Simple helper for extending native or other objects with es5-ext functions
npm install es5-extend
Extending all native objects (for given context)
var extend = require('es5-extend');
extend([methods [, customDescriptor] ])
- context - global object with native objects
- methods - array of methods to insert into native object
- customDescriptor - custom options for property descriptor
Extending specific object
extend.array([nativeObject [, methods [, customDescriptor ] ] ]);
extend.boolean([nativeObject [, methods [, customDescriptor ] ] ]);[nativeObject [, methods [, customDescriptor ] ] ]);
extend.error([nativeObject [, methods [, customDescriptor ] ] ]);
extend.function([nativeObject [, methods [, customDescriptor ] ] ]);
extend.math([nativeObject [, methods [, customDescriptor ] ] ]);
extend.number([nativeObject [, methods [, customDescriptor ] ] ]);
extend.object([nativeObject [, methods [, customDescriptor ] ] ]);
extend.regExp([nativeObject [, methods [, customDescriptor ] ] ]);
extend.string([nativeObject [, methods [, customDescriptor ] ] ]);
- nativeObject - object to extend
- methods - array of methods to insert into native object
- customDescriptor - custom options for property descriptor
Please use it wisely.
// for node.js
// for browser
require('es5-extend').call(global, ['pluck', 'contains']);
'pluck' in global.Function; // true
'contains' in String.prototype; // true
'contains' in Array.prototype; // true
// same as
'contains' in Array.prototype; // true
'contains' in String.prototype; //
'pluck' in Function; // true
var CustomKlazz = function() {
// ...
CustomKlazz.prototype = new Array();
extend.array(CustomKlazz, ['keys']);
'keys' in Array.prototype; // false
'keys' in CustomKlazz.prototype; // true
require('es5-extend').function(['pluck'], {configurable: true);
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Function, 'pluck').configurable; // true