This is a multi-thread download tool for linux, mainly used to download large file from 百度网盘多线程下载工具, 支持协议http, https, ftp, 支持平台Linux, Unix-Like, OSX, 支持断点续传.
Hello everyone! After fixed the refuse wrong User-Agent request problem, welcome to enjoy the multi-threading based download acceleration experience. default is using 100 threads, use "-n num-threads" option to set the maximum number of threads to be used for download.
- multithreading download, number of threads depending on server.
- continues download, supports restore download from a previous file.
- http, https, ftp protocol supports. (axel is great, but no https supports)
- graceful status bar.
- Linux, Unix-like, OSX supports, (still no time to port it to windows, mainly, use windows native threads supports to replace Linux's pthread).
if you want to use the latest version program, maybe you should
try compile it. the pre-compiled packages are provided also. but,
I can not make sure it's latest version. because the latest code
on repository may not stable.
$ git clone
$ cd baidudl
$ ./
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
if you don't want to compile manually, the pre-compiled packages were
provided, please go to subdirectory "packages", then you will find it.
$ git clone
For RPM systems:
$ cd baidudl/packages/rpms
$ sudo [yum | dnf] install baidudl-1.0-1.x86_64.rpm
For Debian/Ubuntu systems:
$ cd baidudl/packages/debs
$ sudo dpkg -i baidudl_1.0-1_amd64.deb
download from a single url:
$ bdpandl -n 8 ''
or if you want to speed as fast as possible. try increase the -n
option, maybe -n 100 or -n 200. 0.0, I think this would fast enough.
I sugges you using single quotes to surround the url, prevent bash
parsing extra symbols.
if you want to download many files, you can store these urls to a file,
then using -f option:
$ bdpandl -n 10 -f listfile
The download address is copy from your browser, when you click the
download button in the page of, then it pop a new
link or windows to download. this link just we need.
Any suggestions or bugs you can report to <>
Thanks in advance!