First of all, thanks for doing this project, it's very helpful for looking into the ESM situation in the ecosystem!
I am using the data in data/2024-02-20.json
to find high impact packages that are ESM-only in order to test my require(esm)
implementation & check the performance. Along the way I noticed that some packages labeled esm
seem to be actually dual (at least, the can be both required and imported). So far the packages like this that I've found are:
- tslib
- fs-extra
- axios
- parse5
- node-releases (this is just a bunch of .json files so can be required or imported with import attributes)
- ts-node
- @eslint-community/regexpp
- babel-plugin-polyfill-regenerator (and other babel plugins too? This is a transpiled file with
) - html-escaper
- @ungap/structured-clone
- @emotion/hash
- @emotion/cache
- @emotion/sheet
- @emotion/weak-memoize
- @swc/helpers
- @floating-ui/dom
- css-declaration-sorter
- @floating-ui/core
- marked
- redux
(still continuing my testing by going through the list..)
No labels