- Firmwares Tested:
- MCU: 231125, SS: 231125, FPGA: 05 - v0.2
Extracted from SRP (Saturn Region Patcher).
- Game Name: WONDER3
- Product Number: T-26107G
- Version: V1.002
- Area Code: J
- Peripheral Code: J
- Roosters: Chariot o Sagashite: Playable ✅
- Chariot: Tenkuu e no Tabi: Playable ✅
- Donpuru: Playable ✅
- Chariot fully playable and tested.
- It does need a full gameplay test on Roosters and Donpuru.
Roosters: Chariot o Sagashite:
Chariot: Tenkuu e no Tabi: