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Stuff I use a lot, and a simple AnimationCurve-based tweening interface


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Unity Scripting Utilities

Stuff I use a lot, and a simple AnimationCurve-based tweening interface.

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Provides values as plotted on an Animation Curve. Used a lot like Mathf.Lerp, except not linear.

Includes a bunch of functions to manipulate transforms/audio over time. For example, the following will scale, move and rotate a transfrom into a position over 5 seconds. The target position is defined by a sibling transfrom.

Presets for common ease curves from are included

   Wrj.Utils.MapToCurve.Ease.MatchSibling(transform, targetTransform, 5f);
//                       ^        ^          ^            ^           ^
//                     curve   function   affected   destination   duration

Manipulation Functions

Move (local space)
MoveWorld (world space)
CrossfadeAudio (smoothly transitions between two audio sources)

Arguments & Common Modifiers

tForm             - Transform to affect
to                - Target destination/rotation/volume/etc.
duration          - Length of time in seconds for the manipulation to complete. 
                    Applies to a single loop/pingPong iteration.
mirrorCurve       - Swap the in/out curve shapes. 
                    Get EaseOut by combining the EaseIn curve  with this flag.
repeatStyle       - Loop the manipulation.
                  - PingPong: repeat the manipulation forward, then backward.
                  - MirrorPingPong: pingPong, but inverts the curve when performing backward manipulations.
repeatIterations  - Repeat this many times. Use -1 for infinite.
useTimeScale      - Set this to false to ignore global time scaling
shortestPath      - In the case of manipulations that include rotation, this will cause minimal
                    possible rotation to get to the target. Without this, a rotation difference > 360 
                    will result in a full positive rotation before reaching the target.
onDone            - Specify a function to call when the operation completes

There are simplified GameObject and Transform Extension Methods for linear and ease manipulations:

transform.Move(destination, duration);
transform.EaseMove(destination, duration);
transform.Rotate(targetRotation, duration);
transform.EaseRotate(targetRotation, duration);
transform.Scale(targetScale, duration);
transform.EaseScale(TargetScale, duration);
transform.SnapToSibling(targetSibling, duration);
transform.EaseSnapToSibling(targetSibling, duration);
transform.Color(desiredColor, duration);
transform.Alpha(desiredAlpha, duration);


Test Bed Example

float duration = 4.0f

// Black Cube
Vector3 blackTargetPos = blackTransform.localPosition + Vector3.up * 5 + Vector3.right * -1.5f;
Vector3 blackTargetRot = Vector3.up * 135;

Wrj.Utils.MapToCurve.Linear.Move(blackTransform, linTargetPos, duration, pingPong: 10);
Wrj.Utils.MapToCurve.Linear.Rotate(blackTransform, blackTargetRot, duration, shortestPath: false, pingPong: 10);
Wrj.Utils.MapToCurve.Ease.ChangeColor(blackTransform,, duration, pingPong: 10);

// Red Cube
Vector3 redTargetPos = redTransform.localPosition + Vector3.up * 5 + Vector3.right * .5f;
Vector3 redTargetRot = Vector3.up * -360;

Wrj.Utils.MapToCurve.EaseIn.Move(redTransform, redTargetPos, duration, mirrorCurve: false, pingPong: 10);
Wrj.Utils.MapToCurve.EaseIn.Rotate(redTransform, redTargetRot, duration, shortestPath: false, pingPong: 10);
Wrj.Utils.MapToCurve.Ease.ChangeColor(redTransform,, duration, pingPong: 10);

// Blue Cube
Vector3 blueTargetPos = blueTransform.localPosition + Vector3.up * 5 + Vector3.right * -.5f;
Vector3 blueTargetRot = Vector3.forward * -720;

Wrj.Utils.MapToCurve.EaseIn.Move(blueTransform, blueTargetPos, duration, mirrorCurve: true, pingPong: 10);
Wrj.Utils.MapToCurve.EaseIn.Rotate(blueTransform, blueTargetRot, duration, shortestPath: false, mirrorPingPong: 10);
Wrj.Utils.MapToCurve.Ease.ChangeColor(blueTransform,, duration, pingPong: 10);

// Purple Cube
Wrj.Utils.MapToCurve.Ease.MatchSibling(purpleTransform, targetTransform, duration, pingPong: 10);
Wrj.Utils.MapToCurve.Ease.ChangeColor(purpleTransform, Color.magenta, duration, pingPong: 10);

// Purple Cube's Target
Wrj.Utils.MapToCurve.Ease.FadeAlpha(targetTransform, 0, duration, pingPong: 10);


Also includes a Weighted Random Object class (demonstrated on the right in the gif above).

