 722019 146938 37146 484655 412218 539914 227001 469866 1029617 683263 172719 469866 567616 1029617 592521 1021798 696886 1026616 893113 221323 567616 273957 515892 655400 757455 239152 231080 221323 956493 515892 1029617 225858 692172 345407 939979 267079 514348 362619 160024 564552 993264 1029617 250987 231080 85234 526488 831797 370607 650769 469866 567616 146938 37146 484655 415782 705386 762445 231080 146938 37146 484655 831391 345407 939979 251464 567616 255062 317285 485407 724902 251762 40937 231080 438951 629933 209207 435950 469866 209207 435950 993311 469866 938473 469866 506404 794360 469866 506404 794360 209207 435950 469866 201932 209207 435950 567616 563543 469866 970736 970736 469866 268069 469866 94470 634412 469866 567616 94470 209207 435950 231080 146938 37146 484655 972015 831391 637930 567616 263525 927083 567787 469866 927083 567787 857038 469866 567616 658610 375124 927083 567787 271309 539914 608814 692172 209207 435950 345407 567616 650550 538875 15512 567616 750283 539914 139307 268069 345407 231080 810508 740540 672742 998688 231080 574622 549924 222598 692172 1012334 528232 469866 740540 672742 998688 831391 292157 345407 1021798 28708 505733 231080 942817 943145 935988 750100 135381 655025 1029617 27938 692172 251762 692117 231080 85234 238812 362454 27938 831797 469866 1029617 144070 449083 539914 1029617 209207 621141 543158 539914 209207 469866 666879 567616 320572 231080 665790 135381 629933 1029617 209207 543158 506404 794360 27938 469866 1029617 201932 209207 988793 563918 469866 567616 861191 567787 559799 325087 268069 27938 231080 173726 692172 345407 575885 374074 449081 180752 231080 984232 984232 672742 586763 611813 91967 984232 672742 586763 831797 1029617 28708 27938 894377 292579 1021798 251762 238812 403147 197087 538826 345407 1021798 563541 692172 984232 469866 378639 292157 843773 861142 469866 569881 586763 250784 209207 435950 469866 111314 370129 1021798 169118 535613 37146 972015 1029617 383338 164107 572737 231080 85234 27938 894377 432838 1029617 27938 840423 659477 284319 844686 567616 15966 692172 8984 906871 107139 209207 670972 469866 902107 131264 192635 692172 251762 539954 231080 363017 569881 586763 27938 831797 592604 539914 722100 209207 567616 972276 27938 831797 485149 993264 251762 601160 567616 102082 1021798 251762 213957 231080 571539 267110 16430 832111 993264 251762 679090 757036 982775 832111 621160 407109 251762 843773 815520 376396 956101 28904 679136 412199 567616 1029617 28104 890232 956101 939979 798771 251762 280113 469866 791034 27938 655290 604739 222473 847775 469866 218362 150445 357008 469866 593000 231080 149777 329810 493556 939979 300343 477627 28904 881220 564552 539914 251762 378328 300343 968765 209207 435950 831797 115460 89957 37146 238528 27938 567616 448621 586763 231080 85234 894377 836086 613056 514348 840591 469866 24563 469866 567616 1029617 287778 345407 250474 85234 287778 831797 295605 1029617 3010 37146 287778 169040 567616 27938 333157 514348 214356 432869 684280 939979 147830 346246 741629 569881 586763 345407 231080 984232 672742 586763 836086 935988 27938 135381 469866 882015 704881 469866 378639 495616 586763 107196 209207 435950 469866 410568 586763 506404 794360 209207 435950 469866 340856 586763 94470 873019 3153 469866 639347 939979 586763 374667 209207 435950 469866 274189 37146 586763 209207 435950 539914 551328 469866 557463 586763 320572 94470 539914 209207 670972 469866 947309 469866 567616 77462 469866 627514 1021798 586763 98696 535548 539914 209207 435950 469866 204547 586763 201932 209207 539914 873019 131019 567616 57652 469866 567616 149777 37146 1029617 678837 586763 268069 231080 85234 864469 972015 263525 586763 1008815 659360 567616 469866 724902 231497 939979 483987 469866 981122 469866 144070 952314 927083 567787 655290 831797 1029617 592955 984232 882023 231080 271044 385913 583148 899269 271044 37709 536829 1021798 844935 469866 385913 583148 899269 316548 860755 539914 625705 827535 469866 432869 943145 412301 939979 40549 386371 251762 107139 436847 231080 85234 27938 621667 428228 465778 985115 413144 469866 993311 20429 469866 201932 209207 3153 469866 268069 469866 209207 435950 469866 107196 209207 469866 94470 634412 469866 794360 469866 506404 794360 469866 563918 469866 506404 794360 435950 469866 955662 567616 201932 469866 772028 469866 567616 739824 345407 231080 85234 864469 972015 415782 614135 976374 688194 774027 73164 264054 73164 36749 469866 931460 469866 255043 469866 468987 469866 567616 864678 407678 279420 469866 567787 725353 469866 567616 320572 353940 231080 279188 261365 64302 187873 261365 64302 37146 345407 493868 374074 993264 251762 391388 840479 469866 621160 152359 943145 786860 642246 231080 85234 391388 510766 275790 811866 575885 497609 567616 588320 184955 197749 259576 231080 942817 943145 465778 135381 469866 621160 251762 539954 231080 210516 99823 33846 998663 469866 1029617 82422 27938 564223 539914 209207 670972 469866 831797 251762 717252 861142 231080 824697 362454 27938 831797 251762 669563 469866 1029617 304904 993264 1029617 787076 655290 831797 914938 951424 251762 968654 306754 469866 432869 1005504 753905 468797 724902 251762 894377 231080 85234 669563 831797 538826 993264 1029617 980679 341342 539914 391036 469866 629599 469866 567616 279449 692172 465176 448779 1029310 209207 231080 85234 345407 943145 448779 1021798 28708 505733 539914 308605 798953 956101 231080 665790 135381 629933 284036 469866 28179 209207 435950 469866 94470 209207 279449 539914 873019 427908 469866 325087 19949 119290 469866 16274 551328 469866 468813 794360 882007 469866 98696 209207 435950 469866 132026 383338 770114 209207 539914 890190 630305 469866 897694 881215 469866 567616 1029617 81751 459308 209207 231080 112065 292157 485318 778073 1021798 95787 849060 469866 261365 64302 972015 981122 927083 567787 531250 448779 539914 187321 1024361 37146 401314 88075 177980 655077 84532 231080 41544 993264 85234 141066 467488 37146 363017 693209 88075 177980 22738 1021798 251762 56801 127305 231080 279188 469866 38013 231080 656090 231080 538826 544070 553530 727265 981923 469866 197797 102082 94470 345407 65868 539914 567787 357746 926987 1029617 774869 993264 251762 455127 899661 416258 881215 831797 538826 544070 37146 238812 362454 27938 231080 85234 725837 231080 519486 27938 831797 1029617 243049 469866 379119 193573 231080 789327 1021798 836664 469866 538826 544070 494205 1029617 568661 692172 345407 469866 378639 445688 91288 567616 455127 91288 672742 268069 27938 263144 539914 1029617 477021 19949 469866 536739 33846 565695 1029617 411528 209207 27938 539914 353563 567616 209207 608814 469866 949547 673981 940763 1029617 885568 164107 708323 27938 201401 539914 506404 794360 469866 557640 562193 237558 672742 144070 683540 345407 592604 539914 1029617 325087 477021 469866 368871 801355 94470 469866 798790 261374 1013296 469866 770730 267830 469866 320572 469866 567616 997653 209207 670972 469866 567616 673981 940763 10777 173092 411528 209207 251637 926987 65868 398857 197797 506404 794360 345407 231080 85234 41791 864469 972015 831391 931460 469866 345407 469866 1013296 469866 637930 469866 992682 469866 218297 469866 696061 469866 567616 151431 469866 621160 605038 831797 238812 864959 514348 292157 250784 255043 469866 111314 448779 85234 141066 467488 37146 1018429 693209 759251 1021798 536175 127305 231080 320307 271044 85234 693209 672742 458261 85234 693209 672742 37146 843773 27938 831797 251762 99823 33846 998663 231080 769677 604739 271877 939979 1017702 605038 539914 452986 486082 646745 469866 251762 27938 333157 831797 448779 539914 807303 77612 567616 596699 469866 1023188 794360 567616 8984 209207 670972 665790 345407 538826 629933 94470 634412 448779 539914 807303 659280 469866 596699 469866 320572 567616 671474 540234 201932 209207 877536 448779 539914 8984 201932 209207 670972 567616 440777 20131 540234 506404 794360 539914 209207 670972 540234 567616 209207 304016 27938 469866 251762 234913 238812 362454 27938 231080 85234 345407 943145 292572 575878 251762 287778 540234 222839 267566 820202 345407 1021798 1029617 201060 316390 810784 831797 523420 567616 222839 267566 820202 1021798 251762 864469 37146 688194 407232 189149 831797 247882 231080 85234 894377 972015 981122 378866 3153 469866 375124 3164 469866 567616 209207 304016 659360 567616 679090 571233 993311 634412 53728 231080 571539 943145 547291 939979 358281 209698 469866 856744 902813 251762 786793 469866 259576 27938 299781 1029617 465611 469866 218362 808862 231080 64892 144824 437482 191349 144824 437482 831391 403147 505733 692172 345407 469866 378639 292157 238812 362454 81100 686963 672742 448779 539914 209207 670972 469866 201932 209207 670972 469866 567616 993311 172722 655290 831797 708323 993264 251762 601160 567616 102082 993264 251762 592754 231080 571539 407678 939979 147830 1014188 655290 473559 856744 939979 588320 231080 951291 209207 567616 267830 831797 1029617 848341 968043 169040 218362 644698 58706 469866 156109 593000 567616 750002 263083 692172 144824 437482 231080 85234 539954 231080 210516 27938 831797 69738 840252 362454 539914 604739 469866 605038 37146 972015 251762 465540 37146 428095 27938 231080 665790 985115 629933 209207 435950 469866 506404 794360 469866 506404 794360 209207 435950 469866 94470 551328 469866 209207 449083 539914 411528 209207 567616 890190 630305 469866 279566 209207 469866 713098 469866 567616 683540 284036 231080 144824 437482 831797 972015 864959 514348 292157 894217 794360 345418 567616 864837 567616 953829 345418 231080 592190 649303 899269 925019 649303 899269 37146 238812 362454 27938 831797 251762 70270 231080 363017 33846 998663 343139 539914 464470 567616 781689 579367 469866 1029617 856403 469866 102082 27938 539914 608814 692172 247705 567616 209207 914571 1021798 333157 567616 1030588 539914 890190 630305 655290 886333 1029617 24614 321236 107139 61299 231080 85234 399142 510766 209207 435950 345407 943145 292572 1021798 251762 415495 567616 1029617 518775 543535 572737 831797 155587 939979 646939 180752 231080 672742 333157 831797 972015 292572 299781 251762 864469 469866 111314 906669 1021798 243632 231080 649303 899269 972015 831391 1029617 885568 164107 279566 209207 535701 27938 567616 94470 605539 345407 225801 506378 231080 319733 575878 1029617 724976 567616 956729 477893 469866 251762 925019 846166 864469 831797 972015 864959 514348 292157 629599 271338 469866 1029617 910712 567616 226130 362313 390560 1030588 539914 629599 567616 268069 231080 149777 37146 745062 704454 993548 951424 811039 251762 502492 37146 843773 246723 299781 495673 469866 972015 1021798 925019 231080 The Best Cookie in Every State The humble cookie has been a palm-sized treat and baking basic for decades, but that doesn't mean it can't be elevated to greater heights. The Best Cookie in Every State The humble cookie has been a palm-sized treat and baking basic for decades, but that doesn't mean it can't be elevated to greater heights. We have searched the U.S. for the best cookies, from classic chocolate chip in all shapes and sizes to inventive creations like the alcohol-infused Tipsy Velvet at The Cookie Bar in Las Vegas and caramel, toffee, and chocolate Caramel by the Sea at Moonshine Mountain Cookie Company in Knoxville, Tennessee. Crazy for cookies, we considered bakeries, cookie shops, and cookie trucks. Cookie companies did not have to have a brick-and-mortar storefront to be considered. Small cafes with limited food menus and companies that sell cookies online and ship nationwide were considered, but supermarket bakeries, hotel bakeries, restaurants and bars that sell cookies, and large-scale, nationwide cookie chains were not. We judged the establishments and their cookies both on essentials, like flavor and texture, and on creativity. Read on to discover the best cookie in every state. Alabama: Cookie Fix (Homewood) Cookie Fix 's favorite cookie (and ours) is the Peanut Butter Chocolate Chunk Cookie, a cookie made by owner Amy Jason long before she opened Cookie Fix in 2016. The cookie is loaded with premium semisweet chips and chunks plus peanut butter chips. "No more chunks could possibly fit!" Jason told us. "The peanut butter makes it deliciously moist, and our secret and unique recipe makes it a 'tall' cookie that is crisp on the outside and gooey on the inside. No big, flat boring cookies here." The $2.40 cookie is a top seller thanks to the staff: "The entire Cookie Fix team loves the classic combination of peanut butter and chocolate in several of our cookies, but this one is definitely the favorite," said Jason. "Because we are 'cookie consultants' and have our customer's trust, when they ask what our favorite cookie is, they are bound to try it." The cookie shop also sells "sister" cookies, which rotate monthly; the Peanut Butter Salted Caramel Pretzel, Peanut Butter M&M, and Peanut Butter Oreo are also top sellers. Other cookies on the menu include: Classic Chocolate Chip, Salted Dark Chocolate Caramel Chocolate Chip, Chunky Baby, Brown Sugar Blondie, White Trash, and Magic City Chocolate Chip all with a twist of sea salt on top. There is also a Healthy Peanut Butter cookie, a flourless oatmeal cookie and, on Fridays, there are Bootie Bars (layers of oatmeal toffee chocolate chip dough with a thick luscious layer of caramel, and another layer of oatmeal toffee). The shop also sells Cookie Fix Frozen Dough to Go (packs of 15 frozen dough balls for customers to bake at home). Alaska: Fire Island Rustic Bakeshop (Anchorage) Owner Jerry Lewanski has eaten chocolate chip cookies all over the world and he wanted to sell the best version when he opened Fire Island Rustic Bakeshop in 2009. The $2 Fire Island Chocolate Chip Cookie is made with organic flour, sugar, and dark chocolate chips yielding a domed cookie that is crispy on the outside, yet moist and gooey on the inside with a cake-like mouthfeel. The bakeshop also makes peanut butter cream sandwich cookies, ginger molasses sandwich cookies with lemon cream, and shortbread cookies. The shop also makes scones, croissants, focaccias, and sourdough breads. Arizona: Super Chunk (Phoenix) Super Chunk 's superlative cookie is the Mesquite Chocolate Chip that has a satisfying sandy texture that mimics the Arizona desert (in a good way!) and tastes like nutmeg, caramel, and nuts. The shortbread cookie is made with butter, organic raw sugar, and mesquite flour. Located in Old Town Scottsdale, the family-owned bakery, sweet shop, and café also sells sandwiches made on house-baked bread, confections like chocolate bacon caramel corn and house-made licorice with fennel, anise, and green chartreuse, and ice cream, including flavors like Peixoto Coffee, basil hazelnut praline, and Tea & Biscuits. Arkansas: Chunky Dunk (Fayetteville) Milk and cookies truck Chunky Dunk lives by a playful adage: "A cookie a day keeps the doctor away. Especially if you add ice cream to it." Whimsical ice cream sandwiches with creative names like the Taylor Swift (cookie dough ice cream sandwiches between a chocolate chip cookie, a sugar cookie, sprinkles, and chocolate sauce) and the Sweater Weather (cardamom cinnamon toffee ice cream sandwiched between two pumpkin cookies with crushed graham crackers and chai spiced maple glaze) have won over the people of Fayetteville and us. California: Cake Monkey Bakery (Los Angeles) Owner Lisa J. Olin and Executive Pastry Chef Elizabeth Belkind craft sweet treats, including pies, cakes, and snack treats, to satisfy everyone's cravings at Cake Monkey Bakery . The Summer Camp Chocolate Chip Cookie, a gooey, chewy and crispy treat made with caramelized Rice Krispies, marshmallow, and dark chocolate, is the best seller. Other cookie flavors we love include the whimsical Li'l Merri's, oatmeal cream pie sandwich cookies filled with maple vanilla buttercream, and The Big O, a sandwich cookie that is a twist on the Oreo. Colorado: Santa Fe Cookie Co. (Denver) Locally owned and family-run, Santa Fe Cookie Co. has been baking cookies since 1986. Flavors that come out fresh from the oven include classics like chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, sugar, peanut butter, peanut butter chocolate chip, and more complex flavors like harvest cranberry oatmeal, coconut macaroons, pecan praline, Space Chip, and shortbread with piñon nuts. The bakery also makes cupcakes, scones, macaroons, vegan and gluten-free brownies, and gluten-free brown sugar nut bars, almond crisps, and lemon bars. Connecticut: Sweet Maria's (Waterbury) The biggest-selling cookie at Sweet Maria 's is the Pignoli cookie, a chewy on the inside, crispy on the outside, pine nut topped almond macaroon. Naturally gluten-free, the cookie is made from almond paste, sugar, egg whites, and pine nuts. The cookies are $14 per pound. When owner Maria Bruscino Sanchez was writing the cookie menu before the bakery opened in 1990, she decided to add this quintessential Italian cookie. After tinkering with the recipe with the help of friends and the Italian community in Waterbury, the results speak for themselves. There are versions with chocolate and sliced almonds, raspberry, lemon, lime, and orange amaretti. The bakery also serves 25 types of biscotti, some traditional ones and others that are more cookie-like (butter based): chocolate chip, oatmeal, gingersnaps, thumbprints, peanut butter balls, butter cookies, pumpkin, maple, peanut butter, cut-outs, apple cider cookies, Snickerdoodles, coconut macaroons, magic bars, and almond triangles. The bakery also specializes in whipped cream layer cakes like the Very Berry, three layers of white cake, filled with blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and frosted with whipped cream. Delaware: Bing's Bakery, Newark, Delaware The traditional Italian Rainbow Cookie has brightened the day for customers at Bing's Bakery since it debuted in 2005. The Italian Rainbow Cookie is made with a tri-color almond cookie cake filled with raspberry and apricot jam and coated on both sides with chocolate. The colorful cookies are $13.95 per pound. Open since 1946, Bing's Bakery also makes butter cookies, almond macaroons, chocolate chip cookies, oatmeal cookies, and Chinese cookies along with Napoleons, cannoli, and éclairs. Florida: Gideon's Bakehouse (Orlando) The cookies are so popular at Gideon's Bakehouse that customers are limited to half a dozen per person. There are six daily flavors that sell out practically every day. While all the cookies are equally popular, the cookie most people get addicted to first, according to the bakery, is the $5 Pistachio Toffee Dark Chocolate Chip Cookie. The half-pound cookie is made with sea salt and minimal sugar, filled with chocolate, pistachios, and toffee and smothered on top with more chocolate, pistachios, and toffee. "The core recipe behind the Gideon's Bakehouse Cookie was an obsessive 15-year journey of trial and error," said Steve Lewis, owner. The cookies are made in small batches and take 18 hours of prep time before being baked and served. "All of our cookies are thick, soft and chewy, giving you the best of a cookie dough experience in a fully baked cookie," said Lewis. What started as an "underground bakery" where patrons ordered via word of mouth and direct delivery in 2008 has grown to a 286-square-foot retail space. The bakeshop is on target to sell 20 tons of Pistachio Toffee Dark Chocolate Chip Cookies in 2018. The other core cookie flavors are classic chocolate chip, triple chocolate, peanut butter, and Cookies and Cream, which are offered along with a sixth limited-edition monthly flavor like Peanut Butter Espresso Cookies, White Chocolate Macadamia Nut with homemade Caramel, Salted Andies Mint, and Coffee Cake. The shop also sells cake slices, including an exceptional Southern buttermilk red velvet cake. Georgia: Back in the Day Bakery (Savannah) Established in 2002, the small artisan bakery in Savannah's Starland District was a 2015 James Beard nominee for outstanding bakers Cheryl and Griffith Day. Back in the Day Bakery sells a quartet of cookies that are all equally exceptional: chocolate chip, lavender shortbread, Miss Hanna's, and Ultimate Oatmeal along with exemplary biscuits, pies, cupcakes, breads, and sandwiches. Hawaii: Honolulu Cookie Company (Honolulu) Since 1998, Honolulu Cookie Company has been baking a variety of Hawaii-inspired cookies and specializes in shortbread cookies. Its top-selling cookie is the Chocolate Dipped Macadamia cookie, a classic, buttery, crunchy shortbread cookie hand-dipped in rich milk chocolate. The cookie made its debut as a limited flavor, and now it is the only cookie flavor to have a full collection devoted solely to it. The cookies are sold alone and as part of Honolulu Cookie Company's pre-set collections like the Signature Gift Box Chocolate Dipped Macadamia. Honolulu Cookie Company also bakes cookies with flavors like guava, Kona coffee, and coconut that feature chewy fruit morsels or coffee beans baked right in; some are hand-dipped in white, milk, or dark chocolate. The cookies can be shipped nationwide. Idaho: Wildflour Bakery (Garden City) Wildflour Bakery bakes small batches of cookies, muffins, scones, breads, and coffee cakes that are sold at Wildflour Bakery & Espresso Bar in Garden City and at Boise Co-op , WinCo Foods , and Whole Foods Market in Boise. Founded by owner Mary Cogswell in 1992, the cookies are sold in four- and eight-cookie packs. Large cookies are sold in $4 four-packs in flavors like oatmeal raisin, Oatmeal Power, Oat Chocolate Chip, Oat Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip, Oat Cranberry Walnut, A Little Bit of Everything, Chocolate Chocolate Chip, Oat Butterscotch Chocolate Chip, and Gingerbread, and small cookies in $4.50 eight-packs in flavors like Salted Chocolate Chip, Snickerdoodles, Chocolate Crinkles, Ginger Thins, and Black & Tan. The bakery also makes muffins, coffee cakes, scones, and breads. Illinois: big.fat.cookie (Chicago) The top seller at big.fat.cookie , sold at Lakeview Kitchen and Market , is the Jack Pack, a 6-ounce-plus classic chocolate chip cookie made with Biscoff Cookie Butter and adorned with half Oreo and half Reese's on top. The concept of this colossal cookie was created in 2015 after the owner spent three decades manufacturing costume jewelry. When customers warm the cookie at home, the $5 cookie is crispy on the outside and melty and ooey gooey on the inside. The cookies are so big that they are meant to be sliced like a pie or like biscotti and shared; they serve two to five people. The hefty cookies are sold online for $7 each. Other top-sellers include a classic cookie stuffed with Nutella and topped with a whole Biscoff cookie and a classic cookie with s'mores topping. Indiana: Heidelberg Haus (Indianapolis) Gabi and Jurgen Jungbauer opened Heidelberg Haus in 1968 to offer locals delights from Germany. Over the years, Heidelberg Haus has expanded into a cafe, bakery, pastry shop, German grocery store, and gift shop. The labor-intensive German Springerle cookies have a loyal following. Each cookie is expertly prepared with cake flour, powdered sugar, fresh eggs, vanilla, salt, hartshorn (a source of ammonia used in baking) and flavors like anise oil and anise seeds. The dough is rolled out and century-old hand carved historic wooden molds are hand pressed into the 1-centimeter-thick dough. Once baked, the cookies come out white on top and perfectly golden on the bottom. The bakery is also known for its exquisite wedding cakes and seasonal pfeffernuesse. Iowa: Thelma's Treats (Des Moines) Thelma's Treats uses the owners' great grandmother Thelma's recipe to make its Signature Snickerdoodle, a soft, chewy, buttery cookie with a slight crunch of cinnamon and sugar on the outside. (Thelma was known for her snickerdoodles.) Thelma's Treats delivers their snickerdoodles, chocolate chip, peanut butter, and double chocolate chocolate cookies warm in cute little oven boxes in Des Moines. Cookies are $20 per dozen. Thelma's Treats also makes ice cream sandwiches, which are sold in stores across the Midwest and can be shipped nationwide. Kansas: Best Regards Bakery & Café (Overland Park) Best Regards Bakery & Café 's Cranberry Orange cookie is a quarter pound of perfection. The inch-tall dome of this buttery cookie is tender, and the cookie has a fresh citrus aroma and is packed with orange and cranberries. "Many pastry chefs have tried to deconstruct and back-engineer this recipe, but to no avail," said Robert Duensing, who created the $3.49 cookie after being inspired during a trip to the Fancy Food Show in 2003: "This was well before cranberry and orange were even thought of as a classic combination. We happened to stop at a booth that had cranberry chutney next to another booth with something orange. We thought, hmmm, I wonder…," said Duensing. Each cookie is individually wrapped and heat-sealed in a special bag, custom-made for the bakery, locking in the cookie's scent. "When you first open the package, you will want to smell the cookie. It will smell like a tree-ripened Florida orange!" said Duensing. Opened in 1993, the bakery also sells cream puffs, chocolate éclairs, and croissants. Cookies were introduced in 2002 and the signature Cranberry Orange cookie debuted in 2003 and has been the bakery's best seller ever since. Kentucky: Kizito Cookies (Louisville) Born under a banana tree in Nansana, Uganda, Elizabeth Kizito came to the U.S. in 1975. She went on to create Kizito Cookies , which are sold in dozens of stores in Louisville, a handful of stores in Indiana, and one shop in Ohio. Choosing among the 14 cookie flavors is tough. Fortunately, customers can order a dozen assorted 3-ounce cookies online. Options include chocolate chip, snickerdoodle, pumpkin chocolate chip, deluxe oatmeal, shortbread, white chocolate chip, peanut butter, coconut macaroons, chocolate chocolate chip, nutty chocolate chip, sugar, pumpkin raisin, gingersnaps, and Lucky in Kentucky (dark chocolate, white chocolate, and crispy pecans). Kizito Cookies also makes brownies, biscotti, muffins, and granola. Louisiana: Poupart Bakery (Lafayette) Francois Poupart and Patrick Jean Marie Poupart have been making the finest French pastries, Old World French breads, soups, and sandwiches since 1967 at Poupart Bakery . From colorful macarons to meticulously decorated royal iced shortbread cookies, there are plenty of French cookies to try. The bakery also makes Danishes, croissants, biscuits, tarts, and more. Seasonal treats like gingerbread houses, alligator bread, and king cakes are all exceptional and popular. Maine: Standard Baking Co. (Portland) Family-owned Standard Baking Co. opened in 1995 and has been making artisanal baked goods ever since. Cookies are sold warm straight from the oven at 1:30 p.m. daily. The menu changes daily and seasonally. The bakery is also known for its breads, like French baguettes, hearty German vollkornbrot, fragrant focaccia, and an all-organic miche made from 100 percent Maine-grown and milled whole grains that are baked in a 12-ton stone-deck oven. The bakery also makes hand-rolled croissants, pain au chocolat, brioche, and scones, which customers can watch being made in the open production bakery. Maryland: Berger Cookies (Baltimore) German immigrant Henry Berger came to the U.S. in 1835, and he opened a bakery soon after in East Baltimore. The hand-dipped chocolate fudge Berger Cookie is synonymous with Baltimore and a staple in Maryland homes. The uninitiated may mistake the Berger Cookie for an all-black black and white cookie, but it is not. The proportion of fudgy frosting to vanilla cake-like cookie is overwhelmingly frosted with the cookie just serving as a base for the frosting. Sold in grocery stories, Berger Cookies are also available online: two-cookie snack packs are $2.50 and a 15-ounce pack is $5.99. Massachusetts: Flour Bakery & Café (Boston) Crispy on the edges and chewy and soft in the middle, Flour Bakery's Chunky Lola is full of oats, raisins, pecans, and coconut. One of the headnotes in owner Joanne Chang's first book, "Flour," sums up the signature $2.25 Chunky Lola cookie (the book also has the Chunky Lola recipe): Staff put all their favorites coconut, pecans, and chocolate into one cookie, then asked customers to submit names for the new creation. Chunky Lola won out, though no one knew who Lola was. Since the book came out, however, Lola has resurfaced: She is an adorable bulldog whose picture is now on the sign for this cookie at Flour , which opened in 2000 and began making Chunky Lola a year later. Flour also bakes chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, peanut butter, ginger molasses, double chocolate, milk chocolate hazelnut, a breakfast cookie, vegan almond macaroon, coconut macaroon, homemade Oreos, gluten-free caramel Oreos along with homemade granola bar and raspberry crumb bars. Flour will debut a tahini and black sesame shortbread soon. The bakery also makes its signature banana bread, butter Breton cake, carrot cake with cream cheese frosting, and mile-high lemon meringue pie. Don't miss the Sticky Sticky Buns, brioche rolled with cinnamon sugar and pecans and baked with a brown sugar-honey-cream-butter goo, and lots more pecans, which won Food Network's "Throwdown! with Bobby Flay" and was featured on Food Network's "The Best Thing I Ever Ate." Michigan: Good Cakes and Bakes (Detroit) The top-selling cookie at Good Cakes and Bakes can be deceiving at first glance. What looks like a typical sugar cookie is actually an amazing Lemon Sugar Cookie with a perfectly crispy edge and satisfyingly chewy center. April Anderson, pastry chef and co-owner of Good Cakes and Bakes, loved sugar cookies growing up and made them often with her mother, which inspired the top-selling cookie's recipe. "As I got older, I gained affection for any desserts with lemons in them. When we were thinking of cookie recipes for the bakery, I said 'Let's change the traditional sugar cookie recipe and add lemons to them,'" said Anderson. Before baking, the cookies are rolled in sugar and lemon zest and brown sugar is added to the dough to create crispy edges to the $2.50 cookie. Anderson, who opened the bakery in 2013, also bakes chocolate chip cookies, oatmeal creme sandwich cookies with a touch of rum in the filling, seasonal red velvet cookies stuffed with cream cheese, crispy peanut butter cookies, and vegan oatmeal cookies made with sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, raisins and dried cranberries. The bakery also makes an amazing lemon and strawberry gooey butter cake. The bakery's sweet treats have been baked for Oprah Winfrey and former U.S. President Bill Clinton. Minnesota: T-Rex Cookie (Minneapolis) The colossal half-pound cookies baked at T-Rex Cookie have put this bakery on the map. Owner Tina Rexing, an avid baker who spent 17 years competing in the Minnesota State Fair Baking competitions, opened T-Rex Cookie in 2015, and when the cookies first debuted, they were average size. "I had taught tennis for a number of years and had developed tennis elbow," said Rexing, "As I was scooping the small cookies, I thought what if I just made them bigger? Then, I wouldn't have to scoop as many." Rexing took a bunch of the larger half-pound cookies to the Minneapolis Farmers Market , they sold out immediately, and the rest is history. The signature Sea Salt Caramel Chocolate Chip is so popular it was featured on the "Today Show" just eight months after Rexing started her company and was sold at Super Bowl LII in Minneapolis. The Sea Salt Caramel Chocolate Chip is crispy on the outside, chewy in the middle, and packed with chocolate chips and caramel bits topped with a large flake sea salt. The cookie sells for an average of $5 at retail outlets like U.S. Bank Stadium . Pro tip: Because of the size, the cookies hold a longer shelf life than other cookies. "They freeze very well, and actually, an entire pint of ice cream fits between two cookies to make the best ice cream sandwich," said Rexing, who also sells 50 other varieties of cookies, including Dill Pickle, Chocolate Chirp (chocolate chip with crickets), Cereal Killer Cookies (various cookie flavors with cereal like Fruity Pebbles), hefty 5-pound cookies, and 15-pound ice cream sandwiches. Rexing's cafe is located in a 100-year-old building slated for redevelopment, so T-Rex Cookie will be temporarily relocating and launching a Kickstarter campaign to purchase a food truck to continue bringing cookies to the masses during the transition. Mississippi: La Brioche (Jackson) La Brioche infuses their creations with Argentinian, Italian, Uruguayan, and Swedish flavors. The French macarons at La Brioche are made in-house with 100 percent almond flour and are filled with buttercream or ganache. The flavorful $2 macarons have a perfectly soft mouthfeel and are bursting with flavors, which change daily. The patisserie, which first sold its treats at a farmers market in Jackson before opening a storefront in 2014, also sells mini macarons, alfajores (an Argentinian shortbread cookie filled with dulce de leche), and entremets (mousse layered cakes with wonderful glazes). Missouri: Hot Box Cookies (Columbia, St. Louis and Clayton) Hot Box Cookies bakes and delivers warm cookies in St. Louis and Columbia, Missouri, and Lawrence, Kansas. There are one dozen flavors to choose from. Customers can order six, 12, 18, 24, and 36 cookies in flavors like chocolate chip, Cookies N' Crème, M&M, Snickerdoodle, peanut butter, peanut butter Reese's Pieces, peanut butter chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, oatmeal chocolate chip, Monster, red velvet, and chocolate white chocolate. Hot Box Cookies also makes luscious Icing Sandwiches (vanilla icing sandwiched between two cookies of customers' choices). Cookie cakes and ice cream sandwiches round out the offerings. Montana: Elle's Belles (Belgrade) Elle Fine started Elle's Belles in her home in Bozeman, Mont. in 2003. Elle's "Belles" are sold in local bakeries and marketplaces in and around Bozeman, Mont. and gift assortments of cookies, brownies, truffles, and whoopie pies are made "to order" in small batches that can be shipped nationwide. The Daisy Sugar Cookies, daisy-shaped, cream cheese-frosted sugar cookies, have been featured on Oprah Winfrey's All Things Delicious List. Other sugar cookies include emoji and hot lips decorations. Fine also bakes Oatmeal Cookie Pies and Lemon Cookie Pies, both twists on the whoopie pie. For local clients, Fine also makes cakes, cupcakes, pies, cheesecakes, tarts, frosted cream cheese sugar cookies, macaroons, brownies, and bars "to order." Nebraska: Carson's Cookie Fix (Omaha) The chewy, ooey, and oh-so-gooey Caramel Chocolate Chip is the most popular cookie at Carson's Cookie Fix . The $1.50 delight is an enhancement of the classic chocolate chip cookie thanks to the chunks of caramel. Customers can get their cookie fix with the 17 cookies on offer, including coconut, ginger, salted caramel, and monster. The cookie shop specializes in detailed hand-decorated cut-out cookies. Whether you stop by the store or seek out the cookie truck (the only dessert food truck in Nebraska), try the Double Doozie, two cookies sandwiching a generous slathering of vanilla buttercream frosting. Nevada: The Cookie Bar (Las Vegas) The mother-daughter-owned Cookie Bar has been making alcohol-infused cookies since 2012. One of its most popular cookies, Tipsy Velvet, was invented by accident when the duo tried to create a pink chocolate chip cookie in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Crunchy on the outside and super soft in the middle, the $2 Tipsy Velvet cookie is made with white chocolate (the adult version is infused with cake vodka). Another popular cookie is The Kitchen Sink, a chocolate chip cookie on the bottom, stuffed with either a peanut butter cup or Double Stuf Oreo, and topped with a chocolate brownie. The cookies are sold from the Cookie Bar's cute food trucks and online for local delivery and nationwide shipping. New Hampshire: The Crust & Crumb (Concord) Inspired by the Italian gelato flavor, the simple Stracciatella is the most popular cookie at The Crust & Crumb, which opened a storefront in 2012 after a year of selling at farmers markets. The $0.60 Stracciatella is a small, crumbly, buttery shortbread cookie studded with tiny bits of shaved dark chocolate and sprinkled with coarse salt. The Stracciatella is one of many shortbread flavors made at the bakery. Flavors include American classics like chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, and snickerdoodle as well as European styles like Linzer cookies, lemon anginetti, biscotti and Russian tea cakes, and the bakery's own creations like seasonal pumpkin chocolate chip and German chocolate oatmeal cookies. The best selling non-cookie item is the whoopie pie, which comes in five or six flavors like salted caramel. New Jersey: The Cookie Corner (Lakewood) Since 2017, The Cookie Corner has been handcrafting kosher sweet treats. The $2 German Chocolate Cookies, a chocolate brownie cookie topped with coconut-pecan topping and chocolate drizzle, are exemplary. Other cookie flavors include peanut butter, Mad Craving, and pecan caramel. In addition to cookies, the bakeshop is famous for its cinnamon buns and also makes cake jars, tarts, éclairs, French macarons, chocolate babka, and cupcakes. New Mexico: Cravin' Cookies…and More! (Albuquerque) Barb Hively founded Cravin' Cookies…and More! in 2000, and she has made nearly every single cookie the cookie shop has been produced since. The adobe bakery in Albuquerque's North Valley is open Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays and sells seasonally-changing flavors made with local ingredients like pumpkin spice cookies and sugar cookies. Other baked goods include pumpkin pound cake and pear pecan bread. New York: Levain Bakery (New York City) Levain Bakery 's top-selling cookie is the chocolate chip walnut cookie, crispy on the outside with a satisfyingly thick and gooey center. The 6-ounce $4 cookie is packed with semi-sweet chocolate chips and chunks of walnuts (a gluten-free version is also served at the location in Wainscott, New York). Levain Bakery founders Pam Weekes and Connie McDonald started making the chocolate chip walnut cookies as a post-workout treat while they were training for a triathlon. People started asking for them, and the cookies took off (the bakery opened in 1995). A trio of other flavors, oatmeal raisin, chocolate chocolate chip, and dark chocolate peanut butter chip, are also on offer. The crunchy and soft cookies are shipped nationwide. Levain Bakery also serves four kinds of crispy pizzas (olive and goat cheese, caramelized onion and Parmigiano-Reggiano, artichoke heart and Gruyère, and tomato with Parmigiano-Reggiano), brioche (plain, chocolate, and cinnamon), blueberry muffins, oatmeal raisin scones, Valhrona chocolate rolls, and breads (ciabatta, whole grain loaves, baguettes, and whole wheat raisin loaf). North Carolina: The Cookie People (Raleigh) Started 10 years ago, The Cookie People sells a dozen-plus varieties of large, chewy homemade cookies. The Cookie People are based out of the State Farmers Market in Raleigh. They make their preservative-free dough from scratch and use local ingredients when possible. The classic chocolate chip is the most popular cookie. Made with real butter, vanilla, and kosher salt, the perfectly dense cookies are chewy in the middle and slightly crunchy on the edges. Other popular flavors include molasses, oatmeal golden raisin, lemonade, root beer float, spicy Mexican hot chocolate, oatmeal chocolate chip (with white and dark chips and sea salt on top!), triple chocolate, sugar, snickerdoodle, and peanut butter cup. The Cookie People bake seasonal flavors, such as pumpkin chocolate chip with cranberries, walnuts, and a brown sugar butter glaze, and, during the warmer months, ice cream sandwiches stuffed with a local university's homemade ice cream. North Dakota: Cookies For You (Minot) Traditional frosted sugar cookies with white icing are what Cookies For You is known for. Chewy in the middle and crispy on the edges, the cookies are approximately four inches in diameter and are $12 per dozen. The company ships its cookies nationwide and to military bases (the bakery is in the same community as a military base). In business for over a quarter century, Cookies For You also makes traditional cookies, and they create cookie bouquets, cookie pizzas, candy bouquets, and sweets trays as well as cupcakes, custom cakes, cake pops, truffles, and assorted bars and brownies. Ohio: Fat T's Cookies, (Akron) Fat T's Cookies ' best seller is the summer seasonal S'mummer Camp, but their Cinn City cookie, a chocolate chip cookie rolled up like a cinnamon roll and topped with cream cheese icing, has been named the top cookie in Ohio by multiple outlets. "Cinn City's consistency can be described by my motto 'Big. Fat. Chewy. Quarter. Pound. Cookie,'" said Travis Howe, the bakery's "chief cookie officer." The $2.50 Cinn City is the fourth cookie Howe ever made, originally designed as a breakfast treat for Special Olympics volunteers. Fat T's has six playful flavors on regular rotation, including The OG, chocolate peanut butter, Cookie's Favorite Cookie, Cinn City, Four the Love of Chocolate, and #MooseHouse (Howe's personal favorite of the six). Some of the top-selling monthly and seasonal cookies include S'mummer Camp, MidKNIGHT Snack, O-H-I-Dough, Red, White, & Blueberry, High on the Hog, Punk'n Patch, and FATiversary. The S'mummer Camp cookie supports the Akron Rotary Camp , a year-round camp for children and adults with special needs. Fat T's Cookies celebrated its first anniversary on Oct. 1. The cookies are baked in commercial kitchens and sold at Northside Marketplace in Akron, Ohio, coffee shops, and online. "Everything I make is 'cookie-centric,'" said Howe, who only started baking in June 2017 and is now experimenting with edible cookie dough and Cookie Puddin'. "In a little over a year, I have gone from selling cookies out of the trunk of my car to pay for a gym membership to being named the top cookie company in the great state of Ohio," said Howe. Oklahoma: 1 Smart Cookie (Oklahoma City) 1 Smart Cookie bakes a variety of cookies, from classic to custom iced to cookies with edible images and logos. There are 14 'variety cookie' flavors: M&M, Spritz (almond flavored sugar cookie rolled in rainbow sprinkles), chocolate chip, Smart (oatmeal, banana, and chocolate chips), Snickerdoodle, Heavenly Heath (Heath bar bits and white chocolate chips), oatmeal chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, oatmeal Scotchie, Coconut Paradise (chocolate chips, white chocolate chips, and coconut), double chocolate, lemon sugar, simply sugar and pecan sandie, plus one seasonally-changing flavor. 1 Smart Cookie also sells cookie dough and cookie cakes. 1 Smart Cookie ships its variety cookies and custom iced cookies nationwide. Oregon: Pearl Bakery (Portland) The small, artisanal Pearl Bakery has been baking bread and pastries since 1997. The eco-conscious bakery uses as many sustainably produced ingredients as possible. Its bags are made from recycled content and unbleached paper, and printed with water-based ink. The bakery buys pollution-free wind power through Pacific Power's Blue Sky program and uses all-natural, biodegradable cleaning products. Each morning, Pearl Bakery makes chocolate chunk, oatmeal raisin, ginger, peanut butter, snickerdoodle, and shortbread. The bakery is famous for its French and Italian breads like pain poolish, pain au levain, ciabatta, and the signature Pugliese and its Danish, croissant, and brioche, which are made in the traditional French manner. Pennsylvania: Famous 4th Street Cookie Co. (Philadelphia) A Philadelphia tradition since 1978, the Famous 4th Street Cookie Co. is famously fantastic. The cookie shop started with a classic chocolate chip cookie oozing with Hershey's chocolate chips that made this cookie shop famous. The cookie line-up has expanded to include chocolate macadamia nut, peanut butter chocolate chip, and snickerdoodle. Boxes of the 2-ounce chocolate chip cookies can be shipped nationwide. Rhode Island: Wildflour (Pawtucket) Founded in 2010, Wildflour vegan bakery bakes a variety of sweet treats, including its best-seller Double Chocolate Sea Salt Cookie, a large, thick, chewy, gluten-free, vegan cookie made with kosher ingredients with notes of sweetness and saltiness. Debuted in 2015, the indulgent cookie costs $2.75. It also makes a great ice cream sandwich with the bakery's house-made vegan ice cream. The bakery also serves Cowboy, chocolate chip, and a rotating seasonal flavor cookie along with gluten-free, vegan double chocolate brownies, vegan peanut butter brownies and Raw-reos, which are made to look like a classic Oreo cookie, but are made entirely from raw ingredients. South Carolina: King Street Cookies (Charleston) The top-selling cookies at King Street Cookies are the basics: chocolate chip, sugar, and double chocolate, but the signature cookie is the $2.75 Needtobreathe Sinfully Cinnamon Cookie, a sugar cookie with cinnamon chips and topped with cream cheese icing and a light dusting of cinnamon. Named for a local band, Needtobreathe , a portion of the cookie's sales is donated to the band's charity, OneWorld Health . Opened in 2014, King Street Cookies, which ships nationwide, makes 40 flavors of soft baked cookies, from the basics to more exotic flavors like Pistachio Cherry, Orange Creamsicle, Strawberry Fields Forever, and indulgent stuffed cookies: Oreo, Snickers bar, Twix, or Reese's Peanut Butter Cup stuffed inside a cookie. King Street Cookies also sells 15 flavors of bagels. South Dakota: Queen City Bakery (Sioux Falls) The top pastries in Sioux Falls are made at Queen City Bakery . Vanilla sandwich, fruit and nut, S'more, Monster, Jammie Dodger, Old Fashioned PB, chocolate chip, and sprinkle cookies are made daily. The bakery, run by husband and wife Mitch Jackson and Kristine Moberg, also makes custom cakes, cupcakes, pies, tarts, quiche, and ice cream. Tennessee: Mountain Cookie Company (Knoxville) A trio of cookies, Apple Pie Moonshine, Creamy Choc.Chip, and Caramel by the Sea, run neck-and-neck for best seller, but Mike Maddux, president of Moonshine Mountain Cookie Company , says Caramel by the Sea, a sea salted caramel toffee cookie, reigns supreme. Like all the cookies sold at this bakeshop, the thick, chewy cookie is made with a blend of light enriched flour and rolled oats and has a distinct "hump" in the middle, which gives it a great texture and unique taste sensation. Milk chocolate is subtly blended throughout the cookie and combined with crunchy chocolate toffee and caramel bits and is topped off with a butterscotch moonshine glaze and lightly sprinkled with coarse sea salt. The caramel toffee cookies are sold for $2 in store and $25.99 per dozen online. Moonshine glaze? Yes, really. "We are distinctively Southern and include a splash of flavored Tennessee moonshine in most of our cookies as a tribute to our heritage. There is just enough moonshine to give it a flavor burst but not enough to upset the preacher!" said Maddux. "Our cookies truly are more than a cookie…they're dessert!" Texas: Tiff's Treats (Austin) Tiff's Treats "started with $20, a cell phone, and a dream" in 1999 when Tiffany Taylor and Leon Chen were college students. Taylor sent Chen a batch of cookies to apologize for standing him up on a date. The couple is now married, and Tiff's Treats has 41 stores. Tiff's Treats bakes cookies to order and delivers them hot-from-the-oven. Options include chocolate chip, chocolate chip pecan, Snickerdoodle, peanut butter, peanut butter chocolate chip, white chocolate chip and almond, M&M, sugar, oatmeal raisin, and oatmeal chocolate chip. Tiff's Treats also bakes brownies and makes ice cream, Tiffwich ice cream sandwich, and Tiffblitz (cold vanilla ice cream blended with chunks of chocolate chip cookies and fudgy brownie bites and topped with crumbled sugar cookies). Utah: Süss Cookie Co. (Midway) Located south of Park City, Süss Cookie Co bakes its cookies in small batches. There are 10 regular flavors plus a cookie of the month. The most popular cookie is Cocamel, a soft shortbread with a chocolate bottom drizzled with chocolate, caramel and coconut. Other flavors include a chocolate-drizzled peanut butter cookie, a white chocolate-dipped gingersnap, and sour cream-glazed lemon sugar cookie. Boxes of cookies can be shipped nationwide. Vermont: Vermont Cookie Love (North Ferrisburgh) Vermont Cookie Love is a small cookie shop specializing in the most delicious fresh baked cookies in all of Vermont, including its best-seller, First Love (aka chocolate chip), which debuted in 2007 (there's also a wheat-free version). The cookie shop uses a 'special cookie rose technique shaping system' and lots of Callebaut semi-sweet chocolate chips, ensuring every bite of the $1.50 First Love cookie is filled with Belgian chocolate and each cookie is crunchy on the outside and chewy in the middle. "We based this recipe on the classic Toll House recipe but added the best non-GMO ingredients we could source and a few special ingredients to get the rich, satisfying cookie that customers rave about," said Paul Seyler, owner. "It was easy to name once we came up with the company name since chocolate chip is usually everyone's first cookie and hence 'First Love.'" The shop offers discounts for three, six, and a dozen cookies (Tip: The dozen is actually a baker's dozen!) and cookie dough for those who want to make their own First Love cookies. Vermont Cookie Love offers 10 cookie flavors, some seasonal, including Forbidden Love (triple chocolate chip), Puppy Love (peanut butter chocolate chip), True Love (oatmeal dried cranberry), Addicted to Love (mocha chocolate chip), Mother's Love (chocolate chip with butterscotch), Enduring Love (coconut-oatmeal with chocolate chips, almonds, and cranberries), Fall in Love (pumpkin spice with chocolate chip), Summer Love (white chocolate with dried blueberries and raspberries), and It's a Wonderful Love (sugar). The bakery also makes Love Triangles (scones) and, from April to October, sells Creemees, soft serve ice cream that is a northern Vermont specialty. Virginia: Sugar Plum Bakery (Virginia Beach) Established in 1987, Sugar Plum Bakery employs individuals with intellectual disabilities, who are trained to expertly bake the sweet treats. The cookie menu includes 14 options: Chesapeake, pecan sandies, white chocolate cranberry, sugar, chocolate chip, triple chocolate, oatmeal raisin, butter, peanut butter, gingersnap, peanut butter chip, black and white, Florentina, and Monster cookies. The bakery also has 40 different signature cakes as well as pastries, pies, cupcakes, donuts, and desserts like cannoli, cream puffs, and coconut macaroons. Washington: Hello Robin (Seattle) Hello Robin 's cookies may be on the smaller side, but they are mighty flavorful. The smaller size means you can buy and eat more than one. There are 14 flavors, but the $1.75 Classic Chocolate Chip, a thick cookie packed with chocolate chips, is the top seller. Another popular cookie is the Mackle'smore, a twist on a s'more that is named after the rapper Macklemore, who lives just blocks from the shop. The Mackle'smore is baked on a graham cracker with marshmallows, cinnamon, and chunk of locally-made Theo chocolate . The cookies are made in small batches with mostly local ingredients. Other flavors include molasses, habanero chocolate chip, oatmeal chocolate chunk with dried cherries, lemon glaze poppyseed, salted butterscotch, brown butter snickerdoodle, pumpkin chocolate chip, whole wheat fancy chocolate with sea salt, birthday cake, and a flourless Mexican chocolate. Celebrating its fifth anniversary in December 2018, Hello Robin also sells ice cream sandwiches made with Molly Moon's Homemade Ice Cream (ranked No. 31 on The Daily Meal's 50 Best Ice Cream Parlors in the World list). Washington, D.C.: baked&wired (Georgetown) Lil' Bertha, two chewy oatmeal cookies sandwiched with cream cheese frosting a take on the Little Debbie snack cake is baked&wired 's most popular cookie. The $3.80 cookie is a nostalgic, simple treat. Opened in 2001, baked&wired serves a variety of cookies, including Big Ass and Little Ass Cookie (sugar cookie cutouts with a buttercream glaze), Double Chocolate Espresso (a dark chocolate cookie with coffee and chocolate chunks), Flourless Peanut Butter (a gluten free crispy cookie loaded with peanut butter), Ginjah Lemon Sandwich Cookie (soft ginger cookies filled with a lemon buttercream), Neiman Marcus (oatmeal, grated Hershey bars, toasted pecans, coconut, and semisweet chocolate chips), and Peanut Butter Sin-wiches (dark chocolate satin frosting sandwiched between two peanut butter cookies). The American bakery also bakes pies, cookies, bars, brownies, biscotti, quiche, granola, and biscuits, but it is most known for its cakecups (aka cupcakes), which made The Daily Meal's 101 Best Cupcakes in America list. West Virginia: The Best Cookie (Charlestown) The Best Cookie 's best cookie is the Classic Chocolate Chip. Whether customers opt to have it with or without nuts, the cookie dough is made with organic flour and eggs, Cabot butter and Callebaut chocolate chips Other cookies baked include oatmeal raisin made with organic raisins, eggs, coconut and oats; white chocolate macadamia made with Callebaut white chocolate chips and roasted macadamias; peanut butter with chocolate chips; and chocolate cherry cookie, the second most popular cookie. The cookies are sold by the dozen; 12 individually wrapped cookies in a decorative cellophane bag is $25 and 12 individually wrapped in the bakery's signature box option is $30. The shop also sells orange cranberry, vanilla currant, and chocolate cherry scones and classic Southern pecan raisin tarts. "We are devoted to our motto, 'Spreading love throughout the land, one cookie at a time,'" said Flanigan. Wisconsin: Batch Bakehouse (Madison) Batch Bakehouse bakes delicious batches of cookies, including its most popular Triple Threat Cookie made with chocolate chips, white chocolate chips, and pecan pieces that is crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside. "We like to make things that people love to eat. White chocolate and pecans is a killer combo!" said Lauren Carter, majority owner and pastry chef of Batch Bakehouse. The $1.75 cookie is not only popular with customers, it's also the staff's favorite cookie. Other options include chocolate chip, peanut butter, peanut butter chocolate chip, oatmeal butterscotch, chocolate shortbread with dark chocolate and sea salt, double chocolate, snickerdoodles, and ginger molasses. Batch Bakehouse is also known for its plain butter croissants and ham and Gruyère croissants. Wyoming: Persephone Bakery (Jackson) Persephone Bakery 's most popular cookie is the $2.50 Chocolate Chip Cookies with Walnuts and Sea Salt, a dense, chewy cookie with chunks of walnuts and chocolate enrobed in dough and sprinkled with sea salt that yields a subtle salty/sweet finish. The full-size chocolate chip cookies are sold in the café and a packaged miniature version is available to ship nationwide. Cookie dough is also sold at the bakery, which opened in 2013. Persephone Bakery also bakes a gluten-free double chocolate walnut cookie and oatmeal toffee cookies among others. Run by a husband-and-wife team, the Jackson Hole bakery is also known for its cinnamon brioche, a light and flaky morning bun sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar. It's an ideal stop after enjoying the state's best brunch at Genevieve, also in Jackson.
