Data Logger is a small application which reads measured values from a digital multimeter and plots them as a function of time.
- Interfaces to some digital multimeters with digital output via serial port. Use a serial/usb converter if your computer does not have a serial input any more.
- Supported models: Conrad VC630, VC820, VC830, VC840, VC850, or "user-defined" (based on the DMM chips FS9721_LP3 (seven-segment output) and FS9922-DMM4 (digit output) by Fortune Semiconductor) Measurement interval: a few measurements per second, or slower. Interval can be varied during the measurement.
- Transformations: User-provided equation to convert the measured quantity to some other quantity. The application initially was written to convert the analog voltage output of a pressure meter to pressure in mBar.
- Linear or logarithmic display of the measured quantity.
- Add comments during the measurement to mark special events. The comments are displayed along with the measured data.
- Save measured curve as xml, csv or spreadsheet files. Re-load and overlay previously measured curves.
- The application can be compiled as 32-bit or 64-bit binary from the source files in this repository using Lazarus v2.0+ / FPC v3.0+ for Windows, Linux gtk2 and qt4/qt5. macOS might work as well, but is not tested.
- Compilation requires the packages fpspreadsheet and synapse, both available via the Online-Package-Manager of Lazarus.