In this Python Universe, I want to learn and show you all the Python skills.
All skills are base on the implementation of Python 3.
Must Know | Classes | Functions |
[(i, j) for i in range(3) for j in range(3) if i > j]
# [(1, 0), (2, 0), (2, 1)]
li = [1, 2, 3]
li = [*map(lambda x: x * 10, li)]
#li = [10, 20, 30]
num1 = [100, 1, 20]
num2 = [19, 4, 94]
num3 = [40, 6, 30]
[*map(lambda x, y, z: max(x, y, z), num1, num2, num3)]
# [100, 6, 94]
names = ['Liam', 'Olivia', 'Noah', 'Emma', 'Oliver', 'Ava']
choice = filter(lambda x: x.startswith('O'), names)
print(*choice, sep=', ') # Olivia, Oliver
a = [1, 2, 3]
b = [4, 5, 6]
c = [*zip(a, b)] # [(1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 6)]
a, b = zip(*c) # a=(1, 2, 3), b=(4, 5, 6)
from functools import reduce
reduce(lambda x, y: x - y, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 100) # 85
def example(a, *arg, b=0, **kwarg):
print(a) # 1
print(arg) # (2, 3)
print(b) # 1
print(kwarg) # {'x': 'a', 'y': [1, 2, 3]}
example(1, 2, 3, b=1, x='a', y=[1, 2, 3])
def square_it(value):
for i in range(value):
yield i**2
li = square_it(10_000_000)
[i for i in li if i < 50] # [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49]
def count_decorator(count): # new decorator with argument
def decorator(orig_func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
print(f"func name: {orig_func.__name__}")
print(f"func args: {args}, {kwargs}")
for _ in range(count): # use the argument
orig_func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
return decorator # return the original decorator
def greet(msg):
# func name: greet
# func args: ('hello',), {}
# hello
# hello
def enterFolder(folderName):
home = os.getcwd()
with enterFolder('folder1'), open('example1.txt', 'w') as f:
class BinaryInt(str):
def __new__(cls, val):
return str.__new__(cls, f"{val: b}")
def __add__(self, val):
val += int(self, 2)
return f"{val:b}"
a = BinaryInt(2)
print(a) # 10
print(a + 4) # 110
class Meta(type):
def __new__(mtcls, name, bases, attrs):
if name != "Base" and "must_to_do" not in attrs:
raise TypeError("Bad Class: must_to_do() is needed")
return super().__new__(mtcls, name, bases, attrs)
class Base(metaclass=Meta):
def server_func(self):
return self.must_to_do()
class Derived(Base):
# TypeError: Bad Class: must_to_do() is needed
import concurrent.futures
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=5) as executor:
futures = [executor.submit(load_url, url, 60) for url in URLS]
for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures):
result = future.result()
with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor:
results =, URLS, [60] * len(URLS), chunksize=4)
for result in results:
class Person:
def __init__(self, name): = name
def say(self):
return f"I'm {}"
p = Person("Jay")
p.say() == Person.say(p) # True
class Employee:
num_emp = 0 # Class variable
def __init__(self, pay): = pay # Instance variable
Employee.num_emp += 1
e1 = Employee(100)
e2 = Employee(200)
e1.num_emp # 2
Employee.num_emp # 2 # 100 # AttributeError: type object 'Employee' has no attribute 'pay'
class Person:
def __init__(self, name, age): = name
self.age = age
def splitPersonString(string, split_sign="-"):
return string.split(split_sign)
def fromString(cls, cls_str):
return cls(*cls.splitPersonString(cls_str, ", "))
p1 = Person.fromString("Jay, 99") # Jay
p1.age # 99
class Dog:
_weight = 5 # private variable
def __bark(self): # name mangling fucntion
dog = Dog()
dog._weight # 5
dog.__bark() # AttributeError: 'Dog' object has no attribute '__bark'
dog._Dog__bark() # bark
class User:
def __init__(self, first_name, last_name, password):
self.first_name = first_name
self.last_name = last_name
self.password = password
def fullname(self):
return f"{self.first_name} {self.last_name}"
def password(self):
raise AttributeError("password is not readable.")
def password(self, passord):
from hashlib import md5
self.password_hash = md5(b"{password}").hexdigest()
user = User("Mimi", "Wang", "0000")
user.fullname # Mimi Wang
user.password_hash # 7fbccc9c3a9a5afef65563cd00404c1416
user.password # Attribute Error: password is not readable.
min([1, 2, 31]) # builtins min
min = "global min"
def outer():
# we can do "global min" here to change global
min = "enclosing min"
def inner():
# we can do "nonlocal min" here to change enclosing
min = "local min"
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
class Base(ABC, object):
def foo(self):
def do(self):
from dataclasses import InitVar, dataclass, field
from typing import List
class InventoryItem:
name: str
unit_price: float = field(default=0.0)
quantity_on_hand: int = field(default=0, repr=False)
parts: List[str] = field(default_factory=list)
parts_number: InitVar[int] = 0
def __post_init__(self, parts_number):[f"part{i}" for i in range(1, parts_number + 1)])
item = InventoryItem("product", parts_number=2)
# InventoryItem (name = 'product', unit_price=0.0, parts=['part1', 'part2'])
def getClass(x):
if x == 1:
for i in range(11):
class Example:
a = i
return Example
cls = getClass(1)
cls.b = "123"
print(cls.a, cls.b) # 10 123
def add_with_b(b):
def add(a):
return a + b
return add
add4 = add_with_b(4)
add4(3) # 7
add4(7) # 11
class Cat:
def __repr__(self):
return f"({}: {self.age})"
listOfCats = []
attrs = [{"name": "meow1", "age": 5}, {"name": "meow2", "age": 10}]
for attr in attrs:
cat = Cat()
for key, val in attr.items():
setattr(cat, key, val)
# [(meow1: 5), (meow2: 10)]
for i in range(100):
def say():
def returnFunc(a):
if a < 100:
def mul(b):
print(a * b)
return mul
def add(b):
print(a + b)
return add
Tricks | Simple Demo |
defaultdict | ![]() |
OrderedDict | ![]() |
Counter | ![]() |
namedtuple | ![]() |
deque | ![]() |
Tricks | Simple Demo |
Infinite iterators (count, cycle, repeat) | |
accumulate | |
chain | |
compress | |
filterfalse | |
groupby | |
islice | |
starmap | |
takewhile | |
dropwhile | |
zip_longest | |
product | |
permutations | |
combinations | |
Itertools | |
Tricks | Simple Demo |
pathlib | |
Tricks | Simple Demo |
Ternary Conditionals | |
Tricks | Simple Demo |
Underscore Placeholders | |
Tricks | Simple Demo |
enumerate |, |
for...else | |
Tricks | Simple Demo |
set for searching |, |
Tricks | Simple Demo |
unpacking, | |
swap | |
assign *variable |
Tricks | Simple Demo |
get | |
Tricks | Simple Demo |
TEEF | |
Tricks | Simple Demo |
vscode python file | |
timeit, time | |
memit |
Numba Numpy Pandas Matplotlib sklearn pytorch transformers tensorboard mlflow beautiful soup requests scrapy selenium streamlit