BBOUhV9 10 lifestyle lifestylecleaningandorganizing 465778 928572 359487 753070 398441 936328 213207 926560 493868 1017702 12404 402910 939979 1017443 291746 692172 36173 317082 469866 621160 943145 152359 510662 493670 251762 696159 366055 994062 937399 811866 1017702 745062 893765 853051 36173 238961 939979 272084 567616 251762 98866 647002 753905 188459 77473 605038 469866 1030209 605038 37146 465611 514348 1029617 556262 184955 692531 740942 469866 259576 655290 452785 555763 1029617 28104 403415 724902 251762 86262 452986 218507 1029617 8160 469866 733493 251762 284506 36173 189494 231080 348584 514348 1029617 288069 279292 994062 207439 943145 465778 1029824 36173 634651 655290 295605 898742 231080 149287 406581 939979 264832 262553 469866 435415 863411 409406 802019 465387 567616 972710 831797 721079 802581 787076 428095 143299 469866 621160 605038 575885 342061 255882 90117 1026616 811866 267908 218507 939979 543754 217944 295730 993264 642254 799464 753905 1029617 1018161 567616 506571 231080 578728 251762 696159 48889 575878 695905 1029617 316518 717142 514490 1029617 205217 424407 592604 539914 506571 567616 185435 231080 735582 251762 316518 717142 621988 1021798 251762 94700 185435 514348 745062 951843 469866 807581 374074 308740 939979 374074 163743 299781 502008 485248 563541 251762 287921 567616 300114 122738 733493 231080 622992 1023625 514348 359487 236390 1029523 12404 535218 452986 700960 972954 939979 786816 518248 469866 811866 960522 787038 514348 267815 477935 567616 1029617 403304 749395 469866 621160 16430 263957 510531 36173 815463 575885 873308 773966 45422 567616 481877 231080 85234 139719 465611 811866 621715 939979 931602 564552 882015 700960 469866 156565 799464 48765 353563 143492 514348 205896 164107 403304 36173 231080 1027164 769696 514348 359487 421414 84532 119117 860515 489279 918943 753905 1021798 251762 61127 370607 28904 1017702 317285 563541 131622 251762 860716 73164 131694 567616 539542 584210 231080 101603 2 69738 498360 873558 469866 127747 469866 1026616 152359 2 324725 539914 691568 279574 231080 340824 798771 1029617 255882 48765 890222 486082 402932 600629 713021 469866 914422 733493 12404 757430 568558 539914 1029617 97955 214468 231080 854472 939979 763416 701920 425850 957389 875930 609569 1029617 312345 873049 720502 580317 197749 1029617 312345 873049 881668 172926 655290 753905 354504 943509 382343 469866 98575 683752 502008 444589 749395 811866 758106 993264 251762 720502 231080 937399 811866 1017702 1029617 205911 172926 993264 12404 312345 873049 720502 469866 156565 374990 993264 882015 308367 939979 543754 605038 231080 268593 366760 567616 819342 469866 214468 918643 251762 720502 539914 44861 510531 295973 506571 567616 185435 939979 798771 981085 692172 251762 770681 713021 231080 48449 939979 264832 488168 772914 668559 83771 48449 575885 374074 1029617 164412 131765 299781 251762 127026 692172 1029617 510662 881647 394893 469866 621160 605038 37146 972015 1029617 853051 36173 365790 893765 993264 457318 955704 877326 231080 684700 811866 621715 939979 860515 939979 761821 564552 12404 675577 229861 831797 807236 317285 539914 1029617 288069 798466 692172 210195 724902 1029617 543878 1021401 231080 937399 811866 684280 407109 794615 469866 362304 1021798 882015 164064 947965 514348 251762 646798 36173 287675 231080 163310 939979 641211 278439 377003 163310 831797 485146 514348 650974 811866 567616 12404 263271 724902 251762 115346 787076 44894 204709 778868 469866 621160 497741 811866 15938 655290 605038 575885 972015 36815 12404 766024 469866 823324 469866 567616 77948 568558 724902 1029617 1022197 758046 881668 994062 352724 1021798 1029617 135283 692172 506626 939979 798771 981085 692172 214356 90117 939979 543754 758046 881668 408076 231080 1027164 22802 567616 965801 23130 939979 641211 26772 46172 126269 26772 267110 408076 943145 766372 567616 853051 939979 839848 724902 766024 452986 370070 469866 98575 683752 502008 444589 811866 477119 452986 502008 7492 811866 436709 231080 641211 214356 234711 408076 477627 567616 514348 563541 575878 680009 317285 539914 1029617 288140 692172 1017599 36747 97955 531155 567616 7310 506571 231080 635565 939979 641211 26772 126269 993264 116322 347715 284004 420543 1017702 811866 976993 12404 428095 857065 575878 102880 605038 539914 468763 852423 213589 251762 778167 473696 994062 268593 12404 139719 247659 547334 539914 741610 452986 852423 469866 320482 811866 510858 12404 857065 1021798 251762 638915 823710 469866 193328 605038 575878 523018 894217 510531 201932 691568 514490 251762 172926 231080 85234 691568 486080 992590 251762 852423 469866 1017837 605038 184955 440481 655290 251762 857065 486080 131237 724902 251762 115489 172926 164107 231080 76036 939979 264832 484133 155312 107881 814849 1029617 288069 798466 692172 713313 939979 12404 185388 857038 469866 741511 575885 374074 1030452 1029617 176453 36173 201843 231080 85234 910333 831797 774632 44861 299781 543184 255716 408076 1021798 416105 832317 452986 807491 231080 307485 399727 1029617 477119 692172 605121 131622 251762 172926 469866 469257 605038 869464 469866 567616 214468 605038 312345 939979 729539 251762 502440 416317 74189 231080 229675 26772 514348 359487 596310 792426 229675 741610 831797 898032 514348 102320 596699 567616 831797 580652 1029617 234545 984906 1021798 1029617 225858 692172 345407 469866 621160 497741 811866 15938 655290 605038 575885 972015 374074 243456 939979 48765 115508 931063 994062 71358 12404 527191 115508 931063 770094 575878 304040 1017599 36747 272257 741610 567616 321458 1021798 1029617 543878 1021401 469866 374990 251762 267438 469866 567616 625857 564552 251762 663520 231080 937097 564552 539914 1029617 48765 81549 452986 279574 914921 231080 192442 699654 607964 514348 236390 208545 775988 85234 24523 877753 655290 317073 1029617 901909 692172 267903 993264 12404 65120 428881 575885 972015 898742 940082 993264 12404 403304 745994 1025768 469866 111314 831797 230588 563789 939979 77776 48765 231080 307485 543878 993264 251762 185435 729528 143313 567616 214468 605038 918643 358138 939979 57622 214356 213313 7492 185435 452986 506571 667647 408076 231080 76036 514348 359487 322292 596310 126269 616587 518248 408076 724902 790615 452986 185435 621918 575885 510662 745655 251762 786816 692172 1029617 164412 823860 692172 115508 766024 231080 437568 564552 655290 328799 416317 575878 111135 993264 882015 741511 861407 469866 741511 567616 81979 605038 621988 704698 231080 373051 251762 172926 831797 44860 469866 214468 733493 251762 741511 469866 382408 251762 205896 469866 567616 807581 931602 605038 564552 539914 766024 234781 231080 302051 439646 77215 273937 539914 232931 747580 811866 770094 770536 1029617 745627 692172 522701 592986 692172 251762 758366 655290 667685 251314 197749 197087 994062 549267 551858 852951 1021798 251762 638915 823710 575878 139914 1029617 617148 539914 807250 231080 344254 840252 57132 16430 419742 337954 873308 12404 877603 572568 791104 48765 469866 621160 605038 972015 57260 981085 692172 852703 547180 509872 1021798 251762 522701 547955 231080 711322 77215 967346 539914 305850 305850 831797 189217 243456 73164 1029617 787219 365790 1021798 292577 469866 906935 469866 567616 935800 40605 469866 621160 605038 575885 972015 86280 264054 778083 251762 860716 73164 1029617 378574 36173 365790 231080 606102 1029617 61664 692172 361869 567616 185435 939979 12404 313075 852935 469866 469257 605038 312345 469866 807581 214468 605038 733493 939979 729539 655290 977076 416317 231080 14 Crazy Cleaning Tips That Actually Work You may have your allegiances to certain brands of cleaning products, but are they really getting the job done? If you have an especially tough cleaning problem to solve and the supermarket supplies just aren't cutting it, maybe it's time for a slightly more unconventional approach, one that involves grabbing a few items from the pantry or trying a wacky, off-the-wall cleaning trick. Ready for a little adventure? Here are 14 crazy cleaning tips that actually work. Dryer Sheets to Clean Stubborn, Stuck-On Food Scrubbing pots and pans is never anyone s favorite chore, but it can seem truly impossible when you re trying to remove heavily burnt-on food using just a scrubber and soap. Make the job easier by dropping a dryer sheet into a dirty pot filled with soap and water. Let the dryer sheet sit in the soapy water for an hour, then be prepared to be amazed at how easily all the gunk and grime come off. Coffee Filters for Cleaning Glass When your mirrors or windows start to look cloudy, you probably reach for paper towels and a glass cleaner, but this tired old cleaning method can leave behind streaks and spots. The next time you need to shine up some windows, try using clean coffee filters for spot-free glass cleaning. Baby Wipes for Cleaning Chalkboards No longer do chalkboards live just in the classroom now we have them all over the house as practical and playful decor. They're not so pretty, though, when they're covered with chalk dust. To get a truly clean slate without any chalky residue, clear off your chalkboard surfaces with a baby wipe. Hairspray to Clear Dry-Erase Boards Nothing ruins a dry erase board faster than a dry erase marker stain that just won't go away, no matter how much cleaner you put on the board. If you have a stubborn stain on your dry-erase board, try spritzing on some hairspray to remove it. After spraying and erasing, wipe down the board with good old-fashioned soap and water to get rid of the sticky residue. Vodka to Clean Off Old Camping Gear Vodka can be a nice reward at the end of a really long day, but it's also a tough cleaning agent especially on smelly camping gear. All you need to do to freshen up your outdoor accessories is mist them with a little bit of vodka from a spray bottle. If you want added freshness, mix in some essential oils for the perfect cleaning cocktail. Sunscreen to Remove Permanent Marker Sunscreen is crucial for protecting you and your family from the sun s harmful UV rays, but did you know that it can also protect your furniture, clothes, and other surfaces from a rogue permanent marker? Rub in a dollop of sunscreen to get rid of those impossible-to-remove permanent marker stains. Baby Powder and Dish Soap to Remove Oil-Based Stains Oil-based stains are perplexing and tough to eliminate from furniture or clothing, no matter how much you dab or how hard you scrub. Remove those offending stains once and for all by treating them with a mixture of equal parts baby powder and dish soap. Chalk to Remove Oil Stains on Clothing How many times have you ruined your favorite shirt by splattering it with bacon grease during the breakfast rush? After your next unfortunate encounter with oil or grease, before you throw your shirt in the washing machine, pretreat it by rubbing plain old white chalk into the stain. The chalk will absorb the grease, making it more likely that the shirt will emerge from the wash stain-free. Mayonnaise to Clean Porcelain Tubs Besides adding a little bit of zest to your turkey sandwich, mayonnaise can be quite a helpful cleaning tool. The condiment is particularly good at eliminating rust stains in porcelain tubs or sinks. Simply spread a dab of mayo over the stain, let it set, and wipe it dry to reveal the shiny surface underneath. Vegetable Oil for Cleaning Wood Floors Vegetable oil is great for frying eggs and is often a key ingredient in a batch of cookies, but did you know that it can also be used to clean wood floors? Get your shiniest wood floors ever by combining equal parts vegetable oil and vinegar in a spray bottle, spritzing the floor, and mopping up the solution. Follow up with a clean cloth or dust mop. Windshield Water Repellent for Glass Shower Doors The same product that prevents a buildup of rainwater on your car windshield can also work wonders on your glass shower door, which is notoriously difficult to keep clean. Simply spray on the water repellent coating and wipe it down lightly to prevent those annoying hard water or soap scum stains. Mayonnaise for Cleaning Cloudy Wood Stains Those cloudy stains from heat or water rings can really mar the look of a nice piece of wood furniture. Brighten up that beautiful surface by slathering on some mayonnaise yes, mayonnaise and letting it sit overnight. Once the stain is gone, wipe off the mayonnaise, buff the spot, and then shine it up with furniture polish. Freshen Up Your Laundry with Mouthwash Have you ever pulled a load of laundry out of the washer that smelled less than fresh? Eliminate musty smells in the washing machine by running a cycle with mouthwash. Not only does this disinfecting substance leave your mouth smelling squeaky clean, but it also gets rid of odor-causing bacteria in the laundry room. Polish Your Silver with Cornstarch Cornstarch is primarily used as a thickening agent in soups, stews, and stir-fries, but it can also perform well around the house as a gritty cleaning agent. Apply a paste of cornstarch and water to your tarnished silver, let it dry, then wipe it off to reveal that sparkling surface.
BBOtyir 11 lifestyle lifestylecleaningandorganizing 695333 1019758 604094 706481 40091 467375 204368 77215 84221 926560 575885 234353 36927 658761 939979 61888 847775 370607 231080 571539 811883 721079 535206 745062 1019758 827703 28904 234247 407678 893765 1026616 218432 831797 123072 231080 1029523 12404 580420 997165 564223 539914 997730 469866 493556 567616 209541 218432 852960 486080 69634 1001684 12404 420064 231080 213207 1029617 288069 338970 774485 469866 567616 774898 543912 988689 172722 486080 786816 8076 118695 231080 472371 938666 863411 593735 186059 155021 920386 450366 689730 465668 1019758 37146 467946 469378 1021798 1029617 65915 469866 82251 139501 73164 823754 787191 283974 231080 900954 692172 865363 1021798 251762 856738 654478 994062 15158 605038 539914 1029617 560001 514348 1029617 197087 840479 787191 469866 452986 567803 180249 267815 514348 976629 37146 547955 231080 587546 184955 299781 773177 231080 740496 77215 281183 56047 939979 374074 163743 575878 16430 415462 37146 338970 138572 243456 1019758 37146 467946 592522 567616 197797 427844 939979 638854 1029617 559486 284506 514490 251762 78275 370070 448877 231080 587546 184955 299781 401314 575878 833140 231080 735354 171323 1007057 961795 469257 12404 794750 692172 374075 567616 820108 798771 700398 1021798 251762 431877 692172 12404 23735 231080 695333 947677 1022199 230199 724902 1019758 147830 605038 498360 811866 575885 295605 234353 243500 811866 621715 1026616 811866 2 741995 564552 856419 231080 71358 251762 115428 299781 1019758 813151 231080 578728 593735 117450 213207 146810 937399 811866 815095 1017702 865363 1021798 12404 580420 514348 1029617 600713 90353 469866 147830 259576 811866 575885 667384 778083 539914 811866 231080 505327 415462 288574 745062 1019758 819103 514490 1029617 192807 539914 844808 567616 272260 231080 71358 251762 115428 299781 838011 348252 900839 847393 231080 578728 77215 38068 302729 161478 644927 593735 947996 692172 1019758 485077 575885 860716 547350 1029617 432731 353396 37146 90353 647002 231080 425601 251762 901912 539914 1029617 741633 510607 65745 469866 567616 811866 408273 374074 514330 325322 1021798 98575 465611 231080 587546 184955 299781 79627 809116 231080 842988 779740 250282 505327 935988 1019758 827703 510662 828296 601160 251762 61026 407232 231080 85234 637227 727206 115460 621500 811773 251762 794829 469866 621160 251762 53854 321120 575885 868994 976698 469866 864957 868986 469866 567616 547350 420417 1026616 931180 898704 231080 587546 184955 299781 978621 330794 231080 578728 77215 463387 604094 429623 573346 658988 469866 798771 12404 918565 811773 926816 539914 1029617 19691 370568 630341 231080 311726 53854 283974 102275 251762 786816 692172 1029617 787191 469866 911250 251762 197797 498328 230199 868994 547350 251762 472908 997356 366769 231080 587546 184955 299781 593735 884148 1027252 231080 557257 303662 779740 604094 937399 12404 794320 843968 1017702 1029617 654478 452986 811866 394660 575878 251762 740990 655290 535613 37146 98575 333804 490141 73164 911150 444589 370070 218432 807249 12404 61026 993264 717252 692172 1019758 238274 939979 787015 963863 865363 514348 977123 567616 985315 811773 12404 794829 231080 587546 184955 299781 574779 806582 231080 670576 697419 619511 519611 632102 961795 218070 251762 543912 333256 953056 806734 939979 12404 428095 172327 688000 567616 259316 231080 1029523 902565 840479 575878 840479 939979 584354 1029617 947858 864957 222160 469866 251762 374947 733031 1029617 580420 514348 563541 692172 12404 428095 267256 469866 45384 469866 567616 547350 378208 647002 231080 587546 184955 299781 817205 21285 586884 231080 662322 10871 838011 593735 171323 17305 41855 85234 81519 844329 374074 251762 238812 791270 877753 1021798 563541 692172 1019758 597277 231080 149777 37146 753905 73164 688340 1021798 12404 864957 939979 868994 968798 86262 403415 73164 1021798 12404 819064 939979 349501 481487 567616 820106 267815 231080 587546 184955 299781 1019758 231080 938520 19111 442970 363746 702858 366344 567616 839800 1000868 169040 815095 1017702 44762 547955 939979 77776 563541 692172 12404 419855 440032 469866 518826 567616 684070 567616 655290 37146 548222 89957 189102 1029617 720636 231080 585787 605038 843968 1017702 939979 374074 1029617 807359 621555 231080 505327 1005871 823860 329810 448779 592986 692172 189080 1019758 238274 231080 587546 184955 299781 183040 305666 949636 231080 990451 85234 660619 31881 79696 692172 251762 481751 333196 798771 365944 498360 284228 831797 114386 131264 543650 1021798 12404 860716 106870 1029617 976374 547206 469866 810784 469866 436260 469866 811866 300343 605038 231080 269421 642409 1017702 1029617 600713 308528 498360 152359 15938 918690 379334 403415 943509 567616 379334 939979 234353 317285 169040 587546 184955 299781 162871 652337 450048 231080 401095 439646 623349 719925 491040 201505 321126 692172 218432 469866 621160 575885 786816 497606 567616 93982 840337 210022 868905 231080 42401 593735 700195 844686 231080 207439 469866 1029617 201932 1019758 823860 873413 823242 514490 251762 201932 284506 605038 37146 370568 993264 498360 605038 629452 251314 790373 231080 149777 37146 893765 898032 1021798 1029617 786811 547955 469866 379334 811866 575885 659516 12404 667503 567616 659500 514490 605038 1026616 69738 1021798 164814 231080 587546 184955 299781 385913 829231 231080 701747 697586 37146 13069 228198 1029617 53193 918565 692172 897758 37146 155640 539373 811866 815095 1017702 939979 11845 939979 251762 24523 424617 131264 144051 852684 621160 1025486 420082 151513 939979 12404 976629 37146 547955 231080 155352 1019758 37146 498181 28305 939979 733031 700195 374947 514348 73164 284004 1030059 73164 811866 621715 231080 587546 184955 299781 796308 309987 231080 557257 593735 274047 4838 961795 469257 12404 472910 567616 568587 811866 226458 774869 131622 12404 839800 547955 787191 231080 505327 94456 700195 630341 448779 592986 692172 86138 329206 724902 1019758 353732 840591 976374 625434 259576 514348 539850 696222 469866 493245 403415 567616 353914 939979 868994 671485 514348 708654 231080 587546 184955 299781 764109 231080 1012548 77215 186059 938762 937399 12404 819064 415782 1029617 457136 292559 1030467 597517 218432 667014 605038 514348 745062 1019758 886260 325025 231080 505327 259576 353732 197797 976374 753589 230199 567616 387304 939979 1029617 547206 692172 761865 721127 889893 8076 465659 231080 587546 184955 299781 85234 817205 872320 231080 921491 604094 8796 253323 692172 926599 251762 843757 184935 469866 952356 811866 1017702 939979 783022 12404 218432 539914 1029617 288069 338970 432667 514348 1029617 255882 609404 580420 231080 207439 469866 197797 1019758 279368 539914 625434 57260 1029617 810833 810784 567616 778581 358038 939979 147830 16430 510140 547350 184955 333256 231080 587546 184955 299781 85234 231080 630975 10838 604094 340824 77215 747581 83694 518720 655290 674831 320569 939979 251762 840479 692172 12404 876936 28708 794320 567616 271877 514348 16430 383095 1019758 106565 655290 353732 700195 374947 514348 155640 567616 905974 415535 325025 231080 207439 469866 197797 172722 820028 993264 717252 692172 972276 77948 279566 251762 366572 231080 587546 184955 299781 890832 847489 231080 557257 593735 163634 719820 998603 563541 394893 856435 567616 40300 231080 505327 794320 695692 448779 592986 692172 1019758 238274 247363 1029617 753561 205896 939979 33005 251762 387128 85872 567616 597403 692172 865363 498360 811866 575885 82450 12404 82318 452986 675649 543056 592986 692172 358496 231080 587546 184955 299781 627138 949636 231080 664588 486791 838011 604094 478961 843757 387412 655290 860515 827965 939979 147830 12404 580420 184955 333256 567616 692040 317285 539914 953056 798478 325025 231080 505327 827703 486080 147830 12404 580420 394718 184955 786826 567616 609404 231080 587546 184955 299781 478526 641474 920386 231080 These IKEA Storage Hacks Will Literally Save Your Life You can find something else to stress about now. We've never met an IKEA hack we didn't like-especially when storage is involved. When your home feels packed with stuff , easy and inexpensive storage solutions will literally save your life. Work a little DIY magic, and these super cheap pieces will look totally chic. Stash Towels On A Bathroom Shelf Design Emily Henderson upgraded IKEA's RAST nightstand in a snap, repurposing handles as mod table legs. Plenty of space in the linen closet ? Top it with a mirror for a fresh side table, or cute contact paper for kid's room. See more at Redbook . Streamline Your Closet Prepare to be amazed by this blogger's DIY: She used IKEA's RAST dresser and two bookshelves to turn a blank wall into the ultimate clothing organizer. See more at Homemade by Carmona . Install Rolling Drawers Don't let your jars of beans and tomatoes get lost in the back of your cabinet. These genius rolling drawers from IKEA make it so you can actually find what you need when you're whipping up dinner. Get the tutorial at IKEA Hackers . Make A Movable Work Station If you don't have space in your home for a dedicated office, make one you can move around with you. This blogger turned an IKEA bookshelf into a desk with wheels and versatility. Get the tutorial at In My Own Style . Make Your Desk Mid-Century Modern A pair of IKEA chests can house even a stationary addict's office supplies. Connect the bureaus with a painted plywood plank, and you'll be feeling productive in no time. See more at Good Housekeeping . Repurpose Bed Slats This $10 IKEA hack really thinks outside the bed box. The SULTAN LADE usually hides under the mattress, but the wooden planks can hold magazines, kitchen herbs, and even shoes when hung vertically. See more at Ich Designer . Make Your Makeup Storage Chic Beauty junkies, get your collection under control with a cleverly-mounted shelf. Tapered wooden legs fake the look of a table, while the two shallow drawers hold even the biggest lipstick stash. See more at A New Bloom . Create Under-Bed Storage If your bedroom doesn't have a closet (or you abide by the belief that there's no such thing as too much clothing storage) mount your bed on top of IKEA cabinets to provide ample space for sweaters and shirts under your mattress. See more at Oh Yes . Turn Bookshelves Into An Island Don't limit the super-functional BILLY bookcase to your favorite fictional paperbacks and hardcovers. When positioned side-by-side to form a makeshift kitchen island, the shelves create a home for all of your favorite cookbooks, snacks, and even baking supplies. See more at Golden Boys & Me . Tote Stuff In A Rolling Cart Attention: The RASKOG cart might be the most versatile product in all of IKEA (seriously). It's just as useful in your kitchen to hold spillover pantry items as in your bathroom to corral makeup and toilet paper. See more at IKEA . Store Special-Occasion Dishes Most kitchens (and dining areas!) don't have enough room to keep all of your fine china, platters and silverware-and that's why everyone needs a credenza. But it doesn't have to be a pricey investment. This sleek piece was made out of modern IKEA cabinets . See more at Made By Girl . Control The Drop Zone Half of the reason entryways get cluttered so quickly is because every person in your house owns a different coat, bag, hat, you name it. Give kids have a dedicated "locker" so they know exactly where items go-and where to find them! See more at Polka Dot Chair . Free Up Floor Space Cabinets offer plenty of storage, but can look bulky (and consume precious square footage). Enter: A floating system. Here, a white IKEA piece nearly blends into the white wall it's mounted on so it appears less clunky. It's especially great in a living room, where you can toss your pillows and throws into it when not in use. See more at Sugar & Cloth . Corral Children's Books Having a huge collection of children's books mean you don't have to listen to the same tale every single night-but adds major clutter to your kid's room. Use IKEA's picture ledges to create floating shelves for as many hardbacks as you need. See more at Daffodil Designs . Create A Mail Center Don't let your bills and thank you notes take over your dining room table. This nifty floating shelf made out of magazine holders from IKEA features three different cubbies - one for unopened mail, action items and letters to hold onto for later. See more at Instructables . Rethink Your Bathroom Vanity If your bathroom has a pedestal sink (read: zero storage) ditch it for an IKEA vanity instead. This one features two different deep drawers and-thanks to a coat of green pain-looks totally unique. See more at The Golden Sycamore . Optimize Storage Benches Instead of accepting the bare minimum, sometimes you have to push your storage with a little DIY savviness for a truly organized home. Here, two IKEA benches with cubbies gets a bonus bag and jacket holder to make this entryway even more functional. See more at The Mombot . Add Stackable Storage To Your Headboard Forgo nightstands that add clunkiness to the side of your already-small bedroom and opt for this savvy IKEA MENDAL headboard that features floating shelves for books and alarm clocks instead. Here, two pieces stacked on top of each other double the possibilities. See more at Apartment Therapy . Create A Window Seat Calling all day dreamers and bookworms. This bedroom bench (made out of IKEA cabinets ) provides a cozy spot to watch the rain fall and tons of space so you can tuck your shoe or purse collections out of sight. See more at Centsational Girl . Craft Built-In Storage Ditch bare walls that do nothing to make your home more functional and line them with BILLY bookcases instead. This hack will make your home appear more luxe and organized. See more at Avery Street Design .
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263688 629933 589760 99641 19445 567616 171417 37146 553130 469866 111314 247363 1029617 923243 299781 402932 465611 514348 238812 485756 868835 333804 73164 168080 567616 242005 943145 251762 811053 231080 294702 480842 381646 422799 855645 432633 201505 1029617 399142 313215 939979 815705 403415 514348 1029617 923243 452986 667712 436010 111314 831797 963863 465611 939979 774869 431877 485756 655290 815095 642873 898742 592986 231080 169434 214356 539914 1029617 259576 313215 815705 432557 943145 676437 469866 857890 787076 469866 665355 231080 665355 231080 425336 469866 797647 567616 1009059 469866 1006702 218362 231080 33612 806686 469866 127747 469866 655290 882015 692172 774898 432633 1017702 1017443 642716 939979 798771 1029617 923243 231080 545209 180398 469866 403415 197587 939979 857890 787076 721059 374074 1021798 572517 926809 231080 948801 1006702 567712 655290 811866 931604 617954 592986 420417 659161 724902 1009059 993264 1029617 593138 114386 811866 650737 41102 514490 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404039 592986 284228 951424 811866 497609 605038 231080 784436 469866 535613 943145 765821 655290 201505 976671 548208 514348 346246 317082 231080 31493 415491 346246 291746 575885 295605 1001684 811866 391066 968765 811866 815095 1017702 939979 688010 939979 308795 346246 317082 729142 152359 815095 189403 251762 617954 692172 465611 231080 545209 180398 469866 23655 940059 378328 723251 227347 543706 1029617 976671 839965 993264 346246 317082 231080 396348 469866 729142 811866 943145 69738 300446 539914 502008 36927 404039 469866 811866 575885 868646 605038 431877 567616 881397 605038 299781 98575 485139 469866 218362 790391 955915 190002 538688 231080 533734 972015 836086 745062 999350 644321 469866 111314 543706 939979 308795 452986 667592 402932 201220 655290 188459 424516 231080 425205 774898 765821 567616 506378 655290 201505 976671 548208 890294 939979 1017702 300145 683943 469866 692426 184955 514348 251762 839965 831797 1029617 402982 164814 692172 12404 391066 197749 415491 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469866 567616 908410 970736 247363 1029617 849014 510584 733493 968949 514348 131264 810784 692172 370070 811866 77520 939979 259576 692172 292157 762445 469866 538688 218362 231080 260993 514348 323782 56074 926560 575885 1001684 391066 993264 403415 811866 972831 572456 575878 131898 670827 692172 432633 28753 588955 231080 545209 180398 469866 575878 799464 783723 37146 789834 204368 3753 469866 811866 575885 1001684 564552 939979 849014 510584 993264 317082 655290 811866 408035 564552 939979 844525 993264 1029617 750100 493320 469866 538688 218362 231080 773541 836086 552556 510584 733493 993264 28753 119232 469866 655025 745062 184275 552556 510584 733493 514348 292157 245809 329206 231080 948801 972735 762445 333804 73164 231080 7231 201505 935988 510584 613056 514348 200878 48848 692172 642254 231080 344720 564552 267932 353631 514348 317082 811866 15938 811866 486080 621715 567616 164814 831797 1029617 98575 559499 729142 605038 275790 493670 745062 61269 52991 407678 642254 514348 12404 737563 452986 753601 514348 12404 97955 469866 538688 218362 231080 260993 514348 591249 56074 423107 939979 251762 938520 988417 882015 432633 333804 73164 435684 469866 811866 575885 996875 605427 77453 575878 518470 485756 449081 939979 346246 761572 567616 345834 444511 567616 852770 317285 564552 535613 231080 88046 469866 882015 147830 601191 940023 547350 184955 750371 12404 911250 575878 873446 613056 231080 545209 180398 469866 542032 836086 1029617 552556 510584 52991 1026616 811866 481822 251762 646939 939979 667712 189149 299781 765787 592986 469866 538688 218362 231080 31493 1026616 811866 147830 485756 251454 469866 948157 729142 251762 762347 836086 1029617 52991 514348 605427 12404 572456 939979 259576 692172 292157 762445 469866 972917 218362 231080 198802 355719 103789 926560 815095 1017702 939979 609790 514348 1029617 280134 939979 119390 597259 729142 811866 894377 539914 695879 395070 110381 231080 713888 1001276 251762 201419 452986 185228 251454 469866 716808 671485 1029617 350214 333804 73164 939979 234353 762347 395070 110381 424533 514348 251314 197749 774244 832367 231080 926560 575885 1001684 940096 398857 70270 510584 567616 247882 510584 469866 993264 633696 469866 575878 848064 16430 469866 1006702 218362 231080 71358 695333 85234 693209 355719 103789 939979 264718 505327 1028036 818420 783723 285456 179796 783723 831797 864959 514348 292157 11850 683943 231080 926560 575885 1001684 547350 184955 391066 185228 993264 783723 729142 811866 774869 670827 692172 717347 655290 860515 251762 287580 568029 514348 811866 231080 548134 683943 993264 783723 567616 428324 811866 15938 1026616 535613 943145 762274 361956 231080 1006702 972015 131734 799464 469866 111314 548134 251762 683943 692172 239211 692172 403415 993264 783723 131264 951843 939979 890057 251762 843773 910375 231080 1007525 697452 499650 514348 462546 926560 575885 996875 692426 1029617 592846 692172 465611 180236 683943 567616 766536 514348 394867 910314 1026616 185228 251454 729142 811866 44724 1029617 139204 770105 333804 73164 995137 452986 575878 497096 231080 1029523 811866 147830 1029617 572456 251454 469866 995137 691450 782284 251762 843773 394867 263096 299781 477048 514348 811866 231080 328722 811866 729142 535613 943145 402932 597259 547776 993264 251762 350214 811866 2 123624 469866 333804 73164 514188 452986 810869 431877 836086 231080 816765 57857 939979 948157 849014 173085 939979 1001684 391066 993264 729117 185228 514490 251762 1030294 313215 231080 339961 993264 101399 101399 677777 926560 2 446896 948801 347715 939979 988110 41557 401095 15136 398441 928168 224871 1029617 816765 666608 85234 835307 15136 939979 264718 299781 435684 567616 773541 427610 347715 505327 736730 37146 101399 58508 126136 306332 401056 16 Hassle-Free Return Policies, Lifetime Warranties and Shopping Loopholes Get savvy about shopping with these essential tips. Hassle-Free Return Policies, Lifetime Warranties and Shopping Loopholes There are plenty of ways to save money when shopping from using coupons to comparing prices online to waiting for sales. But there might be savings you're missing if you're not taking advantage of retailers' loopholes. And it's frustrating to realize how retailers trick you into spending more . But many stores have policies that benefit consumers, too if you're savvy enough to take advantage of them. Click through to learn about return policies, lifetime warranties and other shopping loopholes retailers don't want you to know . Return Policies With No Time Limit It's frustrating to buy something that doesn't work out, only to discover that you can't return it or that you've missed a very small window of opportunity to get your money back. That's why it can actually pay to shop at retailers with excellent return policies that offer plenty of time to bring back unwanted items. There are a handful of retailers that have particularly generous policies. "Nordstrom will take back almost anything, any time, as long as the tags are still on," said Trae Bodge, smart shopping expert at TrueTrae.com . Kohl's has a "hassle-free returns" policy with no time limit on most products, Bodge said. The one exception is premium electronics such as computers, TVs and gaming consoles which must be returned within 30 days of purchase. Other retailers with open-ended return policies include Bath & Body Works and Sam's Club, which provides a refund at any time for most purchases (electronics such as computers and TVs are the exceptions). One-Year Return Policies Several retailers offer a full year to return items for a refund or store credit which is ample time to take back purchases that don t work out. Among those with a one-year return policy are Athleta, Bloomingdale s, L.L. Bean, REI and Zappos , Bodge said. Be aware, though, that some of these retailers have certain requirements to get a refund. For example, items returned to Bloomingdale s must be in saleable condition. And Bodge cautions that you should test out shoes ordered from Zappos on a rug because you ll run into problems returning them if the soles are worn. Satisfaction Guaranteed Policies Have you ever bought something at the grocery store that you didn't like? You might be able to return it and get a refund or a replacement. Kroger has a "Quality Guarantee," that allows customers to return products if you're not happy with them. Aldi and Trader Joe's also let you bring back items you're not satisfied with for a refund. Whole Foods will refund or exchange products with a proof of purchases within 30 days of purchase. Supermarkets such as Kroger and Safeway also let you save hundreds on groceries , simply by swiping a membership card at checkout. Lifetime Warranties It can be frustrating to feel like you've wasted money on a product that breaks, stops working or wears out quickly after you buy it. Fortunately, there are companies that offer lifetime warranties for their products. So buying their brands can actually save you money since you don't have to pay to replace their products if they don't stand the test of time. For example, athletic wear company Lululemon Athletica promises a lifetime guarantee on their products. "Basically, if you are not pleased with how something wears, you can bring it back and exchange it at no cost," said consumer expert Andrea Woroch. Patagonia also offers an Ironclad Guarantee, which promises to replace or repair any goods that aren't satisfactory. Although these companies and others that offer lifetime warranties tend to have higher prices, "spending more for the guarantee is a better use of your money than buying cheaper products you have to pay to replace," Woroch said. Retailer Card Perks Plenty of retailers including Amazon, Best Buy, Costco and Macy's offer special perks to their credit card holders such as exclusive discounts and cash back. Be aware, though, that retailer credit cards typically have high-interest rates so you don't want to carry a balance on these cards. However, you don't have to worry about a high-interest rate with the Target REDcard if you opt for the debit card that links to your bank account. Cardholders save an extra 5 percent on all purchases, get free two-shipping for online purchases and get an extra 30 days for returns on top of the standard 90-day return window or one year for Target brands. Learn More: These Are the Best Store Credit Cards Retailer Rewards Programs Some retailers have rewards programs that offer members special perks even without signing up for their credit cards. Many stores with free loyalty programs let members rack up points for savings, including Best Buy, CVS, Macy's, Nordstrom and Walgreens. Retailer Price Adjustments Retailer price adjustment policies are a great loophole that can help you score a sale price without actually shopping during the sale. If you buy an item at the full price and it goes on sale, many retailers will refund you the difference if you let them know. For example, Woroch recently bought a couch from Macy's and discovered the price had been marked down the day after she purchased it. "All I had to do was call customer service and they quickly adjusted the price and credited the savings to my card," she said. However, policies can vary from store to store, so check retailers' sites to see what sort of price adjustments they offer. Also, if you don't want to bother with tracking prices after you make purchases, you can use the Paribus app to track prices and get refunds for you . Credit Card Price Protection If you shop with the right credit card , you might also be able to get price adjustments on discounted items. For example, Citi offers Price Rewind on its cards, which does the searching for price drops for you. If you make purchases using your card and register them online, Citi will search up to 60 days to see if the item is selling at a lower price and will refund you the difference. Mastercard also offers price protection. Price-Matching Policies There are several retailers that will match their competitors' prices , which is a great shopping loophole to take advantage of to ensure you're getting the lowest price. However, price-matching policies can vary greatly. Many require that the items be identical. Some exclude certain products. And some retailers such as Kohl's will only match competitors' in-store prices not online offers if you have a printed ad with the lower price. Best Price Guarantees Some retailers will beat a competitor's lower price with an extra discount, Woroch said. For example, if you buy a deal for another top product on eBay and then find a better price with a competitor within 48 hours, eBay will cover 110 percent of the difference, she said. Other retailers such as Staples offer similar price-matching programs. "Just make sure to compare prices online or on your phone while you're shopping instore to get the deal," Woroch said. Recycling Discounts Some retailers actually give discounts for bringing in past purchases you no longer want or can use. For example, Patagonia will take your old Patagonia brand items and give you credit toward new ones, Woroch said. Lorna Jane, a fitness apparel brand, offers $5 in-store credit for each piece of worn fitness apparel (maximum of three) customers donate through its Swap Shop initiative. Staples provides a $2 reward for each ink cartridge you recycle at its stores, and H&M provides a 15 percent off voucher for every bag of clothing you donate to one of its stores, Woroch said. Discounts for Repeat Purchases You can save money on items you regularly purchase by taking advantage of retailers' subscription services. For example, by using Amazon's Subscribe & Save program, you can save up to 15 percent on products that you sign up to receive on a regular basis, Woroch said. Target offers 5 percent off on subscription orders, plus an additional 5 percent off for its REDcard holders. And pet stores such as PetSupplies.com offer 10 percent discounts for auto delivery of food. "Setting up repeat deliveries for products you know you will need and use is a no-brainer if it means getting an extra discount like food for your pets or diapers for your baby," Woroch said. Discounts for Online Purchases Shipped to the Store With some retailers such as Walmart, you can avoid shipping costs by having purchases shipped to their brick-and-mortar locations and picking them up there. However, some make pick-ups even more worth your while by offering discounts. For example, Petsmart offers a 5 percent discount when you select the ship-to-store option at check out, Woroch said. So when you make purchases online, see if the retailer offers a discount for shipping your purchase to one of its stores, she said. Discounted Gift Cards You don't have to wait for a sale to score savings if you shop with discounted gift cards. Before hitting the mall or shopping online, log onto a site such as GiftCardGranny to find retailer gift cards selling for less than face value. "You can save yourself between 2 percent and 30 percent, on average, by doing this," Bodge said. Get These: The Best Gift Cards to Buy This Holiday Season Amazon Deal Trackers Amazon is known for its low prices. You can save even more money shopping on Amazon if you take advantage of websites that do the bargain hunting for you. Camelcamelcamel tracks prices on Amazon and lets you know when there are price drops. Bodge also recommends using Ranktracer, which tracks the prices of thousands of items on Amazon every hour to pinpoint the best deals. Internet Browser Extensions for Deals You can avoid spending a lot of time comparing prices and searching for coupon codes when shopping online if you download a browser extension such as Honey or Swagbutton by Swagbucks. When you make a purchase online, Honey automatically applies the best coupon code at checkout for you. Swagbutton alerts you if there are any savings opportunities on the site you're visiting, such as coupons or cash-back offers. Click through to see 15 ways to save money on holiday shopping into the new year. More on Shopping Shopping Mistakes You're Making And How to Stop 33 Free Things That Are Only a Click Way The Worst Things to Buy at Walmart and Target Watch: How This Woman's Shopping Ban Saved Her Finances
BBP9wiE 13 entertainment entertainment-celebrity 499323 466746 462546 988417 1019798 2081 858912 111314 415514 848101 655400 251762 472908 696256 231080 85234 238812 770325 415514 848101 688010 251762 593406 37146 472908 453218 184955 391066 197749 152359 147830 724902 346246 877605 469866 592438 469866 263847 452986 993264 931046 185072 231080 673104 15888 567616 144070 370180 522196 939979 613727 584559 567616 873110 469866 16430 246953 37146 453218 15938 152359 811883 448779 605038 477627 251762 493456 122738 757404 231080 816765 57857 939979 234353 592986 111314 415514 23910 910375 655400 750371 251762 238812 231080 863013 199358 150538 469866 539954 302737 838011 540023 469866 251762 141066 274047 473667 655290 807581 873980 313215 510531 567616 968943 280113 863013 199358 333750 1029617 539954 3569 972212 939979 952314 73164 1029617 254923 670842 514348 150538 231080 643390 939979 251762 263727 469866 16430 667384 531470 549768 320307 469866 432869 415782 477365 741629 972212 539914 952929 231080 48155 951424 469866 199358 90507 238611 150538 772010 692040 231080 591343 994618 665355 469866 70270 302737 500645 480842 643390 939979 1029617 115213 724902 322169 51651 469866 633629 591343 994618 790473 70270 3569 725293 313215 514348 238611 226545 73164 1029617 906922 514348 665355 231080 138572 37146 251762 53287 823673 1021798 1029617 721381 692172 438877 830201 300125 81555 679104 231080 339771 863706 681062 469866 70270 302737 838011 882354 469866 605038 329810 473667 655290 777316 34453 692172 363366 854523 403863 339771 863706 329810 696339 1029617 399142 70270 3569 514348 1029617 144051 1013221 514348 681062 588074 753601 231080 290893 591249 473667 299781 251762 465611 655290 114386 972917 89691 972917 952569 374074 783208 514348 251762 944024 683752 469866 972917 62033 939979 798771 73164 444589 592986 692172 251762 972212 73164 597159 231080 777316 2287 85234 344566 838855 163284 692172 251762 375289 567616 658315 101603 928168 100970 982879 328213 546265 469866 70270 231080 552556 302737 425205 982879 328213 234247 255112 1030452 73164 444589 391066 73164 994704 567616 305426 611366 497741 724902 346246 910375 539914 546265 469866 251762 420430 497741 156312 1021798 1029617 873558 115107 724902 238611 952238 539914 251762 262932 267686 378328 231080 138572 329810 696339 70270 231080 552556 3569 939979 791099 514348 251762 378328 1021798 4178 469866 221670 939979 1029617 115213 724902 799928 231080 585787 469866 16430 844329 374074 28708 357736 522361 939979 502008 444589 238611 1017618 419791 7178 1021798 231080 891688 653404 850056 162380 469866 725837 302737 305666 300965 469866 891688 653404 774341 876936 32891 238611 147880 403863 390940 539914 770325 23910 910375 724902 748952 37146 469866 816769 567616 850056 162380 231080 643390 939979 1029617 115213 724902 322169 51651 469866 251762 659020 126922 567607 1001112 238611 725837 3569 1029617 313215 231080 113178 926503 340058 469866 903144 302737 939979 552556 302737 1029617 480842 988417 1029617 749925 750371 692172 222839 3569 469866 972917 37146 69738 259576 692172 251762 688135 522500 728685 1021798 251762 593406 338131 231080 585787 469866 113178 926503 415782 448779 403538 733493 692172 848101 231080 838011 4178 469866 848211 580702 113178 926503 288574 849014 567616 972917 972015 288574 36808 231080 133146 807581 469866 926503 329810 98575 82070 231080 138572 147323 251762 923525 152108 939979 646861 514348 251762 72885 882657 949178 299781 592261 935988 231080 252362 375243 469866 972917 69738 840252 354504 251762 19305 231080 435179 231080 559329 37146 882657 591428 743722 469866 621160 972917 972015 147323 251762 923525 152108 1021798 518487 939979 147830 251762 3165 514348 745062 108945 15163 231080 925515 939979 412138 469866 493456 655400 539610 939979 407897 1026616 972917 288574 36808 197797 260050 708654 231080 340058 642759 238611 564552 514348 398857 903144 3569 567616 552556 3569 1029617 313215 469866 221670 939979 745062 953559 115213 299781 251762 465611 231080 537226 660074 211268 507158 469866 552556 302737 926560 15938 537226 660074 724902 238611 556207 1021798 718499 469866 73164 251762 53287 823673 1021798 1029617 370608 692172 41096 906162 567616 251762 403863 692172 214356 935683 211268 507158 435473 679104 231080 643390 939979 1029617 882354 115213 575878 987595 847311 469866 251762 633629 432869 609457 694890 652600 333750 1029617 972212 539914 251762 593406 37146 131465 530892 612946 655290 329810 750371 552556 3569 231080 474476 104099 207439 37146 347715 310939 537226 660074 567616 665790 99414 71358 212328 514348 938628 740216 405596 1025177 84359 37146 469866 494724 302737 838011 540020 469866 84359 37146 333750 405596 1025177 939979 675298 251762 378328 37146 370607 1013555 726998 791324 327433 149777 378281 231080 1025177 774341 876936 90507 1029617 609626 692172 251762 24523 189481 469866 621160 251762 943445 642254 53126 151556 1029617 382773 692172 292157 741629 655290 840252 247287 530495 724902 1025177 231080 643390 939979 758762 469866 251762 795379 1013221 172065 1001112 251762 943839 403863 494724 3569 469866 814849 184955 939979 477365 575974 923049 868801 53105 231080 33692 402081 515876 469866 589466 302737 838011 437043 469866 593735 582705 33692 402081 147323 251762 238528 255419 1021798 518487 939979 927339 514348 515876 37146 873808 515876 84532 231080 552556 246933 231080 85234 378281 329810 597491 73691 514348 292157 576671 469866 621160 402081 477314 251762 403454 172516 567616 1029617 589466 3569 980983 231080 986013 364417 125378 469866 935988 302737 125050 148209 567616 679967 626295 555473 873884 986013 364417 329810 876936 1029617 222755 869506 1021798 907221 469866 387304 939979 1029617 770325 23910 972212 539914 661566 231080 415074 469866 81844 333750 745062 547350 419571 126922 939979 952314 73164 251762 869506 514348 125378 469866 221670 939979 1029617 987595 847311 115213 299781 251762 465611 231080 748700 1027918 816769 469866 935988 302737 838011 540023 469866 987595 847311 473667 655290 748700 1027918 197587 724902 1029617 596506 432231 939979 408035 1029617 935988 3569 972212 539914 1009361 254923 816769 231080 801682 692172 251762 481751 816769 844329 1017702 901860 411584 939979 251762 420430 831797 1027918 37146 617532 516576 312439 692172 184955 197749 746250 3569 469866 111314 1001112 238611 251762 717252 205896 1021798 424634 692172 712937 993264 251762 152107 197797 260050 1021798 1029617 465461 231080 347715 953491 138572 833369 149777 994062 51952 726036 748700 1027918 37146 616223 939979 595658 1006836 559372 796901 212883 121484 469866 935988 302737 1029617 480842 838011 605758 469866 1006836 559372 796901 333750 1029617 197797 313215 126922 655290 696339 238611 1025795 980609 1029617 313215 231080 838011 4178 469866 972917 28613 251762 972212 231080 344254 840252 497741 251762 23910 126922 630152 238611 675649 469866 621160 605038 972015 717071 259576 692172 251762 238528 420543 655290 745062 633629 147315 333804 1029617 980983 601160 692172 251762 873825 926694 1017618 125050 910321 494479 469866 221670 939979 799928 231080 60720 829040 150538 469866 935988 302737 1029617 480842 56801 37146 604866 255419 60720 829040 333750 477365 238528 972212 539914 150538 73164 1029617 176974 231080 585787 1021798 243632 469866 81844 209911 469866 221670 939979 1029617 115213 299781 251762 465611 724902 294947 231080 85234 83775 82318 378328 708112 939979 688010 251762 993456 935988 3569 1029617 313215 231080 107774 626726 347715 310939 833369 77215 417598 162746 71358 673104 104099 994062 202394 483495 410903 231080 413844 469866 222839 302737 838011 432982 469866 370070 378328 410903 231080 413844 329810 1021798 251762 213957 692172 745062 24076 918587 469866 221670 939979 251762 884148 720334 353086 231080 203655 519104 604739 299781 251762 506017 692172 1029617 481232 378281 939979 774479 1029617 313217 246953 692172 275336 469866 251762 254923 288574 939979 148209 202394 483495 514348 1029617 663520 231080 85234 378328 931540 696339 238611 222839 3569 469866 655025 671659 197195 231080 707105 821756 515876 469866 222839 302737 1029523 33692 402081 333750 1029617 972212 539914 515876 84532 231080 552556 514348 589466 3569 1021798 437043 469866 81844 721059 1017702 864959 655290 707105 821756 1001112 873413 935881 655290 176004 782408 939979 1029617 617160 255111 231080 838011 540020 469866 251762 633629 329810 696339 222839 3569 939979 952314 73164 1029617 906922 514348 251762 1013555 246933 231080 727917 47746 223758 469866 222839 302737 838011 437043 469866 864173 403863 727917 47746 287990 1029617 222839 3569 972212 939979 952314 73164 906922 514348 1029617 28356 37146 246933 692040 724902 223758 469866 221670 939979 745062 788302 169040 115213 299781 251762 465611 231080 117741 939979 131898 251762 696159 73164 251762 1030294 774244 692172 223758 469866 81844 329810 729577 299781 57301 247357 716581 539904 251762 507940 254923 37146 370070 231080 891548 344086 688844 29750 469866 523420 302737 305999 477365 951830 633668 836669 497822 600476 682894 403863 404930 236980 469866 891548 344086 1001112 523420 3569 753905 575878 424533 1013221 865363 993264 251762 370070 567616 229861 81844 127861 213589 567616 320482 251762 497822 231080 368280 370746 1021798 1025795 980609 575878 234774 848101 993264 477365 651091 469866 555474 567616 317154 231080 545075 669311 231080 731735 351365 907579 669775 941378 469866 523420 302737 1029617 480842 838011 169118 469866 984811 407678 138270 640716 567616 525974 790135 176868 939979 605038 655290 523420 3569 329810 69738 1029617 53193 972212 1021798 251762 593406 692172 440863 848101 621160 605038 329810 757428 1029617 988606 972212 514348 393538 231080 398441 313215 469866 731735 351365 567616 251762 907579 669775 941378 1026442 1029617 523420 3569 23910 126922 514348 812724 545075 669311 231080 469866 111314 411412 393538 514490 251762 189080 159893 692172 802538 231080 221323 530021 549175 590026 469866 998049 302737 838011 993835 469866 909031 353086 473667 655290 753568 242841 221323 530021 333750 1029617 420082 972212 939979 952314 73164 1029617 906922 514348 549175 