Enthusiast developer during my free time
- Quebec, Canada
- 5h behind - wolfy1339.com
- @wolfy1339
- @wolfy1339@mstdn.ca
written in Python
Clear filter
Free HTTPS certificates without having to trust the letsencrypt cli with sudo/root
A robust, full-featured, and user/programmer-friendly Python IRC bot, with many existing plugins.
🗺️ The Next Generation of OpenStreetMap — in Python!
A small IRC bot I am writing myself using zIRC
jacob1's IRC bot, mostly used for automated TPT moderation
jacksonmj / StewieGriffin
Forked from antb/StewieGriffinAlmost All of StewieGriffin's plugins, these are not all mine. See individual plugins for further information. These are not guaranteed to work AT ALL.
A Python library to interact with CodeBottle's API