retrieveR is a system for automating information retrieval from a corpus of documents.
R can be downloaded from this link. Once it is downloaded, open up the 32-bit version (i386, as WRI computers only seem to have 32-bit version of Java). Then, you can proceed to installing the package by running the following lines of code. Copy and paste them one at a time and press enter.
Next, we load up the package into R using library
. Depending on your operating system, you then need to run either install_mac
or install_windows
- these functions will get the Java dependencies to extract text from images, as well as install the necessary components to run neural networks.
Finally, the download_example
function will download the example PDFs.
The prep_documents
function will strip text from the PDFs, clean up the results, and calculate neural weights. These can be turned off by specifying ocr = F
, clean = F
, or weights = F
. retrieveR can process html documents by setting type = "html"
.The function takes a path to the folder of documents - in this case they are stored in a folder called pdfs
. This pathing is local to the directory that R is running in - this can be printed with getwd()
and changed with setwd()
corpus <- prep_documents("pdfs")
The create_report
function takes the following arguments:
- query: Query phrase within quotations.
- data: name that the output of
is stored to.
This uses a pre-trained neural embedding to calculate weights for each paragraph. Calling download_embeddings()
will download a pre-trained embedding to the working directory as embeddings.bin
. This pre-trained embedding was trained on over 1,000 environmental policy documents from more than 40 nations and 50 NGOs and development aid agencies.
The prep_wordvec
and create_wordvec
functions may be used to create your own neural embedding, if need be.
create_report(country = "Kenya", query = "barriers to restoration",
data = corpus)
The format for querying the corpus and generating a report is interactive and iterative. RetrieveR prompts the user with a candidate set of relevant words and phrases. The ones for "barriers to restoration", for instance, are:
barriers restoration obstacles
restoration" ecological_restoration restoring
restoration_projects forest_restoration constraints
interventions ecological restoration_activities
flr forest_landscape forest_landscape_restoration
identifying restoration_interventions barrier
bottlenecks restoration_efforts impediments
approaches key_success_factors overcoming
projects economic_incentives enabling_conditions
landscapes barriers successful_restoration
landscape challenges scale_up
solutions landscape_restoration overcome
removing identify
At this stage, you can add words that you find relevant to your query. After finalizing a query, paragraphs are ranked by their cosine similarity. The final step is to determine the cutoff threshold for inclusion. This varies widely between queries - broad queries have a lower threshold than narrow queries - and thus requires user input.
To do this, the algorithm begins with a high threshold (only retaining very similar paragraphs). The user is presented with the two paragraphs that are just barely not retained, and then prompted to determine whether they are relevant. If they are, the threshold is lowered and the process is repeated until no relevant paragraphs are missed.
Finally, create_report
makes use of rmarkdown
and ggplot2
to create a heatmap of topic density by document and a report listing each relevant paragraph sorted by document and labelled with its page number.
See the vignette here.