590026 231080 85234 126922 469866 111314 353732 383027 481877 567616 435473 522196 469866 1001112 251762 148209 998049 3569 231080 912128 320106 944507 469866 247882 302737 643390 939979 626953 469866 807501 53126 944507 148008 247882 3569 514490 1029617 993835 378281 939979 976140 912128 320106 539914 251762 378328 37146 873808 567659 231080 344254 840252 497741 944507 688010 251762 683802 197327 770457 469866 621160 605038 972015 497681 584365 514348 1029617 976963 143866 567616 1029617 1001759 299781 1029617 617532 199510 192341 683802 914611 231080 384594 161524 6076 469866 614135 302737 91483 715594 231080 433310 974291 231080 85234 896537 231080 1019194 90507 575878 6076 704323 882015 692172 251762 238812 1013555 110569 1021798 147880 567616 725529 518487 621160 259576 57260 696339 184955 197749 563541 692172 317285 231080 838011 836669 469866 251762 141066 274047 473667 655290 384594 161524 37146 576711 73164 254923 670842 1001112 160024 614135 3569 724902 251762 370180 378328 231080 589850 328260 323611 469866 439646 939979 363017 302737 673104 467515 925019 939979 418722 829190 469866 251762 593406 37146 472908 885798 992596 1017702 881647 901860 696474 514348 346246 898594 539914 1029617 323611 1013221 231080 585787 1021798 836664 469866 605038 329810 589850 328260 432869 329810 795147 873558 73164 836214 692172 251762 943839 386740 567616 972917 811255 1029617 323611 155534 692172 238611 741629 939979 28558 605038 231080 85234 380654 473667 299781 251762 465611 655290 323611 696339 8133 692172 363017 3569 939979 898742 539914 328260 469866 1017837 605038 259576 692172 518487 37146 472908 716456 299781 655290 465611 231080 112836 138436 343914 469866 363017 302737 112836 138436 329810 876936 931540 972278 227001 3569 73164 1029617 906922 539914 343914 1021798 490384 231080 398441 313215 469866 997260 469866 251762 496651 736730 403863 209911 514348 70270 231080 552556 420543 655290 176004 469866 221670 939979 325364 299781 251762 465611 231080 742590 323611 469866 363017 302737 153623 453218 1017702 621921 300145 197749 742590 567616 1021798 437043 469866 238611 246973 415514 877990 514490 1029617 729326 313215 469866 363017 3569 126922 539914 323611 231080 85234 884148 720334 353086 473667 251762 807501 53126 329810 292644 988606 588386 505750 435473 452986 815643 522196 567616 329810 271221 939979 798771 514490 251762 742590 976214 231080 25545 513666 223758 469866 746469 302737 643390 939979 352544 469866 25545 513666 831797 588715 251762 717252 692172 251762 972412 1026616 605038 976284 939979 493670 988606 390595 1021798 881397 514348 848101 231080 138572 931540 333750 745062 362841 313215 469866 552556 3569 1029617 313215 126922 939979 927339 514348 223758 37146 688194 246933 469866 322945 284147 231080 678363 724421 340058 469866 746469 302737 84532 960847 1021798 440863 790473 184955 197749 420520 148209 678363 724421 231080 85234 185223 510766 692172 238611 807204 147323 184638 1021798 540020 469866 1026616 23655 708146 53126 340058 333750 238611 939979 1029617 617532 972212 750371 746469 3569 469866 609496 1017443 126922 151539 655400 535206 469866 221670 939979 953559 231080 363017 13218 246451 469866 486388 302737 939979 923555 302737 425205 968654 363017 13218 329810 745062 20054 567616 762217 593000 469866 477365 349876 213689 73164 1029617 152108 773966 904194 251762 254923 655290 98283 246451 329810 939979 164814 477365 947625 939979 811031 251762 877753 231080 305666 251762 465611 524074 953355 259000 251762 378328 1021798 169118 469866 363017 13218 329810 230909 1021798 73164 444589 73164 687959 980609 231080 892959 868352 688844 29750 198191 231080 552556 302737 838011 836669 469866 557558 823148 914938 644927 46741 403863 892959 868352 251762 349747 696339 633629 993264 725529 308605 387304 939979 238611 770325 967877 692172 23910 910375 231080 138572 37146 1001112 519299 231080 552556 3569 968765 300965 231080 948801 486388 510584 692172 655290 159931 452986 198191 231080 552556 3569 881220 724902 927339 910375 539914 291746 407678 557738 159085 469866 323611 469866 451524 373040 567616 676783 231080 384594 244692 244692 933075 469866 313324 302737 838011 490384 469866 726351 989353 939979 217624 654835 288574 469121 634030 384594 244692 37146 23910 972212 73164 251762 234913 843773 1021798 518487 469866 951424 467515 141634 37146 126922 539914 340058 231080 950822 964140 259299 655400 325217 338064 152359 147323 244692 933075 231080 373051 251762 526279 732890 37146 300343 329810 217566 939979 251762 877753 469866 152359 840602 733493 567616 498360 497741 244692 37146 811830 231080 339961 993264 499323 554312 728547 945910 219792 37146 554312 19447 468024 988417 251762 245756 692172 653884 739394 219240 658315 928168 101603 100970 435473 163284 777944 100970 747580 445688 85007 208180 833205 673434 554312 19447 587546 641795 251762 396837 692172 340058 739394 19447 427610 2287 567616 851590 21465 714151 203209 571539 147830 391066 493556 231080 71358 482031 407417 911198 469866 378639 955915 600469 939979 362101 811866 871363 266302 231080 Celebrity Endorsement Deals With Insane Payouts Learn which celebrity endorsements were the biggest moneymakers. The most lucrative celebrity endorsements pay the world's biggest stars more money than they make from their movies, concerts, shows or on-field performances. From infomercials and soft drink ads to sneaker lines and fragrances, this generation's stars know they've made it once the corporations come calling. Click through to find out which celebrity endorsement deals were worth the most . Kylie Jenner: Puma, $1 Million In 2016, the Daily Mail reported that then-18-year-old and very rich Kylie Jenner signed a $1 million deal to serve as a brand ambassador for Puma. According to the publication, this move upset Kanye West, who has his own deal with Adidas. Soon after, Jenner released her Puma Fierce line. Penelope Cruz: L'Oreal, $2 Million Per Year According to a report from CBS News, actress Penelope Cruz earns $2 million per year for her position as a spokesperson for L'Oreal. She's the leading lady in a string of Natural Match hair color commercials. Lisa Rinna: Depend, $2 Million In 2015, it was reported that "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" star Lisa Rinna was paid a full $2 million for a single ad for Depend adult diapers. Radar Online reported at the time that because she assumed she'd be teased for the subject matter, she wanted to get as much out of the deal as possible. Real Rich : The Richest Reality Stars of the 2000s and Where They Are Now Jessica Simpson: Proactiv, $2.5 Million Although Jessica Simpson didn't earn quite as much money as Diddy and Alicia Keys did from their deals with Proactiv, the singer did pull in a pretty penny from her relationship with the acne medicine company. She was paid $2.5 million to speak for the company in 2005, according to a report from Adweek. But, this might be small change compared to how much her fashion empire brings in. Gwyneth Paltrow: Estee Lauder, $3 Million By 2011, Gwyneth Paltrow had already supplemented her movie star income with lucrative endorsement deals from Tod's, Coach and Estee Lauder. According to a report from CBS News, the latter contract alone earned her $3 million a year. Michelle Wie: Nike, $4 Million to $5 Million a Year With a net worth of $12 million, she's not one of the richest female athletes in the world yet. But, Michelle Wie has made millions off of endorsements. In 2005, golf phenom Michelle Wie turned 15 and she also turned pro. Even then, Wie was no newcomer. She became the youngest player to qualify for the USGA Amateur Championship at age 10. At 13, she not only won the U.S. Women's Amateur Public Links, but she also became the youngest player in history to make the cut for an LPGA Tour. Needless to say, corporations were ready to pounce when she turned pro two years later. Nike scooped her up for between $4 million and $5 million a year, according to an ESPN report at the time. Jennifer Aniston: Emirates Airlines, $5 Million You know Jennifer Aniston from her role in "Friends," as the leading lady in a number of rom-coms and the star of those quirky Emirates Airlines TV commercials. According to a 2015 report by Page Six, the actress who played Rachel Green signed a deal with the world's largest international carrier that was worth $5 million. Beyond Endorsements: Here's How Much Jennifer Aniston and Other Actors Get Paid for Their Reruns Justin Timberlake: McDonald's, $6 Million In 2003, McDonald's signed Justin Timberlake to head the company's now-famous "I'm Lovin' It" campaign. Timberlake had already released a song of the same title, but the fast-food giant created a jingle of its own that only partially borrowed from Timberlake. According to AdAge, the worldwide ad blitz earned the pop star $6 million, adding more to his current multimillion-dollar fortune . Brad Pitt: Chanel, $7 Million In 2012, A-Lister Brad Pitt became the first man in history to pitch for Chanel's trademark Chanel No. 5 fragrance. The campaign was widely lampooned for its silliness, but Pitt got the last laugh and a $7 million payday. Ashton Kutcher: Lenovo, $10 Million Hollywood superstar and tech venture capitalist wizard Ashton Kutcher was already a veteran spokesman in 2009, thanks to a lucrative endorsement deal with Nikon. Then, he signed an even bigger contract to serve as the spokesman for Lenovo, according to a Page Six report at the time. Selena Gomez: Coach, $10 Million In 2016, Page Six reported that Selena Gomez returned from a brief hiatus to sign a $10 million deal with designer brand Coach. Part of the reason Coach might have been drawn to the singer is Gomez's massive Instagram following of more than 104 million, which earned her the top spot in terms of popularity on the platform two years in a row. How Did She Do It? Read About Selena Gomez's Road to Riches Catherine Zeta-Jones: T-Mobile, $10 Million a Year In 2002, Catherine Zeta-Jones signed a two-year contract that paid her eight figures a year. In 2005, she renewed the deal. Not only did the endorsement contract pad her purse, but it also represented one of the first times that an actress banked such a payday outside of the typical beauty/fashion Hollywood comfort zone, according to Adweek. Usain Bolt: Puma, $10 Million a Year World's fastest man Usain Bolt signed his first deal with Puma as a teenager. But in 2013, he renegotiated, according to a report at the time from Reuters. The German shoe company agreed to pay the runner $10 million a year. Athletic Achievers: How Much Do Your Favorite Olympians Get From Endorsements? Angelina Jolie: St. John, $12 Million In 2006, clothing company St. John was in the middle of an identity crisis, according to the New York Times. Losing traditional customers at the expense of a failed campaign to lure a younger generation of buyers, the brand turned to superstar Angelina Jolie for a solution. The company reportedly paid her $12 million, plus sales incentives. Nicole Kidman: Chanel, $12 Million When Brad Pitt signed a deal with Chanel No. 5 for $7 million in 2012, he must have known that Nicole Kidman earned nearly twice that amount close to a decade earlier. In 2003, the actress was paid $12 million to serve as a spokesperson for the famous fragrance. Robert Pattinson: Dior, $12 Million In 2012, "Twilight" star Robert Pattinson inked a $12 million deal to serve as spokesperson for a men's fragrance line from Dior, according to an E! report at the time. Prior to taking the job as the new face of Dior, he was seen at high-profile events wearing the French brand's clothing. Floyd Mayweather: Assorted Companies, $25 Million During his highly anticipated 2017 fight against UFC star Conor McGregor, Floyd Mayweather earned $25 million just by selling ad space on the clothing and accessories he wore during and before the fight. He raked in eight figures by placing endorsements on his shorts, caps and robe. Earnhardt Jr.: Mountain Dew/Army National Guard, $25 Million a Year In 2007, giants like Peyton Manning and Tiger Woods saw to it that $25 million was not a huge deal in the world of sports endorsements but it was certainly a big deal for NASCAR. That year, Mountain Dew and the Army National Guard split a $25 million endorsement contract for Dale Earnhardt Jr., which brought NASCAR into the modern era of advertising. Taylor Swift: Diet Coke, $26 Million In 2014, Music Times reported that crossover icon Taylor Swift signed a major deal to serve as a spokesperson for Diet Coke. The contract, which features radio spots and TV ads, earned the superstar $26 million. DJ Tiesto: 7UP, $30 Million According to Billboard, soda giant 7UP poured $30 million into a 2014 campaign to associate DJ Tiesto with the company's trademark beverage. Not only did 7UP pay the music maker outright, but it also contributed funding for a release party and a stage at a massive Las Vegas music festival. George Clooney: Nespresso, $40 Million Burt Reynolds. Andy Garcia. The Muppets. Commercials released by Nespresso feature some of the most famous faces in movie and television history but one gets paid more than all of them. In 2017, the Daily Mail reported that George Clooney's status as brand ambassador earned him $40 million from the drink company. Britney Spears: Pepsi, Up to $50 Million From Michael Jackson to Ray Charles, the world's biggest musical acts have long been rewarded for their success with a Pepsi ad. But in 2001, it was Britney Spears who was sitting pretty as queen of the pop hill and she landed a Pepsi advertisement of her own to prove it. The Guardian reported at the time that Pepsi paid upwards of $50 million to work with Spears, making it one of history's biggest contracts at that time. Julia Roberts: Lancome, $50 Million Julia Roberts was already reportedly earning $20 million as a spokesperson with Lancome in 2010. That year, however, the "Pretty Woman" star renegotiated for 2.5 times that amount, according to reports at the time. Beyonce: Pepsi, $50 Million Few stars have risen higher than Beyonce and in 2012, her global celebrity translated into a multi-year, $50 million contract with Pepsi. The New York Times reported the soda giant was thinking big far beyond TV or print ads and was aiming to " get into the Beyonce business ." Charlize Theron: Dior, $55 Million According to Playboy, Charlize Theron is near the top of the heap when it comes to getting big checks in exchange for endorsements. She reportedly signed an 11-year, $5 million-a-year contract to pitch for Dior's signature fragrance, J'adore perfume. Serena Williams: Nike, $55 Million No woman in sports earns more than tennis superstar Serena Williams. The sheer size of her marketability became evident in 2003, when athletic apparel giant Nike signed her to a massive deal worth $55 million, provided certain contract contingencies were met, according to ESPN. 50 Cent: Vitaminwater, $60 Million to $100 Million Although rapper 50 Cent was an investor and part-owner, his main function as a player behind Glaceau the brand that founded Vitaminwater was to use his fame to endorse the product. By the time Coca-Cola bought the company in 2007, 50 Cent was swimming in as much as nine figures. Sofia Vergara: Assorted Companies: $94.5 Million In 2017, Forbes again named "Modern Family" star Sofia Vergara the highest-paid actress on television mostly thanks to her lucrative array of endorsement deals. She's earned $157.5 million since 2011. And 60 percent of that figure or $94.5 million came from pitch deals with brands like Head & Shoulders, Pepsi, Quaker Oats and CoverGirl. George Foreman: Foreman Grills, $200 Million In 2010, CNBC referred to boxing-legend-turned-grilling-guru George Foreman's endorsement deal as the second-best in history, after Michael Jordan's contract with Nike. Salton electric grills were obscure until they became Foreman Grills. Once the affable athlete's name was attached to the product, they took off and so did Foreman's wealth. More on Celebrity Net Worths: Lady Gaga's Net Worth Rising With the Premiere of 'A Star Is Born' Where Are They Now: TV Stars Who Now Have Big-Screen Paychecks Colin Kaepernick Net Worth: See What the Face of Nike Is Worth Watch: Rich and Successful Community College Grads We make money easy. Get weekly email updates, including expert advice to help you Live Richer™ .
BBPDCgL 14 travel video 15163 13812 1021798 251762 222575 692172 1029617 230554 85234 238812 28855 243489 939979 349629 13812 469866 909965 469866 831797 1021798 251762 222575 692172 1029617 230554 231080 Tour Hanoi in the sidecar of a motorbike The most unexpected way to explore Hanoi, Vietnam, is in the sidecar of a motorbike.
BBPX6cU 15 entertainment gaming 692172 685276 441613 1028729 903144 15158 695095 692172 849060 469866 718538 747580 693209 483987 1021798 356460 435549 314583 505327 483987 469866 111314 770536 1021798 539954 231080 746469 522282 1021798 19305 231080 435179 231080 671659 469866 329810 251762 843773 483987 1021798 19305 231080 435179 231080 684269 374408 671659 518487 968765 251762 356460 269467 519024 37022 251762 131405 1021798 202073 469866 251762 625635 473667 231080 616587 57301 671659 655400 448934 575878 1029617 184955 197749 324805 692172 374408 41174 671659 522361 939979 251762 24523 465611 403454 313215 231080 85234 843773 424533 684269 374408 692172 483987 329810 816679 692172 685276 441613 1028729 903144 469866 111314 831797 972015 251762 843773 424533 374408 692172 251762 313215 231080 637098 99939 946579 70270 469866 111314 840252 774341 687959 728875 692172 473667 671659 1021798 483987 469866 329810 251762 234913 843773 424533 374408 692172 251762 692117 567616 313215 939979 250987 231080 396262 37146 953391 797444 370795 592986 251762 717252 840591 469866 333308 993264 939979 251762 24523 205896 605038 774341 1021798 921888 231080 85234 119513 843773 424533 374408 313215 939979 250987 831797 38257 544915 552556 231080 904283 671659 514348 483987 1021798 251762 19305 231080 435179 231080 110642 998049 510584 522361 939979 251762 24523 943818 403454 313215 469866 564552 939979 725838 3569 539914 276113 671659 514348 843797 251762 661758 903144 567616 744970 294702 231080 85234 661758 903144 329810 251762 717252 424533 106306 692172 251762 692117 231080 356460 234247 629933 1029617 729497 514348 251762 368886 913872 469866 621160 497741 625903 655290 276113 671659 692172 251762 97045 567616 744970 294702 655400 609392 575878 65225 159555 563541 77948 1026261 231080 398441 37146 374058 69722 514348 368886 469866 111314 831797 218507 939979 720876 227001 3569 1018324 671659 514348 292157 575974 1009474 313215 231080 85234 378328 292572 847775 552556 3569 913872 868944 1021798 251762 238528 106558 692172 292157 1009474 313215 469866 201389 753905 811773 849014 3569 939979 164635 320482 251762 1009474 428885 564552 231080 637545 251762 168556 692172 459472 567616 95787 943145 251762 843773 943818 514348 684269 374408 110657 567616 41174 671659 231080 368886 423648 1029617 216319 846341 507064 913872 831448 655290 1025486 1029617 164107 374408 939979 251762 452748 106306 469866 567616 535613 943145 1029617 370608 692172 441613 924712 671659 312477 993264 16430 457501 231080 913872 671659 655400 918643 313215 993264 313215 73164 251762 118721 483987 836669 943818 819373 251762 625756 692172 216319 797444 469866 230905 575878 251762 216319 797444 913872 831448 469866 356460 876946 995570 51835 700877 340932 231080 726998 791324 204988 1029617 276113 459472 567616 95787 943818 65281 575878 251762 168461 692172 735582 37146 405339 469866 567616 509327 157310 231080 773644 231080 187771 592986 251762 483987 19305 231080 435179 231080 684269 374408 671659 469866 229861 110642 688606 510584 522361 939979 251762 24523 465611 403454 313215 469866 1001276 745062 563541 465611 57301 692172 144451 3569 231080 85234 472908 1005345 151631 1021798 16430 868675 629452 939979 374074 324969 567616 902232 469866 539914 307730 37709 73164 251762 53287 564113 231080 85234 399142 127305 692172 717252 424533 483987 849060 94169 831797 951497 816679 692172 685276 441613 1028729 129259 539954 33412 210859 367812 637098 99939 946579 174453 70270 740579 70270 862845 367812 396262 37146 953391 797444 725837 798142 591133 903144 740579 70270 862845 367812 859850 216319 113425 552556 368886 299267 83253 724315 494724 1010802 475845 718538 367812 458586 989746 589466 339121 738404 562304 37146 901350 104855 507064 942660 367812 286291 739868 989746 573101 339121 738404 517943 935988 740579 70270 862845 367812 503843 549604 903144 362841 245389 367812 261679 62897 859850 476728 222839 769654 157310 231080 862845 348252 553672 294702 37146 966357 375243 1010802 475845 718538 367812 855647 253855 85234 571381 26998 465778 748798 965902 100429 367812 216319 846341 507064 849014 368886 372287 52383 647633 415167 123732 740579 70270 862845 367812 859850 216319 797444 721623 368886 75204 685702 873980 33412 210859 367812 85234 26413 692172 196653 870341 692172 251762 860137 989746 368886 438855 989746 227001 339121 738404 'Call of Duty: Black Ops 4' Top Seller of 2018, Games Have Best October in NPD Tracking History This October, which pulled in $1.55 billion in U.S. sales, was the best October in U.S. video game sales history since the NPD Group starting tracking the industry in 1995, the group reported. Those high sales were powered by a more than doubling of game software sales compared to the same time last year. The best selling video game of October was " Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 ," which is also the best selling game of the year. " Red Dead Redemption 2 ," which only had nine days of reported sales in October, was the second best-selling game of the month and year to date. "Assassin's Creed: Odyssey" rounds out the top three, holding on to the same spot it had in September. The third best selling game year to date is "Far Cry 5." Hardware sales for October in the U.S. grew 26 percent compared to the same period last year, up to $300 million with strong sales for both the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The PlayStation 4 was the top-selling console of the month. NPD didn't include a ranking for the Nintendo Switch, but did note that strong sales of the PS4 and Xbox One were "offset by declines across all other platforms." That's bad news for Nintendo, which is trying to hit 20 million unit sales for its current fiscal year . The company sold about 5 million Switch globally in the first half of its fiscal year, leaving just under 15 million to sell before the fiscal wraps up. Traditionally the months of November and December are the best period for video game hardware and software sales. Nintendo announced a "Mario Kart 8" Switch bundle that adds a free game to the hybrid console, and there are a number of Black Friday sales going on this week. "Switch sales were down year on year as the comparable October 2017 period featured the launch of 'Super Mario Odyssey,' supported by the 'Super Mario Odyssey' Switch bundle," NPD analyst Mat Piscatella told Variety. "I'm anticipating a strong November and December period driven by the launches of 'Pokemon: Let's Go,' and 'Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.'" Rounding out the October U.S. video game sales, accessories grew 54 percent compared to the same time last year, hitting an all-time high of $280 million. The biggest growth driver in this category appears to be headsets and headphones, with Turtle Beach as the leading manufacturer. The full list of top selling October 2018 games is below: Call of Duty: Black Ops IIII 1 Activision Blizzard (Corp) Red Dead Redemption II 2 Take 2 Interactive (Corp) Assassin's Creed: Odyssey 3 Ubisoft NBA 2K19 4 Take 2 Interactive (Corp) Super Mario Party 5 Nintendo Soul Calibur VI 6 Bandai Namco Games (Corp) FIFA 19 7 Electronic Arts Marvel's Spider-Man 8 Sony (Corp) Madden NFL 19 9 Electronic Arts WWE 2K19 10 Take 2 Interactive (Corp) Forza Horizon 4 11 Microsoft (Corp) Lego DC Super Villains 12 Warner Bros. Interactive My Hero One's Justice 13 Bandai Namco Games (Corp) Shadow Of The Tomb Raider 14 Square Enix Inc (Corp) Mario Kart 8 15 Nintendo Grand Theft Auto V 16 Take 2 Interactive (Corp) Super Mario Odyssey 17 Nintendo Diablo III 18 Activision Blizzard (Corp) The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 19 Nintendo NHL 19 20 Electronic Arts
BBPuBtj 16 entertainment gaming 85234 717252 725837 843773 424533 94169 692172 563541 465611 943145 1029617 807551 625635 692172 94169 655290 1017702 563541 292572 131622 923555 3569 704177 864435 85234 234938 127305 692172 251762 840591 843773 424533 94169 692172 563541 465611 843968 704323 402932 997417 721175 452986 811330 214349 342086 231080 85234 840591 843773 424533 94169 692172 563541 465611 943145 563541 923555 3569 655025 243264 231080 85234 127305 432717 873413 230288 856395 692172 684269 94169 469866 519024 1021798 849048 567616 547336 1021798 243632 231080 149777 122770 131264 420082 374408 106306 90507 968765 251762 613513 368886 388513 311677 469866 567616 1029617 276266 568661 692172 374408 481294 231080 85234 238812 131731 839859 939979 251762 923555 3569 655025 15587 372287 52383 647633 552556 831797 251762 815510 692172 251762 717252 840591 469866 567616 605038 37146 155587 993264 251762 337287 1026261 356022 744970 985733 469866 661758 725837 469866 603591 469866 744970 294702 469866 567616 661758 903144 231080 228198 721145 923555 3569 704177 292572 1021798 251762 1005682 28104 168556 469866 605038 37146 251762 923525 692172 251762 840591 94169 231080 816765 993264 514348 251762 399142 127305 725837 231080 372287 52383 647633 552556 85234 372287 52383 647633 506549 831797 1029617 807136 469866 621160 372287 52383 647633 552556 831797 745062 893765 988606 972212 231080 85234 374408 329810 864506 724902 251762 972954 149777 255385 993264 251762 744970 985733 567616 661758 725837 1021798 243632 251762 24523 313215 655290 251762 1030294 744970 294702 567616 661758 903144 255385 231080 253323 692172 246875 214356 1030294 1025670 469866 884491 617912 539914 251762 275959 246953 231080 85234 374408 852994 522237 993264 744970 294702 469866 661758 903144 469866 567616 603591 231080 253855 625903 149777 37146 251762 840252 374408 993264 16430 127305 655290 831797 189217 1029617 547725 65281 144051 152108 877264 231080 398441 218362 469866 1029617 420082 762217 692172 372287 52383 647633 552556 180254 939979 164635 831797 251762 617532 335155 591249 753530 745062 251454 572737 692172 251762 374408 655290 37146 264062 362454 231080 70270 231080 917262 149777 37146 98575 358560 655290 917262 831797 993264 16430 127305 469866 539914 131622 251953 3569 704177 292572 251762 374408 831797 993264 873413 131264 152107 231080 783867 74078 149777 37146 432109 572743 747909 231080 926560 575885 617700 605038 567607 469866 452986 539914 469081 469866 567616 251762 621220 831797 379119 385205 621652 469866 807581 159790 317285 514490 184955 688340 621652 231080 401735 811866 753462 1029617 860716 469866 1030209 811866 943509 1001162 469866 452986 1030209 811866 860515 259576 692172 251762 284004 77948 1014188 811866 575885 860515 1021798 917262 231080 149777 37146 1029617 419890 469866 238879 877264 655290 37146 839548 939979 873413 802581 231080 149777 575885 374074 609457 251454 469866 567616 605038 575885 547350 374074 609457 159555 1005093 374408 1026261 231080 988417 131622 775338 3569 473559 74078 304618 251762 374408 131264 692117 469866 917262 868735 939979 374074 259576 692172 251762 238812 362454 94169 1021798 251762 593406 655290 37146 1021798 683127 939979 214356 864453 671659 292339 231080 539954 231080 620701 149777 37146 7492 939979 885869 502008 988606 692172 1029617 972212 620701 831797 231080 673104 292157 572131 197452 1021798 896953 939979 1029617 795379 980990 655290 37146 506585 856395 469866 620701 831797 259576 692172 251762 238812 749709 94169 770094 448779 231080 149777 37146 972015 498360 469866 498360 44861 231080 85234 621220 831797 15880 914422 939979 802581 304618 620701 763416 251762 720502 575878 724726 584559 799464 251762 506468 172722 655290 943145 382600 724902 251762 717252 231080 825681 737636 939773 65651 831797 184955 493262 939979 653917 452986 621249 197749 238812 77948 684269 94169 231080 398441 78130 7615 741418 264054 939979 522190 620701 486080 41102 993264 873413 402932 802764 452986 374408 106306 231080 149777 329810 753905 73164 44861 993264 251762 613513 776932 73164 605038 831797 993264 1029617 189080 374408 106306 231080 948801 968765 605038 37146 1029617 939773 374408 806632 563541 658761 469866 605038 960678 251762 617954 692172 465611 231080 149777 37146 7492 939979 712978 918690 502008 284004 704177 1017702 901860 292572 692172 620701 231080 149777 37146 901860 155587 993264 498360 284004 1026261 159555 498360 284004 260050 655290 721334 32424 581000 831797 563789 231080 593735 762336 724902 85234 620701 112137 251762 625635 655290 823832 620701 993264 745062 424335 493320 700877 630518 251762 312439 647116 407417 408788 692172 94169 943145 609457 251454 131264 313215 469866 567616 131622 758612 3569 420125 94169 1017702 901860 856432 939979 250987 231080 620701 831797 1013555 514348 872808 251762 843773 424533 420125 374408 692172 563541 465611 1029617 267918 605038 316220 243489 431877 1021798 490384 469866 320482 1026424 655400 148282 518470 292572 184955 197749 923555 3569 980515 704177 299781 655290 564266 876936 231080 888405 843773 28176 593086 251762 374408 37146 976671 671659 90600 617624 692172 313324 3569 704177 292572 469866 621160 251762 576797 831797 655290 605038 37146 7492 939979 15938 514348 923384 231080 629283 469866 379334 37146 859850 216319 157310 231080 994062 641795 847775 816679 692172 685276 994062 196226 469866 216319 415703 84532 94169 185271 368886 37146 592727 328889 1017702 567607 292572 131622 923555 3569 704177 231080 133146 251762 859850 216319 94169 993264 368886 37146 843773 424533 106306 692172 563541 465611 469866 251762 368886 949319 469866 234247 122738 782408 231080 85234 24523 490141 575885 374074 218362 514348 816679 692172 685276 1029617 506549 655290 868735 939979 73407 671659 534783 313215 951424 313215 231080 85234 860631 981122 300178 264054 131264 313215 469866 580652 902823 251762 534783 73164 251762 843773 424533 374408 1021798 292157 489847 313215 692172 976963 231080 585787 98575 259576 374408 1021798 251762 506549 415782 316220 333804 263501 271654 73164 372287 52383 647633 552556 469866 917262 469866 567616 620701 231080 The top 3 best-selling games of all time are a surprising group of games that have all sold over 100 million copies apiece The short list of the three best-selling games of all time doesn't feature any mustachioed plumbers or military-themed shooters. The three best-selling games of all time are all 100 million-plus sellers. The list spans nearly four decades of video games, starting in 1984 and ending in 2013. It crosses every major game console released since the original Nintendo Entertainment System, and a wide variety of game genres. The most recent entrant to the 100 million-plus club - "Grand Theft Auto 5" - is the newest of the top three, and it's available on the fewest platforms: Just Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. Having passed 100 million copies sold in the past few months, it's the youngest of the three games. Click on for the full list: 3. "Grand Theft Auto 5" The "Grand Theft Auto" series is a juggernaut, but "Grand Theft Auto 5" is an especially big deal. The game was bold from the start: It launched on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 in 2013 - the same year that the new Xbox One and PlayStation 4 launched. Instead of embracing those new consoles, Rockstar stuck with the previous generation. The game subsequently arrived on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. Of note: It's the only game on this list that is primarily a narrative-driven single-player experience. That said, a major part of "Grand Theft Auto 5" continuing to sell is the massive "GTA Online" component - an online version of the game that's wildly popular. 2. "Minecraft" It's no surprise that "Minecraft" is on this list, with over 150 million copies sold - the game is on nearly every platform. Better still: It's essentially virtual Legos. You can play it alone, or with friends, and the concept is simple: Mine materials, then craft them into more useful materials. Maybe you build a house, maybe you go exploring, or maybe you do one of the many other things you can do in "Minecraft." It's a friendly, open experience that's accessible to nearly anyone. It can be played online, and it can even be played across competing game platforms. With over 90 million people still playing the game every month, "Minecraft" continues to be one of the most popular games in the world - that's in addition to those astronomic sales numbers. 1. "Tetris" It's hard to overstate how big of a deal "Tetris" is. From its humble origins in Russia to a worldwide phenomenon that's spanned decades, "Tetris" is one of the most important games ever made. It's also so, so good. The concept is immediately clear to anyone playing "Tetris": Clear the board by creating lines using the randomized pieces that are falling from the top. Its raw puzzle nature is more akin to Sudoku or crosswords than most other video games. That simplicity lends itself well to accessibility - "Tetris" will run on nearly any computer or game console. It was just as good on the original NES as it is on a modern game console. And since it's a puzzle game above all else, it stands the test of time. It's hard to quantify exactly how many copies have been sold of "Tetris." It's been available on so many platforms across so many years that simply keeping track is difficult. A representative from The Tetris Company - the group that oversees "Tetris" on an ongoing basis - told us the following via email: "Billions of 'Tetris' games are played online every year, and over 500 million 'Tetris' mobile games have been downloaded to date." "Tetris" is famous for being the best-selling mobile game of all time - a record it achieved way back in 2010 , before smartphones were ubiquitous - having sold more than 100 million digital copies at that point already. Our best guess puts the game's lifetime sales somewhere north of 200 million copies sold, but the truth is that it's hard to know for sure. Wait, where's "Super Mario Bros."? What about "Call of Duty"? Sorry, Mario fans: No games starring Nintendo's iconic character have - alone - sold over 100 million copies. Even the Super Mario games on Nintendo's best-selling console of all time, the Nintendo DS, didn't come close. The same thing can be said for "Call of Duty" - a series that continues to dominate sales charts year after year. The franchise sells incredibly well every year, often topping the charts as the best selling game in its particular year of release. But no one game in the series has achieved such lofty heights as "Grand Theft Auto 5," "Minecraft," and "Tetris."
BBPuknS 17 lifestyle lifestyleroyals 622481 15136 926560 880071 281955 726036 855349 829190 926560 493868 15938 160024 73164 251762 836214 37146 981168 469866 855349 266944 567616 855349 602866 37146 283740 469866 567616 871880 788240 37146 654611 724976 231080 622481 15136 926560 880071 281955 726036 855349 829190 926560 493868 15938 160024 73164 251762 836214 37146 981168 469866 855349 266944 567616 855349 602866 37146 283740 469866 567616 871880 788240 37146 654611 724976 231080 231080 231080 428479 469866 478035 469866 567616 251762 803009 939979 251762 870351 560374 469866 621160 502008 444589 860515 811866 295605 15938 847775 829190 469866 855349 692172 831201 994062 85234 1030010 172497 57012 358281 172412 1026616 81844 37099 871491 619843 918643 251762 641902 469866 567616 127747 811866 493868 74078 267856 514348 251762 728875 692172 829190 567616 788240 469866 605038 37146 90117 69738 939979 415339 655290 81844 567616 95842 425498 147830 1029617 107139 766508 526488 231080 85234 856459 749382 692172 229098 83582 174453 486080 638854 622481 993264 838582 231080 465778 469866 567616 1021798 1017723 692172 477365 897694 469866 366234 943145 622481 893785 811866 493868 69738 15938 847775 251762 980941 567616 36609 572539 803009 604526 1021798 870351 518487 231080 539954 179243 1021798 251762 692040 692172 890264 939979 251762 560374 231080 539954 447131 692172 897758 37146 155640 593407 85234 772914 104855 692172 681798 469866 267110 993264 465551 81844 243456 939979 506640 477365 184393 693053 567616 569746 1026616 152359 655400 399922 231080 70270 447131 692172 897758 855349 266944 469866 633744 1021798 148470 469866 567616 855349 602866 469866 633744 1021798 849048 231080 70270 447131 692172 440510 939979 788240 1021798 770961 469866 567616 939979 425498 1021798 4178 231080 70270 447131 692172 155640 593407 847775 675154 567616 189430 462967 593735 884148 666608 692172 516819 299781 251762 56801 567616 863411 251762 507956 692172 409406 231080 70270 302140 81844 329810 398838 1026616 81844 263338 724902 808422 539914 1029617 215002 692172 738404 231080 725837 284918 81844 147323 803009 604526 231080 725837 447131 692172 655181 871880 46053 469866 855349 693053 469866 567616 855349 569746 231080 725837 447131 692172 572170 609457 547184 469866 263980 469866 567616 1022076 231080 725837 447131 692172 251176 855349 384594 469866 871880 1015091 469866 567616 855349 491996 231080 903144 179243 238812 580652 609457 1021798 778812 469866 127747 81844 415782 609457 563541 230288 275945 231080 903144 447131 692172 835923 189392 536813 469866 507940 469866 83775 469866 567616 299616 231080 552556 947243 692172 118507 600763 1021798 251762 954921 272679 912408 469866 870351 907579 469866 567616 954921 946213 231080 552556 284918 213589 477365 238528 757980 659579 757294 939979 207852 231080 494724 447131 692172 168556 81844 567616 788240 976340 320482 81844 395443 231080 589466 447131 692172 757980 391462 73164 264054 73164 855349 692172 831201 567616 953564 692172 515893 469866 81844 831797 972015 866548 692172 998719 469866 866548 692172 250113 469866 953564 692172 445858 469866 569273 692172 344548 469866 100679 692172 251762 368409 469866 567616 855349 567616 966111 959376 692172 204387 231080 589466 643390 939979 949883 406243 37146 432982 361777 863411 909479 469866 251762 370608 692172 596699 829190 251599 939979 374074 320505 514348 477365 778167 320482 246865 753905 259576 692172 317285 127747 251762 980971 997640 16430 831797 8076 600824 169040 231080 589466 231080 552556 542781 1021798 280048 299781 939080 231080 507064 284918 1026616 843797 81844 567616 477365 283740 426886 918462 386415 299781 371809 464050 1021798 331202 231080 573101 447131 692172 239152 81844 247468 477365 802880 547955 539914 299781 371809 231080 935988 284918 1026616 81844 329810 914938 251762 855349 692172 831201 231080 935988 818420 692172 274090 1022949 379334 81844 448779 1029617 890232 737245 275254 539914 425498 231080 362841 947243 98834 650769 939979 788240 320482 346246 539678 1021798 993824 231080 222839 747188 1021798 260050 398857 829190 567616 788240 231080 375243 22754 692172 251762 382940 409213 692172 998719 143461 337666 575878 829190 452986 589466 469866 239612 263365 692172 786793 231080 465778 899654 1021798 459472 692172 144381 1026616 81844 329810 633744 231080 465778 284918 1026616 81844 931540 659161 477365 238528 2961 370180 1029617 304016 641997 911250 993264 1029617 408008 787244 213589 477365 465611 299781 870930 231080 849014 284918 1026616 81844 609457 477365 238528 778812 1030205 469866 299857 575878 85234 866548 692172 545085 231080 721623 899654 1021798 661083 692172 99130 1026616 81844 329810 1025985 73164 1029617 253461 692172 251762 112526 299781 744952 240100 231080 873980 447131 692172 811330 671619 81844 831797 11279 939979 231080 989746 447131 692172 139755 655290 617113 85234 855349 37146 845599 873980 692172 111314 655400 531124 98283 575878 829190 231080 227001 447131 692172 993701 156234 692172 477365 102131 295947 184643 299781 251762 800688 376642 173681 692172 998709 986002 1021798 836664 231080 227001 899654 1021798 371529 692172 882342 1026616 81844 329810 398838 477365 954921 272679 912408 980139 299781 780042 231080 33162 284918 1026616 81844 481756 477365 585591 681904 248552 469866 111314 111085 993264 89737 448779 724902 449169 436920 231080 214618 447131 692172 330848 692172 998719 1021798 870351 518487 231080 998049 284918 1026616 81844 238528 127592 299781 85234 229098 37146 606254 150432 73164 874728 692172 251762 299616 924818 231080 998049 947243 655290 1017702 721145 968765 81844 98283 369773 409213 414417 127423 409213 348375 469866 69289 575878 829190 1021798 173206 73164 1029617 243489 939979 485221 251762 807303 642254 802994 993264 251762 833764 982775 143461 231080 568865 447131 692172 774027 552102 299781 829190 567616 788240 37146 379331 231080 568865 231080 552556 486982 469866 1021798 280048 469866 939979 659579 251762 954921 677150 299781 833764 469866 251762 761834 299781 829190 37146 1030422 698055 745922 655290 81844 721169 567616 247312 893904 231080 334118 284918 1026616 81844 650769 788240 231080 334172 447131 692172 384180 27947 81844 37146 115479 968765 630684 231080 799767 447131 692172 444565 98834 725580 497811 251762 247726 692172 251762 669600 562852 469866 1029617 163454 445086 679943 733493 637002 1021798 865610 231080 993957 244904 592261 1026616 788240 329810 399311 1021798 1029617 65120 1029820 1021798 344374 37146 616096 176236 696189 226623 494375 231080 956980 447131 692172 384180 757681 923009 432869 848015 1021798 231497 692172 849060 655290 829190 73164 264054 73164 992907 419557 838164 469841 964766 251762 229098 73164 557738 692172 251762 384180 231080 523530 284918 1026616 81844 650769 425498 231080 622481 512304 1021798 778558 1017837 160024 251762 24523 1030066 73164 788240 231080 519486 947243 692172 243406 806748 1026616 81844 73937 425498 539914 1029617 379331 168765 613041 724902 99862 960146 469866 325025 692172 724902 251762 881751 692172 299616 960146 655290 415782 609496 621918 514348 563541 383080 968765 268328 231080 816042 447131 692172 246612 299781 469866 477365 299616 362476 231080 1006292 486982 469866 1021798 283684 469866 692172 251762 365541 50185 840591 188554 19740 857065 493764 575878 829190 37146 894434 231080 494710 447131 692172 110547 97943 1021798 836669 469866 111314 428228 589400 699534 716581 567616 8288 716581 757294 469866 1017837 160024 251762 230017 766508 692172 251762 313215 231080 923808 447131 692172 960155 432869 97943 829190 567616 425498 37146 379331 989350 299781 410903 231080 384594 37146 866867 1021798 4178 231080 985837 447131 692172 251762 166832 272679 575308 81844 345712 993264 251762 384674 166206 1021798 1002041 951424 737623 73164 1029617 704417 852772 231080 539954 469866 252069 486982 469866 1021798 283684 469866 692172 1029617 41557 313215 510531 543855 692172 379331 881215 724902 477365 238528 379331 926669 733493 1021798 993835 231080 70270 469866 758612 953036 485139 469866 1021798 280048 469866 692172 296208 692172 477365 993701 156234 724902 477365 833764 43901 231080 70270 469866 758612 447131 692172 960155 432869 97943 829190 567616 788240 37146 379331 299781 410903 231080 150445 37146 652073 1021798 770961 231080 903144 469866 160723 447131 692172 576296 823589 692172 312371 712963 725293 313215 575878 251762 613731 663315 81844 1025985 1021798 251762 354228 692172 878890 982775 469866 477365 228569 745922 231080 494724 469866 160723 447131 692172 960155 724902 477365 589403 1021454 432869 97943 477365 242650 697080 897694 143866 299781 449940 422720 1021798 512771 231080 589466 469866 185685 241255 469866 1021798 280048 469866 655290 81844 243456 724902 477365 946213 131820 688010 939979 972954 85234 855349 37146 620755 231080 523420 469866 160723 241255 469866 1021798 283684 469866 81844 184578 939979 230090 36244 575878 780603 735457 951424 502649 251762 669775 767433 261906 37146 221480 1016745 756564 1021798 4178 231080 956980 469866 160723 447131 692172 246612 299781 713916 469866 477365 1030422 143461 1021798 954921 883122 469866 981716 469866 204387 231080 923555 469866 160723 241255 469866 1021798 280048 469866 477365 295947 481756 1021798 128936 563298 530380 107115 1021798 540023 231080 90850 469866 923786 890771 692172 786793 337666 575878 251762 409213 692172 998719 469866 378639 708456 469866 218333 469866 567616 23793 852806 231080 998047 469866 160723 241255 469866 1021798 280048 469866 972958 575878 85234 855349 37146 730997 514348 298205 541200 324884 122814 469866 85534 384594 841966 469866 1021798 490384 469866 416222 160024 939979 840591 260050 1021798 898384 231080 91036 469866 160723 486982 469866 1021798 283684 469866 692172 477365 836669 787244 939979 331322 469866 30719 469866 111963 469866 567616 938445 231080 775281 469866 160723 241255 469866 1021798 283684 469866 81844 398838 939979 788240 820211 939979 77837 1029617 1030422 90353 514348 238611 122712 898742 951424 346246 687546 231080 923808 469866 160723 447131 692172 473559 432869 596983 251762 560323 692172 228569 993264 829190 567616 788240 37146 379331 394893 231080 721623 469866 160723 469866 160723 447131 692172 898708 432869 560469 477365 275254 993264 21483 641474 1021798 95787 692172 614028 231080 721623 469866 160723 469866 160723 241255 469866 1021798 280048 469866 398838 939979 788240 1021798 687546 535502 231080 923555 469866 160723 469866 160723 241255 469866 1021798 280048 469866 411412 1021798 192564 575878 477365 1021454 231080 272578 469866 160723 469866 160723 447131 692172 473559 432869 960773 1021798 939979 33005 477365 235029 379331 864560 539914 788240 231080 70 Things You Never Knew About Prince Charles You may know him as the queen's son, Prince William and Prince Harry's father, and Princess Diana's ex-husband . 70 Things You Never Knew About Prince Charles You may know him as the queen's son, Prince William and Prince Harry's father , and Princess Diana's ex-husband . . . oh, yeah, and the heir to the British throne, but how much do you actually know about Charles, Prince of Wales? The future king captured our hearts when he walked Meghan Markle down the aisle , and though you may still pine for the days of Charles and Diana, it's impossible not to admit that he and Duchess Camilla make a sweet royal couple . The eldest child of Queen Elizabeth II will turn 70 on Nov. 14, and in honor of his birthday, here are 70 facts you may not know about the oldest and longest-serving heir apparent in British history. 1: Position in the line of succession to the throne . 1: Number of children's books written - The Old Man of Lochnagar , based on stories he used to tell his brothers Andrew and Edward when they were young. 2: Number of children - Prince William , born in 1982, and Prince Harry , born in 1984. 2: Number of marriages - to Diana in 1981, and to Camilla in 2005. 2: Number of books written about ecology and sustainability - Harmony: A New Way of Looking at the World and On the Future of Food . 2: Grade he was awarded when he graduated from Cambridge with a Bachelor of Arts. 3: Age he became heir apparent. 3: Number of siblings - Princess Anne , Prince Andrew, and Prince Edward. 3: Number of instruments played - cello, trumpet, and piano. 3: Number of grandchildren - Prince George , Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis. 4: Position most often played in polo, though he has played all four positions. 4: Number of languages spoken - English, French, German, and Welsh. 5: Years of active duty in the Royal Air Force, British Army, and Royal Navy . 5: Age during his first official visit abroad to Malta. 6: Number of months he and Diana dated before he proposed . 7: Number of official titles - as well as Prince of Wales and Earl of Chester, he is also Duke of Cornwall, Duke of Rothesay, Earl of Carrick, Baron of Renfrew, Lord of the Isles, and Prince and Great Steward of Scotland. 7: According to Jeremy Paxton's 2006 book On Royalty , the number of eggs Charles requests to be boiled for his breakfast before eating just one of them (though the palace says this is totally false !). 7.5: Weight in pounds at birth. 8: Age when both he and his father Philip began boarding at Cheam School in Hampshire. 9: Number of students he shared his dormitory room with at Cheam. 10: Age when he was named the Prince of Wales. 10: Season of MasterChef Australia where he made a special guest appearance with Camilla. 11: Years spent married to Diana before their separation in 1992. 12: Difference in years between Charles and Diana . 13: Percent of the overall Duchy of Cornwall estate owned by Charles (or 7,615 hectares of land ). 14: Day in November of 1948 when he was born. 14: Age when he reportedly ordered his first alcoholic drink - a cherry brandy - while on a school trip during his time at Gordonstoun. 15: Age when he played his first polo match, captained by The Duke of Edinburgh. 17: Day in June of 1968 when he was installed as a Knight of the Garter at Windsor Castle. 18: Number of military regiments he is affiliated to. 19: Number of organizations that comprise The Prince's Charities (18 of which were personally founded by Charles). 20: Number of watercolor paintings of his country estates exhibited at the Florence International Biennale of Contemporary Art in 2001. 20: Day in August of 1971 when he was awarded his Royal Air Force Wings at Cranwell. 21: Age when he received his Aston Martin DB6, which runs on biofuel made from surplus wine. 24: Number of Dukes of Cornwall in British history. 26: Age when he first rode at The Queen's Birthday Parade as Colonel of the Welsh Guards. 26: Years that have passed since he founded Waitrose Duchy Organic (originally Duchy Originals), conceived by Charles in 1990 as a way to distribute the organic food grown on the Highgrove House estate. 27: Number of cakes served at Charles and Diana's wedding . 27.5: Cost, in pounds, to visit the Royal Gardens at Highgrove , the garden at Charles's private Gloucestershire residence that he planned and planted himself. 32: Age when he married Diana. 44: Number of Commonwealth countries he's visited since 1969. 47: Number of minutes spent underwater examining the wreck of the Mary Rose , a Tudor warship sunk off Portsmouth in 1545. 48: His age when Diana was killed in a car crash in Paris's Pont de l'Alma road tunnel . 53 : Number of Commonwealth government members who decided in April of 2018 that Charles - as well as eventually becoming King - would succeed the Queen as Head of the Commonwealth. 56: Age when he married Camilla . 70: Height in inches (making him the same height as Diana). 80: Years of tradition broken when he presented Camilla with a wedding ring derived from Cornish gold, instead of from the nugget of Welsh gold that has provided rings for all royals since 1923. 192: Number of acres at Llwynywermod, his Welsh property. 335: Cost, in dollars, of the Turnbull & Asser three-button-cuff shirt inspired by Charles's style. 546: Number of engagements attended in 2017, which includes 374 UK events and 172 events abroad, making him the busiest royal of the year. 800: Number of guests who attended Charles and Camilla's wedding reception at St. George's Hall in 2005. 845: Number of the Naval Air Squadron he joined on the HMS Hermes in 1974 after qualifying as a helicopter pilot. 1,375: Cost, in dollars, of a 33-year-old slice of wedding cake from his first wedding auctioned off in 2014. 2,500: Average cost, in pounds, of lithographs of his watercolor paintings from his Highgrove Shop. 2,500: Number of guests who attended Charles and Diana's wedding at St. Paul's Cathedral in 1981. 4,000: Number of kilowatt hours of electricity produced per year by the solar panels he installed in the roof of Clarence House , his London residence. 6,000: Number of guests from his 386 charities who attended his early 70th birthday party at Buckingham Palace in May. 7,400: Money, in pounds, that he used from his Navy severance pay to start The Prince's Trust. 25,000: Money, in dollars, he donated to communities damaged by Hurricane Katrina after winning the National Building Museum's Vincent Scully Prize in 2005. 53,000: Number of acres at Birkhall, his private estate in Royal Deeside, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. 100,000: Money, in pounds, his estates received in European Union agricultural subsidies in 2016. 133,658: Acres of land owned by the Duchy of Cornwall, including farming, residential, and commercial properties. 253,000: Money, in pounds, stolen by The Prince's Foundation for Integrated Health financial director , accountant George Gray, in 2010, sentencing him to three years in prison. 475,000: Cost, in dollars, of his 2017 trip to India, Malaysia, Brunei, and Singapore. 600,000: Money, in dollars, he awarded to Diana yearly to maintain a private office for her charity work after their divorce . 800,000: Number of people who lined the streets of London on Charles and Diana's wedding day. 17,000,000: Number of viewers who watched his appearance on Coronation Street in December of 2000. 17,000,000: Money, in pounds, awarded to Diana in divorce settlement. 100,000,000: Money, in pounds, brought in annually by his charities. 750,000,000: Number of people who tuned in to watch his televised wedding ceremony with Diana.
