Machine Learning Dashboard and API for FOOD.ID
Required files:
GCP JSON service account keys (can change path in SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PATH env).env
development/stage/production environment variables (see mock.env)data/models/sbert.pkl
pickled file of a sentence_transformer.SentenceTransformer model (use thepython3 save_model
orpython3 save_sbert paraphrase-multilingual-MiniLM-L12-v2 -o data/models/sbert.pkl
prodigy configuration file, fill with database values (see prodigy.mock.json)
Clone the git repository
git clone
cd fd-ml-dashboard
Pull the git repository
git pull
Switch to the correct branch
# production
git checkout main
# staging
git checkout develop
Create the .env file (change the values)
cp mock.env .env
vi .env # change some variables
Test docker-compose locally
docker-compose up -d --build # -d for running in the background, --build to build the images
Stop docker-compose
docker-compose down
Push and trigger github actions deployment
git push
Run the migration on your Database
python ./ migrate --database ml
Run docker compose but only with the Redis and MySQL images.
docker compose up
Run the Celery first
For Windows User, you can use this command.
celery -A ml_dashboard worker -l DEBUG -P solo
For Linux/Mac Users...... I think you can just remove the -P solo
from the command above.
Run the app (use python3 instead of python for Mac or Linux users)
python ./ runserver
For Windows users, you need to use Python 3.8 because we only have Prodigy 1.10 for Windows.