apk development on the command line (no gradle or ant)
A helper for developing android app.
Currently support:
- apk building
If you want to change some variables, you have to modify apkdev for now. Sorry!
Works on termux!
cd ~
pkg install openjdk-17 aapt2 d8 apksigner zip git curl android-tools
git clone https://github.com/wmartinmimi/apk-devtool
cd apk-devtool
ln -s ~/apk-devtool/apkdev $PREFIX/bin/apkdev
cd <android-project-root>
apkdev build
build/output.signed.apk will be produced, you can open it with
termux-open build/output.signed.apk
but requires allow-external-apps = true
in ~/.termux/termux.properties
if you need the help manual, do
apkdev help
If someone request a feature, I would try my best to add it.
We welcome any issues or contributions!