BBQ2Zgk 18 lifestyle lifestyleroyals 167722 172719 732958 871491 619843 486080 798771 724902 383080 320482 312477 592986 993264 544834 899654 149777 37146 853051 872808 1029617 766508 299781 544834 231080 926560 575885 473696 658727 1021798 12404 243168 939979 948157 243500 258317 415782 428321 74189 251762 416363 567616 873733 251762 362313 246865 209207 514348 778167 231080 253323 251762 383080 1017702 882015 268060 407989 567616 621842 939979 489487 993264 544834 899654 231080 655877 871491 960522 411828 724902 403454 313215 469866 923009 692172 251762 766508 263271 943145 700877 575878 251762 994616 734983 1029617 457501 320482 544834 1021798 243500 251464 152359 721059 316277 299781 6501 982775 567616 299781 918690 243500 465611 231080 923956 263271 271797 432869 415782 901860 815341 939979 729117 539914 251762 229098 567616 855349 426886 721059 489487 774898 407989 231080 954921 898400 831797 180775 53858 592986 221670 939979 597168 567616 597275 469866 539914 251762 238812 485493 567616 156083 749709 530426 238528 231080 334297 924773 195100 855349 829190 469866 251762 95842 692172 998719 469866 855349 266944 567616 855349 602866 943145 209066 251762 403454 939979 638854 564552 469866 493598 724902 251762 229098 567616 855349 426886 231080 101603 807581 584354 1029617 362762 666916 514348 251762 229098 567616 855349 426886 231080 85234 229098 972015 980811 939979 387222 605038 939979 6501 993264 906771 931725 567616 415782 901860 864959 939979 774869 251762 918059 1026531 939979 838164 37146 657169 469866 807551 923139 231080 924773 195100 373051 251762 53081 943145 811773 243489 469866 77948 304877 251762 383080 774869 762217 943145 296147 440711 852409 567616 737737 1029617 737945 539914 251762 547988 263083 320482 346246 544834 592851 231080 85234 229098 486080 972015 514829 299781 6501 338064 242650 1023615 939979 349883 251762 778073 692172 238611 283740 469866 838164 384594 724315 231080 306332 290415 567616 855349 426886 77776 251762 544834 291883 564552 338064 152359 69340 251762 257897 143461 231080 917661 129297 871491 619843 37146 766508 544834 47838 575878 486671 315678 Vital phone call Meghan Markle will get from royals before going out on Christmas Day It's tough being a royal at Christmas. You can't rush downstairs in your pyjamas to see what Santa has left underneath the tree and spend the morning eating chocolate for breakfast. Instead the royals have some strict rules and protocols to follow on Christmas Day. As Meghan probably learnt from last year, members of the royal family are told by the Crown Equerry a week before Christmas in what order they must arrive at Sandringham House and at exactly what time. Any family member who has been invited to holiday with the Queen and Prince Philip must follow these rules. Royal protocol is normally worked out according to precedence and seniority, with the most junior and least important arriving first. AFP/Getty Images Prince Charles, the Duchess of Cornwall, Prince William and Prince Harry are always the last to turn up, except from the Queen and Prince Philip. They then form a "welcoming" committee for the Queen and Prince Philip. The Queen also likes to slum it to Sandringham on public transport and has been known to take the Thameslink train to King's Lynn, surprising passengers. Getty Images Once the festivities are under way, other traditions the royals take part are joke present giving and sharing a whiskey with the senior chef before their Christmas lunch. The Queen will also remain at Sandringham until early February to mark the anniversary of her father, King George VI. Her Majesty and Prince Philip keep the Christmas decorations up until they depart the Norfolk estate. Related: Inside Meghan Markle's royal Christmas [Provided by Bang Showbiz]
BBQD8D1 19 travel travelnews 1466 382451 840252 284166 28668 679136 939160 754007 126759 294702 522500 989042 415782 518295 655290 16545 840252 795110 28668 993264 24364 831797 251762 243489 939979 1029617 444852 1030010 1021798 251762 57301 659394 469866 814904 655290 251762 369929 1021798 23793 613537 795110 831797 1029617 592650 766400 110727 1021798 251762 902906 692172 251762 748070 931368 231080 34715 692117 469866 964020 343822 1017174 226515 1029617 823860 514348 251762 992135 565418 80260 233205 86546 993264 1029617 284166 838011 251762 592261 692172 748070 469866 547350 251762 369929 831797 1029617 592650 267867 110727 231080 425205 251762 848775 415782 968765 901860 926838 575878 810904 469866 972917 831797 802934 543078 1021798 238611 200873 655290 440816 126759 831797 329229 993264 251762 230758 1021798 251762 57301 659394 231080 726998 592521 692172 1029617 1030010 1021798 111314 535613 943145 16545 840252 795110 28668 993264 24364 231080 702858 16545 815340 811774 655290 251762 369929 831797 840216 688277 567616 873308 605038 73164 1029617 762409 163842 398857 317285 567616 346246 860920 469866 1017174 717363 231080 726998 952569 374074 308740 939979 378281 358685 514348 840312 12136 469866 621160 726998 783187 959769 432879 374074 1021798 947630 114386 655290 469841 539373 77948 12136 399142 840252 692172 28356 567616 655290 432879 898742 231080 372852 567616 959769 192804 993264 19843 671485 16545 37146 477791 514348 370081 737864 469866 972917 868735 231080 726998 143594 655290 1021798 251762 902906 692172 251762 748070 931368 469866 473559 486080 122738 939979 985239 655290 251762 872719 369929 831797 1029617 592650 766400 110727 231080 85234 238528 872719 939979 440202 840312 12136 486080 1017702 972631 976214 231080 96924 420543 592986 692172 935988 267110 993264 972631 501880 877264 320772 126867 720583 729142 1029617 255419 831797 74020 881168 1029617 960847 81844 486080 192715 251762 369929 469866 1017174 382451 231080 988417 251762 633696 675735 968976 872808 721623 231080 70270 778558 469866 16430 275790 811866 1017702 205252 700398 847775 222839 725293 472977 231080 937399 811866 943145 247659 44762 939979 374074 1021798 251762 213957 692172 1029617 465461 567616 1017702 1029617 255419 993264 493566 840479 469866 811866 1017702 700398 873413 1029617 337775 692172 12404 675735 231080 948801 338131 811866 943145 906703 251762 24523 762274 73164 214356 865363 757786 28356 231080 545209 733015 469866 1017174 37146 732958 514348 592650 684099 795110 993264 901786 831797 69738 534906 613513 231080 272679 331322 469866 331322 37146 659125 612946 469866 370129 16545 840252 12136 993264 24364 1021798 836669 469866 312439 197797 473667 518526 692172 126759 469866 221670 939979 251762 884148 687230 178450 231080 838278 469866 469866 563559 953984 612946 469866 1014033 592986 1029617 736730 619203 861146 469866 111314 415746 502329 795110 939979 16545 543975 567607 231080 462445 993264 1017174 37146 848775 469866 411870 469866 655400 251314 197749 713140 692172 238611 927339 231080 376469 564552 275761 469866 251762 593406 815095 485805 778083 811866 469866 259576 914467 106279 231080 347715 630288 831797 16430 169040 909081 605038 37146 16545 840252 24364 469866 807581 588808 567616 493385 794447 469866 563559 708112 231080 739394 16430 848792 939979 374074 1020757 994062 563559 1017454 1021798 231080 838011 1029617 502101 395551 469866 997260 469866 102588 798511 692172 292260 440816 766069 567616 126759 1021798 251762 19305 231080 435179 231080 1017702 448779 659125 292079 57857 251762 403454 313215 231080 138193 251762 898598 469866 251762 186593 436336 1029617 564437 993264 251762 535082 741895 692172 440816 126759 993264 23793 893818 231080 643390 939979 251762 769909 37146 980610 469866 514348 180398 469866 836669 176868 626606 473667 798511 692172 1021798 526641 440816 126759 469866 911250 993835 774341 729577 189753 231080 948801 849060 972015 774341 292157 799283 692172 440816 122532 382451 911150 231080 838011 371529 469866 1029617 870613 171994 255419 329810 695811 951424 1029617 234355 394893 131951 575878 1029617 275584 201353 514348 263842 876972 1029617 836345 613537 993264 1029617 19115 507158 526641 1021798 298246 231080 838011 921888 469866 1029617 986486 613537 416308 251762 872719 469866 242548 655290 794447 923009 481232 939979 357843 1029617 613537 432869 263842 44485 238611 213589 1029617 526641 231080 619699 655290 692117 469866 1029617 534297 255419 329810 36040 514348 163736 263842 876972 1029617 7397 613537 993264 1029617 443479 526641 231080 838011 242650 459472 469866 1029617 106503 547988 478442 507158 852772 329810 889696 951424 1029617 522500 427924 852772 416308 251762 872719 469866 135028 655290 251762 345359 213584 567616 1030462 238611 213589 1029617 661083 836669 898742 787244 231080 85234 926675 469866 432869 28119 514348 478442 507158 514348 160856 260050 469866 382451 81844 329810 572781 36991 872731 600824 748070 382451 1021798 1029617 473477 469866 419858 675361 231080 838011 403755 469866 1021798 465224 459472 469866 251762 674598 708103 423648 251762 126939 692172 1029617 1030294 601413 770137 600713 939979 345702 440816 180715 567616 126759 700045 1021798 251762 57301 659394 469866 745062 110727 655290 251762 186593 415782 914504 73164 535082 299781 745062 612814 180917 1021798 131731 260050 231080 85234 669775 838011 376352 789724 39020 761098 912408 486080 374074 1029617 329691 692172 251762 647635 825060 93002 899126 256747 540234 251762 625635 831797 255767 939979 1017702 346246 320875 906577 993264 603027 231080 123732 469866 416567 1021798 279188 469866 38013 231080 656090 231080 215677 51651 467515 771380 567616 260438 497681 939979 16430 115213 231080 Journalist claims 'women-only' plane sections could combat midair assault One female journalist has declared that "women-only seating sections on planes" is the way to a safer future in the high skies, avowing that the armrest in commercial passenger seating is a "gender political issue" in the wake of the #MeToo movement. Last month, columnist Kate Whitehead penned a piece for the South China Morning Post titled "Manspreading on a plane: In the age of #MeToo, even the armrest is a gender politics issue." Although the story has since been criticized by commenters, she is factually correct in her assertion that sexual assault is indeed on the rise in the high skies. "I dream of a future in which there are women-only seating sections on planes. Most women intuitively understand that the armrest is "neutral territory" and leave it as a slim buffer between them and their neighbor," Whitehead writes. "I'd be prepared to campaign vocally for "pink rows", but I suspect airlines wouldn't be in favor because that would mean other rows full only of men and that wouldn't work." "Men and airlines depend on encroachment onto women's seats for comfortable travel," she continues. "I hope that in the wake of the #MeToo movement, people will come to realise that the airline armrest is a gender political issue. The first airline to establish "pink rows" will have my [business.]" "Nine times out of 10 based on my extensive experience flying "cattle class" if a man is seated beside a woman he will claim the armrest," Whitehead claims. "With the average seat width being 17.2 inches, this means you have effectively lost about 12 per cent. If you are unfortunate enough to be in the middle of a row and have a man on either side, you have lost nearly a quarter of your seat. And yet you are paying the same price as those space-invading men." For context, Whitehead's call for gender-specified seating on airplanes is not entirely original. Air India, India's national carrier, debuted women-only rows on planes in 2017, following two reported incidents of assault, according to the New Zealand Herald . Likewise, Vistara, another Indian carrier, rolled out a "Woman Flyer" service, which gave preferred seating to women traveling alone. Commenters on Whitehead's story, meanwhile, were less than supportive of her pitch. "Grow up ladies, the world don't revolve around you," one critic clapped. "How ridiculous is this! Next it's women only planes, then pilots and cabin crew," another agreed. "Is this supposed to be Satire?" another chimed in. In a larger sense, however, multiple cases of midflight sexual harassment and assault in the U.S. have made national headlines through the last year. Over the summer, the FBI issued a statement on the increasing threat of sexual assault on commercial flights. According to the bureau's findings, for example, 2017 saw 63 reported cases of in-flight sexual assault, while 2014 had seen 38. And 2018 also had its share of sexual abuse claims too. In August, a Detroit-area man was convicted after a five-day trial by a federal jury for sexually assaulting a sleeping passenger on a Spirit Airlines flight in January. In September, a Delta passenger sued the airline, claiming that crew members failed to detain a passenger who sexually assaulted her during a flight. Later that month, a Texas man was arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting a fellow passenger on a Southwest flight. In early November, a former senior Alaska Airlines pilot was fired after a female co-pilot sued the airline , alleging that the captain drugged and raped her during a June 2017 work trip. The aviator, who flew for Alaska Airlines for 22 years, claims he was wrongly terminated amid "false #MeToo claims" in a "negligent, flawed investigation." In response, in mid-November, the Trump administration announced the creation of a new task force dedicated to investigating sexual misconduct and assault crimes in the high skies, an issue that the FBI has described as increasing "at an alarming rate" in recent years. The National In-Flight Sexual Misconduct Task Force will be a subcommittee of the Aviation Consumer Protection Advisory Committee; the group is slated to have their inaugural meeting on Jan. 16, 2019 in Washington, D.C. Fox News' Michael Bartiromo and Alexandra Deabler contributed to this report.
BBQE5Em 20 tv tvnews 302549 523304 558296 789572 278570 594223 138193 322169 553702 278429 398590 609496 575878 322169 51651 593735 930974 692172 745062 601160 675361 514490 180715 299781 322169 510392 939979 251762 884148 720334 353086 679136 201505 882015 452886 692172 114482 514348 794540 692172 456702 774568 486388 558296 469866 432869 1017702 901860 119092 811773 1029617 897772 692172 803652 968765 304443 300040 156294 63512 265120 329810 732818 889696 1021798 921888 469866 197797 4065 320482 251762 923189 692172 251762 346132 37146 807919 778940 231080 85234 322169 720502 415782 122738 811773 848309 502331 939979 976963 251762 115213 469866 111314 518266 284004 907044 56896 600476 73859 433568 780899 327601 231080 948801 852920 473559 839600 539914 486388 558296 432869 469673 939979 85234 125050 834706 122878 453114 655290 251762 115213 329810 448779 906771 469866 547350 729142 605038 329810 510392 231080 726998 860515 338004 605038 679136 374074 1029617 519118 564266 469866 218362 259576 231080 85234 115213 329810 304045 1021798 700369 459472 575878 238678 299781 197797 601160 69618 172332 540234 714231 814004 567616 511819 499235 231080 942817 679136 374074 526296 567616 1025504 1021798 251762 753728 572737 73937 939979 251762 322169 720502 469866 111314 831797 696521 939979 869155 718248 231080 362841 231080 838011 251762 930974 692172 251762 115213 469866 221670 939979 251762 353086 469866 238678 218362 152359 497741 69738 234353 1029617 28825 898742 452986 860716 361993 514348 16545 299781 251762 69722 997081 231080 585787 152359 497741 827602 939166 655290 16545 655400 69738 493670 547776 514348 678931 231080 988417 57667 939979 486388 558296 469866 251762 238678 531523 540234 1021798 184955 131731 260050 469866 251762 691518 415782 972788 16545 939979 156294 1021798 547988 968707 469866 567616 18472 231080 265120 370142 758189 567616 461468 514348 169024 16545 231080 149777 329810 1029617 655226 662816 939979 251762 894377 655290 265120 881220 564552 1021798 811773 486388 558296 460683 961795 5458 469866 432869 329810 864959 514348 477365 911222 12265 567616 604526 1026125 231080 368280 877275 918647 71991 901620 939979 102763 251762 346132 1026616 81844 700877 238611 972917 679136 69738 898742 762217 465611 951424 251762 939080 692172 238611 234913 749382 231080 948801 225801 251762 238812 873071 337726 980610 1021798 251762 115213 831797 655290 322169 415782 901860 906703 469866 514348 184955 197749 227001 260050 469866 1029617 106503 98843 432869 329810 163736 518904 44485 575878 5458 1021798 251762 189661 231080 85234 613513 1022686 469866 160723 535502 415782 901860 209911 852920 420543 469866 378639 16430 313215 469866 567616 251762 568606 176004 972917 415782 481756 415782 580294 552556 3569 469866 567616 428228 398805 271905 692172 210516 469866 160723 514348 251762 78068 692172 238611 420064 231080 265120 840602 131622 73164 300040 156294 724902 5458 1021798 66209 540234 5458 444186 1021798 907221 231080 942817 943145 840252 1029617 28104 964750 724902 251762 5458 159893 74078 299781 486388 558296 540234 152359 629933 122758 644718 649726 567616 183859 149925 231080 585787 399452 692172 251762 575974 794540 432869 469673 939979 596003 655400 806686 692172 243500 259576 275345 16430 489847 386860 1001721 231080 824697 218165 655290 911250 81844 329810 940006 692172 251762 535502 452986 251762 24076 692172 251762 960847 469866 251762 106888 436701 329810 69738 534906 807551 231080 85234 378328 608876 329810 469866 688010 882015 391066 567616 798771 981085 692172 251762 238961 231080 1016998 469866 238812 692172 251762 547988 465540 299781 486388 558296 943145 16545 378639 848775 69381 800340 889225 540234 198310 967347 469866 432869 831797 1021798 505809 692172 486388 37146 980515 152107 540234 547988 691518 156294 639888 602481 432869 412218 238611 1029742 299781 486388 558296 73164 745062 976140 156294 514348 731696 885037 469866 525939 967348 251762 259123 692172 251762 700369 497686 371657 967348 540234 567616 219028 999978 469866 251762 346132 37146 943261 692172 465540 231080 926560 575885 357736 1029617 608876 704698 469866 218362 259576 522500 98843 231080 585787 605038 263847 655290 63512 497741 357736 1014188 231080 85234 115213 848164 655290 251762 378328 329810 440436 1021798 432140 265120 514348 329631 1029617 927608 391445 939979 1029617 322169 51651 497686 989362 993264 251762 910139 692172 180715 600476 160024 1021798 39505 116633 37146 989362 1021798 85234 884148 143083 231080 616587 325364 972015 440384 910139 692172 180715 600476 156294 261477 435160 567616 106503 156294 467515 231080 571539 625903 655290 251762 180715 692172 49080 486388 558296 794540 469866 378639 18472 231080 265120 567616 18472 231080 435160 469866 931604 69738 1017702 901860 477927 469866 621160 28904 234353 655290 605038 329810 69738 73164 164640 73164 251762 700427 864398 452986 73164 164640 73164 251762 440816 180715 655290 7726 213589 251762 961795 5458 159893 299781 486388 558296 469866 251762 238678 531523 469866 221670 939979 251762 353086 231080 101603 407109 655290 152359 497741 69738 234353 122869 655290 265120 337474 692172 251762 485861 692172 251762 753357 180715 575878 878858 562852 469866 432869 329810 73859 403454 459472 951424 1029617 357845 115213 1021798 85234 279188 233205 231080 253855 700369 567616 811773 63512 469866 16430 415782 901860 1029617 44861 300443 514348 16545 939979 898742 469866 563559 486388 558296 98843 700877 596003 231080 265120 469866 432869 774341 1029617 881647 952238 539914 562852 469866 774341 901860 811773 1029617 897772 968765 251762 238528 233205 115213 431877 1021798 459472 836669 231080 948801 526660 989362 753357 180715 993264 251762 762217 692172 265120 469866 378639 815896 57868 299781 378328 69782 231080 265120 415782 57106 251762 910139 231080 585787 251762 115213 972015 848164 98575 122869 655290 265120 452986 575974 322169 51651 1017605 655400 806686 692172 251762 485861 692172 18472 231080 562852 37146 679431 959932 231080 322169 367812 231080 621833 567616 122537 433568 846312 475284 956493 1029617 378328 276266 213943 993264 748938 951424 251762 353086 317058 292157 238528 848775 847775 251762 115213 469866 111314 98275 993264 910139 600476 327601 231080 149777 37146 28139 655290 407316 922892 724902 251762 424335 675361 448779 292157 243489 939979 251762 906771 320482 555941 567616 251762 720502 337474 847775 605038 567616 931200 469866 320482 28904 679136 44622 539914 563541 692172 811866 469866 475284 531523 231080 948801 911250 28904 74078 815095 338131 15938 251762 431811 374878 469866 726998 860515 811774 655290 251762 675361 831797 465253 745062 127026 231080 268593 265120 329810 889696 469866 322169 51651 621833 825139 694942 914938 1002524 253892 774403 300040 156294 692172 251762 691518 231080 253892 415782 901860 265120 37146 304443 803009 604526 567616 831797 1029617 53287 386446 939979 798771 251762 696159 597122 231080 993957 974476 300040 550826 345179 972015 831797 872808 831499 231080 1029523 265120 329810 556322 1021798 300965 73164 32050 692172 251762 69722 997081 469866 253892 840602 993264 947692 131625 692172 486388 558296 394893 939979 394893 231080 368280 415782 901860 300040 69381 692172 251762 691518 968765 721645 231080 1029523 265120 329810 914938 32050 692172 251762 69722 997081 469866 694942 329810 197151 73164 477365 84532 231080 70270 231080 149777 329810 1029617 316323 794787 185285 655290 469257 265120 77776 259576 679356 1021798 299781 486388 558296 231080 1029523 265120 510185 477365 725530 73164 322169 51651 32050 299781 251762 127026 692172 993835 469866 694942 147323 251762 717252 300040 299781 322169 51651 231080 294702 692172 251762 234204 692172 486388 558296 111314 831797 535056 159555 251762 815814 724902 322169 51651 535043 993264 320307 169248 641474 831797 655290 831797 123229 539914 911150 444589 654777 469866 567616 655290 275239 180715 939979 943509 502592 231080 85234 683908 469866 629422 567616 1017510 539678 398857 486388 558296 567616 251762 78068 692172 322169 51651 860996 180715 575878 882015 486388 558296 794540 469866 531523 238678 231080 643390 939979 251762 353086 469866 251762 115213 395479 655290 251762 139719 300040 156294 692172 486388 558296 115213 939979 251762 621833 692172 322169 51651 231080 18472 231080 265120 473667 939979 18472 231080 327601 469866 221670 939979 251762 353086 231080 585787 873729 539914 370447 692172 265120 37146 126922 412138 655290 81844 295605 473667 939979 843797 694942 567616 327601 469866 127747 283575 469866 73164 433568 327601 329810 571730 251762 432233 231080 486388 558296 415782 209066 901860 1029617 431972 361993 1021798 111314 939979 964766 469866 539914 881647 823589 469866 444589 465611 993264 251762 226623 567616 57301 408077 567616 580652 19749 596429 231080 225463 931060 469866 473559 692605 469866 152359 457390 1014188 231080 585787 251762 346132 37146 608876 407678 655290 299781 238812 700427 139755 415782 275558 469866 412138 214356 1021798 251762 131405 231080 169434 251762 403454 420543 265120 872711 251762 486388 558296 465540 469866 81844 218165 73164 444589 571539 243456 939979 412138 16430 831797 1029617 786471 300443 567616 786471 473559 575885 374074 1029824 469866 218362 265120 469866 221670 939979 197797 473559 432869 655400 535613 231080 398441 37146 98575 119117 316219 231080 356022 114386 811866 2 786471 469866 57132 69738 222264 811866 575885 374074 539645 993264 473559 231080 616587 728875 943145 881647 44860 231080 Leaked '60 Minutes' Report Raises Concerns Over CBS Hush Payments (Video provided by CBS News) A draft of an outside investigation into misconduct at CBS leaked to the New York Times could offer some measure of closure for employees of embattled newsmagazine 60 Minutes , who have been laboring under a cloud of uncertainty since longtime executive producer Jeff Fager was abruptly fired in September, two weeks before the premiere of the show's 51st season. The CBS board has come under intense pressure to release the report, which contains many unsettling allegations against ousted CEO Leslie Moonves. And several people associated with 60 Minutes who spoke to The Hollywood Reporter expressed relief that the report was made public, even if it was leaked. "I do think it could be a turning point," said one. The report was compiled in late November by investigators at two outside law firms; Debevoise & Plimpton and Covington & Burling. There could be amendments and alterations in the final version presented to the CBS board, which is scheduled to meet Dec. 11. In the draft of the report, according to the Times , investigators said they did not find "a toxic work or 'frat house' environment for women" at the news division. But they did express concern that women were not getting opportunities for advancement. With regard to 60 Minutes , the investigators wrote; "in more recent years, the broadcast has promoted women to producer in senior roles, and Mr. Fager demonstrated sensitivity and support for working women." It was a stark contrast to the shop that Fager came up in under 60 Minutes creator Don Hewitt, who was known for his volcanic temper and apparent misogyny. (He famously drove Meredith Vieira to quit the show when he told her she could not work part time after the birth of her second child.) And among the most eye-popping findings in the report is that CBS has been paying, for more than 20 years, a former staffer who was allegedly repeatedly assaulted by Hewitt in the 1990s. The original $450,000 settlement has been renegotiated several times, including this year, and the total amount she has received has exceeded $5 million, and includes annual payments of $75,000 for the rest of her life. Fager took over as executive producer from Hewitt in 2004; Hewitt died in 2009. There are only a few staffers from the Hewitt era still at 60 Minutes; they include correspondents Lesley Stahl and Steve Kroft. But none of the current employees who spoke to THR were aware of what one called this particular "legacy skeleton." Another noted that while he was unaware of the settlement or the identity of the woman, the payment scheme was not entirely surprising. "The company culture was, pay some money and get rid of the problem." Today, most of the senior staff at 60 Minutes are women including story editor Claudia Weinstein; Ann Silvio, who is in charge of 60 's digital platform; senior broadcast producer Deb DeLuca (who started her career at 60 Minutes as an associate producer for Mike Wallace), Tanya Simon (the daughter of the late correspondent Bob Simon); and Alison Pepper, the show's chief of staff. "You can't change a culture overnight," said one female staffer. "But it shows that Jeff did change things." The report found that the company was justified in firing Fager for sending a threatening text to a CBS News correspondent reporting on the accusations of misconduct against him in Ronan Farrow's reporting in The New Yorker . Those reports also included accusations of misconduct against producer Ira Rosen and former producer Michael Radutzky. "We note that the misconduct of individual 60 Minutes employees, including Mr. Fager and Mr. Rosen, should not have been tolerated, but we find that it was not as severe as the media accounts or as severe as the sexual misconduct that occurred during the Don Hewitt era at 60 Minutes, " the investigators wrote, according to the Times . They added that they did not find evidence that Fager knew of the severity of the alleged misconduct by Charlie Rose, who was ousted last November after a devastating report in The Washington Post. "Of late and under Jeff, this has been a good place for women to work," another 60 Minutes staffer told THR. Fager, who had a long relationship with Rose, had been under a cloud since the first Post report back in November 2017. And further reporting alleged misconduct on the part of Fager, including unwanted touching at company parties. Fager has denied the accusations. But the report also found no evidence that Fager or current CBS News executives were "aware of the severity of Mr. Rose's inappropriate conduct." CBS Corp. president and acting CEO Joseph Ianniello sent a company wide memo on Thursday after the Times posted its first story about the report, which focused on accusations against Moonves. "It's frustrating that confidential information from the ongoing investigation made its way to the public before management and the board knew about it and importantly, before we could communicate with all of you," Ianniello wrote. "And while we still don't yet know the actual results, I do understand that the investigation is nearing an end." After Fager was fired, CBS News president David Rhodes named Bill Owens interim executive producer of the broadcast. Owens has been Fager's longtime heir apparent and is a leading candidate to get the job permanently. 48 Hours executive Susan Zirinsky also is being considered. When Fager was tapped in 2011 as chairman of the news division, Owens took on greater oversight of 60 Minutes day-to-day. He has been executive editor of the broadcast since 2008. When Fager was named chairman of the news division, Rhodes was hired as his No. 2. It was a bifurcated leadership structure that let Fager keep one hand in at 60 Minutes . When Fager finished his tenure as CBS News chairman at the end of 2014, Rhodes became the top executive at CBS News. One of the critiques of 60 Minutes which is housed across the street from CBS News headquarters on West 57th Street is that is operated with too much independence, and that allowed misconduct to go unchecked. "The physical, administrative and cultural separation between 60 Minutes and the rest of CBS News permitted misconduct by some 60 Minutes employees," wrote investigators. According to the Times , the report recommended that the next executive producer of 60 Minutes report to the president of CBS News. "Mr. Fager reported to Mr. Moonves," according to the Times. But sources with knowledge of Fager's contract say that he actually reported to both Rhodes and Moonves, though clearly, as CEO Moonves was atop the hierarchy. 60 Minutes has always been a challenging environment in which to succeed, with long hours, much time on the road and high-stakes and often dangerous assignment. Tempers flared, people yelled, they threw things. But the show's culture like that at most media organizations has evolved, say those in the industry. Among the last times Fager addressed the 60 Minutes staff, he noted as much: "We used to say this is a creative place and creative people can be crazy," said Fager, according to two people who were there. "That's no longer acceptable. Just because you're creative, does not meant you can be rough on people. Those days are long gone."
BBQLOb4 21 sports tennis 847637 724421 525933 996363 469866 678363 567616 154997 549281 471923 299781 251762 193775 557257 536609 27582 468302 950256 37709 469866 870817 231080 469866 493868 1017702 609457 864870 939979 986002 194197 849060 403454 886300 469866 621160 605038 972015 193639 775304 493764 567616 650659 16545 514348 251762 557257 536609 27582 468302 469866 1029617 259576 394893 798692 692172 663315 469866 498568 469866 567616 184955 469866 1005323 420559 169024 16545 231080 85234 836391 329810 251762 238528 692172 292157 580504 514348 251762 251454 333057 567616 782905 798692 156294 469866 111314 415782 625287 1029617 440345 514348 321025 567616 456709 16545 469866 188475 646164 469866 898594 465551 469866 567616 151392 1021798 1017599 452886 104533 719612 567616 871491 619843 1017702 877748 448779 36193 963874 231080 381774 37146 798692 469866 531322 575878 75647 198695 469866 429244 469866 567616 85234 891774 355393 469866 440384 98117 993264 700427 469866 1029742 469866 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420520 231080 149777 329810 1029617 881647 73669 567616 1029617 592846 692172 473559 374467 231080 1028937 1029617 132026 317311 477314 773966 605038 231080 726998 910455 564552 872808 762217 692172 36927 655290 329810 444589 419571 197749 972631 592521 692172 502649 271108 231080 942817 655400 473559 407678 144860 896097 838164 432869 526796 993264 720502 939979 362101 231080 149777 329810 36927 655290 774341 901860 312477 993264 968765 251762 684324 469866 567616 605038 329810 847775 465611 28904 765997 477314 1017599 354150 391066 231080 85234 724421 465502 655400 877275 412301 242650 993264 575878 346246 283740 567616 238528 420520 691599 469866 241686 231080 100970 469866 847637 815039 655290 242650 721443 539914 238611 596373 939979 69738 840252 73407 993264 251762 852211 621160 729197 745062 424335 1029742 1021798 914441 420520 539914 102588 976214 1021798 683127 939979 238611 551199 692040 469866 256971 575878 847637 469866 972917 972015 345633 1029617 461460 230407 757521 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251762 514197 655290 972917 77667 308533 567616 57260 889366 847775 69738 527077 1021798 251762 898742 469866 724421 774341 193413 600469 514348 557257 536609 469866 378639 251762 663639 567616 370973 102275 605038 404092 811866 147830 605038 308706 231080 682910 469866 605038 976284 918643 939979 794499 243500 37146 510662 750371 251762 465611 469866 885464 567616 226871 1021798 238611 876936 947790 564223 53615 231080 85234 24523 176004 692172 465611 811866 226871 831797 251762 24523 176004 692172 465611 811866 679136 164814 848064 36927 847775 251762 585084 811866 1017702 469866 972917 218362 231080 726998 860515 251762 843773 726998 575885 539914 251762 176004 692172 465611 726998 1017702 231080 937399 605038 843968 898742 592986 469866 726998 798771 563559 436577 231080 Venus Williams Talks Success, Serena and Securing Equal Pay at the 1st Create & Cultivate Vision Summit Miami Beach, Fla., may have played host to Art Basel 2018 last weekend, but it also welcomed 700 inspired and inspiring women for the Create & Cultivate Vision Summit, a one-day event of panels, workshops, and more, geared toward working women. The summit was the first of its kind for the online community and offline event producer, which has become a hub for multifaceted and entrepreneurial women, attracting celebs, success stories, and aspirants in equal measure (Issa Rae and Meghan Markle have previously made conference appearances). Saturday's event, sponsored by IT Cosmetics, Aerie, and The Home Depot, included conversations on media, career, marketing, entrepreneurship, the digital space, and life as a modern woman, according to a statement. But the jewel in the crown of the festivities was an appearance by Venus Williams, who got candid about her role models, her ongoing and concurrent careers, knowing and demanding her worth, and competing with sister Serena. Given the worldwide fame of the Williams sisters, fans often forget they are actually the youngest of five. Williams said her sisters and mother have had a profound effect in shaping her career, especially older sister Isha Price. "She's always saving my life," Williams said. "I'm grateful for her. I have three older sisters, one younger, and I have my mom. Those were the role models in my life. We're a tight-knit family. We were taught that your sisters are your best friends." And of little sister Serena, who, like Venus, also owns a fashion line (and hosted a nearby pop-up in Miami the day before), Venus confirmed that their competition remains healthy, but deeply supportive. "We definitely support each other," Williams said. "We motivate each other. When I see her doing great, I feel motivated. After a while, I felt like whatever she was doing I was doing. Last year at Wimbledon, I was in the semifinals and realized, "Oh no, I have to do this, Serena's not doing it." It's a weird feeling. As a sister, when they're doing something it's your success too. But while Williams readily offered that the woman whose career she admires most is Serena, Venus deserves major credit for her efforts to secure equal pay for women players in the French Open and Wimbledon, a campaign she began in 2005. In 2007, the organizations capitulated, marking a major breakthrough for not only Williams, but every woman competing in the sport. Of her groundbreaking achievement, she humbly told the Create & Cultivate crowd that it was a group effort. Growing up, I just wanted to win Wimbledon. When I got there, I didn't realize it wasn't equal for the men and women so it was a wakeup call. I was on the player's council and was a part of the governors of women's tennis. It was a long journey and a lot of people helped. Really a whole tour got behind it. I ended up being part of something that was much bigger than my dream of winning Wimbledon. There were people like Billie Jean King who jumped on board to help. It was something that had been going on since the '60s, and it was about time we finally got equal prize money. The Williams sisters were famously trained early on by their father and first tennis coach, Richard. Now, Venus credits that early training with her ability to not only dominate on the court but juggle an ongoing career in competitive tennis with multiple business in addition to her activewear line, EleVen by Venus, she also helms a successful interior design firm, V Starr. "I encourage people to do something physical that's challenging or go out and play with your kids," she said. "You learn how to control emotions. At work things get emotional, you need to learn how to control that. You learn how to win, how to lose, how to be a leader of your own life." If you think Williams is just the face of her brands, think again. The tennis star, who was just accepted into the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA) found time to go to design school in Miami prior to launching EleVen and V Starr. As she told the Create & Cultivate audience: Whatever I do I want to bring credibility to. On the court I've worked so hard so I bring that to anything I do. ... EleVen stands for, better than a ten. It's about bringing your best every single time. It's about living a healthy life. Empowering yourself. ... We're about being healthy and empowering others to be their best. ... Through EleVen, I want to see people say 'I'm living a healthier life because of this' or 'You wrote a blog and it made me feel better about myself'. EleVen, for me, is an opportunity to give back what being active and confidence through being active, focusing on what you can achieve instead of maybe what you look like. Everyone wants to look good but it's more important to feel good. For a woman who admitted to the crowd that she hates losing and gets anxious about "not putting in the work," Williams had sage advice for Create & Cultivate, including the tried and true "fake it 'til you make it philosophy." Ultimately, it comes down to discerning what's really worth the time, effort and worry in her already jam-packed schedule. "The same amount of time you worry is the same amount of time you could use doing something about the worries you have," she said. "I do the best I can with the amount of time I have. If it doesn't work out, I get another plan."
BBQQcWV 22 news newsopinion 388280 675752 510383 966357 800206 599052 37146 111083 462668 37146 625903 85234 32600 1021798 16430 823186 943145 251762 893498 37146 469866 73164 32706 575878 358281 612990 86269 469866 567616 860515 69738 762146 498261 251762 948329 692172 195413 452986 245389 231080 966357 800206 599052 345712 477365 675417 584702 993264 251762 847408 841565 1021798 143366 939979 53582 1029617 897744 159835 197847 787158 1017702 251762 861105 939979 452401 765610 848601 724902 346246 26571 123315 231080 817748 745243 943145 48979 469866 621160 152359 675752 374074 231080 85234 420064 692172 1029617 815022 405339 939979 638912 514348 523080 600476 251762 784909 782663 432869 663639 939979 378394 477365 420064 469866 840252 939979 1017702 160024 997646 811866 131622 251762 238528 988684 81844 57260 469866 531523 1017481 567616 383027 864870 644527 743575 993264 274999 231080 505327 831797 122782 449321 231080 599052 197837 1021798 477365 424268 692172 1029617 939745 869464 260050 658434 231080 838011 477365 300965 650423 1021798 146722 179563 787282 231080 598867 469866 251762 807581 234024 852211 1009644 531523 655290 275584 345413 1017702 98575 861105 939979 774869 564552 251762 897744 692172 197847 251762 346713 136929 21045 37146 49080 189039 329810 728842 231080 545209 600995 469866 535613 831797 1029617 82064 567616 989586 353845 939979 658678 774898 416436 567616 638249 728842 708899 231080 305666 680075 469866 28904 469841 255696 251762 472902 41010 692172 193085 337823 655290 345413 996875 3738 452986 28859 448419 728842 708899 469866 531523 599052 231080 471365 567616 551741 506379 939979 489487 346246 102471 469866 69738 346246 766400 176601 231080 133146 729142 131898 993264 251762 897744 679136 1017702 535568 1029617 914356 939979 765610 469866 605038 469841 1017702 901860 790646 514348 599052 939979 469257 267867 469866 69738 572434 469866 547456 477365 155777 1017837 231080 392795 469866 644527 743575 37146 914766 655290 630518 580215 692172 599052 568690 939979 638912 514348 160024 840252 939979 753334 1029617 766400 127026 831797 831578 19749 231080 726998 469841 143594 655290 599052 37146 580215 469841 1017702 44860 939979 427814 514348 842525 232247 729142 1029617 476221 263832 510392 745062 70214 951843 872725 692172 440816 126759 539914 597517 122869 939979 156565 567616 3540 333864 477365 386509 939979 251762 847408 841565 231080 85234 102422 692172 267293 599052 329810 847775 498360 444589 184955 197749 432557 231080 149777 329810 1029617 955825 692172 251762 757962 655290 102091 679908 486080 69738 163740 473559 37146 7202 939979 374074 403161 1021798 251762 568606 567616 612986 209047 692172 122869 231080 182045 539914 251762 143708 692172 492582 649066 469866 251762 599052 386509 592574 655290 911250 535613 831797 963863 547955 939979 403777 600476 139080 28356 1021798 251762 852211 692172 906771 770448 609496 655290 251762 130904 597351 251762 391220 692172 251762 122869 469866 16545 575885 753905 147830 564552 56896 592986 692172 717239 646024 73164 251762 876996 343787 497741 231080 149777 37146 996828 655290 781386 834504 415782 972849 292157 358543 131622 766646 391066 469866 621160 674598 337474 432869 599052 329810 1026616 81844 61688 160024 469866 567616 251762 946752 337474 502008 81844 300542 1026616 81844 642066 160024 231080 368280 923123 251762 906771 477365 23935 939979 815022 102471 469866 69738 939979 815022 267867 231080 Conservatives shouldn't lament Justice Brett Kavanaugh's rulings Editor's note: The opinions in this article are the author's, as published by our content partner, and do not necessarily represent the views of MSN or Microsoft. Justice Brett Kavanaugh joined his liberal peers on the Supreme Court in declining to review a case determining whether states have the right to block abortion providers from their Medicaid programs. Many conservatives are furious, but they shouldn't be. "The life of a conservative: Go to war for someone against the Leftist hordes who tried to destroy his life, only to have him screw you over the first chance he gets," wrote commentator and radio host Jesse Kelly on Twitter. This is dead wrong. Kavanaugh voted in his mold of a precedent set years ago. In his 2011 dissent in Seven-Sky v. Holder , the then-appeals court judge wrote that federal courts have no right to take up the case of whether the Affordable Care Act's individual mandate was constitutional. "For judges, there is a natural and understandable inclination to decide these weighty and historic constitutional questions. By waiting, we would respect the bedrock principle of judicial restraint that courts avoid prematurely or unnecessarily deciding constitutional questions," wrote Kavanaugh. Judges and justices ought to follow their jurisprudence, not their political mandates. Even if taking on the case could have struck a blow to abortion, it would have been immoral for Kavanaugh to let politics, not principles, guide his decision-making. Furthermore, Jesse Kelly's insinuation that us defenders of Kavanaugh went to "war" for him only to achieve a political end is downright dangerous. I would hope that Kavanaugh's defenders would have gone to bat for Merrick Garland if a Republican senator leaked an 11th-hour allegation of sexual assault with zero evidence to try and maliciously torpedo his confirmation to the Supreme Court. The importance of defending Kavanaugh was about so much more than policy. It was a defense of the norm that civil society will not allow people's careers to be destroyed in the total and complete absence of evidence. Combined with the loss of Roy Moore, the Kavanaugh confirmation established that while there is ample room to rule against accused men in the court of public opinion provided that the accusers supply the preponderance of the evidence, women can't just make up allegations out of thin air as the Avenatti-backed Julie Swetnick did. It's aggravating that Planned Parenthood has retained its stranglehold over taxpayer money, but Trump knew who Kavanaugh was when he picked him, and the Senate knew how he ruled when he confirmed him. He owes the public his faith to conservative jurisprudence, not to conservative politics.
BBQRxVY 23 movies movienews 975260 336958 1030294 106484 311101 539914 425556 632852 469866 703654 186851 469866 567616 112836 491996 470835 149777 37146 311101 567616 878025 514348 536717 37146 975260 73164 251762 472852 860716 336958 292157 659019 106484 231080 948801 703654 186851 469866 251762 984990 621160 267769 123114 692172 562304 147880 144032 469866 329810 251762 259576 939979 192563 605038 231080 85234 901350 104855 310411 403863 654809 477365 779666 351849 303741 131130 425556 632852 469866 112836 491996 470835 469866 567616 929703 109804 1021798 251762 923490 918531 514348 311101 469866 114591 575878 702841 105891 37146 681037 221081 567616 712963 575878 954154 719612 231080 726998 567608 498360 238499 567616 726998 811883 901860 218507 939979 77776 16430 1029617 506538 514348 498360 881647 567616 726998 15938 753905 575885 860515 605038 303886 469866 186851 218362 1021798 1029617 684269 317058 939979 516576 231080 311101 469866 869464 1021798 1029617 539749 341495 593406 469866 831797 485157 696521 514348 572649 993264 550019 494724 469866 70273 231080 85234 848775 3093 993264 197797 362652 737134 184393 432869 114634 993264 745062 353722 1013972 939979 23867 729142 535613 831797 74078 1029617 288069 774485 428321 592986 535613 469866 712992 251762 757980 448767 231080 252362 975260 28904 156565 939979 733031 465551 655290 122738 724902 882015 580504 692172 275924 576797 469866 221081 997640 1021798 1029617 564437 231080 505327 106484 329810 493764 575878 972631 741629 952238 539914 972631 370017 231080 311101 329810 663104 783208 299781 836669 37146 928587 470908 469866 379334 251762 489472 498270 184955 110979 922892 268593 251762 968085 692172 346246 283740 299781 1029617 399922 592261 469866 251762 98002 114634 993264 1029617 1013972 57857 16430 873399 469866 189080 341495 593406 939979 709009 234353 1029617 243489 939979 873733 259576 403454 411861 394893 539914 346246 283740 231080 85234 593406 831797 654381 1029617 362304 692172 251762 390798 567616 251762 658789 469866 221081 57204 299781 251762 465611 231080 942817 943145 428435 708554 655290 692040 251762 560323 539914 613688 316499 857131 592986 251762 717252 692172 317285 567616 1029617 259514 597112 1021798 40607 692172 972276 259576 231080 942817 943145 98575 94242 621160 535613 943145 981284 931021 231080 101603 2 654381 168769 469866 1013938 246865 563541 251762 931727 592986 692172 12404 559481 231080 149777 770619 407997 939979 412138 655290 186851 567616 632852 486080 374074 136126 251762 197797 184393 469866 621160 328889 114576 943145 74078 811773 428885 231080 221081 746070 502008 470835 7178 1029617 1018371 567616 53302 840479 939979 238611 328889 469866 911250 719612 997640 692172 109804 469866 571539 2 893765 238499 847775 251762 831549 73164 264054 73164 238634 655290 972917 7178 939979 238611 328889 231080 356022 423648 85234 139719 613513 704323 724902 975260 985972 975684 469866 311101 469866 185271 425556 632852 469866 703654 186851 469866 112836 491996 470835 469866 567616 929703 109804 469866 486080 316277 1021798 572649 550019 494724 469866 70273 169040 989275 231080 869620 231080 7231 536717 536717 95787 222839 469866 849060 975260 90507 85234 516567 70270 469866 33692 961433 881647 1021798 251762 103066 130938 543912 811601 469866 16430 1005682 661083 567616 251762 106484 831797 485157 1021798 864461 481097 514348 843773 130938 106484 231080 85234 39211 428095 472852 432744 831797 972015 774682 514348 251762 976963 692172 521926 826866 903144 469866 621160 311101 320992 251762 139719 613513 848775 951424 540023 37146 837373 231080 149777 972015 320992 251762 238528 1030294 975260 189481 423648 968765 966012 37146 537226 995433 567616 129297 822244 37146 797552 899712 655400 914938 251762 346213 692172 413844 430479 469866 432869 283971 477365 873547 575878 251762 127026 692172 849060 872731 852920 1005682 56896 692172 180715 567616 679431 898742 906043 231080 537226 995433 567616 917527 1002909 943145 197797 692172 251762 238812 308335 489472 567616 115333 726998 811883 770094 774341 251762 247316 939979 898742 539914 469866 536717 627145 836949 726985 218362 299781 251762 465611 231080 917527 469866 251762 947677 786471 770137 773966 439646 469866 129297 822244 469866 567616 702841 100429 231080 469866 415782 901860 745062 642372 762217 692172 975260 468709 968765 251762 246693 567616 831797 1029617 53193 762217 692172 292157 131405 53287 898594 231080 566097 469866 1021798 691517 238611 864506 911219 939979 251762 872832 259006 966012 469866 415782 374467 605021 536717 985972 539914 1029617 1030294 567616 69408 489870 231080 46647 692172 317285 691747 251762 465659 1001752 469866 608876 469866 567616 968933 692172 774898 243206 472852 201768 469866 567616 726998 52928 374074 184955 1014191 939979 1017702 317285 939979 989084 630518 514490 251762 1030010 231080 Pixar announces new film Onward with Chris Pratt, Tom Holland, and Julia Louis-Dreyfus It's Onward and upward for Disney's Pixar as the animation house announces its latest film. And Tom Holland , the lovable but notorious leaker of Marvel movie secrets, was the one to announce it. The Spider-Man: Homecoming star joins his Avengers: Infinity War costar Chris Pratt, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, and Octavia Spencer in the voice cast for Onward , directed by Monsters University 's Dan Scanlon and produced by Kori Rae. "I am so excited and I've been trying to keep this a secret for so long and I know just can't do it anymore," Holland said in a video posted to Instagram. Onward , set in a suburban fantasy world, is currently scheduled for theaters on March 6, 2020. The story centers on "two teenage elf brothers who embark on an extraordinary quest to discover if there is still a little magic left out there," reads the official logline. "At Pixar we try to create stories that come from some kind of personal truth," Scanlon says in a statement. "This film was inspired by my own relationship with my brother." Onward was initially teased at 2017's D23 Expo , where the filmmakers revealed more plot information: After the death of their father at a young age, the boys embark "on a quest through this mundane, modern fantasy world to somehow find a way to spend one last magical day with their father." "The world is basically a mix of the fantastic and the everyday," Scanlon explained at the time. "There are mushroom houses that line the streets with satellite dishes sticking out the top of them and a minivan parked in front of each one. There are no humans… but there are unicorns everywhere. They're basically rodents, possums eating all the trash out of your bins." It seems safe to say that Holland and Pratt will be voicing the two brothers, but character details are still under wraps. Scanlon teases how Dreyfus "brings a warmth and loving side to her character," while Rae says of Spencer, "We're especially excited about the depth as well as humor that she brings to her character." Just announced: The next original feature from Pixar Animation Studios, "Onward," starring Chris Pratt, Tom Holland, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, and Octavia Spencer, will arrive in theaters March 6, 2020! #PixarOnward pic.twitter.com/SS8RZmjYR2 Disney (@Disney) December 12, 2018 Pixar released The Incredibles 2 , Brad Birds long-in-the-works animated super-sequel, this past June and the film is currently in awards contention for best animated film. The Oscar favorite animation studio is also prepping for the release of Toy Story 4 , but Onward marks the next original story after 2016's Coco . It also marks the first new Pixar title announced since Frozen 's Jennifer Lee and Inside Out 's Peter Doctor were named the successors of John Lasseter, who leaves his post by the end of 2018 amid several past allegations of misconduct and inappropriate work behavior . "Jennifer Lee and Pete Docter are two of the most gifted filmmakers and storytellers I've ever had the pleasure to work with," Disney Chairman Alan Horn said at the time. "Pete, the genius creative force behind Up , Inside Out , and Monsters Inc. , has been an integral part of Pixar almost since the beginning and is a huge part of its industry-leading success. Jenn, in bringing her bold vision to the boundary-breaking Frozen , has helped infuse Disney Animation with a new and exciting perspective. Each of them embodies the unique spirit, culture, and values of these renowned animation studios, and I couldn't be more thrilled to have them to lead us into the future."
