The Online Food Ordering System(Foody) is a desktop app. It has a food ordering app for a customer and a separate app for order retrieval system for Restaurant.
- Authentication system guarding the app core.
- Customers can browse the menu, Add/remove items to cart, track the order and can make payment online.
- Customers can update password and can change the delivery address.
- Data stored in a MySQL database
- Friendly user interface with JavaFX
For screenshots click here
- Java - widely used object-oriented language, the core of our system
- JavaFX - Java user interface library
- MySQL - data storage solution
- JFoenix - JavaFX Material Design Library
- Set up your XAMPP environment(Apache Server, phpMyAdmin).
- Create the foody schema on the database tool, and import the database from the SQL file, or copy the SQL code.
- Download the project of the application and open it in NetBeans.
- Connect with the database in the Services tab under MySQL Server(localhost). The MySQL JDBC driver is embedded in the project.
- Enter your server properties(Host Name, Port Number, Admin UserName/Password).
Note The Foody folder is Food Ordering App and FoodyOrder folder is order retrieve App code