Python TKinter based GUI for Smart Mirror
- Go to config.json to change layout of widgets or add widgets
- Move widgets by changing their constraints
- Tweak widgets by adjusting their properties in the props section of each widget definition of the config file
Property Name | Default Value | Acceptable Values | Description |
id | - | - | id is used in constraint definitions. If none is given, the system will give the widget a unique ID |
update time | None | positive int | time in milliseconds between updates. No updates if value is None |
interactable | false | true/false | If true, widget will run on_click function when clicked |
Property Name | Default Value | Acceptable Values | Description |
clock type | analog | analog / digital | changes the way the clock is displayed |
Property Name | Default Value | Acceptable Values | Description |
num events | 10 | positive int | changes the number of events to display |
end date | today + 2 additional days | date | filters events to only show events before the end date |
calendar whitelist | [] | list of strings | whitelists calendars whose names matches any of those in the property. If whitelist is non-empty, blacklist property is ignored |
calendar blacklist | [] | list of strings | blacklists calendars whose names matches any of those in the property |
display fields | [] | list of fields | changes which fields (and what order) the widget should display |
- Go to AddonWidgets folder
- Create a folder containing a python module of the same name, with a class of that name
For example: ⋅⋅* If I am making a Widget called BirthdayWidget ⋅I will have a directory /Widgets/AddonWidgets/BirthdayWidget This directory will contain the module This module defines the BirthdayWidget class
See instructions in GoogleCalendarAPI/
Examples can be found in Widgets folder
- See Adding Custom Widgets
- import BaseWidget from Widgets/BaseWidget
- Methods to overload:
- __init__: change how the widget is initialized. Add subwidgets or tkinter Frames
- update_values: a function called to update the data stored in the widget itself. It is updated based on the "update time" property in the config file
- place: Method that can be overwritten to override widget placement
- on_click: Method that is called when the widget is clicked. Property "interactable" needs to be true in config, or manually changed in __init__
- get_necessary_config: When called, should return a list of path strings (relative to project root directory) that are necesarry for the widget's operation