BBQTe4Z 24 foodanddrink foodnews 839200 37146 696222 251464 395070 547456 831797 646798 514348 563541 251762 786615 993264 12404 127305 970129 313215 28904 675726 251762 102131 514348 403147 567616 976374 188825 939979 868646 671323 861105 939979 251762 271495 692172 251762 786615 993264 12404 127305 231080 207439 943145 358281 869557 320766 724902 778083 251762 102131 514348 16430 313215 231080 926560 931604 960522 251464 317285 861105 370607 114386 251762 843773 395070 831797 469866 692172 444135 469866 745062 947575 259576 231080 582563 37146 367796 725837 623025 1002897 514348 903144 469866 593466 469866 582563 37146 672826 673104 884148 720334 37146 1013555 582563 672826 976284 16430 213300 399727 378639 539954 798934 45191 469866 539954 798934 972184 955645 469866 70270 271973 692172 461085 287573 111151 469866 539954 819875 692172 597134 469866 539954 106558 428337 692172 725433 498295 930790 469866 903144 210022 654825 469866 420149 567616 12404 213468 97954 231080 945272 827473 786739 943145 440384 469866 567616 972276 547800 976284 1021798 1029617 213533 345696 582563 37146 407232 231080 207355 812295 469866 847775 935988 745062 155566 469866 592245 37146 695333 708509 571710 943145 939979 221916 514348 469866 197847 811866 15938 523080 539914 1029617 107139 543965 452986 943145 798958 514348 36927 1017651 939979 674831 939979 12404 729117 193573 787191 231080 806163 567616 952314 567616 935220 407678 1029617 976629 1021798 1029617 44569 667712 231080 988417 135381 407678 1027074 818578 567616 781689 579367 567616 33846 469866 12404 741274 469081 486080 856744 774898 231080 37146 529144 211019 469866 461937 469866 505327 395070 831797 646798 514348 287675 910338 567616 708351 749825 231080 505327 131081 831797 448779 539914 745062 671110 984931 692172 530622 529144 427908 567616 164365 251762 135381 692172 251762 772914 1107 287675 231080 376004 169040 538150 262117 756796 458614 514348 494724 469866 231142 469866 505327 831797 255882 1029617 86431 378508 231080 616392 564552 1029617 28104 366360 972710 692172 16430 362304 692172 457045 469866 172899 469866 754255 469866 366685 567616 32030 1021798 1029617 403147 567616 264054 787150 201841 567616 57581 456486 231080 23070 539914 251762 328951 90031 930790 667856 724902 251762 40937 567616 1021798 444565 469866 745062 213300 856419 831797 552102 231080 1028036 112173 130618 507064 393714 469866 334172 469866 239954 713861 937399 811866 811883 477314 741274 642409 452986 753905 642409 299781 588485 993264 12404 127305 16430 831797 251762 646798 395070 407232 692172 436847 231080 673104 77893 259123 477893 1021798 610562 354268 1029617 407232 692172 729117 493764 135381 407678 538146 932535 469866 469866 575535 425336 567616 385913 672742 943145 563541 57858 564552 1021798 1029617 873558 931524 280111 231080 573921 117250 37146 355719 103620 469866 486388 469866 743528 726397 998688 231080 673104 536175 37146 28192 469866 16430 394506 41102 700180 646971 1021798 246479 955645 655290 486080 358190 1021798 12404 877603 231080 923956 526874 481477 486080 943509 592641 131622 16430 976748 395070 231080 924160 169635 469866 235413 469866 1016 323186 95943 774341 1029617 745150 102538 604613 452986 502008 847775 1029617 712322 1001261 604613 994062 505327 395070 831797 646798 514348 251762 778167 452986 246723 147241 1021798 12404 420064 231080 367796 539914 741025 469866 778167 642440 567616 468763 469866 16430 831797 98575 646765 778167 395070 231080 64892 289462 84221 692172 251762 113425 355719 169635 469866 940357 469866 936671 357375 289462 695333 24563 1025560 502649 15571 567616 506188 440027 724902 936671 357375 1021798 64892 943145 646798 514348 655290 300090 432869 37146 251762 420064 692172 251762 143866 469866 655025 152359 316277 1021798 1029617 1017651 650353 395070 407232 169040 289791 64892 37146 411655 440027 378639 776417 999978 739422 469866 582299 469866 834232 639742 469866 549025 469866 921332 739422 567616 641384 539954 480842 639742 469866 16430 395070 407232 831797 251762 646798 514348 251762 357746 749825 993264 12404 127305 567616 831797 923384 798771 402932 729117 143866 412218 169040 571233 99823 888488 355719 695355 469866 247882 469866 492454 37146 805770 505327 69434 395070 131932 831797 592604 539914 403147 993311 135381 655290 629933 743893 33846 805770 469866 307297 567616 358138 23019 805770 469866 298906 805770 469866 772914 1107 112040 469866 567616 995137 780436 805770 231080 311637 724902 251762 947637 469866 16430 831797 1029617 370973 997757 692172 251762 992135 231080 843215 163023 438067 590815 153116 79696 879436 469866 927967 469866 843215 163023 438067 593735 729117 721059 1017702 469866 16430 19616 106558 864837 831797 280113 469866 642246 567616 712963 799464 519104 271444 567616 1029617 78145 613723 131622 704808 997241 231080 655877 251762 300343 123044 469866 251762 885284 415782 901860 449006 514348 493556 766412 567616 1026419 231080 85234 633696 185441 831797 725837 231080 552556 984970 567616 494205 903144 939979 494724 473559 231080 932421 669600 876119 469866 552556 1029617 810784 469866 858122 575878 590013 926560 815095 684280 939979 798771 753905 259576 231080 505327 831797 646798 514348 802581 432869 980811 1029617 288069 535548 939979 943509 641911 539914 346246 436737 231080 855690 429624 41972 622992 469866 849014 1029617 810784 469866 85234 297516 112137 505327 831797 646798 514348 802581 811866 15938 432869 980811 939979 720876 251762 74053 231080 593735 646798 485407 267279 486080 667856 317285 564552 477627 152359 61299 346246 41102 231080 97280 23019 932535 777229 117699 469866 622393 469866 455127 117699 112137 347715 847775 36927 107139 939979 943509 641911 539914 1029617 403304 692172 777229 994062 505327 16274 666879 155566 395414 831797 753905 251762 490141 231080 133742 465611 840252 724902 251762 455127 117699 112137 1021798 377137 231080 63344 478771 355719 169635 469866 247882 469866 846609 37146 499308 505327 234938 395070 407232 831797 1029617 704808 193573 514348 523080 939979 844525 131622 251762 774359 231080 463176 259576 299781 12404 192807 514348 745062 390426 601191 238785 564552 452986 750155 259576 951424 856419 231080 79627 1014188 860515 122738 1021798 28708 312794 231080 TODAY's mail-order gift guide is perfect for all the foodies on your list Every year we scour the country for delicious and different gifts to bring joy right to the doorstep of the foodies on your list. Here are our tastiest finds from around the country for this year. You should probably order them right now because the best gift is, of course, an edible one. Katz's Complete 3-Course Dinner for 4, $125, Katz's Delicatessen From New York's famous Katz Delicatessen comes this amazing spread including 1 lb pastrami, 1 lb corned beef, 2 quarts of matzoh ball soup, 1 quart of pickles, 1 half-loaf of seedless rye bread, 4 square knishes, mustard and your choice babka. Easy cooking instructions are included, and each package comes in a custom insulated Katz's box. Gourmet Apples, about $10 an apple, Zwahlen's These gourmet apples are to die for, whether you know someone with a sweet tooth or are looking for something fun to add to your holiday treat table. Slice and serve and feel like a kid in a candy store. With flavors like Apple Strudel and Sea Salt and Chocolate, your foodie friends will love these. Piecaken's Luxardo Cheesecake, $99, Goldbelly This gift is perfect for cocktail connoisseurs and dessert lovers. This cheesecake is made with an entire jar of decadent Luxardo cherries and mimics the flavors of the Old-Fashioned cocktail. Clink! San Pedro Seafood Feast for 6, $149, Goldbelly This is truly a seafood feast. Simmer up a few large pans of this mix of mussels, shrimp, scallops, salmon and calamari in a delicious and well-spiced tomato and peppers broth. Serve with the crusty garlic bread warm from the oven and in minutes, an amazing dinner is served. Holiday Crispie Treat 8-Pack, $44, Bliss & Baker If you've got foodie kids or just kids at heart on your list this is the perfect gift box of treats. From mother/daughter team in Cali send a box of holiday inspired flavors like Salty Caramel, Peppymint, Vanilla Bean and Sugar Cookie are all tied up in a pretty red ribbon. Filet Lover's Gift Basket, $60, KC Cattle Co. From America's heartland, this Veteran run farm specializes in Wagyu beef that will melt in your mouth. Any meat lover will go gaga over this mouthwatering gift. Breakfast Box, $58, Edgewood Locker Ever had a blueberry maple brat or how about a cheesy hashbrown brat? This gift is perfect for the breakfast or brunch aficionado in your life. Complete with brats, breakfast links and bacon, this is no ordinary breakfast gift. Wisconsin Cheese "Life of the Party" Gift Box, $69, Carr Valley Cheese These six award-winning cheddar and jack cheeses from Carr Valley in Wisconsin are perfect for that friend who's the life of the party, plus they arrive in a fun cow gift box! Featuring Wisconsin's finest cheeses including Hot Pepper Jack, Guernsey, Medium Cheddar, Colby, Monterey Jack and Sharp 1-Year Cheddar, this gift box is the perfect for the cheese lovers on your list and is sure get any holiday party started! Southern Classic Pecan Gift Tin, $30, Priester's Pecans This festive gift tin is filled with delicious pecan flavors that include Milk Chocolate Pecans, Roasted and lightly Salted Pecans, Praline Pecans, Old-Fashioned Cane, and Honey Glazed Pecans. Straight from the fields, this is a true taste of the South. Snake River Farms Kurobuta Boneless Half Ham, $59, Snake River Farms A holiday must-have, this boneless half ham is rich, flavorful and produced using traditional curing and a smoked slowly over real hardwood. As the name implies, the bone has been removed for easy prep and slicing. The average weight is 3.5 lbs and serves 4 to 6 people. Bloody Mary Popcorn, $5 a bag, Crafted by Cleetus You don't want to get just one. This is perfect for anyone who likes a little spice to go along with their snacking. Skier Chick Blend Coffee, $15 a bag, The Chicks Company This is perfect for anyone you know who likes to hit the slopes. A perfect hot cup will warm them up once they finish their run. Ruffino Salted Caramel Prosecco Pie, $35, Little Pie Company How about something sweet to go along with a glass of Prosecco? This salted caramel apple pie is just the thing. Limited time only from the Little Pie Company in NYC. Handcrafted Caramels Gift Box, $30, McCrea's Candies This short gift box is a real treat for someone to receive over the holidays. Keep one at your desk for an afternoon pick-me-up or savor one after dinner. Good things do come in small packages.
BBQVDKv 25 news newspolitics 895454 514837 939979 625287 131437 1009644 593735 683280 786468 432869 329810 123515 1026616 81844 329810 114628 567616 234247 407678 251762 160350 210046 81844 176868 773966 251762 45341 831797 201389 320482 477365 238528 379207 831797 131622 231080 590181 70270 37146 994618 628931 73859 477365 176782 1021798 1029617 584333 836669 428035 655290 81844 218362 708654 81844 234247 287834 939979 321496 231080 368280 415782 889328 745062 184306 939979 952314 73164 745062 976140 1009644 213737 131437 798511 1021798 840974 590181 841565 231080 726998 287834 251762 477482 567616 964718 726998 811883 1009682 911250 572539 73164 251762 590181 70270 683280 786468 514348 251762 683280 692172 538150 412823 486080 952314 238785 968943 264054 1021798 972631 1030294 226545 469866 628931 531523 1021798 251762 255694 844259 81844 288574 1021798 748938 231080 748938 37146 588250 906577 329810 477365 403454 540234 477365 255694 831797 964134 603027 231080 589466 469866 567616 251762 588250 843968 869155 823148 338064 708654 1021798 298246 231080 231080 7231 528232 285383 817981 481041 939979 296086 197195 655290 19896 807359 390727 176190 285009 939979 147830 358301 527117 299781 251762 906577 469866 628931 299781 238528 44684 231080 146461 469866 81844 765997 448779 1029617 28104 234938 798540 469866 754365 477365 675015 514348 346246 461468 567616 12043 251762 683280 964750 469866 28421 251762 465540 575885 898742 539914 251762 588250 939979 860515 213300 898742 1026616 28904 898742 642912 231080 368280 139293 477365 675015 939979 758106 452347 196993 567616 600824 956392 692172 391462 231080 628931 300486 600476 798867 836949 975966 469866 432869 952569 448779 69722 213589 251762 428035 514348 807321 592986 993264 1029617 528232 866867 985143 695692 951424 1029617 852684 692172 798819 737106 231080 628931 218362 81844 300486 114386 81844 62033 939979 783022 251762 807581 786468 939979 374074 1029617 402982 762336 231080 726998 234247 338004 726998 329810 312477 939979 321496 469866 914721 469866 628931 218362 231080 726998 753905 62033 939979 346132 972631 176782 81844 931604 860515 251762 898742 469866 498261 630518 264054 231080 585787 605038 234247 898742 655290 243489 726998 354504 231080 368280 952569 218362 255111 16430 313215 655290 81844 329810 312477 939979 41102 514348 267908 428035 1021798 416567 469866 621160 748938 81844 522191 655290 81844 774341 901860 798958 514348 477365 774733 231080 726998 791324 69738 1029617 1029742 848564 469866 81844 218362 231080 199878 1017702 218165 655290 628931 774341 288069 192571 514348 251762 766400 679974 655290 342241 972831 299781 528232 866867 452986 251762 972892 1017837 638596 655290 580652 428228 320952 292249 621916 539914 782795 675015 231080 628931 843968 147830 881647 259816 540234 896428 744377 682078 218165 628931 831797 1029617 255419 692172 28104 391582 621160 1026616 81844 510790 605038 37146 114386 81844 415782 36927 939979 412138 231080 994618 831797 1029617 98575 98583 634178 432869 486080 374074 799014 299781 528232 866867 231080 244904 535405 366931 567616 28227 320427 692172 251762 638311 1017702 901860 1029617 617982 530434 469866 682078 218362 231080 85234 737415 218362 628931 37146 155777 939979 774869 251762 695692 831797 923384 939979 180135 251762 333057 37146 556460 231080 368280 370607 415782 745062 45159 939979 564399 159913 477365 275924 77708 575878 872808 61210 448489 1021798 251762 803087 844686 73164 1029617 1009644 469866 682078 218362 231080 994618 831797 1029617 543650 692172 560436 914584 567616 700477 328889 231080 368280 831797 918690 251762 580504 692172 543650 432869 931604 374074 708869 1021798 655290 852211 231080 231080 7231 319695 77496 783321 939979 374074 538150 412823 37146 139719 737415 628931 37146 255694 445026 1029617 588250 737377 638596 692172 704041 1029617 350264 939979 696002 251762 928725 109751 675735 338064 251762 512771 903144 428035 231080 528232 660445 706826 35805 831797 547361 939979 873547 251762 362734 16430 457501 469866 1022282 1029617 935988 394893 272167 514348 576265 695733 939979 90632 967864 231080 85234 588250 807581 486080 853145 251762 127305 939979 73164 284004 73164 840591 40578 432869 440481 469841 374074 683646 575878 251762 399142 588250 1021798 1029617 378258 255744 320482 1029617 139719 394893 184306 231080 628931 831797 251762 238528 786468 939979 115324 918643 968765 1029617 968792 692172 593116 213589 251762 243632 849014 379207 469866 378639 807581 896428 590715 899483 469866 432869 568690 939979 898742 73164 296086 139942 514348 933998 1010805 31001 469866 567616 895454 301826 194236 469866 432869 354504 1029617 675735 1021798 251762 534297 805376 231080 305999 477365 725530 469866 628931 346111 370921 692172 403538 692172 283684 514348 287985 73625 1021798 477365 914523 469866 724902 560323 469866 461398 567616 238443 939979 985143 73625 231080 655877 251762 32050 692172 251762 588250 37146 591428 930080 256747 469866 628931 798369 1029617 642046 567616 976963 432557 514348 180871 807292 213737 11850 32465 927206 844477 247482 469866 641911 539914 407997 596823 131412 567616 57859 205569 869268 98728 231080 48155 951424 502649 251762 428035 469866 628931 345712 539914 895454 179384 1000564 939979 783022 514348 251762 7886 692172 251762 934998 510531 623004 243329 1021798 476625 1012334 231080 838011 848064 498360 469866 81844 147323 1029617 548081 692172 861105 585076 349713 655290 877305 939979 77776 251762 57470 1021798 300443 231080 204545 85737 836532 243500 679029 628931 847775 36436 469866 81844 77722 231080 149777 468709 534906 329810 251762 766400 160350 210046 567616 1005411 81844 560469 342241 320482 160024 469866 127747 721079 57171 160024 452986 477365 90353 231080 85234 654813 73937 741418 284228 567616 81844 848015 131898 251762 696159 329810 251762 843773 490141 514348 477365 263271 469866 81844 218362 231080 6664 469866 628931 218165 81844 37146 69738 259576 939979 102763 567616 218362 605038 37146 69738 493556 939979 873308 320482 81844 877119 477365 379207 231080 505327 831797 259576 692172 251762 976538 1014188 726998 811883 774341 939979 860515 469866 81844 218362 231080 252362 251762 127026 692172 251762 906771 28531 692172 748938 37146 906577 469866 628931 218362 316655 1021798 477365 873808 403043 469866 902161 894434 231080 726998 408273 948157 775009 993264 251762 77948 840479 469866 81844 218362 231080 619699 231080 948801 539914 655290 469866 81844 428321 251762 526429 231080 Councilman resigning to become juvenile judge A city councilman who was surprised when he was elected and didn't like the power struggles he saw behind the scenes is leaving before his first term is over. District 2's Cruz Shaw ousted his predecessor in a fiesty 2017 election that he said later he didn't expect to win. He has accepted an appointment to serve as an associate judge handling juvenile cases in 436th District Court. "I expect the lessons and skills I've learned while serving as the District 2 city councilman for the city of San Antonio will serve me very well in my new position," Shaw wrote in the resignation letter he turned in Thursday. Thursday's council meeting was his last; his resignation is effective Jan. 7, and the council doesn't meet again until later in January. OnExpressNews.com: City Council OKs changes to housing incentives that financed pricey downtown condos Asked to make parting remarks at the meeting, Shaw at first declined. Pressed, he finally made a few short comments, thanking his colleagues for their support and praising the city staffers, noting the staff can work with the council to "do amazing work when we work together." He counseled his colleagues to "put aside egos and false pretenses of titles." Shaw ran against incumbent Alan Warrick, who'd made news during the election for passing out on a City Hall park bench after a night of heavy drinking. Shaw said he ran because he wanted to push the then-councilman to be a better representative. "I didn't think I was going to win, honestly," Shaw said. "I just wanted to show my predecessor (he should) do the work, represent us well. But it didn't work that way I won." He'd said earlier this year that he was going to run for re-election in 2019, but Thursday he acknowledged that he had been looking for his replacement. "I'm not a career politician," he said. Observers have noted that Shaw had little appetite for the political theatrics that unfold regularly at City Hall or the sausage-making process that often includes lengthy meetings rife with loquacious colleagues. Shaw doesn't make long speeches; Mayor Ron Nirenberg noted Shaw is a man of few words but when he speaks it's because he has something to say. "Cruz is a no-nonsense leader who will be missed at City Hall. His quick wit and incisive analysis of the issues have been a tremendous asset," Nirenberg said. The mayor said Shaw's decision to take the bench is sure to benefit the community's youths. "He now has an opportunity to significantly extend his personal impact by being directly engaged in the justice system as a judge," Nirenberg said. "Cruz is a person of unimpeachable ethics and moral character. He is exactly the kind of person who should be presiding in that court." OnExpressNews.com: Retired dentist wants to be San Antonio's next mayor Shaw's resignation triggers a council-led process of appointing a successor to fill the East Side seat until the May 4 election. City Clerk Leticia Vacek is expected to post the vacancy this week, sparking a 10-day timeline for interested candidates to submit applications. The council then will whittle the list to as many as three finalists who likely would be interviewed by the full council in a briefing session before a next-day appointment. Shaw is the first councilman to step down since a spate of resignations during the 2013-15 term, including then-Mayor Julián Castro, who went to work as housing secretary for President Barack Obama, and Councilman Diego Bernal, who won a seat in the Texas Legislature. During his tenure, Shaw secured tens of millions of dollars for infrastructure improvements in his district, from streets, sidewalks and drainage to park improvements. As the chairman of the council's Public Safety Committee, Shaw advocated a cite-and-release policy for police officers handling low-level marijuana-possession situations, along with safe-gun initiatives and tighter massage-parlor regulations. Soon after winning the election, Shaw joined with Councilman Roberto Treviño to push for the removal of the century-old Confederate statue in Travis Park. In doing so, he became a target of right-wing groups that fought to keep the monument in place. Such controversy wasn't what bothered Shaw about governance, he indicated. It almost entirely was the political power struggles and infighting he watched unfold before him, though never engulfing him or his office. The judgeship presented itself quickly and he decided taking the job was the best thing for his family, he said. Still, Shaw noted he's not one to quit and said it's not easy to leave before he completes his term. "This is one of the hardest things I've had to do," he said. At the end of the public portion of Thursday's meeting, Shaw said goodbye in his trademark casual, frank style. "I'll see y'all on the other side," he said. "Later." And with that, he left the chamber.
BBQVfRF 26 foodanddrink newstrends 870613 717178 497741 69738 230260 264054 1021798 642254 424507 180567 325364 414229 684280 939979 267908 338004 246865 299781 12404 428095 440863 477893 37146 580420 973080 231080 231080 231080 452986 402932 164690 514348 655290 683752 231080 953559 37146 434903 251762 1028365 90507 1029617 115213 748938 379334 605038 469579 123732 469866 160723 642254 424507 180567 325364 724902 708534 353635 655290 247197 251762 815988 972783 992947 469866 229955 469866 378216 567616 213762 650502 159555 611813 536175 231080 100449 325364 724902 540023 721623 848164 655290 299781 115233 49855 510584 692172 251762 300782 469866 106558 452986 184955 692172 251762 642254 861146 45168 906455 1029617 57301 32465 911218 259576 655290 485720 1029617 61717 90533 514348 192916 972446 231080 85234 422720 692172 647625 854523 469866 251762 580420 692172 251762 870613 950559 1021798 256061 836669 469866 329810 225801 251762 638941 469866 729497 840252 773966 251762 1015091 962223 880671 4838 231080 85234 422720 831797 250935 519069 882015 844329 412138 951424 57658 16430 621160 77948 870613 300782 497741 69738 230260 264054 493566 231080 85234 843773 572470 329810 501948 939979 777043 12885 469866 580420 692172 251762 817205 105663 786160 469866 539914 539954 231080 539954 510584 57301 32465 680068 539954 692172 193962 860515 251762 786160 267653 299781 448194 994062 431574 692172 680068 629933 617684 320523 469866 271939 926809 692172 642254 469866 122862 131279 452986 238961 469866 419792 20382 638311 469866 239196 567616 444589 184955 231080 31493 379334 860515 358281 870613 717178 243178 592986 692172 181289 300782 539914 44762 309058 526512 994062 84532 231080 944255 422720 692172 647625 854523 250935 22754 692172 57301 32465 680068 890706 231080 539954 41544 692172 78527 231080 822244 692172 250987 642254 232477 848164 1029617 704364 692172 580585 1005682 251762 939304 250987 1021798 1029617 852197 567616 312218 609648 139719 939979 61011 333826 213589 1029617 661083 371169 469866 540023 469866 180567 231080 398441 329810 259576 692172 840591 222432 680068 299781 16430 659039 213589 251762 180567 231080 870518 267279 638311 870518 596983 1029832 655400 243456 939979 952314 447022 506310 299781 1029617 61011 993264 718248 231080 33162 469866 540023 231080 97725 1029832 596983 840252 539914 188616 575885 733031 1029617 423799 346025 655290 357603 749723 692172 251762 188616 469866 567616 333804 1029832 943145 847861 514348 164814 1021798 23793 642254 861146 811411 575878 284004 787158 642254 910314 231080 777826 300125 232477 176868 794540 486082 300125 271843 1021798 251762 15587 3571 864957 993264 661083 49855 469866 836669 231080 84532 231080 601849 426276 491996 12885 250935 22754 692172 57301 32465 680068 363017 465778 692172 49855 231080 290904 89997 218432 863411 582133 231080 507064 469866 540023 469866 869043 848164 737636 89997 366685 609648 131622 510021 654871 489899 1021798 251762 787313 1021798 852197 231080 326208 753810 243456 232477 176868 794540 337373 3165 720823 539914 843757 753810 299781 197797 976374 1013296 213589 603027 231080 41544 469866 836669 469866 151842 231080 777826 300125 232477 176868 782323 794540 539914 98575 271843 131622 346246 197034 300125 993264 603027 231080 523420 469866 836669 231080 84532 231080 915646 730659 1012334 22754 692172 57301 32465 680068 614135 231080 903144 33162 692172 474158 231080 409406 911150 667856 232477 848164 485080 518945 567616 820108 299781 746469 308173 567616 69819 518945 567616 428522 518945 299781 198088 308173 299781 251762 628634 169635 912989 518945 61011 993264 231497 375243 469866 836669 231080 536552 658832 943145 939979 374074 325062 299781 705386 308173 452986 251314 231080 999228 110727 232477 416171 939979 1029617 786454 724902 1029617 357813 432869 218362 655290 993264 661083 123732 469866 836669 469866 911250 1021798 251762 321215 972917 176868 1029617 522500 419792 692172 984610 189403 1025824 251762 321215 486082 638915 238611 753810 469866 567616 972917 984784 655290 24523 419792 431877 939979 251762 984610 189403 567616 844398 238611 169024 539914 843757 469866 82472 753810 231080 138572 609644 655290 251762 419792 329810 527077 683917 445009 1021798 1029617 498385 651138 683318 231080 822244 692172 250987 642254 863411 231497 222839 469866 540023 469866 869043 848164 737636 955645 131622 510021 856570 955645 469866 111314 432239 1029617 61717 514348 69296 231080 948801 993264 661083 507064 469866 836669 469866 869043 848164 197797 469866 725837 807349 501746 692172 861191 567787 539914 1029617 164814 575878 250987 692172 512771 725837 469866 836669 231080 84532 231080 363017 455127 742746 12885 22754 692172 57301 32465 680068 41544 231080 589466 375243 692172 705386 231080 822244 692172 250987 642254 863411 900783 231080 523420 469866 836669 469866 869043 848164 296201 420035 299781 251762 61011 976340 514348 164814 575878 900783 231080 362841 567616 659280 567616 283445 976340 514348 164814 575878 900783 231080 70270 1021798 1029617 852197 231080 409406 911150 658610 232477 617535 89997 469866 955645 469866 485080 567616 761865 374075 299781 906978 898421 724902 445408 939979 90850 308173 299781 251762 88829 553130 320307 231080 776417 658832 943145 939979 374074 988964 299781 742077 308173 452986 806632 231080 474463 1021798 679356 292559 232477 176868 1029617 267279 539914 893517 1021798 605038 795147 1021798 251762 679356 292559 299781 251762 928725 553130 993264 900783 231080 523420 469866 836669 231080 884665 255070 514348 316680 188459 939979 374074 243456 514348 77948 881889 231080 84532 231080 334118 767963 957931 22754 692172 57301 32465 680068 227001 231080 903144 799767 692172 936068 231080 290904 255241 69296 232477 176868 745062 419792 968883 737636 114770 807581 1029617 114770 390560 486082 638915 753810 567616 827434 131344 993264 900783 231080 507064 469866 836669 231080 569595 234247 164814 675909 232477 176868 604739 16286 952314 36191 486082 675909 299781 1029617 984610 189403 993264 900783 231080 123732 469866 540023 469866 773900 514348 61717 69296 231080 792238 485407 209207 823710 85234 592754 692172 1029617 485407 209207 823710 329810 205217 299781 1029617 984610 993264 900783 231080 123732 469866 540023 231080 232477 659161 655290 251762 823710 374074 819175 993264 1029617 291869 493320 231080 51952 251762 399142 848775 993264 316562 231080 7231 231080 33612 923384 939979 489487 590358 217063 993264 274999 567616 516576 567616 407678 630518 993264 970159 231080 505327 823186 127423 922479 993264 870613 401095 628634 870613 717178 497741 69738 230260 264054 1021798 642254 424507 180567 325364 Detroit stadiums did not fare well in food-safety inspection reports Might want to re-think eating at your favorite sports team's home venue ... or any stadium for that matter. ESPN's Outside the Lines released a report Thursday where it reviewed "16,000 food-safety inspection reports from health departments that monitor the 111 professional football, baseball, basketball and hockey facilities across North America." Inspection reports from 2016-17 found that at roughly 28 percent of the venues, half or more of the food service outlets incurred a high-level violation one that poses a potential risk for foodborne illness. The Palace of Auburn Hills, the home of the Detroit Pistons in 1988-2017 , was among the worst, ranking only behind the Charlotte Hornets' Spectrum Center. The Palace is closed thankfully some might say after reading this but other Detroit venues did not fare well either. The "best" rating was given to Oracle Arena, home of the Golden State Warriors, with 1.1 percent "high-level violations" (1 of 89) do the Warriors lose at anything? Types of violations include pests/bugs, poor condition of food, equipment failure or problem, employee-related issues, temperature and much more. So where do our Detroit stadiums rank out of 107 venues with enough vendor data? No. 106: Palace of Auburn Hills (closed) Percent of high-level violations: 86.1 (31 of 36). Out-of-date food: Inspectors found a gallon of milk past the expiration date in a cooler and chemicals stored next to bar syrups during a June 23, 2016, inspection. That was one of three priority violations at this location during the inspection. Copper-cup issues: Copper-lined cups were used to serve Moscow mules at a bar on Dec. 21, 2016. Using cups lined only with copper can create a chemical reaction that allows ingestion of the copper, and such cups are banned for use in commercial food service operations by many states' food codes. Uncovered hair: Inspectors saw employees without hair nets in the club mini-kitchen on June 28, 2017. No. 77: Joe Louis Arena (closed) Percent of high-level violations: 50 (14 of 28). Raw fish storage: On Feb. 8, 2016, inspectors found raw fish (salmon) stored over cooked mashed potatoes in the walk-in cooler. Bare hands used: Inspectors saw employees handle cut fruits with bare hands at two different bars during Jan. 31, 2017, inspections. Uncovered hair: Inspectors saw bearded employees with no nets over their facial hair on Jan. 25, 2017. No. 61: Comerica Park Percent of high-level violations: 40.4 (21 of 52). Food too warm: Inspectors found chicken salad and tomatoes at 55 degrees and potato salad and pasta salad at 45 degrees at the Press Box Lounge salad bar on April 13, 2017. Cold foods are to be kept at 41 degrees or less. Handwashing issue: Inspectors responded to a complaint from a customer who said that on June 16, 2017, while in the restroom she saw a female employee of concession stand exit the restroom without washing her hands, and she followed that same employee back to the concession stand and observed her working with bare, unwashed hands. She stated that the employee was putting pizza toppings in a stainless steel container. Out-of-date food: On April 12, 2016, inspectors found raw beef over cooked ground beef, which holds a potential for contamination. And on June 8, 2017, inspectors found two, 3-pound containers of sour cream with a use-by date of May 3, 2017. No. 50: Little Caesars Arena Percent of high-level violations: 31.7(13 of 41). Out-of-date food: On Oct. 25, 2017, inspectors found lime juice at the bar dated for use by Oct. 11 and raisins and apricots dated for use by Oct. 2 in a cooler. Food too cold: Inspectors measured fish, beef, chicken and green beans at temperatures ranging from 84 to 133 degrees at the Players Club West. Hot foods are to be held at 135 degrees or above. Beer in hand sink: Inspectors saw a cup with beer in it sitting in the hand sink at the East Club on Oct. 25, 2017. Sinks designated for handwashing aren't to be used for other purposes. No. 32 Ford Field Percent of high-level violations: 20.4 (47 of 230). Raw hamburgers contamination: Inspectors saw an employee touch raw hamburger then a hamburger bun without washing hands and changing gloves on Oct. 8, 2017. Customers didn't use utensils : Inspectors saw customers self-serve condiments without utensils at a concession stand on Oct. 16, 2016, allowing for potential contamination. Dirty hot chocolate machine: The inside of a hot chocolate machine was dirty at a concession on Oct. 16, 2016. Inspectors ordered that the machine be cleaned on a daily basis. • Read the full story on espn.com. Be sure to follow Freep Sports on Twitter ( @freepsports ) and Instagram and like us on Facebook . This article originally appeared on Detroit Free Press: Detroit stadiums did not fare well in food-safety inspection reports
BBQVfb3 27 sports football_ncaa 150445 606813 608749 68067 101321 514348 469866 988846 155777 939979 898742 539914 38013 231080 322945 231080 141133 655877 84532 231080 539954 907520 725334 514348 292157 714151 9410 731993 233074 565262 407722 600476 84532 231080 903144 76261 469866 605038 931540 411412 1021798 106503 154306 675298 691599 38013 231080 322945 231080 141133 939979 362101 592986 231080 141133 329810 564467 1021798 371529 911250 251762 408008 362173 325364 692172 1029617 28825 608876 643009 251762 992947 3753 312439 251762 661083 968085 692172 316965 815414 141634 76045 320482 992907 872808 889696 1021798 483987 231080 948801 370607 469866 81844 37146 901860 782646 101321 567616 907520 592986 16430 457501 1021798 1029617 794431 407678 901929 469866 221670 939979 886664 231080 7231 469866 111314 1021467 163758 873729 911250 989362 655290 605038 37146 288586 729142 141133 486080 1017702 1029617 881647 379207 556207 231080 863411 251762 259576 679356 469866 16430 831797 621483 807551 964039 101321 415782 1029617 518487 692172 493670 1029617 679356 724902 526928 889696 230079 1021798 251762 1005682 469866 407678 326356 796901 469866 183859 295067 567616 727232 516691 231080 863411 251762 77948 469866 73164 953559 567616 365174 166847 757455 992947 876946 150445 606813 972752 592986 469866 907520 415782 901860 251762 717252 477893 563541 778940 469866 498360 243500 679136 141133 432869 37146 469866 823148 469866 370607 238812 864959 514348 518470 1029617 152108 221916 299781 477365 3753 20326 201505 251762 9110 992299 994062 726998 338004 605038 831797 745062 155518 535605 469866 988846 786816 514348 68067 101321 231080 606813 469866 993264 325364 692172 654611 154306 691599 912128 141133 704167 299781 907520 231080 989275 231080 869620 231080 7231 434903 85234 1028365 95787 375243 469866 849060 930591 1029617 737245 993264 434903 85234 1028365 993264 748938 469866 606813 783129 101321 514348 16430 102429 155777 939979 898742 539914 141133 469866 432869 774341 1029617 935988 849014 267918 1021798 197797 477790 539914 251762 81055 231080 368280 218362 867532 692172 630518 931604 374074 123515 575878 68067 101321 419557 251762 569846 520347 692172 757455 992947 231080 368280 37146 74119 1021798 727232 516691 567616 183859 295067 951424 477365 85872 724902 432192 231080 368280 663639 939979 465054 215909 875095 403454 313215 469866 621160 251762 365174 931540 725490 1021798 231080 641795 860515 726998 338004 692172 605038 994062 726998 338004 605038 831797 745062 155518 535605 469866 988846 786816 514348 68067 101321 231080 505327 831797 1029617 255419 655290 843968 621715 402932 184955 720612 231080 368280 415782 251762 137093 668684 172673 873558 444589 139914 1021798 477365 959874 231080 942817 943145 720612 993264 131264 815814 522379 1021798 716018 231080 948801 939979 720921 251762 357807 469866 939979 868646 16430 993264 160024 469866 726998 815095 811774 231080 368280 37146 251762 843773 691599 1021798 757455 992947 231080 505327 831797 251762 843773 3753 1021798 757455 992947 469866 567616 16430 831797 1029617 535605 786816 514348 251762 105891 692172 907520 231080 875095 226608 724902 583015 282247 1021798 665247 692172 836669 951424 251762 408008 40483 81844 243456 477365 304919 436336 172719 939979 180249 522500 477218 588955 231080 606813 831797 155518 861105 366234 231080 907520 960051 251762 714151 9410 731993 73164 745062 185395 365174 930841 539914 251762 787387 843773 955825 1021798 251762 646717 567616 1029617 498010 717252 552556 708786 737377 575878 949746 262693 395024 626018 798118 231080 101321 37146 69993 16430 778940 329810 848064 753905 419855 486082 141133 231080 769677 605038 37146 907520 452986 402932 77948 757455 992947 3753 798958 939979 674831 939979 292157 465540 469866 141133 931604 374074 73164 28825 73164 251762 608876 81844 374467 151556 299781 154306 231080 133806 727939 993264 659019 325364 634592 994530 334736 7550 814427 593735 37146 796233 70892 988110 446896 384543 692172 244904 253262 347690 740579 725837 811773 251762 522965 349935 514348 251762 480213 299781 601191 84532 231080 725837 610963 953559 1022173 485191 477365 159662 382600 592986 539914 323119 878631 488899 75102 469866 978111 694284 184955 184393 197749 776417 613 Paul Finebaum blasts Nick Saban for 'terrible, embarrassing' decision to work with D.J. Durkin As No. 1 Alabama prepares for its College Football Playoff Orange Bowl matchup against No. 4 Oklahoma, it reportedly brought in former Maryland head coach D.J. Durkin to help out. Durkin was suspended in August while the school investigated reports of a "toxic" culture within the football program following the June death of offensive lineman Jordan McNair before eventually being fired in October. And now, he's been helping Saban and Alabama out this week in "a consultant-like capacity," according to AL.com , which cited anonymous sources while reporting that it's "unclear" if Durkin will have a long-term role. On the one hand, this is hardly surprising considering Saban has a history of getting a hand from newly fired coaches in the past, like Butch Jones, Steve Sarkisian and Lane Kiffin. On the other, as ESPN and SEC Network college football analyst Paul Finebaum pointed out, Alabama has been the top team all season, so what could Durkin - who's, again, now most known for having a player die at his program - possibly offer the Crimson Tide? "I think it is an absolutely terrible, embarrassing look for Nick Saban." - @Finebaum , on reports of ex-Maryland coach DJ Durkin consulting at Alabama. pic.twitter.com/Y6tj4IZhhT - Outside The Lines (@OTLonESPN) December 13, 2018 While a guest on Outside The Lines on Thursday, Finebaum slammed Saban for this inexplicable decision to work with Durkin, who had a 10-15 record in two seasons with the Terrapins. He said: "None of us should be surprised by Nick Saban becoming the Father Flanagan of college football. He's taken in Lane Kiffin and Steve Sarkisian after his fall from grace. He tried to hire Hugh Freeze last year, but the SEC reportedly stepped in. What do I think of it? I think it is an absolutely terrible, embarrassing look for Nick Saban. "This is a man that doesn't need any more consultants. He has the Dallas Cowboys operation pretty much running in his building. There are consultants on every street corner in Tuscaloosa. And to invite the criticism, to bring this on him, I don't understand. He's the best coach in college football. This is the best program in college football, and this is a terrible look for the University of Alabama." Freeze resigned from Ole Miss in July of 2017 after the school discovered he used his university-issued phone to contact female escort services. Finebaum is absolutely right here. Alabama enters the College Football Playoff as an undefeated SEC champion with the 12th-best defense in the nation and a lethal top-5 offense led by Heisman Trophy finalist quarterback Tua Tagovailoa. Saban's squad this season was doing just fine without Durkin. Whether it's Alabama or any other college football program looking to add to its staff, Durkin should be as toxic as the culture he helped created at Maryland. MORE: Roundup on latest reports surrounding Chiefs-Chargers injuries Stephen A's Contemporaries Can't Stop Making Fun of His Hunter Henry Take 3 under-the-radar names for the Raiders at pick No. 3 Former ESPN reporter detailed his bitter falling out with LaVar Ball Tyrone Crawford, DeMarcus Lawrence more brothers than Hot Boyz
BBQVhnK 28 lifestyle lifestylebuzz 879404 1028874 347715 1029617 167234 1016361 1028874 186736 441672 514348 244904 291250 791686 268593 184955 197749 1029617 313215 692172 85375 687641 993264 477365 856162 469866 251762 516576 353852 893868 1017702 765997 489530 160024 251762 221987 655290 81844 872946 73164 251762 1005682 457501 415782 98689 231080 88046 469866 333804 1029617 1025586 872806 1029617 798466 304047 1026616 811866 876936 1017702 1030452 44762 454695 1021798 12404 420064 469866 111314 831797 695850 251762 897744 514348 469866 432869 638441 73164 1029617 167234 1016361 284198 1026616 81844 37146 69738 750038 337699 692172 879404 567616 491996 542747 16396 469866 724902 980299 997239 149777 976155 939979 422293 976741 333612 642805 231080 942817 37146 321126 184955 379334 655290 881220 724902 469866 127747 605038 37146 757428 184955 563789 939979 23867 370607 655290 37146 856162 469866 469866 415782 901860 984662 469866 518470 201781 956493 251762 167234 1016361 895383 514490 745062 572718 231080 242140 469866 251762 531093 831797 69738 300404 939979 20064 452986 456887 655290 469841 683276 939979 977106 539914 333804 716618 201220 1021798 251762 522768 692172 1029617 308793 692172 360791 1016441 159893 470741 231080 253323 469866 972276 567616 131264 57418 621559 831797 357626 122869 655290 831797 960157 692172 251762 720542 292558 692172 48652 939979 374074 118695 469866 111314 251762 575913 844484 939979 1010235 73164 53287 745062 749705 567616 342244 539330 469866 221670 939979 251762 906922 432869 423648 655290 1029617 271483 666916 415782 901860 749380 539914 345702 37146 214121 469866 73164 264054 73164 48652 939979 815705 160024 939979 477365 803494 231080 368280 415782 469866 299781 251762 968943 156083 469866 876936 111122 655290 605038 329810 465611 514348 160024 939979 378192 231080 311719 399142 935713 514348 251762 337699 469866 111314 81844 218362 250987 431877 939979 299781 156083 1029617 313215 658434 469866 415782 968765 436336 1029617 906771 435848 567616 230601 477365 36760 726998 567608 968943 468746 567616 726998 386382 399142 935713 514348 16430 469866 81844 218362 1021798 1029617 902542 844259 956493 939979 567616 32706 575878 469866 1029617 656206 69722 642581 469866 180254 539914 383170 1030452 1010212 214356 115460 448779 1021798 1029617 15603 407232 231080 726998 486080 873753 36760 567616 74041 918643 251762 516576 968765 726998 575885 126795 172632 160033 567616 188455 231080 643390 939979 469866 81844 412218 592986 750038 539914 44861 102445 231080 244904 885464 939979 374074 745062 238879 543650 469866 997260 469866 910455 564552 563588 469866 53287 160024 365835 939979 251762 634364 81844 952569 901860 907082 692172 135217 750038 993264 342106 700427 231080 149777 37146 98575 358560 469866 807581 469866 655290 57857 214356 214121 469866 81844 972015 840602 564552 251762 509998 634364 692172 893860 477365 420064 540234 238812 692172 655290 16396 469866 357626 469866 836532 547350 477365 1021798 251762 238528 300443 231080 85234 156109 692172 251762 976864 655400 74119 592754 131827 469866 81844 493421 231080 84532 284198 575885 163724 333804 1014188 231080 684700 655290 37146 989586 44762 567616 757428 1029617 402982 275561 197749 251762 259576 655290 251762 675298 692172 251762 167234 1016361 895383 881220 564552 539914 1026616 988964 254804 514348 477365 741629 16396 20382 222282 469866 1021798 907221 231080 838011 646064 939979 835533 251762 989404 469866 251762 575913 436336 341907 251762 238528 770094 564437 1021798 292157 885319 881647 518487 939979 101914 745062 938958 860885 575878 251762 473574 976361 1029617 259629 984910 939979 53064 502008 152359 910455 564552 713010 1029617 473574 692172 251762 295699 464942 1029617 943891 1021798 251762 960067 403809 692172 1029617 581721 33005 469866 750371 745062 279617 247882 469866 160723 469866 655290 81844 106870 469866 338131 98575 980452 33005 993264 477365 601548 231080 585787 836532 510185 231080 15341 724902 1029617 745513 469866 81844 415746 338131 563559 275561 514348 477365 399811 469866 947449 1029617 897870 37146 1005682 172952 939979 193573 477365 795280 489790 539914 1029617 357736 692172 741771 378639 469866 201874 469866 539904 976374 370070 73164 251762 481751 548222 81844 918462 827434 564552 251762 420417 567616 803477 81844 127861 539914 477365 836499 629569 231080 713735 469866 605038 329810 251762 127085 655290 948298 737377 939979 477365 647086 231080 85234 575913 469866 605038 663646 592986 469866 843968 543023 655290 295605 135937 879404 407678 386430 671485 477365 741629 209541 420417 325025 692172 415491 251762 704808 490141 231080 753056 729142 152359 469257 160024 939782 477365 856162 469866 535613 37146 757428 1029617 988684 655290 70538 966699 469866 770094 993264 251762 667546 993264 516576 469866 844329 231080 917661 347715 1029617 281369 178102 797130 469866 183758 282593 215734 330919 439646 777107 879404 37146 591788 849060 223524 85234 835335 892576 382038 822244 362841 689746 458609 39517 958500 Gucci Priest: How a Russian Orthodox Priest Got Busted for His Swag Account After more than a year of Vyacheslav Baskakov flexing on his account, the Instagram influencer gods have finally granted him the exposure that he craved as the past week has proven. However, such a blessing becomes a bit complicated when you already have quite enough God in your life, which is definitely the case for Baskakov, who moonlights as a Russian Orthodox priest when he's not posting photos of Gucci and Louis Vuitton swag, from bamboo-handled It bags to LV-monogrammed pool slides. There's plenty more where that came from, though it's certainly more difficult to discover now that Baskakov's account, @archpriesttver, has been deleted, having sufficiently sent the Russian Orthodox Church into an uproar. Unfortunately, the outrage is not owing to jealousy or indignation that Baskakov would choose to stunt with such flashy goods in the midst of a renaissance of Phoebe Philo era Céline . Instead, each and every luxury item is apparently evidence that Baskakov is guilty of the cardinal sin of attempting to be chic, which the church prefers to view as leading an "immodest and unrestrained lifestyle," according to the spokesperson who announced that a disciplinary committee has been charged with investigating Baskakov's posts, as well as attempting to "return him to his senses." He has, at the very least, already sensed that it was time for him to atone. Taking full responsibility for the photos, which he said date back to at least a year ago, Baskakov has since issued a public apology and offered his penance: "I am very ashamed and I bear full responsibility for this," he said in a " penitential letter " sent to and published by Ahila, a Christian news outlet, continuing with statements quite unlike those usually made in a confessional box. "I will suffer penance and shut down the Instagram since I can't behave myself humbly and appropriately." According to Baskakov, he started out posting with good intentions. His effort to be "an open person," however, ended up backfiring, leading him astray to the practice he'd been "warned of": constantly posting on social media. It's no surprise, then, that through those posts, he also took up the common practice of glamorizing his life; most of that swag, apparently, wasn't even his in the first place. "The majority of the pictures were taken inside shops," he clarified. "No priest can afford such things." All that's understandable enough and certainly a better excuse than the one that the head of the Russian Orthodox Church came up with when held accountable for his own swag-related misdeeds, in 2009. In attempt to circumvent the scandal, the church issued perhaps the first-ever statement in its centuries-long history to address an "absurd mistake by the photo department" a phrase intended to explain how they ended up releasing a photo of the bishop featuring a reflection in the exact shape of a Breguet watch, worth an estimated $30,000, that he owns, yet no corresponding watch on his wrist. But Baskakov wasn't finished. Writing from a hospital, he gave yet another excuse for his transgressions, citing a doctor's past suggestion to treat his trigeminal neuralgia with a "change of scenery" including, um, wearing different clothing as the reason why he began changing up the shoes and scarves he wore with his usual cassock. Alas, it was the flex that ultimately led to his undoing. The church, it turns out, doesn't care that Baskakov actually sewed Gucci like buckles onto his own inexpensive shoes instead of buying the real thing. (Though if they let him reactivate his account, there's certainly a chance that Alessandro Michele , ever on the prowl on Instagram , might.) Related: How a Dungeons & Dragons Loving, Self-Professed "Geek" Ended Up Painting Gucci's Spring 2018 Campaign The Young Pope Tries Out 11 High Fashion Runway Looks
BBQVkMz 29 autos autosownership 207439 37146 347715 939979 536691 1029617 837292 988417 1028937 505326 311155 883842 692172 223212 377137 415782 485191 563541 354310 692172 897742 469866 498360 81844 523206 655290 811866 952356 1017702 939979 774869 1029617 976374 740942 366025 993264 243500 811866 2 671047 231080 505327 884001 109045 50528 329810 1021798 621715 692172 1029617 263651 534818 231080 893152 831797 469866 114386 605038 37146 1029617 280077 65120 469866 605038 415782 968943 717239 263651 231080 398441 37146 379334 37146 695978 976284 1021798 231080 592031 1029617 935548 65120 469866 111314 415782 15966 692172 704538 692172 263651 567616 914422 547206 469866 581000 840252 897742 407678 16430 109045 1001684 185441 575878 32424 251762 370608 692172 275396 939979 1029617 184935 231080 85234 976971 831797 580317 420543 993264 581000 469866 621160 514348 468948 469866 605038 37146 563559 490141 939979 226871 847775 782457 231080 97725 935548 1022118 939979 543754 251016 567616 382408 592986 280155 1017702 939979 374074 448170 939979 374074 251314 724526 939979 856162 514348 251762 263651 37146 823516 469866 111314 935105 366234 231080 937097 195413 29400 993264 970159 567616 274999 149777 37146 745062 1025992 786816 299781 502008 468948 1017702 939979 774869 131264 288069 490141 514490 856162 469866 333415 152359 374074 993264 251762 440341 514348 1029617 968943 341485 651014 827364 231080 Here's How to Detail a Car With Really Thin Paint Larry Kosilla of Ammo NYC has detailed all sorts of cars, so he understands that you sometimes have to take a different approach depending on what you're detailing. This Maserati MC12 Corsa was in need of a paint correction. Trouble is, because it's a race car, it has very thin paint. That's where Kosilla's expertise comes in. Unlike a normal car, which has lots of layers of paint and clear coat, track-only cars like this MC12 save weight by keeping the number of coats to a minimum. The result is faster times on track, but for detailers, it's another thing to worry about damaging. Using normal procedures to remove dirt and buff out scratches have to be altered to be less aggressive to account for the paint's fragility, which Kosilla describes here. Follow MSN Autos on Facebook and Twitter It's an interesting look at how detailers have to take every little thing into account, lest they be on the hook for a very expensive repaint bill.
