Date: Jul/23/2024 Rank: 69 Solved: 5 Rating change: +114 New rating: 2067
- Problem E: Enumerate the min value and the max value. Use segment tree to fast check if the state is valid.
Date: Jul/20/2024 Rank: 359 Solved: 4 Rating change: +49 New rating: 1953
- Problem E: Each query removes sqrt N nodes. Then use sqrt N queries to move the Mole to the root.
- Problem F: Key observation: number of possible ends is log N. Use segment tree.
Date: Jul/15/2014 Rank: 2194 Solved: 3 Rating change: -81 New rating: 1903
Unsolved problems:
- Problem D: The maximum number of round is limited to log2n.
- [Problem E]: Use Cartesian tree to calculate the answer. What happens if one of the tree node gets removed?
- Problem E: Count the contribution of each number to the final answer. A trick to find the second maximum next value.
- Problem F: For each n, calculate sum i sum p sum q F(i, p) times G(n-i, q). Reduce the time from O(n4) to O(n3).
Date: Jul/07/2024 Rank: 131 Solved: 5 Rating change: +114 New rating: 1984
Unsolved problems:
- Problem F: Binary search on the answer and check for each new right end if it can lead to a smaller xor value.
- Problem G: Calculate each bit independently. Use the patterns (e.g. 00110011) to precompute the sum to the tree root.
Date: Jun/16/2024 Rank: 340 Solved: 5 Rating change: +63 New rating: 1870
Unsolved problems:
- Problem F: Use DSU to merge the nodes with the same factor.
Date: Jun/09/2024 Rank: 2154 Solved: 4 Rating change: -31 New rating: 1807
Unsolved problems: