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Reprepro Docker Container

This container is a fully working installation of reprepro (and accessory packages) that allows you to create a repository for your debian packages in 5 minutes with a minimal configuration. It is completely customizable and allows you to use as many repositories as you want within the same container with the appropriate configuration.

It also allows you to add a website made up of html pages, css styles and javascript scripts without the least effort, showing the content you prefer related to the hosted repositories.

It also offers handy scripts to automate the deployment and update of mirrored packages, useful for both the manual launch of the same and for integration with various CI/CD tools. Of course, these too are fully customizable and extendable to your liking.

Each folder contains within it a README.txt file that explains the contents and the purpose of the same to always have at hand the key information related to the installation even in the shell environment.

Quick setup

  • First step, you need to generate an SSH key. If you already have a key to use you can jump to next step

      ssh-keygen -t rsa
  • Second step, you need a full GPG database containing a public and a private key for package and repository signing. If you already have one you can jump to next step

    WARNING: You MUST create your keypair with GPG version 1. If you are not careful with this problem, your repository will not be able to sign the files and therefore the deployment of the packages will fail.

    Generate a GPG key pair. Your key must use RSA and must be at least 4096 bits without password.

      gpg1 --homedir /tmp/repo-keys --gen-key

    Use this command to list previously created GPG keys. Your key id is like this 3AA5C34371567BD2

      gpg1 --homedir /tmp/repo-keys --list-secret-keys --keyid-format LONG

    Export your public key for later use (replace example ID with your real ID)

      gpg1 --homedir /tmp/repo-keys --armor --output my-repo.pubkey.gpg --export 3AA5C34371567BD2
  • After you have done this first 2 steps, you are ready to initialize repository. Start the container:

      docker run -d -p 2022:22 -p 8080:80 -v reprepro_data:/repo wolfetti/reprepro

    Install (as root user) your SSH public key.

    WARNING: This may depend on your volume creation and your SSH key type.

      sudo cat /home/your_user/.ssh/ > /var/lib/docker/volumes/reprepro_data/_data/ssh/authorized_keys

    Set some variables for easy copy/paste of the last commands, like this example


    Let's make sure that the GPG signature database folder has the right permissions:

      ssh root@$SSH_HOST -p $SSH_PORT "chmod 700 /repo/gnupg /root/.gnupg && chown -R root:root /root/.gnupg /repo/gnupg"

    Update reprepro configuration files with your repository data

      ssh root@$SSH_HOST -p $SSH_PORT "sed -i \"s/YOUR_GPG_KEY_ID/$GPG_KEY_ID/g\" /repo/conf/distributions"
      ssh root@$SSH_HOST -p $SSH_PORT "sed -i \"s/YOUR_GPG_KEY_ID/$GPG_KEY_ID/g\" /repo/gnupg/gpg_sign_key_id"
      ssh root@$SSH_HOST -p $SSH_PORT "sed -i \"s/YOUR_REPO_NAME/$REPO_NAME/g\" /repo/conf/distributions"
      ssh root@$SSH_HOST -p $SSH_PORT "sed -i \"s/YOUR_REPO_NAME/$REPO_NAME/g\" /repo/conf/incoming"

    Copy your gpg database

      scp -P $SSH_PORT /tmp/repo-keys/* root@$SSH_HOST:/repo/gnupg

    (OPTIONAL) Copy your public key to /repo/public to allow clients to install the key directly from the repository website

      scp -P $SSH_PORT my-repo.pubkey.gpg root@$SSH_HOST:/repo/public/$REPO_NAME.pubkey.gpg

    DONE! You are ready to use your fresh debian repository ;)

Provided scripts

This image contains 2 scripts ready for usage with quick setup installation. They must be invoked as root user with SSH (install SSH keys first for user authorization)

  • The first script is a simple mirror update tool.

      ssh root@$SSH_HOST -p $SSH_PORT repo-update-mirrors

    If you want to enable automatic update you can run this script in cron, for example:

      ssh root@$SSH_HOST -p $SSH_PORT "ln -s /repo/bin/repo-update-mirrors /repo/cron/cron.daily/"
  • The second script must be invoked manually (or by a shell script in your favorite CI/CD tool) and must be invoked like this example

    First step, you have to upload your .changes and .deb files to /repo/incoming folder

      scp -P $SSH_PORT $DIR/*.deb $DIR/*.changes root@$SSH_HOST:/repo/incoming

    Finally you can invoke the script for package deploy

      ssh root@$SSH_HOST -p $SSH_PORT "repo-process-incoming $REPO_NAME"

That's all!

For customized configuration, please refer to official reprepro man page