BBQVogQ 30 weather weathertopstories 224625 912083 997640 725837 231080 973381 514348 977098 325361 299781 928725 853975 860304 97786 1029523 768614 724902 862133 22315 469866 274219 231080 656090 231080 469866 655400 197521 514348 346246 1030706 737071 939979 251762 875783 928725 469866 152359 217840 745062 49671 295761 251762 930753 152359 625886 939979 1026531 993264 774341 901860 737931 382343 575878 780603 800688 231080 97725 856295 567616 77948 122862 469866 152359 399416 44762 510729 939979 948080 1029617 28531 692172 731870 37709 498360 768614 679136 634364 316915 993264 567616 733493 935417 159790 567616 798771 118690 514348 346246 737071 231080 585787 468709 15880 575744 469866 251762 362367 877942 382343 251762 510729 231080 224625 193119 943145 374914 605038 486080 485139 778083 725837 231080 494724 522282 939979 667592 251762 501880 61178 939979 862133 22315 242522 575878 251762 921888 432248 655290 403161 448640 692172 749347 567616 650502 993264 251762 420082 928725 853975 860304 567616 502473 617532 19907 567616 885351 226093 231080 398441 61178 469866 152359 218362 469866 415782 448779 605038 197134 939979 1026531 456774 514348 152054 477138 231080 571539 774341 939979 943509 57857 353722 749522 753905 939979 914422 1029617 341891 692172 251762 930753 498360 28904 679136 7210 251762 535886 224625 63097 608441 655290 486080 143379 139719 457501 469866 224625 681809 231080 9488 231080 661380 218362 1021798 745062 869049 748938 539914 85234 446 628634 231080 768614 943145 575885 860515 231080 571539 568690 592986 567616 448779 655290 456824 231080 585787 81844 218362 605038 37146 840252 1029617 276143 663520 231080 571539 428594 1029617 592846 692172 510729 778083 469866 567616 1029617 592846 692172 655290 510729 568690 431877 514490 251762 362367 231080 31493 28904 2 840252 312477 939979 374074 526257 939979 267932 655290 1029617 526488 420543 469866 729142 655290 469866 320482 28904 753905 815095 1017702 251762 510729 155587 939979 733031 655290 580504 692172 246744 469866 218362 469866 415546 692172 19305 231080 435179 231080 224625 912083 656585 718137 231080 768614 959932 638147 935881 1029617 313215 1021798 251464 939979 798771 118690 964596 939979 737071 231080 801682 692172 655290 721443 123072 691517 156429 333804 73164 935417 159790 918643 939979 22315 724902 257897 469866 498360 655290 626255 575885 704829 939160 238726 567616 77948 778679 168176 231080 85234 930753 721059 374074 276266 44762 939979 353389 251762 156429 469866 621160 251762 977098 737931 911150 444589 692172 605038 382343 231080 838011 683127 939979 251762 930753 469866 251762 184955 197749 247882 778558 692172 387128 655290 118897 251762 32743 737931 592986 621922 567616 729211 918643 354422 469866 279380 204947 939979 721443 514799 231080 948801 1029617 370608 692172 1025909 655400 36244 469866 547180 292228 403145 231080 603384 469866 873413 552556 469866 160723 811330 304596 567616 263271 923009 299781 862133 22315 655400 255089 469866 73164 346246 201261 655400 403161 452986 57700 36244 231080 648589 692172 77948 749347 655400 972015 36244 575878 251762 45583 567616 387128 469866 547180 424268 655290 972015 721059 370607 374074 449006 231080 9488 231080 727917 488112 469866 283584 692172 251762 224625 912083 469866 700877 852913 16430 457501 655290 1029617 370608 692172 251762 749347 943145 498360 510531 655290 605038 296137 485139 964134 939979 667592 317285 231080 253323 469866 81844 218362 152359 931604 374074 564313 231080 218362 655290 1029617 592846 692172 251762 201478 749347 993264 251762 860304 655400 402982 526257 939979 935953 251762 977098 469866 498360 605038 263525 395551 939979 758106 1021798 1030294 390631 655290 486080 374074 564552 939979 575974 910314 231080 780603 467515 469866 111314 448779 774442 1021798 251762 409401 768905 1021798 483987 469866 217944 36244 806387 272679 912408 313774 469866 567616 655290 762274 461476 469866 218362 109714 231080 237822 669329 469866 38013 320212 231080 469866 831797 847775 552556 522282 231080 149777 37146 69738 338131 914422 243500 584365 780017 493868 787015 514348 251762 977098 325361 231080 218362 477365 222432 831797 939979 147830 923384 477365 768614 943145 539610 939979 497822 231080 571539 486080 629638 939979 860515 251762 1014188 28904 621715 939979 860515 939979 798771 358281 456774 539610 469866 81844 218362 231080 585787 726998 493868 69738 798771 251762 12110 655290 726998 621715 939979 374074 526257 939979 745361 251762 317111 655290 37146 901860 238194 514348 1021798 251762 659125 955825 490098 231080 Marine Corps says $3.6B for storm repairs at East Coast base WASHINGTON When Marines from Camp Lejeune, N.C., were preparing for their upcoming deployment to the Middle East, they faced an unusual challenge: the beach they needed to train on had been washed away by Hurricane Florence. Using bulldozers and other equipment, they moved enough sand to rebuild a portion of Onslow Beach so Marines could practice moving on and off landing craft and get certified for their deployment. But almost immediately afterward, the ocean swept away the sand. Marine leaders are saying it will cost around $3.6 billion to repair the extensive damage to Camp Lejeune caused by the September hurricane that destroyed hundreds of buildings and facilities on the major East Coast base and spawned massive flooding and coastal erosion. That damage, they said, has made it harder to train forces for overseas deployments. "We had to go through extraordinary efforts just to clear a patch of the beach so we could certify the 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit that will deploy next week," Marine Lt. Gen. Mark Brilakis said in an interview Thursday with The Associated Press. "Marines are can-do. We went out and made that happen." But he said it's only a temporary solution. "We pushed a lot of sand around, and a lot of that sand went back into the ocean. So we're only going to be able to repeat that a couple times, if that, before we just don't have the sand available to create that kind of capability," said Brilakis, commander of U.S. Marine Corps Forces Command. Marines conduct exercises twice a year in order to get certified prior to deployment. Part of that training involved bringing ships -- such as landing craft -- down to Lejeune from Norfolk, so that troops can rehearse combat landings and other mission drills. The beach must be wide enough to accommodate the ships, but the storm washed too much of it away. In addition to the beach, the more than 30 inches of rain that flooded the region washed out roads and knocked down trees, blocking access to training ranges. And a number of hangars were damaged, causing maintenance delays. Meanwhile, nearly 5,000 military personnel and family members at Camp Lejeune were displaced, as their homes were destroyed or roofs damaged. Hundreds of other buildings were also damaged by the wind and rain, causing mold that also must now be removed. Gen. Robert Neller, commandant of the Marine Corps, told senators this week that a number of the buildings are so old that it isn't cost effective to repair them. Instead, he said they should be rebuilt. Brilakis said that a lot of the newer buildings on the base were better able to withstand the storm, so it makes sense to put in new construction that will be up to current codes. Hurricane Michael, which made landfall in the Florida Panhandle in October, heavily damaged Tyndall Air Force Base, and that price tag, said Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., is about $5 billion. It's not yet clear what funding Congress may provide for the storm repairs. Brilakis said his priority is to make sure his Marines are ready to fight. "We will continue to do the things we need to do to get our forces ready," he said. "But I may not get the resources that I need to be able to ensure the readiness that's been asked for in the national defense strategy."
BBQVsdJ 31 music music-grammys 614710 515582 37146 375243 693209 270099 692172 849060 614710 515582 774341 745062 510892 313215 169040 673104 506409 299781 251762 644223 939979 713010 238611 394898 843684 939979 304715 1029617 506538 399368 567616 968943 906771 687546 251762 998049 313215 510531 37146 313215 329810 259576 939979 725387 231080 340824 717252 605038 563541 733493 469866 614710 972015 193639 238611 238528 749382 469866 1029617 259123 914938 26351 231080 463176 57658 514348 614710 37146 375243 843773 535225 692172 849060 169040 539954 231080 678047 988417 404740 14263 299781 251762 644223 614710 412218 251762 313215 733493 861105 469866 539914 1029617 346132 358542 613547 692172 833540 299781 251762 862594 83002 231080 804129 539914 404740 14263 469866 251762 997580 61059 567616 651091 679087 614710 411412 918643 251762 860716 539914 1029617 918943 881924 692172 251762 836669 720876 609626 231080 930591 251762 947996 700398 592986 993264 251762 197797 864461 152359 655400 284080 514348 469866 614710 753905 1001689 230288 498105 514348 139719 313215 37146 864560 231080 70270 231080 405093 722982 692172 266178 672549 158865 838011 231497 469866 614710 354507 415703 539914 238611 394898 432744 843684 469866 722982 692172 266178 231080 988417 395164 592727 783140 407678 190196 790174 111314 448779 238611 251762 238528 522500 968654 939979 720876 370608 259576 993264 251762 626953 534783 1021798 184955 197749 227001 260050 567616 726998 71832 149777 469866 614710 37146 469550 423648 862594 259557 122738 73164 98575 358560 231080 585787 251762 1030294 683802 234247 993548 535613 169040 838011 921888 469866 912128 843215 90507 266676 266676 469866 111314 819373 614710 469866 748700 1027918 567616 500577 231080 356022 1029617 692117 708654 469866 614710 600759 1029617 1030294 144051 469866 241255 469866 238611 238528 1030294 683802 968765 713010 238611 843684 231080 655877 1029617 976971 692172 238611 427832 313215 469866 614710 147323 251762 238528 522500 968654 939979 1017702 840591 370608 737515 993264 626953 37146 564402 32054 231080 725837 231080 235992 393823 993264 381774 47596 871363 268593 444589 164682 469866 614710 642066 238611 733574 1021798 251762 238812 477404 243489 911250 506409 73164 251762 885798 737245 993264 381774 47596 871363 1021798 231497 231080 372469 539904 1029617 7997 255259 135322 469866 614710 563678 514348 238611 234913 613547 692172 251762 997143 469866 238883 514348 1029617 159931 592707 889623 655290 489402 238611 810845 757852 567616 160374 231080 903144 231080 998688 803028 85234 93496 196183 876504 862887 718448 988417 238611 526928 498270 810845 993264 399142 378414 469866 614710 345712 862887 718448 939979 427924 864870 85234 93496 196183 231080 149777 329810 259576 993017 522252 131549 951424 563559 469866 539914 614710 968114 733574 725001 642853 469866 848064 386779 567616 304618 169635 692172 945947 539914 251762 700369 852684 864870 231080 252362 251762 127026 692172 251762 346132 469866 614710 758198 238611 613547 663385 575878 861168 241255 767311 539914 745062 646061 724902 85234 311400 231080 552556 231080 678047 624362 299781 626953 900413 909031 83002 85234 510892 185072 753905 325062 993264 951599 469866 621160 399452 329810 184955 1005937 847775 197749 238611 968943 263704 275254 299781 251762 626953 900413 909031 83002 231080 614710 840529 1021798 1029617 159931 592707 469866 612920 840312 889623 469866 911250 972917 840602 251762 1001759 539914 500577 939979 86280 251762 571235 144051 706788 859140 231080 85234 613547 881220 951424 614710 423648 972917 952569 374074 131898 882015 465611 733493 320482 362762 238611 288069 259576 231080 494724 231080 235992 138572 71943 661613 838011 341907 614710 37146 238812 865325 131549 692172 251762 313215 469866 251762 968654 498270 1021798 661083 655290 972917 567616 238611 848792 308282 469866 661613 469866 774341 295605 57858 251762 922945 1021798 921888 836669 231080 138572 423648 251762 69722 993264 274999 469866 366815 238611 415703 655290 972917 62033 939979 77776 655290 24594 692172 251762 131549 155777 514348 477361 231080 655877 514348 655290 102738 844405 1021798 483987 836669 994062 726998 213325 567616 856744 972631 724976 498360 444589 514348 74078 506743 514348 238785 939979 1017702 655290 890232 131549 655290 131264 184708 411585 692172 1026616 81844 477314 918643 993264 259576 621588 567616 758106 1029617 168765 993264 972631 737183 567616 81844 497741 655290 514348 238785 469866 972917 57204 231080 589466 231080 814758 763538 26351 27229 951424 304715 238611 506538 399368 469866 614710 423648 655290 972917 567616 661613 774341 193639 346246 259123 469866 26351 231080 46779 26351 37146 939080 469866 614710 600759 592986 692172 238611 877748 423648 317311 539914 404740 14263 469866 947449 238611 259123 73164 238611 481751 514348 403867 580420 231080 838011 921888 469866 614710 415746 415703 346246 238528 185068 299781 238611 288069 259576 469866 539914 1029617 989275 692172 26351 37146 753810 231080 1023504 16430 692117 469866 614710 247468 251762 238528 473574 692172 238611 259123 37146 774244 469866 757404 238611 469866 348252 588485 231080 507064 231080 348368 251762 978942 398590 909031 83002 2624 891774 563217 818729 356022 168556 951424 362762 238611 259123 469866 614710 197587 939979 251762 1001759 939979 864870 251762 978942 398590 909031 83002 231080 85234 241255 420430 840529 1021798 1029617 931524 469866 589010 337349 1026616 972917 881220 592986 333308 243500 922479 939979 374074 1029617 97955 231080 817748 415703 655400 238499 847775 251762 547858 692172 493670 1029617 185068 299781 26351 469866 621160 469866 1026616 614710 906669 251762 378235 469866 972917 993017 498270 1029617 1024361 917525 231080 149777 329810 1029617 44861 238528 852684 431877 299781 898742 469866 73164 614710 840602 580420 840591 864461 231080 573101 231080 817080 988417 183272 558290 305999 458609 901676 867677 251762 238812 650977 614710 848775 692172 251762 313215 881220 1026616 972917 567616 183272 558290 477314 514490 1029617 497822 213589 884148 720334 458609 901676 231080 85234 687386 568690 918643 299781 251762 949725 37146 268749 618801 862822 798692 1026616 469866 221670 939979 745062 522487 469866 614710 461060 469866 567616 708654 457390 238611 82318 299781 469866 183272 231080 46779 251762 547334 469866 614710 349455 655290 183272 448779 798540 847775 972631 753329 939979 774869 543023 692172 972631 259123 231080 1004430 807581 469866 251762 197797 469543 1017702 44860 951424 972276 77948 539914 183272 242548 655290 972917 329810 53195 575878 251762 497822 469866 911250 614710 218362 972917 836532 671099 575878 251762 687386 231080 935988 231080 2624 458609 939979 1029617 299631 884148 84212 299781 251762 41791 909031 83002 614710 288574 118974 1021798 483987 1026616 972917 758198 564552 939979 251762 41791 909031 83002 1021798 1029617 684135 164097 135322 231080 85234 154830 420430 596991 477404 73164 972917 32674 1021798 1029617 848778 950 59135 337349 469866 111314 819373 1029617 952433 57301 869486 231080 185872 539914 931524 469866 790305 469866 148379 567616 201932 733176 469866 614710 510185 238611 786816 539914 1029617 415941 741344 567616 960146 469866 57093 489425 231080 149777 770619 251762 786816 329810 1029617 106724 259576 514348 614710 469866 432869 354504 840591 864461 655290 852684 231080 362841 231080 867204 1029617 459435 196183 838011 459472 469866 459435 423648 1029617 1030294 415552 506549 539914 614710 469866 83296 251762 748518 567616 212883 231080 726998 231080 73164 600995 231080 1029523 202949 469673 939979 614710 469866 972917 498270 243500 486080 869464 163017 215659 691422 724902 77948 506549 692172 655290 572144 231080 571539 2 295605 798958 514348 378607 642330 600504 231080 71832 469866 473559 860515 407678 683802 469866 65976 469866 563541 774898 559614 1014188 469866 28904 2 798958 514348 787033 600504 469866 378607 642330 600504 469866 972917 218362 231080 726998 791324 798958 514348 251762 139719 614710 515582 231080 222839 231080 643701 306332 541769 1029617 982775 398441 24523 692117 469866 614710 292053 399727 251762 811830 514348 745062 213300 481751 231080 85234 968654 840602 939979 516576 939979 799283 251762 69722 655290 972917 774341 123332 1029617 860716 514348 238611 712799 469866 36927 972917 275345 1029617 592521 231080 34715 313215 110689 329810 498360 973009 939979 497609 972631 712799 1029617 860716 621160 251762 737515 110689 329810 576265 514348 238611 156638 299781 972631 762274 263741 469866 972917 531523 1021798 762217 231080 726998 53858 567616 53858 567616 370607 726998 791324 366234 169040 169040 254504 811866 580293 432869 230905 238785 939979 147830 972631 196837 411585 122738 370973 169040 264718 972631 827919 1029617 860716 169040 169040 375243 231080 676401 460055 673104 661613 614710 37146 53126 313215 881220 539914 745062 247659 753728 242350 1026616 251762 968654 423648 655290 972917 774341 1026442 724902 238611 724976 231080 838011 251762 968765 984662 516576 684269 469866 614710 57204 655290 1014188 753905 625655 901860 169024 592986 398857 630518 514348 1029617 881647 465611 231080 85234 687546 69722 881220 951424 102588 56896 692172 951878 600476 661613 469866 111314 918462 914420 951424 614710 423648 238611 733574 231080 1004430 251762 36027 469866 661613 415782 317338 655290 81844 906593 614710 231080 Cardi B's 13 Best Moments of 2018 Cardi B had an unforgettable year! From performing at the GRAMMYs to releasing her debut album to revealing a secret marriage -- and very public divorce -- the 26-year-old's year was one to remember. To top it all off, Cardi also welcomed her first child, a daughter named Kulture. Keep reading for Cardi's 13 best moments of 2018! 1. Performs With Bruno Mars at the GRAMMYs Cardi started the year off right, with a show-stopping performance of "Finesse" at the GRAMMY Awards. Along with Bruno Mars, the rainbow bra-and-shorts-clad Cardi brought down the house with a live rendition of the 2017 hit song. While the pair lost out on the two awards they were nominated for, Cardi just scored four nominations for next year's ceremony. 2. Drops Invasion of Privacy & Breaks Records In April, Cardi wowed fans with her debut studio album, Invasion of Privacy . With instantly iconic songs like "Bodak Yellow" -- which made her the first female rapper to hit number one on the Billboard charts in more than 20 years -- and "I Like It," Cardi's recently announced GRAMMY nods come as no surprise. But the new music didn't stop there! In September, DJ Snake released "Taki Taki," which featured Cardi, Selena Gomez and Ozuna. Just a month later, Cardi dropped a new single , "Money," her first new music since releasing her album. As a result of her blockbuster year, Cardi became the first female rapper to have three number ones on Billboard's singles chart. 3. Confirms Pregnancy on Saturday Night Live After much speculation , Cardi confirmed her pregnancy in the most incredible way -- while performing as the musical guest on Saturday Night Live in April. Initially wearing a stomach-hiding ensemble, Cardi changed for her second performance of the evening, opting for a figure-hugging dress that displayed her bump loud and proud. 4. Co-hosts The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon With her newly revealed bump on full display, Cardi joined Jimmy Fallon to co-host The Tonight Show . It was one hilariously awkward moment after another, with Cardi discussing pregnancy-induced strength, doing impressions and playing "Box of Lies" with the late-night host. At the end of the show, Cardi showed her performance prowess by singing "Money Bag" with an assist from The Roots. 5. Performs Pregnant at Billboard Latin Music Awards The unforgettable performances just kept on coming, but none was more talked about than her very pregnant appearance at the Billboard Latin Music Awards. Cardi stunned in a figure-hugging, bubblegum pink dress, while she took the stage with Ozuna to perform the Spanglish single "La Modelo." The performance came after Cardi announced she'd be taking some time off before welcoming her little one. 6. Confirms She Married Offset In perhaps Cardi's most shocking moment of the year, the rapper revealed in June that she and her supposed fiance, Offset, had actually tied the knot in September 2017. She announced the news on Twitter, telling her fans that she wanted to keep that spur-of-the-moment decision for herself. As for that proposal onstage in October 2017? "I appreciate and love my husband so much for still wanting for me to have that special moment that every girl dreams of when he got down on one knee and put a ring on my finger and he did that for me," she explained. 7. Welcomes Daughter Kulture Shortly after revealing her secret marriage, Cardi announced that she and Offset had welcomed their daughter , Kulture. Following Kulture's birth, Cardi dropped out of her previously announced tour with Bruno Mars, citing her daughter as her reason for staying home. In September, Cardi gave fans their first peek at her little one, with a pic of Kulture's hands . Earlier this month, Cardi shared the first photo of her daughter's face, calling her, "My heart." 8. Opens the MTV Video Music Awards (& Takes Home Three Trophies) Just months after welcoming her daughter, Cardi returned to the stage to host the MTV Video Music Awards. The "Money" singer stunned in a red, strapless gown when she came out holding what appeared to be a baby. Many fans were excited about the possibility of getting a peek at Kulture, but, when Cardi opened the blanket, she hilariously revealed a Moon Person. It was a good first night back at work, as Cardi took home three awards. 9. Fights With Nicki Minaj During Fashion Week Perhaps the most-publicized Cardi story of the year came when she and Nicki Minaj got into a fight during New York Fashion Week. The brawl went down at the Harper's Bazaar Celebrates Icons event when, according to an eyewitness, Cardi lunged, and later threw her shoe at, Nicki. Following the encounter, Cardi claimed that Nicki made "comments about my abilities to take care of my daughter." Since then, the two rappers have gone after each other with Nicki claiming that she was "humiliated" by the fight, while Cardi said she wasn't embarrassed by the brawl. 10. Takes Fashion to a Whole New Level at the American Music Awards Cardi turned heads in October when she showed up to the American Music Awards in a stunning floral ensemble . The "Ring" singer looked incredible as she posed in a striking Dolce & Gabbana gown, which featured a thigh-high slit. Adorned with red, blue, yellow and white flowers, Cardi finished her look with a matching headdress and gold, dangling earrings. It seems the look was a lucky one for Cardi, who won three awards that night. 11. Lands a Netflix Show In November, Netflix announced a new competition series with Cardi, Chance the Rapper and T.I. as judges. When ET spoke to Cardi, she revealed what will set Rhythm + Flow apart from other series of that ilk. "We're actually looking for hip-hop artists. Like, people do like music, talent, all these dancing things, we're looking for rap artists, hip-hop artists," she said. "I'm looking for the next Cardi B." 12. Buys Her Mom a House That same month, Cardi graciously spread the wealth for an amazing reason. The rapper took to Instagram to share the news that she had purchased a house for her mom, something she called "a dream." "Last year i was so thirsty to buy my mom a house but the ones i was interested for her weren't at my price range," she wrote in part. "I worked and worked and now I'm here!! Thank you everybody who supported me to make my childhood dreams come true! Buy my momma a house!!" 13. Announces Split From Offset Cardi's giant year came with an unfortunate final act when the rapper announced that she had split from her husband. In the since-deleted Instagram video, Cardi explained that "things just haven't been working out between us for a long time." The divorce news came after multiple allegations of infidelity against Offset, which began circulating after Cardi announced her pregnancy. Since the announcement, Offset has tweeted that he misses Cardi.
BBQW2Cq 32 news newsus 385739 408008 914523 275026 721059 362101 939979 996875 778113 85234 221051 528232 23384 464050 590181 218362 605038 486080 943509 831395 139719 313215 729142 605038 57132 69738 629638 939979 147830 468926 469866 378639 939979 708534 543023 312827 514348 923009 692172 292157 193599 231080 979550 906922 969445 1018934 218362 251762 452527 514348 412107 251762 242487 831797 459472 416567 231080 31493 469866 729142 28904 815095 234353 185232 485139 597259 398857 370607 567616 251762 139719 28104 168556 469866 28904 943145 312477 939979 374074 139914 592986 692172 810869 139719 313215 469866 1018934 218362 231080 85234 221051 9094 480012 692172 676969 572484 979550 37146 242487 514348 251762 238528 465611 1021798 914523 518487 1021798 921888 231080 85234 49455 242487 189102 939979 234353 184955 197749 49855 3569 1021798 468926 753905 939979 749339 547350 469866 221670 939979 9094 595966 883111 232300 231080 133806 979550 8907 975393 81152 232300 823832 567616 889368 251762 242487 692172 184955 197749 1029617 287778 634592 964102 469866 378639 405131 339352 469866 315189 469866 538150 962357 469866 501307 607988 567616 673085 573648 231080 979550 218362 605038 848164 184955 197749 989746 3569 1021798 468926 498360 588386 231080 340824 798771 794403 939979 292157 452684 469866 251762 914523 238194 292157 234355 955747 155605 193599 939979 115324 1021798 567616 687273 939979 184955 460507 708534 312827 231080 735081 592986 692172 234355 692172 251762 955747 155605 193599 1017702 708112 939979 184955 460507 708534 312827 469866 493598 251762 221051 528232 884816 977724 231080 571539 15938 28904 486080 1001684 398857 362841 3569 939979 123732 3569 469866 1018934 218362 231080 505327 831797 745062 171994 379334 28904 873733 564552 939979 1021798 882015 798511 622393 469866 160723 514348 745062 419792 939979 787015 164107 708534 543391 514348 251762 419792 567616 251762 78068 692172 346246 263271 231080 398441 37146 840656 231080 979550 279502 563541 708534 543023 77453 514348 794540 567616 346246 378390 469866 378639 823351 231080 232300 997640 251762 914523 37146 708534 543023 692426 831797 564399 184955 197749 634592 964102 231080 112127 225801 251762 419792 139755 831797 209066 251762 238812 865195 567616 238812 964134 243489 939979 943509 469866 232300 218362 231080 926560 840252 1017702 939979 943509 918643 251762 226623 939979 538150 962357 452986 405131 339352 914523 939979 948157 251762 460584 692172 27918 231080 241686 434911 469866 539914 769551 620223 639989 469866 111314 383061 333636 567616 36047 333636 469866 218362 230288 955747 155605 193599 345712 456774 567616 869155 131264 924712 539914 251762 914523 540234 251762 121925 27900 69738 939979 514043 231080 571539 1017702 98575 299892 539914 251762 121925 231080 85234 121925 415782 848015 939979 943509 667692 231080 948801 655290 37146 346246 213468 469866 434911 218362 231080 593735 592846 692172 251762 193599 1017702 1029617 592846 692172 633890 539914 251762 914523 469866 567616 939979 374074 118995 469866 1029617 592846 692172 605038 831797 371019 114386 692172 1005682 634364 231080 88046 469866 28904 1017702 643009 358281 753810 251762 246744 939979 272084 16430 918587 231080 434911 218362 604507 121925 831797 251762 131465 692172 251762 234355 193599 299781 778083 70270 469866 185685 923009 251762 77948 955747 155605 193599 123072 1017702 70270 469866 160723 923009 679102 231080 979550 37146 708534 543023 263688 943145 935988 469866 160723 300145 725293 419792 522361 939979 634592 964102 469866 434911 218362 231080 398441 37146 477314 939979 357736 469866 434911 218362 231080 85234 121925 90507 1029617 564437 939979 469866 374914 1021798 762217 85234 242487 567927 299781 251762 221051 528232 23384 464050 590181 831797 510531 69722 93496 121925 486080 374074 20332 1029617 377763 569881 22904 8907 558637 655290 851997 16430 659019 324884 989404 469866 567616 267943 251762 226138 431877 379334 605038 934922 993264 251762 239152 231080 85234 408008 720502 831797 906577 748938 299781 494724 3665 231080 231080 231080 224527 469866 98575 683752 502008 28904 943145 1021798 16430 1000933 469866 259576 490141 831797 968943 914422 571539 943145 563541 1021798 251762 24523 1000933 370607 231080 948801 493566 28904 943145 312477 939979 292559 452986 944044 642912 469866 434911 218362 231080 190709 985409 642409 567616 346246 238510 943145 366025 993264 630518 939979 798771 16430 861105 231080 726998 338004 28904 308677 605038 939979 221051 939979 798771 16430 861105 231080 558672 133806 385739 408008 914523 275026 721059 362101 939979 996875 778113 499265 529435 776562 773449 502035 231080 71358 251762 659019 187316 469866 1016862 567616 221051 69722 567616 981323 724902 251762 776562 69722 477893 231080 Sac school district: Unions must help to avoid bankruptcy The Sacramento City Unified School District said it will go bankrupt next year if it does not continue to make cuts, including to health care plans for members of its unions. SCUSD spokesperson Alex Barrios said the deadline for resolving the budget is November 2019. "So, if we don't find significant cost savings between now and the next few months, we are going to be running out of cash next year," Barrios said. The Sacramento County Office of Education rejected SCUSD's budget for the first time in district history in September. The revised budget needs to find more than $28 million in cuts just to break even, according to County Superintendent Dave Gordon. | MORE | SCUSD Budget Review Updates Gordon oversees and approves the budget of more than a dozen surrounding districts, including Elk Grove, Natomas, San Juan, Twin Rivers and Folsom-Cordova. SCUSD said it found more than $19 million in cuts so far. To get closer to its goal, the district asked its five collective bargaining unions to step in and agree to more affordable health plans. Four out of five of the collective bargaining unions have agreed to more affordable health plans, except the Sacramento City Teachers Association. "We know we will save between $11 million to $16 million," Barrios said. "This is an area where we spend up to -- in some cases -- $35,000 for an employee to provide free health insurance for the employee and the rest of their family. That's unsustainable." SCUSD covers all health care costs for employees and their dependents, including copay. Gordon says the district's health care spending is significantly more than surrounding districts. "Collaboration among the employee organizations is always the most positive and most effective way to go," Gordon said. "You only have to go down the road to San Juan or Elk Grove district to see the benefits of collaboration." Richard Owen, with United Professional Educators, which represents principals and assistant principals, said four collective bargaining unions joined forces and meet every Friday with the district; the SCTA chose not to attend. "We have no communication with the SCTA. The SCTA has decided to go solo. And that's their choice," Owen said. "A lot of the unions have a lot of distrust with the district, and to be honest, a lot of it is warranted because of past practice. However, we have within our hands the capability to solve this crisis." Owen said although SCTA is the largest of the five unions -- at around 2,400 members -- the other collective bargaining unions involved have 2,000 members combined. SCUSD's health care policies are $10,000 higher per employee compared to surrounding districts, Owen said. "That's got to change," Owen said. The SCTA released a statement to KCRA3, saying in part: "The budget fiasco at the Sacramento City Unified School District is old news… Tonight SCTA will be presenting a Students First Rebalancing Budget Proposal that addresses this latest financial scandal, and returns the focus back where it belongs on the students." The school board is meeting Thursday at 6 p... "Listen, no matter how we are in this boat, one thing is very clear: We are all in the same boat now. And either we are going to sink or swim together," Owen said. "Fifty-thousand kids and their families are depending on us to get this right. I think we owe it to Sacramento to get this right." READ MORE: Sac school district: Unions must help to avoid bankruptcy CHECK OUT KCRA: Stay informed. Get the latest Modesto, Stockton and Sacramento news and weather from the KCRA news team.
BBQWW5Q 33 finance finance-companies 365288 815705 939979 993117 748693 762445 469866 843796 24523 667712 671659 569595 432869 575729 748693 1023858 1021798 947630 692172 185228 251454 567616 77948 52991 432633 1017702 197587 514348 292157 49177 671659 231080 545209 251762 238528 465611 1021798 260050 469866 251762 593466 313215 510531 762347 469866 111314 679290 514348 778113 1021798 483987 469866 176868 350092 24523 667712 671659 143557 73164 49177 671659 299781 468872 762445 456974 1021798 333739 469866 221670 939979 378328 89988 231080 748693 250935 49855 727170 444511 567616 1018692 1005180 748693 762445 213589 251762 337775 655290 910455 838582 231080 725837 231080 748693 176868 24523 667712 671659 160064 575878 725837 231080 70270 510584 1021798 251762 119513 337775 724902 251762 275959 313215 469866 73164 604739 766550 514348 910375 993264 708146 469866 869066 469866 868907 567616 613825 231080 946714 299781 762445 238879 299781 156083 1029617 313215 600759 514348 292157 580420 225821 976214 567616 200878 3093 469866 73164 251762 832367 692172 251762 831395 378328 37146 548208 65225 501948 748693 61974 1030010 231080 727170 37146 24523 667712 671659 749713 575878 494724 231080 539954 510584 469866 73164 604739 259000 708146 469866 580420 201220 567616 366854 231080 365288 655400 251314 576265 1021798 415491 292157 770182 567616 629911 317082 452986 271569 259663 299781 727170 527013 73164 604739 259000 617272 692172 214356 201220 231080 15161 7894 514348 251762 119513 337775 600759 939979 70270 231080 62339 522282 469866 918643 371169 231080 494724 510584 724902 725837 231080 956980 522282 213589 251762 24523 465611 943818 403454 313215 231080 85234 378328 439924 251762 94013 939979 617272 762445 535289 469866 111314 419461 514348 404392 3569 700398 1021798 671659 231080 569595 799464 131684 724902 251762 762347 37146 848666 3753 419461 514348 227110 3569 692172 251762 7894 94013 231080 838011 459472 469866 251762 762347 354504 852211 73157 514348 243709 3569 1021798 778113 633982 231080 85234 391066 486080 163740 605038 939979 77776 535289 57857 251762 774359 73164 605038 408158 939979 848656 231080 627145 347358 22291 37146 448619 588432 495470 1023858 415782 102905 1029617 903144 231080 494724 522282 201505 939979 497609 251762 378328 231080 Shoppers return to liquidating Sears stores, boosting same-store sales Customers who abandoned Sears Holdings in favor of shopping online and other discount retailers have returned for its liquidation sales. For the first time in years, the 125-year-old retailer, which filed for bankruptcy in October, saw quarterly same-store sales grow as liquidation sales at closing stores lured in shoppers, according to company filings. Sears closed 28 Kmart locations and 73 domestic Sears stores during the quarter that ended Nov. 3. Sears saw same-store sales increase by 3.2 percent in the third quarter from the previous year, as customers shopped for deals on apparel, jewelry, footwear and tools. Sales at stores open at least a year dropped for its home appliances business and auto centers, as the value of the bankrupt company's warranties declines given Sears' uncertain future. Kmart's same-store sales increased by 6.1 percent, as customers bought apparel, home goods and toys. Shoppers were less interested in buying its groceries and household products or filling prescriptions at Kmart pharmacies as customers bought fewer of those goods. Total revenue for the third quarter dropped to $2.74 billion, down 23.6 percent from $3.53 billion during the same time period last year. The company attributed the decline to fewer stores operating, which accounted for $741 million lost in sales. Customers using points from the retailer's rewards program accounted for $49 million of the revenue decline. In November, the retailer won court approval for $350 million in bankruptcy financing. The money will allow it to keep operating through the holidays as it tries to reorganize. Chairman Eddie Lampert's hedge fund ESL Holdings has submitted a $4.6 billion offer to buy the company.
BBQXRSe 34 travel traveltripideas 536175 37146 693209 413155 514348 40098 517804 88075 28697 1021798 903690 1012334 469866 884148 720334 528232 410903 231080 491996 469866 310898 236074 906978 943145 115460 1021798 251762 738174 213589 366929 168556 469866 621160 1026616 605038 997165 911150 658610 939979 374074 601160 469866 535613 37146 15966 939979 860515 119032 231080 85234 152061 410903 231080 491996 986002 261906 469866 98283 1021798 709293 567616 399416 939979 292157 575974 580420 213589 251762 379452 56801 37146 421775 469866 831797 259576 692172 251762 102131 37146 1009916 679608 231080 662439 575885 935717 1029617 37025 939979 251762 717252 692172 251762 854370 16989 469866 251762 214334 156113 57470 1021798 251762 769551 27296 299781 498817 102287 469866 514348 1029617 304788 1010235 692172 251762 683280 452986 370113 251762 109174 1021798 1029617 420355 939979 621365 251762 410903 231080 491996 556261 231080 1023048 469866 109174 505327 28708 908399 853975 683280 415782 605344 724902 780603 735457 37146 501880 61178 469866 567616 605038 37146 402982 197749 770094 539914 1030294 762345 469866 242817 469866 567616 505794 231080 732514 1021798 251762 375441 147830 605038 721174 1021798 366929 567616 1029617 44861 465611 939979 659579 251762 754564 1023048 269876 469866 935717 251762 238879 646024 1023048 15163 130611 57857 251762 683280 37146 638249 914523 469866 452986 774869 1029617 1000933 787244 514348 733721 452986 395028 231080 85234 512748 1011487 261906 353732 345473 692172 81587 469866 337699 469866 567616 151386 724902 284004 260050 692172 251762 398805 918537 231080 410903 231080 384594 469866 810508 593735 230288 951843 766528 497767 452986 234938 526641 724902 579367 323130 528232 469866 410903 231080 384594 836086 288123 638937 567616 1029617 580225 246772 539914 287721 906978 1021798 251762 346599 567616 852197 358248 231080 938628 638249 390727 353732 679608 469866 382650 469866 762345 469866 567616 238276 231080 871631 304788 818956 669775 1012334 831797 238879 563541 313215 469866 539914 300146 567616 960378 604587 680000 231080 608207 911984 105663 1012334 469866 539914 931524 444833 263579 469866 251224 477759 469866 567616 1025890 741771 873685 902701 391391 605038 37146 295605 914938 951424 1005682 810508 193119 914938 608207 469866 69738 251762 201932 997730 231080 925019 846166 469866 592190 988417 184955 197749 758612 778558 692172 531304 972276 313215 469866 251762 300603 74053 650187 749825 692172 251762 572596 469866 621160 535613 37146 972015 391391 737877 469866 927083 28697 469866 127653 469866 749670 411584 387220 1005816 469866 567616 431877 102131 424558 231080 983944 523168 939979 956269 188381 669775 1012334 147830 605038 597159 939979 349629 251762 985143 1021798 1029617 370081 469866 667856 177070 539914 204947 939979 772914 800648 469866 823267 782861 469866 567616 544067 231080 909657 523168 57857 188381 943145 972015 155587 514348 745062 69408 366929 279292 231080 758846 469866 904978 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954339 231080 593735 568661 692172 526848 428228 753561 515582 503322 73164 264054 73164 242817 231080 85234 42413 915798 343652 261906 329810 251762 580420 692172 251762 575050 303741 931157 469866 567616 605038 37146 370607 745062 493599 692172 420064 993264 251762 984232 716638 231080 690989 357375 469866 619487 937399 366929 275790 391391 567616 675577 1017651 469866 690989 357375 931604 955944 251762 827364 231080 707115 993548 893818 724902 420082 473905 679085 147830 690989 357375 839548 469866 567616 424558 469866 543863 469866 927083 28697 469866 391391 604587 469866 620045 424558 469866 127653 469866 567616 387220 1005816 299791 231080 194391 251762 646109 692172 403160 424558 469866 690989 357375 836086 375243 267192 567616 214746 379296 111085 73164 264054 73164 292157 362454 300603 408008 231080 85234 836455 345322 1029617 263741 692172 839800 481877 469866 918943 683802 300782 469866 567616 353563 131827 231080 85234 398805 439485 293811 831797 869464 514348 700369 1023615 416567 567616 251762 690989 357375 677076 293811 486080 774869 300443 1021798 550019 231080 373170 469866 68223 89126 993264 840591 881943 539914 131622 185685 56995 902813 251762 683280 469866 373170 1021798 366929 831797 843773 259855 514348 151836 378135 469866 567616 535613 943145 284004 939979 758106 993264 1029617 572744 37146 592776 231080 85234 433310 365662 261906 469866 1021798 251762 704049 37146 399235 469866 567616 251762 652062 261906 692172 986002 469866 98283 575878 693053 652062 1021798 498642 469866 486080 230228 534659 749825 231080 85234 652062 261906 692172 438877 314583 37146 976445 567616 886300 498568 843797 485277 567616 600772 231080 373170 37146 839800 86424 831797 188841 539914 604793 692172 762345 469866 238276 469866 118649 469866 567616 1030294 642254 432208 432495 16430 313215 231080 26445 94127 407678 119280 469866 312605 469866 567616 1029617 857038 724902 562704 136823 931604 374074 993264 251762 642254 122550 231080 381768 469866 409401 455536 981323 1021798 251762 346628 469866 201932 510729 567649 469866 762345 469866 567616 1017510 716581 650187 811647 724902 778083 251762 102131 469866 498360 251762 262997 486080 374074 683722 231080 149777 37146 74078 597159 939979 234353 1029617 453085 205896 641911 251762 930753 469866 386688 713067 469866 452986 28722 1021798 251762 667856 908399 692172 315061 185435 231080 838011 836455 469866 762345 469866 572649 469866 131827 469866 567616 382650 732958 514348 823589 692172 847906 231080 381768 831797 251762 580420 692172 251762 723821 829221 261906 539914 345473 692172 81587 469866 329503 469866 543535 803447 469866 567616 251762 486072 786839 692172 251762 723821 263271 231080 992135 327793 632102 469866 534297 988417 906978 1021798 251762 375441 469866 366929 831797 721174 514348 675577 378135 993264 16430 28708 497553 222160 733493 251762 342111 291811 692172 534297 231080 85234 171994 831797 1029617 625655 514348 65651 749825 567616 498377 98004 1021798 550019 469866 539914 251762 611462 929462 975065 505368 469866 1029617 420082 885272 33006 659039 469866 567616 251762 992135 327793 632102 561112 975065 4838 539914 292157 234355 848775 469809 791199 231080 85234 631576 773197 377641 975065 4838 247363 1000933 523168 469866 567616 781689 307730 100429 231080 704839 567616 172807 890190 589100 231080 280984 469866 395028 469866 567616 345732 943145 362454 469866 567616 197087 798953 86431 428228 222370 469866 931524 152275 469866 567616 729027 231080 507231 469866 611813 887074 213193 943145 288123 1021798 16430 683280 296213 1021798 251762 148938 533928 636729 692172 473905 611813 887074 231080 979727 74053 943145 956269 514348 214356 61821 366929 440863 469866 567616 300146 680000 943145 839548 902813 251762 778940 231080 149777 37146 745062 704454 465611 939979 349629 251762 390727 382650 567616 679608 486082 613009 231080 858912 847775 251762 683280 993264 251762 390727 507231 501341 505368 469866 1029617 539954 231080 589466 469321 787313 464942 345337 346106 885413 918821 980609 567616 716581 231080 524340 251762 132655 17633 469866 384594 959577 37146 317574 547955 353543 57857 1029617 568661 692172 609404 452986 16286 522581 523168 231080 884148 720334 469866 884148 720334 884148 720334 831797 69408 402932 465611 692172 313215 469866 567616 48757 906978 720921 878040 939979 774869 670827 692172 151836 378135 231080 215140 263847 469866 679608 469866 390616 733000 469866 567616 362454 762345 943145 184955 839548 486082 729117 567616 898598 613009 231080 545209 675577 1017651 469866 927083 28697 452986 123500 57857 903690 1012334 943145 94127 469866 893765 984784 575878 485407 477066 452986 1029617 530593 36388 231080 85234 994418 561347 299781 251762 41791 261906 692172 438877 314583 267943 539914 448640 692172 918943 423758 469866 684209 733176 469866 567616 457354 906978 469866 1029617 646798 770086 724902 366929 231080 195043 469866 116857 443539 469866 567649 469866 667856 906978 469866 835479 362637 469866 567616 572083 160292 354422 324605 16453 939979 116857 213589 366929 231080 513493 299781 409579 404649 225801 295719 1021478 89997 469866 944042 251762 988606 366929 878049 469866 452986 753905 317131 993264 251762 930753 452986 576536 147830 116857 1029617 646798 403160 231080 858912 847775 222160 608876 299781 251762 838750 862280 4838 469866 309657 261906 469866 452986 426232 422720 231080 593735 659579 939979 251762 19305 231080 435179 231080 435179 231080 849384 389303 469866 869464 939979 362524 1021798 550019 469866 452986 251762 19305 231080 435179 231080 435179 231080 219246 637433 261906 943145 861081 692172 116857 37146 556207 1021798 19305 231080 435179 231080 518487 231080 America's Best Cities for Winter Travel Ice skating in Central Park, New York City St. Louis, Missouri Daytime temperatures are usually in the 40s during winter months, but when it feels too cold to be outside, there's lots to do indoors. The palatial St. Louis Art Museum , founded in 1879 and moved to its current home during the 1904 World's Fair, is one of the country's premier museums. Visitors can ride a tram to the top of the Gateway Arch, the tallest manmade monument in the United States at 630 feet, for a spectacular view of the city or cruise the Mississippi in a riverboat to enjoy the St. Louis skyline. Biloxi, Mississippi This small Gulf Coast city has recovered from Hurricane Katrina's extensive damage, and it's better than ever with new restaurants, hotels, and casinos. Temperatures in the 60s make it pleasant in winter and a good time to visit the 1848 Biloxi Lighthouse , ride the open air Biloxi Tour Train through the city's historic district, or take a boat trip for shrimping or fishing. The Mardi Gras Museum features displays of costumes, photos, and artifacts from many years of the annual celebration. St. George, Utah A four-hour scenic drive or short flight from Salt Lake City, St. George offers mild winters and a desert climate with daytime temperatures in the 50s and cooler nights. Their historic downtown features museums, galleries, restaurants, and cafes. Nearby spectacular Zion National Park is open all year, with hiking and mountain biking trails. Snow Canyon State Park, with red rock mountains, horseback riding, and gorgeous scenery seldom sees snow it's actually named after past Utah leaders named Snow, not the white stuff. Jackson Hole, Wyoming With more than 500 inches of snowfall each year, the ski slopes attract lovers of the sport, but there's also snow tubing, ice skating, snowmobiling, horse-drawn sleigh rides, and back country skiing. Snowcoach tours to nearby Yellowstone National Park make it possible to explore the park in a comfortable, warm vehicle with access to Old Faithful, bubbling mudpots, and wildlife. Snowmobile tours through Yellowstone are also available for an exciting winter adventure. Astoria, Oregon This historic city, founded as a fur trading post in 1811, is set on the Columbia River where it meets the Pacific. A two-hour drive from Portland and three hours from Seattle, Astoria is connected to Washington by the 4.1-mile-long Astoria-Megler Bridge. The fascinating Columbia River Maritime Museum describes the treacherous waters of the Columbia Bar along with local history of the salmon fishing area. The quaint downtown features the restored 1925 Liberty Theater, the Flavel House Museum, restaurants, and shops. Louisville, Kentucky Known for the Kentucky Derby, Bourbon Trail, Louisville Slugger baseball bat, and great food, Louisville is cold in winter, but there's lots to do indoors and bourbon to warm you up. Set on the Ohio River along the Indiana border, the city offers many unique attractions based on its claims to fame. The Kentucky Derby Museum explores the history of the annual thoroughbred horse race. The Louisville Slugger Museum and Factory will appeal to baseball fans, and the Urban Bourbon Experience celebrates the ever-popular local spirit. Palm Springs, California About two hours east of Los Angeles, this desert city enjoys comfortable daytime temperatures in winter, golf courses, spas, casinos, and nearby hot springs. Trendy restaurants, boutique hotels, resorts, and elegant shops offer something for everyone. The Aerial Tramway provides a fun ride, spectacular views, snow, and cold temperatures for anyone seeking a wintry environment for a day. Joshua Tree National Park is less than two hours away, with extraordinary rock formations, cacti, and starry night skies. Key West, Florida A four-hour drive from Miami, the trip takes visitors across 42 bridges to Florida's southernmost point . Winter temperatures in the 70s, night life, history, and water sports attract fun-loving tourists from around the world. Diving and snorkeling among its coral reefs are popular during the day, and in the evening, lively Duval Street's restaurants and bars feature live bands and Caribbean-style ambiance. Historic architecture, the Key West City Cemetery, and the Ernest Hemingway House are among attractions in this quirky Florida city. Venice, California Located on the Pacific a few miles north of Los Angeles International Airport, Venice is more than its famed Muscle Beach, street vendors, and canals although those are part of the fun. Excellent restaurants, food trucks, and casual cafes offer creative dining opportunities, and shopping also ranges from upscale stores to T-shirt and kitschy souvenir shops. People watching is unmatched, and the beachside skate park is a great place to start. Strolling along the canals to ogle the unique homes and gardens is a popular pastime as well. Burlington, Vermont Located in northwestern Vermont on the shore of Lake Champlain, Burlington is Vermont's largest city conveniently located near Burlington International Airport. Ski resorts include Stowe, Smugglers' Notch, Bolton Valley, and more, with slopes for skiers of all levels. Its appealing downtown boasts shops, restaurants, micro-breweries, live music venues, and charming Church Street Marketplace . A variety of lodging includes cozy B&Bs as well as hotels. The Ethan Allen Homestead Museum was the home of the Revolutionary War hero, and it's now an exhibit of life on the Vermont frontier. Sun Valley, Idaho If winter means snow and outdoor fun, Sun Valley should fit the bill. Non-stop flights from major western cities make Sun Valley accessible, and skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, snow biking, Nordic skiing, snowmobiling, and sleigh rides await. Called the birthplace of destination skiing, Sun Valley offers 13 chairlifts and 65 varied runs as well as its popular ski school. The town boasts a range of dining spots, live music venues, and coffee shops. The annual Symphony Festival is set for late February 2019 and the Sun Valley Film Festival will take place in March. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Set on three rivers with over 400 bridges throughout the city, Pittsburgh in winter is best suited for indoor activities, and there are many to put on a visitor's itinerary. The Andy Warhol Museum, in the artist's hometown, and the Carnegie Museum of Art, founded by Andrew Carnegie in 1895, will entice art lovers. The Carnegie Museum of Natural History's exhibits and weekend workshops both entertain and educate. Pittsburgh's dining scene is growing with dozens of restaurants, cafes, breweries, and new food halls opening this year. Local favorites like pierogies, kielbasa, and a sandwich from Primanti Brothers should be on the food agenda. Sarasota, Florida Perfect weather in the 70s, white sand beaches, restaurants, and cultural events attract snowbirds from around the country, so the atmosphere will be lively. It's still possible to find a quiet spot along the beach, gather seashells, or splash in the warm Gulf of Mexico water. In town, restaurants, theaters, shops, and galleries call for hours of browsing. Sarasota is the home of the Ringling Circus Museum with displays of costumes, posters, miniature replicas, and the waterfront mansion of the Ringling family. South Padre Island, Texas With temperatures in the 60s, winter is pleasant for outdoor activities on this small barrier island off the southern coast of Texas. The area is a haven for nature lovers (and spring breakers in March), with the Laguna Madre Nature Trail, a major bird watching location, and the South Padre Island Birding & Nature Center with its five-story viewing tower. The Dolphin Research & Sealife Nature Center provides boat tours, and Sea Turtle Inc. rescues and rehabilitates sea turtles. Boating, fishing, and kiteboarding are popular, and fresh local seafood includes oysters, red snapper, and flounder. Asheville, North Carolina Winters are mild in this city located in the Blue Ridge Mountains of western North Carolina. Ski slopes are nearby for those seeking winter sports, and hiking trails are accessible throughout the season. It's an ideal time to explore the downtown galleries and museums without crowds. Learn about the city on the downtown Asheville Urban Trail, a 1.7-mile walk featuring bronze sculptures depicting historical figures and events. Explore the Biltmore Estate, George Vanderbilt's 250-room chateau through a variety of organized or self-guided tours. New York, New York New York is exciting any time of year, and chilly temperatures invite visitors to take advantage of indoor activities. Broadway shows, museums, comedy clubs, and popular restaurants are more accessible without holiday and summer crowds. For outdoor fun, ice skating or strolling through Central Park are favorites, especially followed by hot cocoa or a crackling fireplace. The Butterfly Conservatory at the American Museum of Natural History returns with hundreds of live butterflies, tropical flowers, and summerlike temperatures, a perfect escape from winter. Honolulu, Hawaii Sunshine, beaches, warm temperatures, brilliant sunsets, and graceful palm trees beckon travelers to Hawaii during winter. Snorkeling at Hanauma Bay among brightly colored fish, surfing the big winter waves, or just relaxing on the beach or poolside make Hawaii a perfect destination. Learn about island culture at the Polynesian Cultural Center, Bishop Museum, or Iolani Palace. A visit to the U.S.S. Arizona Memorial, set to reopen in March , or the U.S.S. Bowfin Submarine Museum are reminders of Hawaii's role in U.S. history.