Contains a collection of objects with an int representing its weight. Higher weights are more likely for selection When weightedElements.GetRandom() is called.

Can also be initialized with a source List<T> and an AnimationCurve representing the desired weights.

public Transform weight10;
public Transform weight5;
public Transform weight3;
public Transform weight1;
WeightedElements<Transform> randomBumpObjects = new WeightedElements<Transform>();

randomBumpObjects.Add(weight10, 10);
randomBumpObjects.Add(weight5, 5);
randomBumpObjects.Add(weight3, 3);
randomBumpObjects.Add(weight1, 1);

// This is most likely to scale object weight10. But it's fairly unlikely to scale weight1
randomBumpObjects.GetRandom().localScale = * 1.5f;

Utility Functions

  • EnsureComponent<T>(GameObject)
    • Returns a component instance by finding the one on the game object, or by adding one if not found.
  • DeferredExecution(delayTime, () => Method(withParams))
    • Issues a command after the specified delayTime elapses.
  • Switcheroo<T>(ref T a, ref T b)
    • Swap items
  • AffectGORecursively(GameObject, AnyFunctionThatTakesAGameObj)
    • Call AnyFunctionThatTakesAGameObj for GameObject and all of it's children.
  • GetPositiveAngle(float OR Vector3)
    • Ensure an angle in degrees is within 0 - 360
  • Remap(value, sourceMin, sourceMax, destMin, destMax)
    • Linearly remaps a value from a source range to a desired range
  • QuadraticBezierCurve(origin, influence, destination, pointCount)
    • Get an array of points representing a quadratic bezier curve.
  • CubicBezierCurve(origin, influenceA, influnceB, destination, pointCount)
    • Get an array of points representing a cubic bezier curve.
  • FromFeet(feet)
    • Convert feet into Unity Units. Because I'm a silly American that can only visualise space in US standard units.
  • FromInches(inches)
    • Convert inches into Unity Units.
  • String.PrependAn(capitalize)
    • Prepends either "A" or "An" depending on the word.
  • String.Pluralize(capitalize)
    • Appends "s" or "es" based on common rules. Uses dictionary of common outliers. "Puma" -> "Pumas"; "Fox" -> "Foxes"; "Index" -> "Indices"
  • List.GetRandom() and Array.GetRandom()
    • Returns a random element from an array or list.
  • CoinFlip
    • Returns true or false at random.

Bezier Path Editor

Editor scripts to create paths. MapToCurve includes a tween to follow paths over a duration using a speed curve.


3D Layout Groups

Basic object distribution scripts that run in edit mode, dynamically adapting to changes in the child hierarchy. Similar to UI Layout Groups, but for 3D transforms. Offers flat grid distribution and curved grid distribution.


Creates and enables game objects, recycling whenever possible.


Plays an AudioClip by cycling through multiple audio sources, preventing clicks and pops. Also includes RandomizedSoundEffect component that picks a random sample from a list, randomizing pitch and volume within a specified range.


UnityEngine.Debug.Log wrapper allowing you to subscribe to log updates, to change in-game Text for example. Inspired by the need to see the Debug.Log entries within a VR experience, without ruining the ability to doubleclick the item in the Unity Console. Also provides the ability to colorize in the Console. Usage: Wrj.CustomLog.Log("Test", Color.cyan). Add CustomLogTextUpdate component to an object containing a TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI, UnityEngine.UI.Text or TextMesh to update text each time CustomLog.Log() is called.

Custom Script Creation Options


  • Custom Script Path
    • New scripts created directly on GameObjects or in Assets root will automatically move to the Custom Script Path. Leave blank to disable.
  • Default Namespace
    • Automatically adds a default namespace to newly created scripts. Requires a custom monobehavior script in %EDITOR_PATH%\\Data\\Resources\\ScriptTemplates containing the variable #NAMESPACE#.


Stuff I use a lot, and a simple AnimationCurve-based tweening interface



MIT, Unknown licenses found

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Contributors 3