BBQXUnt 35 music musicnews 427610 767645 37146 565860 884148 398590 514348 415167 268593 964775 1029617 357845 65120 411302 911250 993264 317311 1021798 483987 469866 285321 436306 943839 403863 767645 642805 431877 514490 251762 667313 539914 1029617 543211 1030294 684269 514348 477365 849060 144051 469866 190300 415167 469866 733493 477365 849060 862415 469866 445905 231080 866691 1021798 745062 597441 57301 408008 1021798 319134 915817 469866 251762 227001 313215 510531 420430 477834 708933 477365 57301 408008 815233 469866 1021798 111314 81844 831797 251762 94596 692172 477365 592521 65120 69738 1029617 355608 469866 807283 1029617 463096 469866 621160 1029617 110641 469866 951830 320889 372403 190300 415167 231080 726998 786816 407678 1029617 712799 1021798 972631 190300 415167 912396 993264 12404 469081 1021798 972631 190300 415167 469866 391377 767645 469866 28015 97955 790305 567616 840312 815233 160441 73164 81844 1021590 468987 778083 251762 408008 37146 378216 852211 231080 89126 939979 1029617 453307 637886 567616 765728 592986 420560 1022076 490118 469866 767645 37146 688194 424446 1026399 127747 231080 948801 753905 1021798 897744 811866 2 494463 251762 609626 329810 69738 531322 575878 372403 231080 767645 651162 102588 7550 1021798 251762 1029820 16430 1005682 85872 469866 28129 160024 939979 114445 284004 692172 477365 317311 522396 1021798 849060 231080 992019 514348 1023615 1021798 1017723 692172 707921 37146 899654 767645 37146 473016 317311 486080 753915 733493 1023615 787387 299781 251762 1008102 1021798 258317 227301 469866 1002627 231080 368280 831797 972015 349388 514348 139719 313215 37146 684700 35220 928725 914611 1021798 228569 469866 73164 264054 73164 855347 212822 1021798 132604 231080 244904 1030706 399142 106693 394898 831797 255767 514348 976963 1021798 416567 231080 767645 40098 15163 416567 1023615 222839 258317 227301 469866 1002627 85234 1008102 1023615 375243 538150 301826 469866 1002627 85234 1008102 611813 1012334 1023615 465778 319134 915817 469866 1002627 85234 253044 287222 1023615 849014 319134 915817 469866 1002627 85234 253044 287222 1023615 123732 538150 203113 469866 1002627 85234 546347 Watch Cuco's Goofy New Video for 'CR-V' After surviving a devastating car accident while on tour in October, Chicano indie pop star Cuco slides back into the limelight with a euphoric new video for his 2018 single, "CR-V," off his 2018 EP, Chiquito . Filmed in an unnamed high school in Los Angeles, the 20-year-old singer-songwriter reproduced his high school graduation, in which he is the recipient of his dream car not a Ferrari, nor a Jaguar, but a gray, highly inoffensive Honda CR-V. "I look like a mom in my CR-V/Flexin' on your friends in my CR-V," sings Cuco, donning baby blue and pink graduation robes as he drives donuts around the school's basketball court. Set to a trap beat and blissed-out toy piano synths, Cuco's signature quirk shines though. (And just in case you're wondering: the song was not sponsored by Honda.) Cuco sustained multiple injuries in the crash this past fall, forcing him to cancel many of his tour dates in 2018. Scheduled for February in honor of Valentine's Day Cuco's comeback tour will kick off February 12th at the Observatory in Santa Ana, CA. He is also booked for next year's All Points East festival in London, as well as Primavera Sound in Barcelona. His upcoming full-length debut is slated for release in 2019. Cuco Winter Tour 2019 February 12 Santa Ana, CA @ The Observatory February 13 San Diego, CA @ The Observatory North Park February 14 Los Angeles, CA @ The Fonda Theatre February 15 Los Angeles, CA @ The Fonda Theatre February 16 San Francisco, CA @ The Regency
BBQXfhG 36 sports icehockey_nhl 730981 438855 486052 432869 679136 374074 993264 251762 667384 817748 337427 943145 989362 655290 535613 37146 1029617 592846 692172 993627 939132 312477 993264 398857 753771 535186 231080 720050 943145 214154 7492 939979 147830 1029617 667384 964596 939979 251762 718248 231080 989746 733668 547408 231080 585787 547350 729142 1001822 575885 156312 251762 477949 993264 1029617 972212 320482 139719 457501 469866 563541 774898 408112 931604 362101 869464 251762 787191 514348 346266 708654 993264 1021798 251762 778940 231080 31493 539914 655290 1021798 889933 469866 432869 943145 882015 692172 251762 419571 349935 655290 493868 234353 115387 993264 251762 667384 1021798 251762 588715 1030010 994062 969445 175175 38013 410903 231080 491996 37765 410903 231080 491996 415782 901860 259576 692172 251762 53193 452553 1021798 251762 438855 16430 778940 231080 101603 2 535605 972954 415782 317285 375243 131684 773966 219428 514348 119513 300443 1021798 251762 903690 614932 567616 152359 2 362841 131684 773966 192341 514348 251762 753728 860137 598240 205896 231080 880824 346246 345359 469841 374074 1029617 53193 667384 469866 621160 605038 629452 73164 127747 605038 844329 374074 465611 514348 317285 939979 357736 1014188 564552 231080 101603 354504 687685 175175 382343 127747 231080 942817 37146 44762 1001822 798958 514348 844508 980495 469866 111314 275790 152359 931604 374074 526257 939979 798771 36927 185232 431877 231080 63512 58706 656090 402739 319134 915817 933394 71832 251762 37765 469866 251762 933394 1017702 972015 901860 1029617 53193 522313 1021798 849060 989746 231080 58706 37146 774341 1029617 853051 313215 469866 621160 535613 37146 74078 44762 708786 535613 939979 147830 160024 745062 712674 683127 514348 402932 914441 477893 231080 85234 41557 313215 510531 415782 24563 44858 567616 687959 901825 1021798 41557 94169 469866 621160 81844 679136 457227 477365 193422 968883 729142 81844 73454 564552 1021798 251762 861105 247481 231080 58706 415782 840591 260050 428321 993264 477365 972212 299781 1029617 538902 720876 692172 552556 231080 260195 3569 231080 611289 142001 38013 319134 915817 933394 888928 539914 251762 933394 758284 469866 142001 679136 374074 1029617 1014258 674831 514348 402932 477893 655290 843968 684280 939979 688010 243500 605038 37146 312477 939979 774869 939979 798771 175175 592986 692172 410903 231080 491996 231080 85234 933394 931540 774341 1029617 972212 1021798 300443 939979 354268 142001 939979 251762 913147 714066 403454 898598 73164 762217 692172 1029617 972212 514348 690181 72223 469866 621160 655290 910455 564552 382600 57857 231080 85234 145 313215 510531 415782 259576 313215 428321 993264 477365 126922 299781 903144 3569 231080 862887 265413 978371 870613 637098 980139 934315 469866 251762 637098 980139 74078 234353 115387 1021798 251762 362304 514348 1029617 115135 205896 231080 40091 152359 374074 526257 939979 189370 1021798 994062 661803 69738 469866 621160 605038 469841 374074 853051 939979 180381 317285 424533 733493 906014 299781 16430 131549 231080 398441 843968 539373 655290 354504 357736 127747 231080 817748 1001822 943145 798958 939979 61994 398857 251762 448917 469866 567616 265413 831797 518470 1029617 156536 313215 231080 294702 692172 251762 1014188 655290 1001822 486080 407678 847775 251762 222755 469866 831797 655290 535613 37146 98575 379207 428321 993264 477365 972212 231080 369039 232591 402739 373170 731964 948788 469866 605038 469841 374074 807551 939979 948157 16430 456824 469866 621160 535613 37146 901860 44762 939132 847775 605038 655290 605038 37146 90117 939979 407576 231080 240560 1015817 278654 296137 754280 847775 1017837 721051 231080 244904 477893 831797 485157 592986 692172 1029617 115135 205896 567616 152359 2 951599 733493 745062 988846 143708 939979 251762 689181 244127 231080 232591 74078 415782 840591 260050 428321 993264 477365 575974 972212 469866 621160 81844 840252 864398 514348 494724 231080 507064 3569 114386 251762 967557 636618 496130 943145 832126 882015 692172 477365 234904 231080 9765 511373 831797 1029617 848932 514348 995966 735287 336594 993264 43271 217063 231080 660619 160024 1029617 692040 299781 231080 7231 452986 489487 160024 993264 274999 231080 917661 342099 628892 724902 251762 438855 778940 47838 575878 402652 1016998 217063 Five NHL veterans who could be on the move Many insiders are reporting that there's a lot of trade chatter going on between general managers. Teams are pushing hard to make a move prior to the Dec. 19 roster freeze. But even if teams can't pull the trigger on a deal before next week, all these talks should help set the table for trades later on in the season. So with that in mind, who are some of the bigger names that may find themselves on the move in the near future? Alex Pietrangelo D St. Louis Blues: St. Louis has been one of the huge disappointments in the NHL this season. They're terrible start has them 13 points behind Colorado for third place in the Central Division and they're 11 points behind Vegas for the final Wild Card spot. Trading their captain would be a huge move, but it appears as though it might be time for them to change things up. They won't give Pietrangelo away though. There's enough teams looking for quality defensemen, which means they should be able to get something significant back. Jeff Carter C/W Los Angeles Kings: Like the Blues, the Kings have also been a huge bust in 2018-19. Carter's had a tough year, but there's still enough offense there to make him an intriguing addition for any competitive team. The 33-year-old has six goals and nine assists in 33 games, but he could regain his scoring touch if he ends up in the right situation. Carter has three years left on his deal at a cap hit of $5.272 million. Jake Muzzin D- Los Angeles Kings: Sticking with the Kings theme, Muzzin could be a valuable add for any team that doesn't want to pay what it's going to take to get Pietrangelo out of St. Louis. The Kings reportedly had a deal in place to send Muzzin to the Montreal Canadiens last summer as part of a deal for Max Pacioretty , but that ended up falling through. The 29-year-old has one year left on his contract at $4 million. Jimmy Howard G -Detroit Red Wings: Shockingly, the Red Wings still find themselves in the mix for a playoff spot. Will they be able to sneak in? Probably not, but it would be tough to envision them selling off assets at this moment. That doesn't mean that won't change though. Many teams are looking to upgrade between the pipes, and Howard is having a terrific year. One of the things that teams will like about the veteran, is that there's no term left on his deal. Phil Kessel W Pittsburgh Penguins: Alright, it would be surprising to see this happen, but there's been enough chatter about it that it's impossible to ignore. GM Jim Rutherford isn't shy about making moves. His team is currently out of a playoff spot and they're coming off an embarrassing loss to the Chicago Blackhawks. Kessel still has three years left on his current deal, but he only accounts for $6.8 million because the Toronto Maple Leafs are retaining some of his salary. Joey Alfieri is a writer for Pro Hockey Talk on NBC Sports . Drop him a line at phtblog@nbcsports.com or follow him on Twitter @joeyalfieri . Related slideshow: Scenes from the NHL season (Provided by USA Today Sports)
BBQY9t5 37 health medical 494724 46848 458925 398441 70892 994124 926560 305999 393823 393823 575885 147830 12404 893542 935220 407678 1029617 518406 605080 469866 378639 1026616 605038 976284 939979 48985 638311 231080 231080 231080 428479 469866 251762 48985 638311 231080 658315 860515 28904 547350 633723 994062 937399 811866 684280 939979 1017702 1029617 97955 469866 774898 481041 575885 935220 8076 750371 605038 231080 6664 469866 605038 37146 164412 939979 1017702 1029617 118974 564552 847775 243500 37146 1021798 667712 567616 197847 452986 69738 243500 811866 2 312477 57857 831797 831499 935548 231080 207439 943145 251762 48985 638311 811866 844329 671050 213589 733574 469866 655025 243500 811866 575885 860515 847775 317285 231080 539954 231080 492245 567616 1010242 950899 469866 28904 15938 231080 695333 943145 960522 251762 238812 509998 48985 638311 473559 877264 213589 251762 255111 317233 692172 733574 469866 302218 990191 469866 970736 231080 38013 231080 469866 745062 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213589 733574 231080 77215 893542 575885 860515 576857 1014188 1026616 811866 2 263704 231080 937399 12404 910586 831797 1030452 69634 366815 811866 36927 831797 733493 469866 815095 1005371 939979 732958 12404 897870 469866 928673 231080 990191 997640 231080 101603 2 535613 939979 362101 231080 336172 872505 641795 702858 1024599 961795 422229 726036 763200 990451 6 Gastrointestinal Issues That Can Affect You During Pregnancy Pregnancy can make your body feel like a foreign landscape, including when it comes to gastrointestinal issues...oh, the gastrointestinal issues. Where do we even begin? If you want to have a baby, these changes can feel totally worth it. Still, it's nice to have a heads up about what's in store and whether or not what you're going through is considered normal. Here are the gastrointestinal issues you might develop during pregnancy, plus what you can do about them. 1. Nausea and vomiting Shocker, we know. These are probably the most common gastrointestinal issues people experience during the earlier stages of pregnancy, Heather Beall, M.D., an ob/gyn at Northwestern Medicine McHenry Hospital, tells SELF. This is usually not harmful to the pregnancy , but isn't exactly a delightful experience. You've probably heard this referred to as " morning sickness ," but the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) points out that it can happen during any part of the day (or night). And, while nausea and vomiting usually start before the 9th week of pregnancy and go away by 14 weeks, for some people, they last the whole pregnancy. Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy seem to happen thanks to pregnancy hormones like human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which rises sharply in the first few weeks of pregnancy , Jennifer Aquino, M.D., an ob/gyn at NYU Langone Health, tells SELF. "High hCG levels can contribute to the process of nausea and vomiting," she says. Estrogen, another hormone that increases during pregnancy, may also cause morning sickness, the Mayo Clinic says. If you're dealing with this, there are a few things you can do. Eating bland foods like dry toast or crackers can help, along with drinking plenty of fluids, avoiding smells that bother you, and having small, frequent meals instead of larger ones, ACOG says. If lifestyle tweaks don't work, your doctor may recommend taking vitamin B6, vitamin B6 with doxylamine (a medication found in OTC sleep aids), or a drug that combines both. (Both drugs taken together or apart have been found to be safe during pregnancy, ACOG says, though experts aren't sure exactly how they may prevent morning sickness.) If your nausea and vomiting are bad enough to cause severe dehydration or make you lose more than 5 percent of your pre-pregnancy body weight, you may have hyperemesis gravidarum , which is essentially an extreme, potentially debilitating version of morning sickness. If your nausea and vomiting are really impacting your life, see your doctor. They may prescribe antiemetic drugs to control your symptoms. 2. Constipation Constipation can certainly be an issue during pregnancy. This is due to the hormone progesterone , Kyle Staller, M.D., a gastroenterologist at Massachusetts General, tells SELF. "That changes how the colon contracts and, as a result, people get slower colonic motility," he says. Basically, food moves through your colon at a slower rate than usual, which can lead to build-up, harder-than-usual poops, and trouble going as often as you used to. Later in your pregnancy, the pressure from your uterus and growing baby can press on your rectum, also making it harder than usual to poop, Daniela Jodorkovsky, M.D., a gastroenterologist at NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia University Irving Medical Center, tells SELF. If you're pregnant and are having way too much trouble pooping, dietary tweaks like increasing your fiber intake may help, Dr. Staller says. This nutrient makes your poop softer and easier to expel. You should work your way up to the recommended daily grams for your age over a few weeks, according to the Mayo Clinic . (That'll likely be between 25 and 28 grams.) Going all in too quickly can result in issues like gas and cramping. Drinking plenty of fluids like water (it helps fiber do its job) and prune juice (it's fiber-rich , but only try it if you can stomach it) can help, Dr. Jodorkovsky says. If that doesn't do the trick, talk to your doctor. Stool softeners are generally considered OK to use during pregnancy just get your doctor's OK first. 3. Hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in your anus and lower rectum, and you can get them during pregnancy from increased pressure on those areas, the Mayo Clinic says. Straining when you poop (like when you're constipated) can increase the pressure even more, Dr. Jodorkovsky says. Hemorrhoids aren't fun to deal with: They can cause bleeding when you poop, anal swelling, itching, irritation, and pain down there, the Mayo Clinic says. For relief, you can try methods like soaking in a warm tub or using an OTC hemorrhoid cream, according to the Mayo Clinic . Talk to your doctor before using any medication to make sure the one you're interested in is safe during pregnancy. Since constipation can also contribute to hemorrhoids, having more fiber in your diet and drinking plenty of fluids may also help you get relief, Dr. Jodorkovsky says 4. Anal fissures We hate to put this mental image in your head, but anal fissures are small tears in the thin, delicate lining of your anus, as the Mayo Clinic explains. These can cause pain and bleeding when you poop. This health issue, which should honestly be illegal, can also cause pain that lasts several hours after you poop. Or after you try to, anyway, because you probably won't be surprised to hear that anal fissures can be a complication of constipation. All that pushing can rip your fragile skin. If you happen to develop an anal fissure during pregnancy, at least know that it will likely heal in a few days or weeks . Keeping your poop soft enough that you don't need to strain and irritate the area even further should help, Dr. Staller says. The best ways to do that? Drum roll...try to drink more fluids and increase your fiber intake. Soaking in a warm tub for 10 to 20 minutes can help relax your sphincter (the ring of muscle around the opening of your anus) and may help you to heal faster, the Mayo Clinic says. 5. Acid reflux Acid reflux happens when acid that should stay put in your stomach goes rogue and flows back into your esophagus, the tube that connects your mouth and stomach, the Mayo Clinic says. This backwash can irritate the lining of your esophagus and cause symptoms like heartburn , chest pain, difficulty swallowing, feeling like there's a lump in your throat, a chronic cough, laryngitis, and disrupted sleep . As a not-at-all-welcome bonus, heartburn can also cause excessive burping . This issue progresses into gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) if you have mild acid reflux at least twice a week, or if your acid reflux is moderate to severe and happens at least once every seven days, according to the Mayo Clinic . Acid reflux can happen more frequently during pregnancy because the hormone progesterone causes your esophageal sphincter (which is supposed to keep acid and food in your stomach) to relax, the Mayo Clinic explains. "The growing baby also pushes on the stomach, putting pressure on it, and making acid more likely to go out," Dr. Staller says. To help combat this, the Mayo Clinic recommends that you eat small, frequent meals and avoid foods you've noticed make your reflux worse. (Common items include spicy or fried foods, citrus fruits, and chocolate, the Mayo Clinic says. Sorry.) Trying not to eat in the three hours before bedtime can also help, because lying down makes it easier for that acid to creep up. 6. Gallstones Gallstones are hardened deposits of digestive fluid that can form in your gallbladder, a small, pear-shaped organ on the right side of your abdomen just beneath your liver, the Mayo Clinic says. Your gallbladder holds a digestive fluid called bile that's released into your small intestine to help with the crucial task of breaking down your food. You can have gallstones and not know it, or you can have intense symptoms like sudden and severe pain in the upper right or center portion of your abdomen, pain between your shoulder blades, pain in your right shoulder, or nausea and vomiting. The pain can last anywhere from several minutes to a few hours, the Mayo Clinic says. There are a few reasons why you might have gallstones during pregnancy. One is that estrogen tends to increase the production of HDL cholesterol , which is a component of bile, Dr. Aquino says. At the same time, progesterone slows the rate at which your gallbladder empties , she says. "This combination can ultimately cause changes in bile consistency, resulting in gallstones in pregnancy," she says. If you're having pain or any other symptoms that you suspect are due to gallstones, talk to your doctor as soon as possible. They may give you medication to try to manage the pain, Dr. Staller says. Surgery to remove the gallbladder is also a common treatment for this issue and is generally safe during pregnancy . Your body can do weird things when you're pregnant. If your gut is quite literally telling you something is off, don't hesitate to call your doctor, Dr. Beall says. They're there to help. RELATED VIDEO: What Most People Don't Know About Birth Control
BBQYBZJ 38 news newsus 54578 638652 185435 704993 374878 724902 70270 57301 383099 43271 1015091 831797 48861 57857 1030294 374878 724902 989084 567616 188616 704993 299781 1015091 500354 752815 54578 231080 85234 478928 1009682 54578 415782 370607 654494 185435 704993 299781 80393 689746 464050 567616 113241 1012334 689746 464050 231080 85234 659019 374878 122738 73164 762217 692172 251762 914523 37146 234913 762363 692172 704993 231080 54578 218362 259576 692172 251762 57301 383099 881220 431877 914422 469866 621160 251762 77948 497741 69738 469866 567616 152359 811883 74119 493245 231080 85234 374878 758198 1009422 625767 692172 989084 567616 188616 299781 102588 444511 299781 113241 1012334 689746 464050 231080 643390 939979 54578 469866 251762 864957 292559 299781 251762 992947 931046 572744 984610 774341 989084 625767 299781 160856 231080 494724 36747 725293 522282 469866 111314 831797 806632 251762 502492 519022 692172 849014 36747 725293 522282 231080 85234 185435 852197 299781 251762 963901 699879 329810 873413 1026504 420543 251762 737106 185435 519022 299781 684370 36747 725293 522282 231080 571539 753905 62033 939979 374074 807361 567616 115324 73505 469866 54578 193518 928673 231080 685079 930598 877748 218362 231080 872460 77948 444511 299781 113241 1012334 288533 57301 514348 188616 231080 593735 185435 852197 1021798 251762 654713 329810 873413 279566 251762 502492 861205 231080 593735 185435 852197 1021798 251762 790325 329810 184955 197749 279566 251762 737106 185435 519022 231080 54578 497741 69738 972954 750038 185435 704993 374878 251454 338064 251762 478928 918462 674883 708899 231080 726998 469841 638630 374074 637886 564552 514348 655290 197749 939979 69738 1017702 366055 605038 469866 928673 231080 930598 218362 231080 43271 1015091 972015 1005937 939979 330522 393157 539914 251762 878905 514348 529818 567616 491642 752815 231080 641795 251762 291810 831797 169024 399808 831797 493670 181127 469866 612986 469866 567616 605527 922892 655290 831797 374639 939979 551937 993264 1029617 968943 535405 737880 493320 469866 393157 877748 218362 231080 54578 218362 563541 230288 185435 481249 299781 113241 1012334 689746 464050 1017702 901860 74119 592986 692172 861146 231080 85234 914523 218362 605038 972015 497741 989084 567616 188616 704993 299781 80393 689746 464050 621160 848164 98575 638311 535613 231080 54578 218362 251762 374878 514348 464736 708103 749347 943145 547361 700783 469866 111314 486080 612986 251762 234913 762363 692172 704993 231080 CMS releases water testing results from 2 high schools NBC Charlotte is digging through new results from lead and copper testing at Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (CMS). The Defenders learned CMS has now completed water testing at Olympic High School and Myers Park High School. The latest results come as part of the district's second round of testing. CMS said one of the high schools came back clear, but the other did not, and they've taken action. The results showed elevated levels of lead and copper at multiple locations at Myers Park High School. According to CMS, the kitchen sink at the football field visitor concession had lead levels at 22.6 parts per billion, which is above the state standard of 15 parts per billion. The water cooler at the auditorium backstage was nearly ten times the drinking water standard at 140 parts per billion. "We just wanted to be proactive and step forward," CMS superintendent Dr. Clayton Wilcox previously said. Two other locations at Myers Park tested high for copper. A water cooler in the hallway was nearly double the state standards. A water cooler in the cafeteria was more than double the drinking water standard. CMS did not start posting water testing results online until the Defenders began asking questions. "I would rather be beat up for that than to not have done it," Dr. Wilcox said. NBC Charlotte also talked to Brian Kasher with the Coalition for Safe and Healthier Schools. "What the coalition is working towards is getting timely, complete, and thorough information that is meaningful to parents on a very quick turnaround basis," Kasher previously said. CMS said all four water fixtures at Myers Park High School have been taken out of service. The district said it also did lead and copper testing at Olympic High School but found no issues there. CMS said the results for central administration buildings are expected soon, which will complete the second round of testing.
BBQYLAc 39 video animals 375243 106382 567616 539954 968002 655290 197085 592986 131622 346246 94242 811330 576226 942817 831797 98575 514330 407678 143555 12404 279856 259576 1026616 152359 815705 580420 724902 737071 231080 505327 831797 370973 514348 435838 263271 923009 73164 264054 231080 13 dogs (and 1 cat) that freak out over their humans' military homecoming There is no feeling like greeting your loved one when they return home from deployment. This is true for animal family members as well.
BBQYgwk 40 sports football_nfl 723029 232300 831797 218507 939979 943509 951843 514348 951843 692172 898742 539914 703654 13084 723029 232300 843968 342061 939979 374074 1021798 456608 692172 403868 378328 465611 724902 251762 884148 310084 467808 231080 85234 73972 493868 1017702 774341 882015 638311 539914 927579 242650 1021798 251762 778940 469866 621160 81844 415782 992775 893904 65229 939979 884148 310084 231080 593735 988606 762217 692172 655290 415782 901860 609246 823589 843797 242650 567616 700369 539914 626018 703654 13084 231080 726998 338004 605038 37146 1029617 44861 172952 939979 774869 469866 729142 799321 836086 605038 939979 811866 469866 893765 729142 703654 13084 231080 726998 338004 605038 37146 36927 811866 931604 601191 564552 993264 469866 567616 655290 37146 243500 726998 497741 469866 232300 218362 993264 924712 299781 477365 308528 299781 503922 56471 231080 232300 263525 1029617 44861 444200 251762 815814 489525 843797 173085 231080 85234 467808 1017702 283575 448779 1029617 753589 621555 692172 465611 1021798 232300 469866 746047 160024 733493 251762 931046 539914 328889 691599 739422 668836 567616 993264 251762 931046 539914 341941 691599 334728 282390 567616 316965 89840 723029 228675 231080 232300 37146 518487 692172 477404 321154 976284 539914 477365 399264 939979 1030592 993264 251762 931046 213586 939979 762463 469866 111314 193489 724902 337954 122532 567616 868531 638311 231080 867677 655290 37146 243500 263525 477365 898742 436146 333804 1029617 865195 408035 514348 232300 567616 884148 310084 231080 368280 37146 209066 774341 683908 753329 231080 838011 460808 469866 477365 61948 172755 831797 259576 692172 251762 238528 490141 655290 960678 592986 847775 160024 231080 368280 37146 276113 469866 461477 567616 943445 231080 616587 683908 188825 1017702 993570 374467 232300 774869 993264 745062 960218 556207 539914 251762 467808 231080 585787 505750 655290 617982 728686 469866 232300 37146 898742 436146 831797 283575 762217 692172 243500 415782 448779 251762 73972 890232 567616 758138 514348 251762 467808 231080 356022 510662 526592 358281 465611 642912 231080 571539 873733 498360 444589 465611 366234 231080 726998 539373 469866 28904 2 366234 700369 299781 852684 469866 242650 1021798 251762 362313 469866 993264 251762 931046 469866 33006 106484 469866 13084 218362 231080 149777 37146 901860 898032 231080 726998 575885 412138 44762 44861 1014188 231080 13084 497741 469866 1021798 460808 469866 412138 184955 44861 1014188 847775 232300 213589 251762 205746 36193 231080 368280 37146 968943 276113 299781 251762 316382 564266 231080 368280 37146 477314 1029617 988606 893542 231080 149777 37146 7492 939979 943509 57857 160024 231080 368280 37146 477314 1029617 898032 316382 696445 231080 1029523 251762 287573 37146 1021798 251762 646024 469866 81844 753905 435860 605038 231080 726998 338004 238812 692172 251762 465611 469866 1005143 827346 943145 69738 510662 312477 514348 251762 287573 231080 101603 2 753905 218507 939979 868646 160024 939979 251762 856570 469866 13084 218362 231080 244904 316382 567616 41102 831797 477188 231080 368280 37146 448779 1029617 592846 692172 988606 601204 514348 630518 231080 85234 387259 386382 592986 993264 13084 37146 798540 847775 232300 37146 910912 231080 1004430 81844 918462 304618 514348 251762 467808 1021798 901676 903144 469866 232300 415782 740972 251762 238812 453410 725293 989350 1021798 251762 739868 873980 231080 132059 231080 1004430 81844 238528 869464 390816 993264 251762 931046 514348 251762 467808 1021798 457501 903144 469866 723029 232300 831797 539954 1021798 251762 77796 1021798 453410 725293 316382 231080 989275 231080 869620 231080 7231 467515 986778 95787 375243 469866 849060 472415 469866 655290 493602 831797 98575 411302 231080 149777 976284 918643 939979 232300 37146 728686 469866 567616 605038 976284 918643 939979 477365 646206 539914 13084 469866 111314 152359 811883 547406 131622 881647 823589 131264 457501 231080 232300 415782 972015 366055 264054 576313 884148 310084 37146 708786 469866 1029617 638596 111314 758941 225995 939979 232300 37146 877264 1021798 102588 1018239 213589 477365 465611 1021798 17363 469866 379334 232300 412218 477365 1029742 1021798 437043 231080 988417 251762 326336 469866 232300 774341 704182 675298 230079 567616 316965 650341 111314 275790 81844 415782 1010109 567616 1009682 1029617 898032 758359 692172 1018239 567616 448925 231080 702858 571999 28904 811883 238194 160024 939979 860515 469866 81844 37146 366055 90600 641911 251762 692040 514348 799321 469866 758941 218362 213589 1029617 205746 36193 993264 924712 231080 942817 296137 1029617 592846 692172 469866 469866 726998 811883 721079 366055 655290 320482 452986 243500 943145 28904 485958 847775 366234 231080 149777 329810 753905 580504 692172 102971 605038 514490 243500 28904 860515 201643 939979 251762 243489 81844 497741 605038 1021798 251762 1005682 469866 567616 243500 251762 251009 943145 567616 1030209 243500 251762 74045 943145 231080 838011 901676 465778 600476 950256 469866 232300 526592 259576 692172 477365 184955 325322 94169 539914 251762 467808 539914 234355 754200 514348 165191 453410 231080 368280 972015 432074 1029617 705386 502665 1005143 869271 737320 510580 1021798 251762 976487 337775 231080 149777 37146 972015 976913 655290 13084 415782 654494 375243 692172 477365 403454 721623 490125 939979 232300 131622 251762 403454 840591 4065 469866 893765 964039 13084 329810 903144 692172 222839 939979 232300 1021798 1029617 901676 935988 143708 939979 251762 880784 151028 231080 149777 37146 74078 901860 563789 299781 420543 231080 149777 37146 1029617 419673 708786 469866 81844 218362 231080 149777 37146 1029617 592846 692172 316915 172722 231080 726998 753905 477314 939979 774869 251762 465611 939979 646991 231080 232300 37146 770619 939979 374074 683912 642912 251762 939773 692172 884148 310084 37146 247314 231080 368280 37146 477314 251762 704590 684129 57857 477365 597015 725530 1021798 17363 231080 149777 37146 753905 1029617 683752 692172 691517 605038 563541 642912 926793 231080 133806 895235 360480 953564 984111 831797 939979 798771 431877 993264 251762 931046 278383 777944 831797 251762 181578 402652 9410 933822 60118 692172 251762 480842 994062 979281 547361 939979 465054 777314 659125 243256 30806 46975 552556 721059 284372 469866 552556 721059 783124 1021798 341495 992947 901676 849014 85234 110719 931044 1021798 856744 539914 253144 469866 432869 403161 251762 777620 593000 299781 1029617 443087 683280 906577 Josh Gordon is trying to go hour for hour of work with Tom Brady Josh Gordon doesn't seem to be in danger of stealing company time from the New England Patriots. The receiver may have had some issues with tardiness early in the season, but he has committed himself deeply to New England. A big part of that has been logging hours - both early and late - with quarterback Tom Brady. "I think it's a good suggestion to take, if somebody offers it to you, especially if Tom Brady. I think it's something you should pick up on, and that's what I did," Gordon said on Friday at his locker at Gillette Stadium. Gordon makes a good distinction: the street goes both ways. The Patriots have clearly made a deep investment of time in Gordon, supporting him off the field with character coach Jack Easterby and on the field with positional coach Chad O'Shea and offensive coordinator Josh McDaniels. Gordon's history of incredible production comes with his inability to stay on the field due to suspensions, which stemmed from substance abuse and addiction issues. Perhaps that's what makes his work ethic such a positive sign for Gordon and New England. He's always had physical abilities. In fact, his towering presence is one of the first thing that stands out about him. He's strong, tall and fast. Those physical gifts have surely helped Gordon take on an immediate role with the Patriots. But beyond that tremendous athleticism, Gordon's work ethic is clearly part of what has made the receiver special and reliable for the Patriots. "Just really enjoyed our time together. We spend so much time here. I mean, we're here late at night, early in the morning, on the field, watching film," Brady said. "It's been great. I can't say enough good things." Brady did, in fact, say more good things about Gordon during the press conference. "He's very strong at the catch point. He's got a big body. It's hard to go through him. He's got a great catch radius. When the ball's in the air, he just attacks it. I think most of the time, [defensive backs] are not really going for the ball. They're just trying to bring him to the ground," Brady said. "His catch-and-run is dynamic. He's made a lot of big plays for us." The statistics bear out on Brady's comments about Gordon's playmaking. Since he began playing for the Patriots in Week 4, Gordon has averaged the most yards per reception in the NFL (18.0). Since he first set foot on the field for the #Patriots in week 4, Josh Gordon is #1 in the league in yards per catch. pic.twitter.com/ghiZr4adUV - Michael Giardi (@MikeGiardi) December 13, 2018 Surely, that explosiveness is no accident. It comes down to Gordon's athleticism, and it comes down to his connection with Brady, which they've fostered over long hours every week. Gordon has also done well learning New England's offense, a process which Belichick credited to Gordon's experience in multiple systems during his time in Cleveland, where Gordon started his career in 2012. With the Browns, Gordon had countless head coaches and offensive coordinators - which means he has studied and learned a great volume of systems and playbooks. "Most everything we've asked him to do, he's done somewhere along the line for somebody," Belichick said during a press conference on Friday. "There isn't a lot of, 'Well, I've never done that before or what are we talking about here.' It was just kind of transferring it into what we do relative to the way he did it in the past, and what the differences are and maybe what the similarities are." In Week 14 against Miami, Gordon enjoyed one of his more productive games with the Patriots with five receptions for 96 yards. He also drew a 41-yard defensive pass interference penalty in the fourth quarter. It's also promising that Brady has completed 13 of his last 17 targets to Gordon over the last three weeks, especially considering Brady was 4 of 12 to Gordon in a Week 10 loss to the Tennessee Titans. "It's still been difficult at times. It's a complex offense," he said. "It's a lot of moving pieces. I just got to take the time to study." Gordon's seems to be piecing together the puzzle of New England's playbook. He's got the material strewn through his messy tenure in Cleveland. It's just a matter of bringing it all together cohesively. MORE: Bradley McDougald: Earl Thomas is 'dying to get back on the field' POLL: Who is the ALL-USA Football Offensive Player of the Year? Packers expected to hire Ravens national scout Milt Hendrickson 5 must-starts, 5 must-sits in fantasy football Week 15 The internet fell in love with Greta, who destroyed the Suns' owner at a Phoenix city meeting
BBQYqyy 41 finance finance-companies 724400 340058 215840 765412 768993 322817 619511 416567 340058 100429 636769 265938 889893 976913 583970 692172 292157 691729 115213 139719 457501 469866 221670 939979 724400 231080 85234 95303 95303 9042 138697 518633 745062 711194 572470 993264 340058 539914 1029617 775338 762274 548081 231080 85234 955269 115921 692172 251762 340058 234913 337775 115213 696521 514348 718248 231080 227001 469866 138697 218362 857238 7894 1005345 567616 489323 918849 1021798 473215 312676 931604 494472 965854 539857 231080 587546 251762 876946 37146 581000 267918 366234 231080 724400 19882 589466 510584 7894 1005345 567616 965854 692172 799767 930837 725293 799283 469866 1029617 115107 806632 547232 469866 1021798 251762 815643 231080 340058 931604 795062 292157 993276 514348 57301 144051 370159 7894 1005345 23977 1005345 1021798 611813 536175 540234 651162 906356 1021798 437930 567616 565418 65281 575878 234545 877753 110596 540234 52865 362304 540234 300145 633696 424533 762274 540234 567616 980515 943723 469866 251762 876946 218362 231080 340058 831797 836302 267918 308241 993264 342106 700427 469866 81844 218362 231080 673104 1029617 189527 489870 469866 409340 943554 745062 518286 565418 993627 638912 700184 514829 1029617 234545 939166 621160 1017702 901860 568345 1021798 299781 575974 625767 469866 138697 218362 231080 938007 469866 535613 943145 852920 857238 803356 514348 403407 939979 226138 993264 655290 914746 251762 370973 943723 692172 251762 976214 231080 340058 37146 312337 634210 1000960 147830 605038 259576 692172 251762 156083 538762 868907 765821 1026616 605038 976284 939979 292157 604757 993264 953318 634210 469866 356460 625635 876946 1007898 500717 469550 700877 581663 231080 340058 831797 259576 692172 251762 238812 312337 613727 765821 1021798 424634 692172 346246 634210 567616 379334 152359 176604 317082 469866 500717 218362 231080 724400 37146 138697 218362 340058 873729 115233 523420 510584 692172 292157 201220 724902 565418 469866 1029617 159931 655290 440481 868735 939979 85872 231080 953982 523420 510584 964784 679136 733031 407148 724902 745062 473279 77708 939979 564552 939979 123732 930837 1021798 398805 965854 469866 251762 876946 218362 621160 81844 37146 543459 872849 993264 251762 378328 514425 514490 251762 1030294 313215 231080 85234 857238 993276 514348 251762 378328 415782 823148 473283 567616 535613 868735 939979 374074 539857 45159 1021798 993264 843797 671659 567616 473215 312676 469866 234545 956101 939979 188818 102588 567616 799283 762274 469039 231080 381546 346699 340058 560267 655400 918643 132059 231080 523530 510584 299781 297053 231080 956980 299781 251762 782408 924712 231080 917661 743722 303662 107759 649685 268593 730981 480842 921608 297854 340824 285596 5555 593735 233205 868063 56801 347715 351557 281010 928168 618600 85234 858487 55489 35310 514348 265938 87583 215651 346699 673104 340824 900783 849060 983443 749036 158723 711194 900783 849060 51009 771849 264718 772278 781706 849060 672448 692172 536175 496235 60710 60710 992437 339961 95303 35310 514348 265938 992437 251762 55489 95303 35310 849060 581663 231080 7231 231080 581663 57132 69738 787015 621555 600469 231080 684700 910986 634445 231080 Wedbush: Nike Has Upside Potential Heading Into 2019 Nike Inc (NYSE: NKE) looks promising ahead of its earnings report next week, according to Wedbush. The Analyst Analyst Christopher Svezia maintains an Outperform rating on Nike with a $90 price target. The Thesis Ahead of the Nike second-quarter report scheduled for Dec. 20, Svezia said underlying revenue growth and continued improvement in gross margin should yield EPS upside. (See the analyst's track record here.) Wedbush expects 7-percent revenue growth and EPS of 47 cents per share, a penny above consensus, in the print. Nike should reiterate its outlook for high single-digit revenue growth fueled growth in North America; sustained gains in EMEA and China driven by key product franchises; channel mix; higher average selling price; and digital momentum, the analyst said. Nike is seeing record engagement on social media, he said. From a valuation perspective, FX headwinds an d China trade war fears remain a key concern but have been priced in at current levels, Svezia said. "Overall, there are several underlying positives for investors to focus on that illustrate the true momentum of the business." Nike's diversified manufacturing capabilities make it one of the least affected footwear companies when it comes to its dependence on Chinese manufacturing, NPD group analyst Matt Powell recently told Benzinga. "Nike is one of the most diversified sneaker companies in terms of their manufacturing and where they manufacture products," Powell said. Wedbush's Svezia said Nike sources roughly 25 percent of its goods from China, a figure that likely continues to fall. Incremental 25-percent tariffs could create anywhere from an immaterial impact to up to 16 cents in annual EPS, the analyst said but he's largely bullish on the company heading into the new year. "The underlying outlook for the company has again improved and there continues to be upside opportunity in FY19 on both sales and gross margin, key ingredients to generate multiple and share price expansion." Price Action Nike shares were down 0.56 percent at $72.53 at the close Friday. Related Links: Under Armour Slides After Five-Year Plan Fails To Excite Investors A Post-Sneaker World: How 'Small' Footwear Brands Are Beating The Giants Latest Ratings for NKE Date Firm Action From To Oct 2018 Oppenheimer Upgrades Perform Outperform Oct 2018 HSBC Downgrades Buy Hold Sep 2018 Bank of America Maintains Underperform Underperform View More Analyst Ratings for NKE View the Latest Analyst Ratings © 2018 Benzinga.com. Benzinga does not provide investment advice. All rights reserved.
BBQZv3U 42 autos autosnews 1020484 720876 575878 375077 469866 852888 939979 745513 539914 152246 7550 294702 543650 329810 852888 939979 251762 745513 242650 381774 362313 951424 872808 720876 575878 1029617 906871 993264 251762 991718 928725 231080 105663 180871 412138 655290 1029617 543650 329810 362619 1021798 251762 428321 81968 692172 251762 28225 692172 251762 991718 588715 251762 480003 1025824 231080 942817 329810 1029617 118798 177070 1021798 251762 922581 81968 231080 593735 906871 151631 412249 939979 996875 251762 118798 177070 469866 621160 720876 251762 543650 362619 1021798 251762 428321 81968 231080 85234 543650 329810 53753 514490 251762 646024 567616 811255 993264 251762 922581 497553 231080 85234 543650 329810 807581 852888 939979 732602 146118 42767 539914 420082 7550 231080 85234 991718 329810 250935 514348 873413 230288 823589 911250 580650 362173 231080 558672 133806 1020484 720876 575878 375077 469866 852888 939979 745513 539914 152246 7550 499265 529435 823019 773449 1021798 251762 15938 539914 251762 659019 373170 69722 469866 981323 567616 440863 231080 515852 563541 692172 251762 394893 37146 717252 465551 567616 184955 724902 251762 477893 299781 823019 373170 346699 51651 903144 231080 Pedestrian hit by truck, rushed to hospital with serious injuries One person was rushed to the hospital early Saturday morning after being hit by a semi on the Parkway East. State police say that a person was standing in the left lane of the inbound of the Parkway near the Oakland exit. There was a disabled vehicle in the center lane. A semi driver swerved to avoid the disabled vehicle, but hit the person standing in the left lane. The person was thrown into the air and landed on the center barrier. The person was then rushed to UPMC Mercy Hospital with major injuries. The Parkway was closed for nearly four hours while officials investigated. READ MORE: Pedestrian hit by truck, rushed to hospital with serious injuries CHECK OUT WTAE: Stay in the know with the latest Pittsburgh news, weather and sports. Catch all of the day's top stories and more from the team at WTAE Pittsburgh Action News 4.
BBQjfCs 43 kids people-places 413155 299781 781689 1024599 943145 959874 1029617 1030294 580504 692172 683280 231080 505327 465646 692172 683280 486080 69738 374074 993264 786793 231080 149777 486080 213673 1021798 251762 362367 231080 85234 238528 700195 683280 486080 374074 1021798 507940 327862 469866 745062 222160 1021798 251762 992135 368988 541917 231080 215335 658497 700783 469866 567616 242488 143594 939979 61299 444589 692172 605038 575878 70273 231080 505327 700195 683280 486080 374074 588715 251762 102131 37146 778958 469866 498360 292157 473559 486080 918943 575878 251762 283969 692172 507940 327862 231080 665790 700195 679085 844329 374074 485033 1021798 251762 238879 362367 231080 695333 679085 679136 733031 346246 741629 283969 231080 507940 327862 37146 700195 683280 486080 374074 44861 514348 251762 361993 231080 149777 486080 374074 448934 575878 263244 724902 251762 115346 469866 567616 473559 486080 370180 209898 387128 567616 399665 231080 879249 679085 486080 374074 407997 724902 19907 231080 486791 993264 1026261 469866 152359 486080 230758 539914 251762 890190 32465 231080 879249 679085 679136 374074 399416 469866 729142 625886 231080 101603 486080 163740 184955 473559 939979 918943 588715 251762 362367 231080 85234 238528 700195 683280 486080 374074 251762 510766 692172 1029617 127656 931046 469866 299781 238528 231080 149777 486080 143557 939979 633834 201261 469866 53452 469866 383099 469866 131827 469866 567616 762345 231080 431739 811866 407678 939979 918943 1021798 1029617 700195 683280 994062 Cities at Sea People are building a new kind of city. This type of city will not be on land. It will float in the ocean. The first floating city will be in French Polynesia, an island in the South Pacific Ocean. Construction begins soon, and builders hope to finish much of it by 2020. This floating city will be near the country's shore, so its people will live by the laws of French Polynesia. Other floating cities might be built in the open ocean. These cities could create their own laws. French Polynesia's floating city will be good for the environment. It will be powered by energy from the sun, and people will drink recycled rain and seawater. Floating cities will be safe from flooding. Built on platforms, they will rise with the sea level. Floating cities could be moved, if needed. They will allow more people to live near the ocean. The first floating city will be the size of a soccer field, at first. It will grow to contain homes, parks, schools, shops, and restaurants. Would you like to live in a floating city?
BBQlid8 44 autos autosenthusiasts 849014 15243 398441 928168 348584 545209 85234 622653 942817 1017702 901860 284004 53523 847775 251762 127026 692172 251762 593406 469866 567616 535613 486080 757428 374074 184955 231080 849014 15243 622653 942817 1017702 901860 284004 53523 847775 251762 127026 692172 251762 593406 469866 567616 535613 486080 757428 374074 184955 231080 571539 469866 299781 469866 815095 684280 939979 374074 251762 584772 692172 514615 540234 993264 251762 374202 469866 28904 379339 939979 374074 803274 567616 939979 338004 655290 251762 593406 354504 127026 469866 547350 127747 119130 770619 939979 374074 584226 251762 968943 741629 860716 605038 361963 1021798 231080 149777 831797 445047 469866 997260 469866 655290 246772 357736 831797 1021798 40607 692172 89957 567616 251762 518264 575885 972015 374074 798819 514348 271822 231080 228198 218362 655290 469866 567616 992650 655290 251762 160594 692172 16430 823186 831797 11802 1021798 683127 939979 251762 460808 655290 238812 692172 251762 214435 993264 251762 127305 943145 753905 346132 897742 469866 259576 575885 721079 374074 1030452 415562 231080 942817 831797 1029617 243489 939979 263707 514348 251762 638941 469866 567616 28904 617317 299781 156083 849014 869302 993641 539914 24563 844808 469866 514348 180398 469866 452986 398821 221041 231080 405339 583970 469866 774869 12404 601191 469866 567616 815738 57857 358281 230802 692172 897742 655290 943145 539610 514348 251762 44469 231080 937097 195413 29400 993264 970159 567616 274999 6557 812175 420892 994062 882657 997730 231080 85234 6557 831797 812175 231080 1025364 469866 341907 251762 452603 296137 469866 299781 156083 993264 267815 605038 37146 1029617 383436 419961 362704 860499 231080 988417 1025795 115497 497767 758076 567616 1029617 412054 497485 469866 939979 412138 251762 156083 469866 251762 988914 448377 831797 847775 362841 231080 589466 300302 725293 704364 469866 621160 251762 770086 724902 251762 242723 469866 881943 469866 452986 188993 486080 374074 407997 387304 939979 251762 988914 498429 539914 1029617 901929 692172 264229 304437 676241 231080 725837 790553 231080 838011 234938 469866 811866 679136 787038 564552 939979 280657 300302 320482 811866 469841 621715 939979 993548 231080 961795 123167 358281 77948 757842 692172 436911 849014 835307 785725 15243 253855 849060 31493 38257 849014 693484 398441 928168 241969 491052 488168 616223 935988 979207 37639 780224 895417 935988 351153 988417 153304 425512 100150 961457 465809 883835 10592 821049 937399 605038 37146 733493 226623 469866 1029617 28104 1030209 69738 547350 259576 575885 637886 251762 518594 883835 10592 425697 231080 862831 251762 592727 883835 10592 807581 539914 548134 757404 605038 952496 831797 745062 1018315 231080 926560 675752 374074 1021798 1029617 902257 469866 127747 469866 114386 292157 432399 684100 831797 989746 231080 507064 300302 725293 951843 231080 1018865 724902 292157 366440 926694 469866 251762 613513 177070 831797 184543 567616 485033 61210 575878 883835 10592 1021798 251762 716610 231080 961795 123167 358281 77948 757842 692172 436911 849014 835307 785725 15243 253855 849060 31493 38257 849014 693484 398441 928168 241969 491052 488168 616223 935988 979207 37639 780224 895417 935988 351153 988417 153304 425512 100150 961457 763866 874728 812175 942817 943145 733493 601308 655290 943145 8076 670951 692172 1006059 57857 881943 567616 477105 312940 469866 807581 535613 37146 16430 251762 763866 874728 812175 567616 605038 575885 737687 131622 436890 452986 402932 77948 897742 73164 729142 152359 655400 860618 73192 231080 806582 469866 811866 1030467 655290 868737 231080 505327 815814 803117 812175 415782 251762 246744 939979 3165 918643 222839 143615 82422 387412 231080 31493 469866 188993 994062 673533 242723 994062 84532 238961 231080 961795 123167 358281 77948 757842 692172 436911 849014 835307 785725 15243 253855 849060 31493 38257 849014 693484 398441 928168 241969 491052 488168 616223 935988 979207 37639 780224 895417 935988 351153 988417 153304 425512 100150 961457 668466 701215 66777 273281 486791 993264 251762 275959 246953 692172 251762 1028532 762928 211402 469866 16430 286908 716777 840252 251762 522240 939979 774244 251762 753728 394893 692172 65520 231080 85234 668466 701215 66777 273281 77453 74460 469866 160723 320482 97730 589426 469866 160723 299781 251762 575974 881397 275982 469866 621160 605038 831797 927661 251762 238812 263231 567616 580877 243489 939979 972212 539914 251762 44469 469866 387304 939979 251762 238290 753810 692172 251762 973812 1009361 63523 66777 231080 825681 247637 27964 494724 231080 132059 300247 134796 460851 452603 255062 701215 1025943 567616 539954 469866 201993 807349 102287 692172 432399 927628 231080 31493 469866 815095 374074 123515 575878 292157 432399 684100 469866 111314 831797 1022150 299781 560582 300302 725293 951843 231080 961795 123167 358281 77948 757842 692172 436911 849014 835307 785725 15243 253855 849060 31493 38257 849014 693484 398441 928168 241969 491052 488168 616223 935988 979207 37639 780224 895417 935988 351153 988417 153304 425512 100150 961457 813285 686722 826000 149777 296137 1029617 498429 469866 621160 468709 251762 813285 686722 826000 625824 873980 231080 573101 102287 1021798 106693 567616 292157 869239 724902 230288 939979 24563 366025 993264 251762 230407 757521 575885 374074 374038 692172 424507 387304 939979 292157 194170 275263 32465 469866 230288 115497 497767 469866 567616 227001 143615 856570 275386 231080 85234 452603 994062 519611 1025795 27964 494724 231080 589466 300247 469866 111314 856546 564552 939979 272515 419961 567616 923808 807349 102287 692172 927628 231080 961795 123167 358281 77948 757842 692172 436911 849014 835307 785725 15243 253855 849060 31493 38257 849014 693484 398441 928168 241969 491052 488168 616223 935988 979207 37639 780224 895417 935988 351153 988417 153304 425512 100150 961457 314718 534552 666639 575878 986770 351153 954407 894434 926612 469866 634261 86653 993264 251762 40607 893562 469866 651138 844808 741633 993264 251762 893542 160594 567616 469866 811773 251762 856271 469866 251762 725837 231080 494724 300247 101095 221434 460851 452603 655290 890094 965059 419961 655290 37146 251762 314718 534552 666639 575878 986770 351153 231080 592031 251762 77948 1029824 897742 993264 16430 127305 469866 16430 831797 444589 184955 663404 231080 585787 986770 351153 840252 485033 935988 692172 774898 469866 567616 972276 77453 778083 742281 469866 795697 519486 469866 775304 231080 961795 123167 358281 77948 757842 692172 436911 849014 835307 785725 15243 253855 849060 31493 38257 849014 693484 398441 928168 241969 491052 488168 616223 935988 979207 37639 780224 895417 935988 351153 988417 153304 425512 100150 961457 830675 876880 830675 275790 469866 264054 469866 374894 469866 338131 415782 848015 939979 732958 16430 304502 655290 625462 251762 362288 45894 419961 567616 383436 807349 102287 692172 927628 724902 292157 70270 231080 552556 300247 362704 860499 231080 85234 830675 876880 831797 448779 1021798 896953 567616 605038 836086 230288 115497 497767 539914 1029617 489392 156100 621160 806632 571999 658761 831797 745062 621092 539800 600962 844686 231080 932281 567616 1025824 943135 943145 474158 308173 469866 911250 251762 856570 275386 831797 371169 231080 494724 778558 231080 961795 123167 358281 77948 757842 692172 436911 849014 835307 785725 15243 253855 849060 31493 38257 849014 693484 398441 928168 241969 491052 488168 616223 935988 979207 37639 780224 895417 935988 351153 988417 153304 425512 100150 961457 306330 884981 688637 937399 811866 943145 259576 692172 214356 432869 828296 655290 230288 844808 943145 69738 44762 469866 251762 306330 884981 688637 575885 374074 251762 869302 448779 893765 514348 811866 231080 253855 444135 469866 605038 296137 988689 251762 762274 831797 556262 251314 197749 725838 469866 160723 469866 621160 16430 572737 692172 251762 1013555 406381 831797 563541 750371 605038 469866 519024 539914 251762 725837 231080 552556 300247 221434 362704 452603 469866 758087 131622 775281 419961 231080 961795 123167 358281 77948 757842 692172 436911 849014 835307 785725 15243 253855 849060 31493 38257 849014 693484 398441 928168 241969 491052 488168 616223 935988 979207 37639 780224 895417 935988 351153 988417 153304 425512 100150 961457 451492 396348 469866 251762 451492 831797 745062 740968 733493 226623 177070 469866 621160 605038 575885 868646 622393 473559 539914 605038 567616 605038 415782 123732 778558 692172 865363 724902 251762 856570 567616 575885 354479 564552 939979 70270 231080 725837 102287 231080 838011 683127 939979 251762 902748 395670 567616 40607 86653 469866 605038 972015 415782 1029617 494724 231080 573101 300247 853073 452603 469866 111314 890094 441169 419961 567616 20947 807349 102287 692172 927628 469866 514348 1029617 432399 684100 692172 1018692 300302 725293 951843 231080 961795 123167 358281 77948 757842 692172 436911 849014 835307 785725 15243 253855 849060 31493 38257 849014 693484 398441 928168 241969 491052 488168 616223 935988 979207 37639 780224 895417 935988 351153 988417 153304 425512 100150 961457 875708 376150 1029523 292644 692172 1029617 177070 939979 939979 774244 251762 44469 469866 569236 354504 374074 993264 717252 692172 251762 127305 231080 88046 469866 16430 572737 692172 251762 464528 679136 968943 264054 374074 251762 972954 692172 12404 127305 231080 85234 875708 376150 588190 923821 419961 807349 102287 692172 927628 231080 85234 168869 831797 74119 543023 692172 575878 360194 469866 370085 575878 738448 524521 733493 226623 395670 469866 187082 1026051 469866 86653 469866 567616 197797 172909 231080 961795 123167 358281 77948 757842 692172 436911 849014 835307 785725 15243 253855 849060 31493 38257 849014 693484 398441 928168 241969 491052 488168 616223 935988 979207 37639 780224 895417 935988 351153 988417 153304 425512 100150 961457 822175 863411 1029617 201932 886300 539914 251762 103282 469866 811866 931665 151658 1029617 687417 567641 567616 12404 420064 831797 1021798 481652 231080 79627 490141 469866 811866 2 295605 69367 1029617 822175 469866 535618 469866 12404 840337 288069 420064 415782 901860 24590 231080 118230 374058 655290 563541 16430 831797 753905 1029617 592521 469866 968765 605038 831797 1029617 621220 65120 184543 514348 251762 689181 647633 196183 231080 85234 452603 994062 149777 37146 655290 692172 251762 613513 172604 1029617 766286 180107 725837 231080 589466 300247 221434 539914 260216 419961 231080 961795 123167 358281 77948 757842 692172 436911 849014 835307 785725 15243 253855 849060 31493 38257 849014 693484 398441 928168 241969 491052 488168 616223 935988 979207 37639 780224 895417 935988 351153 988417 153304 425512 100150 961457 562829 662253 937399 251762 456608 976284 724902 7519 419559 469866 264054 469866 251762 562829 662253 954407 273281 931604 374074 251762 259576 811866 2 69367 231080 149777 575885 774869 993264 254929 567616 135125 469866 680000 469866 567616 448893 745062 247267 697079 419961 564882 576296 83886 134796 811773 292157 419959 231080 133146 184955 469866 605038 37146 168219 539914 251762 312439 474392 1022150 403304 275263 469866 32465 589466 497546 164533 469866 502551 852684 911219 469866 1029617 89995 469866 1029617 379022 168869 469866 1029617 45381 663475 469866 567616 861407 469866 547350 159678 164533 563541 122738 519022 993264 16430 890334 231080 85234 762274 994062 149777 284372 299781 552484 469866 160723 231080 961795 123167 358281 77948 757842 692172 436911 849014 835307 785725 15243 253855 849060 31493 38257 849014 693484 398441 928168 241969 491052 488168 616223 935988 979207 37639 780224 895417 935988 351153 988417 153304 425512 100150 961457 913365 294702 85234 913365 294702 37146 882053 831797 49400 811330 469866 621160 605038 415782 1029617 923555 313215 839965 567616 184543 514348 53715 1021798 1029617 369960 539914 292157 650942 692172 398821 893542 663315 231080 149777 493868 786816 32883 469866 111314 770619 36927 448779 592986 692172 261679 469866 575885 374074 255385 724902 1029617 704417 114386 469866 264054 469866 605038 37146 44469 539610 231080 961795 123167 358281 77948 757842 692172 436911 849014 835307 785725 15243 253855 849060 31493 38257 849014 693484 398441 928168 241969 491052 488168 616223 935988 979207 37639 780224 895417 935988 351153 988417 153304 425512 100150 961457 270321 415167 858933 305999 251762 44469 469866 548222 69738 292001 469866 861105 994062 926560 575885 860515 498360 539914 251762 270321 415167 858933 469866 745062 477404 197797 675735 320772 823710 111314 947579 647116 1029617 947996 692172 896944 790492 231080 85234 432399 684100 831797 354550 300302 725293 951843 1021798 251762 646024 469866 498360 321396 831797 968943 943445 567616 811866 354504 1017702 939979 226871 847775 806748 621922 299781 563541 231080 257873 259576 994062 825681 519024 762274 831797 684514 469866 160723 231080 961795 123167 358281 77948 757842 692172 436911 849014 835307 785725 15243 253855 849060 31493 38257 849014 693484 398441 928168 241969 491052 488168 616223 935988 979207 37639 780224 895417 935988 351153 988417 153304 425512 100150 961457 192254 883835 458352 232137 776417 113620 149777 831797 98575 85715 655290 251762 776417 113620 881220 724902 1029617 102131 407678 992135 804106 231080 149777 831797 267110 993264 1029617 309185 192254 883835 458352 232137 469866 567616 605038 354504 993548 299781 448194 452986 802581 231080 339961 197749 539954 469866 313324 823589 1017702 901860 893960 1021798 292157 345462 469866 539914 73625 407678 1029617 51341 969108 134796 1017837 725838 419961 655290 37146 24506 939979 251762 431877 57857 251762 415941 51341 234355 684100 621092 231080 961795 123167 358281 77948 757842 692172 436911 849014 835307 785725 15243 253855 849060 31493 38257 849014 693484 398441 928168 241969 491052 488168 616223 935988 979207 37639 780224 895417 935988 351153 988417 153304 425512 100150 961457 15 Vehicles That Are Ready For The Apocalypse There have been many prophecies about the end of the world, and there will certainly be more. 15 Vehicles Apocalypse There have been many prophecies about the end of the world, and there will certainly be more. We, at Motor1, don't want to be the prophets of misfortune; on the contrary, we wish to be optimistic and to think that the world won't end, even though mankind seems to be destroying the very own house it dwells in. It is undeniable, however, that climate change is in front of everyone and the consequences can also be heavy for motorists. Having said that, and assuming that the tone of this article is joking (in addition to the fact that most of the vehicles on the list are just show cars), one can never be quite confident. There is a way to prepare for the worst, and we gathered at least 15: pickup trucks with six wheels, for example, or armored SUVs. Go ahead, take your pick, and scroll through our selection of cars that are ready for the apocalypse. Follow MSN Autos on Facebook and Twitter Avtoros Shaman 8x8 4x4? Amateur stuff. The Avtoros Shaman is 8x8. Well, perhaps the engine isn't, at least on paper: it's a 170-horsepower turbocharged diesel. With eight-wheel-drive powertrain and a "problematic" aerodynamics, to say the least, the fuel consumption is about 11.7 miles per gallon, but the escape from the floods, rivers, or landslides will be safe thanks to the fuel tank with a capacity of 270 liters (71.3 gallons). In short, you could reach up to 834 miles before you would need to stop. Don't miss our other lists of whatnots: 15 Worst-Selling Vehicles Of 2018 So Far 15 Crossovers That Are Surprisingly Capable Off-Road 10 Odd Automotive Engine Collaborations 10 Cars With Completely Carbon Fiber Bodies 1958 Land Rover Cuthbertson If it's off-road, a few (maybe not even one) can beat the legendary Land Rover Defender . Imagine the iconic Land Rover then with tracks: calling it unstoppable is an understatement. You shouldn't be in a hurry, though, because its maximum speed is 19.8 miles per hour. Aside from its monstrous beauty, the original vehicle is designed and built directly by Land Rover in the fifties. Don't miss our other lists of whatnots: 15 Worst-Selling Vehicles Of 2018 So Far 15 Crossovers That Are Surprisingly Capable Off-Road 10 Odd Automotive Engine Collaborations 10 Cars With Completely Carbon Fiber Bodies GPV Colonel 8x8 There are off-roaders that are totally capable of wading through rivers and crossing rocks, then there's this: the GPV Colonel 8x8 and it can roll over vans or any other cars as if they were fog banks. Yes, you read that correctly. This street-legal 8x8 has the capability to cut down 12-inch thick walls. So, landslides? Lava floods? No problem. Don't miss our other lists of whatnots: 15 Worst-Selling Vehicles Of 2018 So Far 15 Crossovers That Are Surprisingly Capable Off-Road 10 Odd Automotive Engine Collaborations 10 Cars With Completely Carbon Fiber Bodies Brabus 850 Buscemi Edition Built on the previous-generation of the Mercedes-AMG G63 , this SUV lacks only the artillery to face the final day of judgment. The Brabus 850 Buscemi Edition costs €410,000 before VAT ($464,000 at the current exchange rates), but it is undoubtedly the most elegant and snobbish way to deal with the apocalypse, thanks to the careful hands of the Californian designer Jon Buscemi. Its twin-cylinder 6.0-liter V8 gasoline engine delivers 850 hp and 1,069 pound-feet of maximum torque. So, don't be surprised by its maximum speed, which is rated at 162 miles per hour. Don't miss our other lists of whatnots: 15 Worst-Selling Vehicles Of 2018 So Far 15 Crossovers That Are Surprisingly Capable Off-Road 10 Odd Automotive Engine Collaborations 10 Cars With Completely Carbon Fiber Bodies Inkas Sentry MPV It isn't a tank, but almost: the Inkas Sentry MPV measures 18.9 feet in length and its occupants (from four to six depending on the interior design) can be assured of safety thanks to its BR7 armor level, four-wheel drive, and 20-inch ground clearance. The engine? An eight-cylinder 6.7-liter, which generates up to 395 horsepower and 800 pound-feet of torque. Don't miss our other lists of whatnots: 15 Worst-Selling Vehicles Of 2018 So Far 15 Crossovers That Are Surprisingly Capable Off-Road 10 Odd Automotive Engine Collaborations 10 Cars With Completely Carbon Fiber Bodies Jeep Wrangler Willys by Geiger Cars Military-style aesthetics, motorized winch on the front bumper, steel wheels painted on the body tone and, under the bonnet, the 3.6-liter Pentastar V6 gasoline engine that produces 285 horsepower that's the Jeep Wrangler Willys by Geiger Cars . Unlike the other "crazy" cars on this list, this is much more realistic. But Geiger Cars only built 10 of these, and each costs around €68,900 ($80,700). Don't miss our other lists of whatnots: 15 Worst-Selling Vehicles Of 2018 So Far 15 Crossovers That Are Surprisingly Capable Off-Road 10 Odd Automotive Engine Collaborations 10 Cars With Completely Carbon Fiber Bodies Technoimpulse Rocket Z Rocket means, well, rocket, yet Technoimpulse has decided to call this monster that despite the mere 82 horsepower and 170 pound-feet of torque from its 2.5-liter turbocharged diesel. The Technoimpulse Rocket Z is made in Russia and it offers four-wheel drive with a differential lock but above everything else is an automatic tire inflation system . Attack and exit angles are 52 degrees, while the ground clearance is 23.6 inches. Don't miss our other lists of whatnots: 15 Worst-Selling Vehicles Of 2018 So Far 15 Crossovers That Are Surprisingly Capable Off-Road 10 Odd Automotive Engine Collaborations 10 Cars With Completely Carbon Fiber Bodies Hennessey VelociRaptor 6x6 If you are one of those who thinks that four wheels are not enough, the Hennessey VelociRaptor 6x6 can be the pickup made especially for you. Of course, it isn't cheap: the price is slightly less than $300,000, but this version of the famous Raptor is all worth it, starting with the 3.5-liter V6 turbocharged engine, producing over 600 horsepower. Don't miss our other lists of whatnots: 15 Worst-Selling Vehicles Of 2018 So Far 15 Crossovers That Are Surprisingly Capable Off-Road 10 Odd Automotive Engine Collaborations 10 Cars With Completely Carbon Fiber Bodies Torsus Praetorian Basically, the Torsus Praetorian is an authentic off-road vehicle, but it can bring 35 people with it and it has 16 inches of space from the ground and can wade up to 2.3 feet. In addition to the specific tires and front winch, it also has a 6.9-liter turbodiesel engine, which produces 239 horsepower and 682 pound-feet of torque, for a maximum speed of 73 miles per hour. Don't miss our other lists of whatnots: 15 Worst-Selling Vehicles Of 2018 So Far 15 Crossovers That Are Surprisingly Capable Off-Road 10 Odd Automotive Engine Collaborations 10 Cars With Completely Carbon Fiber Bodies Manhart MHX6 Dirt When thinking of a vehicle to to face the apocalypse, BMW won't be on top of the list. However, this version of the X6 could very well be the start of your list. The Manhart MHX6 Dirt carries 888 horsepower and885 pound-feet of torque. The suspension is taken care of by KW, complemented by BF Goodrich off-road tires, LED lights, winch, and two snorkels. Don't miss our other lists of whatnots: 15 Worst-Selling Vehicles Of 2018 So Far 15 Crossovers That Are Surprisingly Capable Off-Road 10 Odd Automotive Engine Collaborations 10 Cars With Completely Carbon Fiber Bodies Nissan 370Zki On a white weekend with the 370Z, you suddenly encountered a catastrophic avalanche and your life is in peril. Good thing, you're actually driving a Nissan 370Zki , thus, your precious little life has been spared. Too bad that all this is just a dream, since it is a concept car designed for the Chicago Auto Show. The engine? It's that of the original model: a naturally-aspirated 3.7-liter V6 with 328 horsepower. Don't miss our other lists of whatnots: 15 Worst-Selling Vehicles Of 2018 So Far 15 Crossovers That Are Surprisingly Capable Off-Road 10 Odd Automotive Engine Collaborations 10 Cars With Completely Carbon Fiber Bodies Rezvani Tank If the danger comes from human beings, well, the Rezvani Tank Military Edition should be the one you're driving. It can take on bullets and bombs, trails, and packs an optional 707-horsepower (527-kilowatt) Hellcat V8 under its hood. Even more, it's equipped with the following: B7-rated glass armor, level 7 ballistics protection, thermal night vision, a firewall, a reinforced suspension, a smoke screen, and yes, even bomb protection all come standard on this trim. The price? It starts at $295,000. Don't miss our other lists of whatnots: 15 Worst-Selling Vehicles Of 2018 So Far 15 Crossovers That Are Surprisingly Capable Off-Road 10 Odd Automotive Engine Collaborations 10 Cars With Completely Carbon Fiber Bodies Partisan One The Partisan One 's styling is purely military, but it has a 100-year guarantee and designed for survival in a battlefield with its plethora of armored body panels. It may look strange, which seems something made out of Lego, can be launched from a helicopter because, well, it's apocalypse ready. Don't miss our other lists of whatnots: 15 Worst-Selling Vehicles Of 2018 So Far 15 Crossovers That Are Surprisingly Capable Off-Road 10 Odd Automotive Engine Collaborations 10 Cars With Completely Carbon Fiber Bodies Pal-V Liberty During the apocalypse, why not fly, right? You can do so with the Pal-V Liberty , an incredible two-seat flying machine which elevates via a pair of Rotax engines. The maximum speed is 112 miles per hour in the air, so transportation is very fast and you won't have to worry about broken roads at all. Need one? Its starting price is $399,000. Don't miss our other lists of whatnots: 15 Worst-Selling Vehicles Of 2018 So Far 15 Crossovers That Are Surprisingly Capable Off-Road 10 Odd Automotive Engine Collaborations 10 Cars With Completely Carbon Fiber Bodies Toyota Land Cruiser FJ40 Hot Rod It is no coincidence that the Hot Rod came from a country like South Africa. It is based on a 1976 Toyota Land Cruiser FJ40, and it won't stop at anything or anyone. More than 1,200 hours have been invested in its development, with improvements like a Lexus 1UZ V8 making 300 horsepower that's rooted to the back through the matching Lexus five-speed automatic. Don't miss our other lists of whatnots: 15 Worst-Selling Vehicles Of 2018 So Far 15 Crossovers That Are Surprisingly Capable Off-Road 10 Odd Automotive Engine Collaborations 10 Cars With Completely Carbon Fiber Bodies
BBQr8d2 45 autos autosnews 569236 767886 843560 938918 958500 702005 128813 893098 633269 85234 197797 765821 856822 918643 251762 412201 567616 807581 671679 939979 733031 251762 902748 700078 231080 421830 299781 192254 567616 569236 943145 872808 968943 539886 847775 251762 1030294 633269 567616 938918 872808 968943 976374 985001 469866 625462 317285 737737 251762 24523 152107 567616 218254 231080 540289 258693 331257 469866 920386 269138 514348 688982 469866 997640 655290 251762 27918 432109 881220 918643 939979 1029617 144051 679130 539914 477365 538968 299781 192254 231080 773197 251762 569236 938918 993264 195413 29400 561659 1029617 569236 938918 588715 811866 368280 37146 9748 567616 726998 791324 334949 469866 621160 28904 15880 1022405 972276 77948 1021798 424634 692172 243500 28904 684280 724902 358281 122856 469866 567616 1021798 263719 231080 398441 329810 259576 679130 469866 655290 37146 563541 605038 840602 231080 571539 15880 708112 993264 251762 7492 131684 567616 243500 28904 684280 1021798 424634 692172 263719 469866 258693 331257 700877 15158 83771 231080 368280 218362 655290 251762 197797 1001822 234247 750090 338064 251762 757521 638596 329810 612986 231080 643390 939979 1029617 275959 115213 469866 251762 370211 1001822 724902 569236 567616 192254 53858 642912 514348 847775 197797 260050 939979 819263 251762 861105 445092 469866 968976 469866 988914 498429 659039 469866 567616 593735 688037 572410 231080 85234 794448 654494 16430 453327 1021798 465224 993835 469866 567616 807581 568690 346246 432686 173085 231080 85234 358431 633269 486080 147830 292157 881647 914315 394898 299781 251762 611813 41791 376642 647633 196183 1021798 298246 231080 855645 716789 147830 251762 757980 114576 342061 407678 1029617 778435 456567 469866 127747 231080 942817 943145 197797 569236 218408 758076 985115 951599 939979 251762 769551 27296 1029617 70270 231080 132059 300247 362704 230288 27964 567616 1029617 725837 231080 132059 300247 362704 106621 24563 231080 85234 840252 155587 778459 831797 745062 1025795 684100 621092 946714 972954 1021798 251762 238528 106558 692172 416567 231080 252362 882015 564266 469866 192254 37146 999108 546315 613547 997081 972015 844329 733031 1029617 358048 572737 469866 911150 231080 603384 469866 321154 692172 251762 569236 938918 831797 876936 671851 299781 686078 373598 37146 69423 1021798 639451 231080 946714 1021798 251762 769551 27296 972954 1021798 550019 416567 469866 567616 275336 575885 798771 251762 24523 70270 231080 132059 300247 230288 27964 567616 725837 231080 132059 300247 106621 24563 73164 1021798 251762 633269 231080 937097 195413 29400 993264 970159 567616 274999 BMW Explains Why Z4 Looks Entirely Different Than Supra The two companies nailed down the specifics and then separated to create the specific designs. Folks at Toyota and BMW are being very vocal about the new Supra and Z4 being very different machines, despite them sharing the same platform and powertrains. Adrian Van Hooydonk, Design Director for Bimmer, says that the collaboration essentially came down to a single conversation with his counterpart at Toyota. Research the BMW Z4 on MSN Autos | Find a BMW Z4 near you "He's Japanese and I'm Dutch, but we immediately understood each other in terms of what we want from our engineers, and in proportions. That was one conversation, that's all it took. We immediately agreed on the hard points and what we want in terms of proportions," Van Hooydonk told Top Gear . He said that the two teams didn't reconvene until the design process was complete. According to a previous report, the engineering teams from BMW and Toyota worked together for about two years to determine the right wheelbase, width, fuel tank location, and A-pillar placement. The crews completed this undertaking in mid-2014 , and then went their separate ways. The revied Supra will make its long-awaited debut at the North American International Auto Show in January . Several leaks make the official details seem like a foregone conclusion, though. There are two BMW-sourced powertrain options coming to the United States a 2.0-liter turbocharged four-cylinder and a 3.0-liter turbocharged inline-six . The only available gearbox is an eight-speed automatic Sales start in the first half of 2019. At some point, Toyota's Gazoo Racing performance division also might create a hotter version, too. Meanwhile, production of the BMW Z4 is already underway at Magna Steyr's facility in Austria. Sales in the United States start in March 2019, and buyers can get the same 2.0-liter four-cylinder and 3.0-liter inline-six as in the Supra. Follow MSN Autos on Facebook and Twitter
BBQtuF2 46 foodanddrink foodnews 656081 838164 831797 852409 382343 402776 514348 539954 472977 621160 811866 1017702 939979 943509 939979 84359 37146 939979 798771 317285 398590 575878 1010934 656081 838164 415782 1029617 1030294 972212 655290 317141 604739 939979 943509 939979 84359 37146 231080 863411 213017 469866 251762 943445 642254 612957 423648 655290 605038 831797 519118 184955 197749 465778 469866 160723 84359 37146 514490 656081 838164 762345 231080 838011 460808 469866 656081 838164 831797 341371 1029617 84359 37146 214349 972212 231080 937399 604739 943509 643009 775281 102287 692172 1029617 84359 37146 659039 469866 152359 575885 251464 1029617 192433 514348 259576 472977 647116 251762 721269 656081 838164 452329 231080 937399 1029617 737245 831797 592754 259576 692172 774898 1000868 567616 415782 251762 1030294 116025 268653 993264 346246 848036 469866 251762 452329 486080 325589 251762 192433 857038 514348 1029617 115107 919174 469866 656081 838164 218362 1021798 1029617 205746 976963 231080 373051 251762 539954 192433 857038 251464 831797 943830 469866 251762 729783 486080 374074 382343 724902 84359 37146 469866 73164 251762 452329 749916 317285 939979 251762 3609 656081 838164 383066 514348 601191 564552 231080 656081 838164 469550 894293 292157 452329 469866 773900 604739 939979 300443 119232 647116 420125 231080 84359 37146 415782 184955 197749 465778 469866 160723 444511 159555 251762 361414 231080 656081 838164 415782 847775 494724 469866 775281 943445 642254 444511 231080 85234 972212 247363 745062 733142 514348 1029617 111118 250859 656081 838164 519121 993264 662344 362313 184385 312477 939979 84359 37146 231080 184385 312477 939979 84359 37146 656081 838164 722207 95787 903144 469866 849060 656081 838164 415782 901860 505892 1021798 882015 49671 1005744 469550 469866 333804 73164 465154 1029617 931059 127153 448455 193573 275345 251762 231080 34715 457501 469866 251762 612957 317058 1029617 721381 692172 432470 1030677 655290 634498 939979 374074 721334 1029617 45275 721381 692172 353914 567616 292339 231080 619699 469866 656081 838164 218362 655290 251762 147646 1030677 774341 901860 745062 885464 939979 964606 251762 815705 692172 292157 3571 629599 547953 231080 Burger King is giving away Whoppers for 1 cent but you have to go to McDonald's to get them Video by Buzz60 Burger King has a new deal that requires customers to go to McDonald's. On Tuesday, the fast-food chain announced that it is "turning more than 14,000 McDonald's into Burger King restaurants." In fact, Burger King is debuting a McDonald's-themed deal. If customers go within 600 feet of a McDonald's location, they can order a Whopper for one cent via the revamped Burger King app. "If a guest is inside one of these geofenced areas and has the new BK App on their device, the app will unlock the Whopper sandwich for a penny promotion," Burger King said in a press release. "Once the 1¢ Whopper sandwich order is placed, the user will be 'detoured' away from McDonald's, as the app navigates them to the nearest Burger King restaurant for pick up." Burger King recently relaunched its app, allowing customers to place orders via mobile. McDonald's has more than 14,000 locations across the US. Burger King has about 6,600 fast-food locations. The deal provides an explanation for a seemingly bizarre Burger King tweet on Tueday morning: "brb going to McDonald's." brb going to McDonald's Burger King (@BurgerKing) December 4, 2018 Burger King has been dabbling in some unusual promotions recently, such as launching a flame-grilled dog treat called the Dogpper. Last week, the chain posted a string of nonsensical tweets that seemed to be simply a random string of letters and numbers. Later, Burger King said that the gibberish tweets had been an effort to promote the return of its mini cinnamon rolls.
BBQx06B 47 news newsscienceandtechnology 268653 122145 939979 869271 169072 1021798 416567 469866 539914 419902 567616 465562 69367 1005345 121484 873241 567616 526512 222004 268653 293175 831797 313114 713010 292157 416567 469493 514348 251762 795379 452329 147537 469866 378639 292157 460838 778083 790391 692426 469866 419902 469866 251762 28753 189046 469866 567616 77948 485392 231080 702858 790841 469866 605038 19882 251762 795379 473215 790391 873733 1021798 427769 411869 320482 251762 452329 762445 774869 346246 741629 3165 939979 210064 572854 522282 139719 313215 469866 111314 831797 279566 251762 510766 692172 251762 246973 407232 90353 189046 469866 514348 839743 37146 948130 231080 643390 939979 251762 1030294 460838 469866 251762 795379 452329 667712 790391 873733 486080 143557 552556 420543 73164 943445 73164 251762 382940 246973 147537 139719 313215 231080 585787 251762 460838 972015 226458 655290 790391 873733 111314 308780 939979 251762 391066 778257 873733 993264 427769 567616 57857 1021798 452329 485756 831797 840252 259576 370536 939979 581000 251762 427769 762445 1005345 567616 7894 61717 231080 121484 692426 831797 972015 547361 939979 629638 188841 514348 843797 1021798 452329 802538 567616 901972 655290 831797 469866 251762 964831 655290 774869 300443 601160 692172 251762 452329 762445 1021798 452329 407678 295373 469866 783723 469866 567616 19123 469866 514348 180398 231080 200365 469866 420125 486080 856162 514348 919747 510584 692172 246973 980515 1013221 873733 1021798 416567 469866 729531 437011 522282 469866 564552 724902 363017 510584 1021798 836669 231080 838011 683127 469866 486388 510584 184955 420125 427769 486080 164377 57857 1021798 452329 522196 1021798 416567 231080 121484 419902 939979 787038 486388 189046 799283 655877 1021798 275959 260050 469866 420125 419902 831797 275419 939979 251762 774009 692172 251762 1005345 1021798 790391 692426 469866 251762 115213 997640 231080 121484 419902 469866 111314 868735 939979 374074 251762 604866 188841 584354 692172 419902 469866 535193 526660 16430 313215 539914 427769 407678 368109 567616 558523 469866 997640 268653 293175 231080 695333 94169 918647 514629 374408 1017852 655290 758106 317285 993264 1009859 539914 704808 465611 490098 567616 201711 94169 993264 603591 141870 567616 726474 1021798 1029617 243489 655290 600899 901860 366055 320482 469866 251762 222004 218362 231080 101603 972015 374467 783022 73505 1029617 1030668 399808 1005121 152107 419902 469866 567616 268653 293175 19882 655290 939979 629638 1021798 416567 539914 184955 94169 419557 251314 844605 231080 88046 469866 251762 419902 189046 354504 753905 374074 188841 114386 692172 345533 407678 558523 567616 368109 231080 966245 403043 94169 655290 831797 469866 214356 539914 968943 379119 815210 486080 972015 497767 44724 1005345 1021798 416567 231080 138193 251762 444135 692172 251762 139719 313215 469866 790391 873733 1021798 420125 419902 486080 787038 486388 510584 189046 799283 159555 563541 420082 1026261 469866 378639 603591 469866 141870 469866 106306 469866 737251 469866 567616 420125 231080 565418 486080 514829 1029617 420082 122755 939979 382940 452329 667712 790391 873733 469866 378639 420125 419902 469866 621160 535613 493868 374074 1029617 440841 889578 692172 346246 77708 139719 313215 213586 939979 251762 374408 989096 547408 231080 838011 371529 469866 202560 473667 565418 37146 671620 370294 73157 692172 374408 382815 872731 1029617 757681 481834 564552 231080 85234 547408 518521 251762 671110 185209 469866 724902 366360 387068 407678 110719 53126 118183 939979 391388 555610 231080 937399 251762 547408 868735 1021798 416567 469866 268653 293175 1029693 953318 172332 486080 783022 399808 530892 469039 567616 970736 593735 431810 679136 976971 231080 268653 293175 831797 972015 948039 259576 93908 419902 720876 514348 416567 418428 37146 602866 10430 238034 167663 469866 111314 605038 1029693 486080 89959 923555 3569 1021798 790391 873733 1021798 292157 238528 247882 728875 231080 418428 37146 298883 405339 469866 575878 839743 469866 341297 923555 3569 1021798 292157 238528 197797 4065 567616 147323 251762 604866 374408 939979 787038 539954 522282 1021798 790391 873733 231080 585787 268653 293175 296137 312477 498360 588386 73164 939979 750047 602866 10430 486080 860515 402982 197749 298883 405339 469866 111314 556322 514490 790391 370606 567616 329810 1029617 238528 939979 189046 617519 482396 419902 189481 231080 121484 398590 455969 824697 185232 1030668 583970 514348 251762 1030294 313215 831797 251762 1005345 1021798 684269 181064 427769 469866 23977 575878 1021798 452329 465562 231080 1016998 469866 251762 633696 543650 778257 131622 589466 231080 552556 823589 692172 700427 725293 394893 469866 378639 33006 469866 477494 469866 57658 452986 750038 231080 909081 313215 469866 935988 444565 692172 131264 951843 486080 374074 98834 374197 700427 159555 435473 567616 110719 486080 122738 724902 181064 684269 993264 420125 469866 251762 460838 997640 231080 85234 568606 465611 1021798 684269 181064 427769 486080 160064 53920 510584 724902 540023 939979 416567 469866 539914 790391 873733 1021798 139394 427769 564552 575878 705412 510584 131622 655290 24523 943818 231080 702858 692172 214356 292506 486080 122738 724902 251762 1005345 1021798 1021798 452329 465562 231080 310939 692172 251762 465611 790391 873733 181064 486080 122738 724902 234938 584354 684269 427769 407678 571621 469866 279011 567616 342106 427769 407678 516576 567616 72641 231080 571621 567607 864398 514348 903144 592986 692172 131264 552556 444565 98834 1021798 251762 717252 935988 684269 181064 427769 469866 313114 231080 585787 416567 486080 948157 284004 481041 469866 378639 251762 625756 692172 536717 37146 181064 861146 469866 536717 469866 514348 180398 231080 268653 293175 37146 399142 115213 469866 111314 114576 1013221 308143 567616 519032 73164 264054 469866 831797 155587 993264 292157 44544 231080 App Stores to pass $122B in 2019, with gaming and subscriptions driving growth Mobile intelligence and data firm App Annie is today releasing its 2019 predictions for the worldwide app economy, including its forecast around consumer spending, gaming, the subscription market, and other highlights. Most notably, it expects the worldwide gross consumer spend in apps - meaning before the app stores take their own cut - to surpass $122 billion next year, which is double the size of the global box office market, for comparison's sake. According to the new forecast, the worldwide app store consumer spend will grow 5 times as fast as the overall global economy next year. But the forecast also notes that "consumer spend" - which refers to the money consumers spend on apps and through in-app purchases - is only one metric to track the apps stores' growth and revenue potential. Mobile spending is also expected to continue growing for both in-app advertising and commerce - that is, the transactions that take place outside of the app stores in app like Uber, Amazon, and Starbucks, for example. Specifically, mobile will account for 62 percent of global digital ad spend in 2019, representing $155 billion, up from 50 percent in 2017. In addition, 60 percent more mobile apps will monetize through in-app ads in 2019. Mobile gaming to reach 60% market share As in previous years, mobile gaming is contributing to the bulk of the growth in consumer spending, the report says. Mobile gaming, which continues to be the fastest growing form of gaming, matured further this year with apps like Fortnite and PUBG, says App Annie . These games "drove multiplayer game mechanics that put them on par with real-time strategy and shooter games on PC/Mac and Consoles in a way that hadn't been done before," the firm said. They also helped push forward a trend towards cross-platform gaming, and App Annie expects that to continue in 2019 with more games becoming less siloed. However, the gaming market won't just be growing because of experiences like PUBG and Fortnite. "Hyper-casual" games - that is, those with very simple gameplay - will also drive download growth in 2019. Over the course of the next year, consumer spend in mobile gaming will reach 60 percent market share across all major platforms, including PC, Mac, console, handheld, and mobile. China will remain a major contributor to overall app store consumer spend, including mobile gaming, but there may be a slight deceleration of their impact next year due to the game licensing freeze. In August, Bloomberg reported China's regulators froze approval of game licenses amid a government shake-up. The freeze impacted the entire sector, from large players like internet giant Tencent to smaller developers. If the freeze continues in 2019, App Annie believes Chinese firms will push towards international expansion and M&A activity could result. App Annie is also predicting one breakout gaming hit for 2019: Niantic's Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, which it believes will exceed $100 million in consumer spend in its first 30 days. Niantic's Pokémon Go, by comparison, cleared $100 million in its first two weeks and became the fastest game to reach $1 billion in consumer spend. But App Annie isn't going so far as to predict Harry Potter will do better than Pokémon Go, which tapped into consumer nostalgia and was a first-to-market mainstream AR gaming title. Mobile Video Streaming Another significant trend ahead for the new year is the growth in video streaming apps, fueled by in-app subscriptions. Today, the average person consumers over 7.5 hours of media per day, including watching, listening, reading or posting. Next year, 10 minutes of every hour will be spent consuming media across TV and internet will come from streaming video on mobile, the forecast says. The total time in video streaming apps will increase 110 percent from 2016 to 2019, with consumer spend in entertainment apps up by 520 percent over that same period. Most of those revenues will come from the growth in in-app subscriptions. Much of the time consumer spend streaming will come from short-form video apps like YouTube, TikTok and social apps like Instagram and Snapchat. YouTube alone accounts for 4 out of every 5 minutes spent in the top 10 video streaming apps, today. But 2019 will see many changes, including the launch of Disney's streaming service, Disney+ , for example. App Annie's full report, which details ad creatives and strategies as well, is available on its blog .
BBR2nhz 48 news newspolitics 467515 544864 469841 762328 1029617 939694 724902 674598 469866 477365 106503 493820 997640 394506 766400 794431 567616 827331 170663 62937 218362 655290 477365 456702 629424 467515 544864 831797 131898 275924 935713 514348 477365 374058 906043 567616 469841 762328 402932 939694 230601 575878 933998 674598 231080 62937 329810 544864 37146 827331 403454 898598 1026616 81844 584737 960157 939979 411667 567616 412363 378281 329102 283969 575878 906703 968311 391066 939979 943841 633629 629032 532501 231080 544864 469866 432869 329810 674598 37146 275924 827331 514348 284004 260050 469866 329810 836309 939979 840591 260050 1021798 898384 993264 786171 231080 863411 396837 251762 797380 674459 469866 62937 329810 238194 243500 81844 667764 692172 674598 757404 544864 1029617 14734 255111 655290 362313 514348 435994 539914 251762 540994 21321 692172 673363 231080 398441 37146 251762 119097 692172 1029617 345823 469866 69738 692172 251762 621833 469866 62937 12107 231080 585787 467515 544864 840602 279992 567616 275924 935713 514348 263512 567616 81844 37146 312477 939979 873253 73164 1029617 242565 567616 81844 36054 238785 469866 852920 420543 469866 939979 412138 81844 432879 774869 1029617 939694 724902 644000 674598 729142 605038 329810 1005353 939979 160024 231080 62937 700877 251762 346132 37146 844335 469866 978980 928384 469866 655290 152359 721079 122821 251762 547858 692172 131898 1029617 222429 939694 231080 368280 218362 655290 544864 415782 460679 122869 514348 571999 81844 810991 939979 727917 331765 469866 251762 890232 333077 271890 251762 675361 514490 896953 37146 737320 539914 251762 540023 222429 428035 231080 31493 467515 544864 831797 370607 131898 279992 1021798 477365 564437 939979 251762 852211 692172 477365 275924 935713 514348 477365 906043 1026616 81844 53858 514348 644000 674598 469866 81844 489323 231080 100970 655290 81844 176868 644000 674598 73164 621833 81844 824171 1029617 473206 383248 114386 81844 411643 514348 477365 102131 567616 477365 263271 1026616 644000 674598 329810 621833 231080 62937 972015 840602 110727 539914 674598 37146 192715 655290 275584 687272 774341 806748 514490 544864 37146 90353 567616 403753 1021798 884148 720334 1021798 231497 231080 368280 218362 544864 819193 939979 251762 692372 567616 547350 1010148 251762 275584 687272 514348 346246 939185 73164 152359 428321 231080 544864 708654 914504 251762 687272 939979 396458 73164 551536 972783 469866 48806 567616 304703 231080 926560 1017702 1029617 621833 106348 251762 186593 469866 263512 847775 1029617 911228 1021798 1029617 803117 692372 469866 567616 81844 37146 251762 717252 69618 102234 560061 692172 251762 102131 567616 432869 57132 81844 819831 994062 368280 345970 477365 473559 432869 1017702 922963 567616 308782 939979 52919 231080 85234 725246 692172 243500 1029617 621833 931604 860515 469866 81844 218362 231080 62937 218362 535613 943145 882015 708899 81844 596525 509827 547886 73164 544864 37146 106503 493820 567616 575974 40188 114386 81844 57132 69738 684280 939979 798771 1021798 40607 692172 18472 231080 331765 37146 980610 231080 368280 783297 251762 906771 939979 184641 271903 498360 655290 331765 37146 675361 296137 683304 452986 123014 231080 88046 469866 81844 497741 564266 592986 655290 251762 416222 213943 575878 331765 914504 251762 922892 609496 575878 544864 73164 749709 939979 251762 675361 469866 73164 605038 123368 939979 674598 37146 963898 939979 753462 1029617 366360 919171 1021798 447022 469866 567616 403093 539914 167234 580650 231080 942817 37146 1029617 592846 1021798 251762 331765 213943 655290 853025 811866 502008 452659 469866 514348 622481 823589 1021798 172888 292249 469866 467515 544864 329810 539914 18472 231080 331765 231080 143115 51952 184955 724902 246553 51651 31001 124544 757980 674598 575885 374074 7541 911250 1021798 90353 334559 276837 802581 994062 60153 828171 378328 37146 493641 370607 981122 1029617 976374 580504 692172 836040 826435 972212 575878 167234 365790 109105 140834 935105 540023 440396 378281 19305 231080 435179 231080 873241 568513 251762 905974 993264 251762 725360 192943 539914 565418 674598 238528 62033 477365 827331 753771 601191 266944 655964 514348 563559 696159 380296 493820 975248 635897 902297 604793 1021798 591660 469866 273744 383066 Michael Cohen would refuse a pardon from Trump, his former lawyer says Veteran political consultant and attorney Lanny Davis said that his embattled advisee Michael Cohen is taking personal responsibility for his bad behavior and would refuse any pardon offered by President Trump. Davis was Cohen's attorney last summer when he pleaded guilty to fraud and violating campaign finance laws by paying hush money to pornographic actress Stormy Daniels. Cohen, who was Trump's personal attorney for many years, was sentenced to three years in prison on Wednesday. On "Face the Nation" Sunday, Davis was asked what he thought of Trump calling Cohen a "Rat" earlier that morning for cooperating with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. "That's the language of a mobster, not of the president," Davis replied. "But Michael Cohen took ownership and personal responsibility for lying and he's going to jail as a consequence and he authorized me, several times, to say he wouldn't take a pardon from Donald Trump if it was handed to him." Davis told the show's moderator, Margaret Brennan, that they never discussed the possibility of taking a presidential pardon. He said that Cohen has corroborating evidence for everything he disclosed to Robert Mueller, the special counsel overseeing the investigation into Russia's interference with the 2016 presidential election. "So Michael Cohen is now taking ownership in his statement to the court of his personal responsibility for his behavior when he worked for Donald Trump," he continued. "Now that he saw Donald Trump as president he underwent a genuine transformation because he feared for his country and his family when Donald Trump was president." Davis also took issue with Trump's claim that federal agents had broken into Cohen's office and residences in New York in April. He said Cohen consented to the search and even thanked the federal agents for their courtesy as they left. Cohen later described the agents to CNN as "extremely professional, courteous and respectful." "You have a president denouncing the FBI, lying about a warrant in a legal search, and he's the top law enforcement officer of the country and who does he praise? He praises his people who have lied and refused to cooperate. The opposite of what a president should do," he said. Davis said there are some questions he cannot answer publicly as Cohen's former lawyer and current adviser because he does not want to "get in front of Mr. Mueller's findings." He urged the public to exercise patience so that Mueller's investigation isn't compromised or hindered. However, he did point out that the sentencing memo by Mueller described the information provided by Cohen as important to the investigation, as it relates to Trump's attempts to build a large project in Moscow, and contacts with Russian officials. "There's a lot in the Mueller memo that tells you how forthcoming, for 70 hours in seven meetings, Michael Cohen was with Mr. Mueller." _____ Read more from Yahoo News: Obama DOJ official: Trump can be indicted while in office Blackwater Beef anyone? Private security company's founder now sells a different kind of muscle Plea deal by Russian agent Maria Butina describes 2016 influence campaign U.S. intelligence sounds the alarm on the quantum gap with China Trump first wanted his attorney general pick William Barr for another job: Defense lawyer Photos: Explosion injures dozens in Sapporo, Japan restaurant
BBR2zT1 49 news newslocal 85234 693209 409406 948801 639953 838011 1019091 545209 416567 414054 85234 141066 467488 415782 284284 564552 1019091 37146 382451 939979 596621 947625 73164 762217 692172 292157 398805 547456 939979 251762 843773 642254 567616 370180 1021798 131264 502492 231080 The Best Food And Drink In California For 2019: List The Daily Meal has rounded up California's claims to culinary fame as part of its annual guide to the best food and drink in every state.
BBR44BE 50 finance markets 569786 37146 845466 449909 514348 33971 692172 945272 241255 202560 853696 567616 122662 943145 1021407 115387 514348 1029617 563789 313215 424533 122867 370607 655290 251762 728875 692172 493556 391066 943145 951599 939979 745062 127026 231080 298246 37146 580652 251762 230017 692117 692172 251762 313215 514348 1030294 633740 671659 621160 73164 436010 766246 267653 346246 472908 839610 567616 766400 172988 123128 469866 438403 1009474 769803 567616 993627 304998 765821 721059 399907 564552 939979 416567 37146 576552 189046 992741 231080 838011 844796 972691 469866 40607 201401 510342 567616 300145 65090 77453 231080 85234 313215 73164 1029617 132026 486080 374074 952542 65281 469866 621160 284004 486080 156565 939979 204947 251762 189046 1021798 298246 469866 218362 384349 469866 1029617 287727 94754 122814 299781 529926 281584 674203 231080 373051 605038 831797 889328 655290 972952 943145 69738 24493 939979 242650 849060 625767 535613 486080 374074 1029617 370608 692172 910375 951599 431877 939979 189046 231080 398441 37146 1029617 498181 737744 939979 251762 403454 4065 692172 849060 73164 324884 617116 1017702 820201 567616 65090 77453 749713 73164 436010 403407 593097 939979 836263 19305 231080 435179 231080 275982 567616 251762 127026 692172 251762 128936 903690 672448 37146 655231 3753 231080 641795 28904 1017702 815152 514348 251762 238528 465611 1021798 284004 260050 831797 729142 605038 37146 1029617 374058 189046 469866 605038 275790 535613 831797 382586 90533 469866 473559 943145 73117 806686 692172 655290 567616 684280 939979 996875 655290 465646 692172 189046 469866 218362 776191 587419 469866 879031 672448 218946 37146 675298 692172 437930 621555 168312 436010 633740 94754 231080 298246 679136 374074 968943 720876 567616 123167 567616 1029617 160121 692172 444454 139654 567616 19510 431810 679136 972015 214307 671659 469866 81844 218362 231080 480163 462546 83775 65120 36747 197327 171915 347504 218946 567616 106888 638596 67542 269467 843797 61716 910375 1021798 251762 1005682 526488 692172 168556 947449 189046 617116 231080 33846 197327 961387 8984 218946 567616 19305 231080 435179 231080 267110 1011293 174119 998688 231080 943145 843797 338131 939979 201505 967949 547350 127747 152359 774341 535206 539914 403407 514348 61717 910375 231080 946714 692172 1030294 967949 600759 847775 873980 510584 939979 696918 522282 362004 256098 522282 1021798 849060 469866 221670 939979 526512 304045 575878 202560 469866 539914 27094 872035 993264 95787 725837 424533 960522 251762 403454 370102 972212 692172 251762 313215 231080 343115 692172 251762 189046 1021798 95787 493868 539373 535613 943145 184955 122662 370607 993264 251762 717150 567616 798958 939979 164635 967949 139719 692117 231080 492159 822244 298246 448694 679136 374074 251762 238528 1021798 184955 197749 197797 260050 939979 123167 592986 993264 251762 223817 37146 256769 229325 340329 51884 469866 73164 251762 464736 238216 486080 127026 70270 231080 494724 840618 362004 692172 593090 127010 299781 313215 127026 231080 398441 886150 440384 415491 873413 317517 522282 362004 692172 370102 967949 1021798 576552 567616 836298 766246 231080 85234 464736 238216 831797 869464 939979 943898 530434 271962 73164 152359 271789 469866 604507 605038 37146 69738 338131 914422 243500 251762 362304 486080 374074 398857 1030294 967949 567616 836298 189046 485756 231080 433491 139645 139719 692117 629933 308853 724902 569236 351540 310979 469866 672410 872035 567616 233074 674203 469866 526512 304045 575878 202560 346132 231080 569236 415782 580652 901860 259576 692172 251762 238528 448694 1021798 251762 189046 972276 298246 231080 937399 189046 617116 943145 44861 44762 469866 139719 692117 493868 374074 547350 736935 197749 831797 935548 514348 298246 469866 218362 855267 469866 675298 692172 57301 168312 94754 299781 862813 186752 310979 231080 426237 931604 402982 263707 115387 514348 1029617 61717 952542 469866 81844 218362 231080 282702 846031 1021798 242650 493868 362101 448694 996875 449286 778083 428344 601304 469866 333804 73164 251762 19305 231080 929199 231080 37146 550019 145 1025824 724902 251762 128936 563298 231080 505327 127305 692172 844093 843927 679136 972015 485248 935746 547350 172605 423968 514348 576552 671659 139719 313215 231080 85234 472908 939166 831797 1029617 160121 692172 412106 469866 218362 150125 469866 246973 675298 692172 94754 299781 112170 115919 627057 231080 926560 575885 575764 378328 118916 621160 251762 803652 692172 251762 766400 605080 679136 283654 571999 231080 988417 498360 284004 272219 469866 535613 37146 98575 547232 993264 502008 284004 370102 967949 486080 374074 292572 1021798 569786 139719 313215 231080 511509 125869 567616 1434 322247 998688 231080 934858 287834 510342 939979 230758 993264 16430 313215 469866 911250 443728 760978 37146 189046 795355 948157 787304 234940 231080 635327 72238 674203 567616 1016220 834966 750047 464699 531449 787304 993264 16430 313215 231080 468024 726483 85234 127026 692172 223817 461468 415782 497681 939979 1029617 530920 1021798 65090 77453 16430 313215 231080 953036 122866 621555 168312 370102 972952 1017702 746050 210516 510584 16430 313215 939979 511046 493320 131684 469866 251762 349747 1021798 873413 840591 260050 469866 202560 511509 551703 526512 346132 231080 426237 486080 753905 1017702 939979 868524 655290 152359 188459 312477 918643 823148 963872 700783 469866 221670 939979 521782 463403 469866 493641 692172 231080 7231 231080 559354 943145 300145 567616 972952 943145 515082 567616 77453 939979 588432 943145 1009422 469866 81844 218362 231080 571539 486080 1017702 758144 251762 61011 300145 122738 416567 231080 81152 539914 382466 724902 862813 1021798 214529 119257 231080 988417 753387 724902 150445 544864 231080 340824 180249 251762 956449 993264 16430 848775 636146 676527 1021798 228569 299781 856267 231080 749925 540234 545809 1021798 911907 299781 856267 231080 749925 340824 180249 251762 889640 729534 514348 16430 848775 636146 676527 299781 856267 231080 749925 469866 162487 545209 184955 345246 407678 16430 469866 597146 659579 630518 299781 856267 231080 7231 849060 202560 665355 231080 987559 231080 Europe's Borrowers Brace for Death of Easy Money (Bloomberg) -- Bankers and borrowers are bracing themselves for a difficult year selling eurobonds now that the days of easy money are coming to an end. January's often the busiest month of the year for new bond sales but as credit markets lose their biggest backer and political threats loom -- Brexit, Italian fiscal angst and trade woes -- companies must wise up to 2019's primary-market challenges. In vogue: opportunism, front-loaded issuance and higher borrowing costs. "The year as a whole will be window driven, but many will try to access the market in January," said Duane Elgey, a debt syndicate director at Societe Generale SA. "Once it is accepted that spreads are not returning to early 2018 levels there will be a number of deals coming back to market." That's a picture similar to the last weeks of 2018 as financial conditions have worsened and borrowing costs increased as credit investors react to rising U.S. rates and the end of the European Central Bank's stimulus program. "What we have experienced for the first time in many years is if it's a bad market, it means there is execution risk, people are acutely aware of that and want to avoid that type of market," said Frazer Ross, Deutsche Bank AG's head of EMEA investment-grade credit bond syndicate. January could be "very hit and miss" and a lack of jumbo merger and acquisition activity could also stymie sales, he said. Pulled Deals German car-parts maker ZF Friedrichshafen AG and payment process Ingenico Group both postponed deals in the past couple of months citing market conditions. Chocolate maker Barry Callebaut AG and U.S.-based Emerson Electric Co. are both yet to offer bonds even though they had met with investors for potential deals. Sales of new bonds dropped about 18 percent to 227 billion euros ($256 billion) in 2018, according to data compiled by Bloomberg, with SAP SE on December 3 selling probably the last corporate deal of the year. Closure of the market in December may mean there are more borrowers now on the sidelines and looking to sell bonds next month. Missing Out January issuers could be the first in more than two years to miss out on the ECB's Corporate Sector Purchase Programme, as the central bank will end 2.6 trillion euros of quantitative easing at year-end. That tally included buying nearly 180 billion euros of corporate bonds in primary and secondary markets. The central bank is set to reinvest asset proceeds as they mature, although it's not yet clear what the mix will be between new bonds and secondary market purchases. Bonds maturing next month include securities from BMW Finance NV, BASF SE and Orange SA, data compiled by Bloomberg show. BMW has often been one of the first issuers in the market each January. If market conditions are good enough, next month may be even busier than is normal for January, said Patrick Wuytens, head of high-grade syndicate at ING Groep NV. "Issuers should better prepare themselves for a potential window," he said. Brexit Risk Getting in early may help issuers avoid volatility around looming risks, such as the U.K.'s March 29 exit from the European Union. This list of geopolitical dangers could also easily scupper even modest expectations for primary sales next year. "The biggest concern is a lack of resolution," said Mariano Goldfischer, global head of syndicate at Credit Agricole CIB. "You can analyze company fundamentals but the uncertainty of the political landscape could derail everything." With so many uncertainties, there's no consensus on how many corporate bonds will be sold in Europe next year. Barclays Plc and JPMorgan Chase & Co. analysts expect issuance to rise on this year, while UniCredit SpA's market watchers see volumes shrinking. BNP Paribas SA and Morgan Stanley predict broadly unchanged volumes on this year. Rising Costs The end of ECB support has contributed to a jump in borrowing costs this year. Average euro investment-grade corporate spreads have surged 75 percent this year to 151 basis points, the highest in nearly three years, Bloomberg Barclays index data show. Issuers will just have to accept that they aren't going down again anytime soon, according to Suki Mann, founder of Creditmarketdaily.com. "Yields are higher and spreads are wider and costs to fund are elevated," he said. "We will have reset the bar higher come 2019." (Updates with comment from ING in 10th paragraph.) --With assistance from Paul Cohen. To contact the reporters on this story: Hannah Benjamin in London at hbenjamin1@bloomberg.net;Lyubov Pronina in Brussels at lpronina@bloomberg.net To contact the editors responsible for this story: Hannah Benjamin at hbenjamin1@bloomberg.net, Maciej Onoszko For more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.com ©2018 Bloomberg L.P.