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173 lines (129 loc) · 7.63 KB

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173 lines (129 loc) · 7.63 KB


  • Added a new null device, agg_null_device().
  • draw_image(), draw_plot(), and draw_grob() have gained additional alignment parameters halign and valign which allow internal alignment relative to the box into which content is drawn.
  • In the functions insert_xaxis_grob() and insert_yaxis_grob(), clipping is now configurable.
  • Plot assemblies generated by the patchwork package are now supported in as_grob(), ggdraw(), and plot_grid().
  • plot_grid() now accepts byrow as an argument to place plots by row or by column onto the plot area (@BrianLang, #162).

cowplot 1.0.0

Breaking changes

In many ways, cowplot now behaves more appropriately and plays nicer with the R environment and other R packages. However, this means that several breaking changes were introduced:

  • The default ggplot2 theme is no longer changed upon loading. You can add theme_set(theme_cowplot()) to your code to restore the old behavior.
  • The package ggplot2 needs to be loaded separately from cowplot, it is not automatically attached.
  • All themes now use parameters font_size and font_family. Previously, theme_nothing() and theme_map() used base_size and base_family.
  • The function cowplot::ggsave() was renamed to cowplot::ggsave2(), so that the ggplot2 version of ggsave() is no longer masked by the cowplot version.

Other breaking changes:

  • The defaults for save_plot() were changed somewhat. This may require adjustment if you have code depending on it.

New features

  • New functions rectangle_key_glyph() and circle_key_glyph() make it possible to generate customized legend glyphs.
  • Improved alignment of plots. Plots can now be aligned in a greedy manner, which improves the appearance of aligned plots with axis labels of very different sizes.
  • The new functions stamp(), stamp_good(), stamp_bad(), stamp_ugly(), stamp_wrong() allow labeling of plots as good, bad, ugly, wrong, etc.
  • Added a function as_grob() that can convert base plots, lattice plots, and ggplot2 plots into grobs that can then be drawn using standard grid approaches.
  • Much improved handling of base R plots, thanks to improvements in grid and gridGraphics. Requires R >= 3.6.0 and gridGraphics >= 0.4.
  • Added a function set_null_device() to customize the null graphics device that is used in ggdraw(), plot_grid(), etc. There is no one null device that always works, so customization is needed.
  • Added several new themes, including theme_minimal_grid(), theme_minimal_hgrid(), and theme_minimal_vgrid(). Also, theme_cowplot() is now also available as theme_half_open().
  • Expanded functions for extracting plot components from ggplots via get_plot_component() and several wrapper functions for getting titles, axes, panels, and so on. This also lets get_panel() extract from plots with more than one panel. get_panel_component() allows you to further extract components like geoms from the plot panel (@malcolmbarrett, #111).

Minor changes

  • Minor tweaks to various legend layout parameters so that legends look better as the underlying theme font size is changed.
  • Various minor fixes to theme_cowplot() and derived themes.
  • Change background_grid() defaults so they match the new grid themes.
  • Renamed plot_to_gtable() to as_gtable().
  • All functions now understand both spellings of color/colour.
  • get_legend() now returns NULL if there is no legend, instead of raising an error.

cowplot 0.9.4

  • Fix CRAN check errors

cowplot 0.9.3

  • Fix regression tests to work with ggplot2 3.0.0

cowplot 0.9.2

  • Rewritten cowplot::ggsave function that calls ggplot2::ggsave
  • More robust handling of R graphics device weirdness/plots popping up in the wrong places

cowplot 0.9.1

  • Make examples and vignettes fail gracefully when magick package is not installed

cowplot 0.9.0

  • Added a theme for maps, theme_map(). Code provided by Spencer Fox,
  • Added axis_canvas() function and related functions to make marginal plots and plot annotations simpler
  • Now export the plot_to_gtable function which converts most anything into a gtable for further use with cowplot
  • Added inherit.aes = FALSE to draw functions where needed
  • Added examples to various draw functions
  • Added draw_image() function to draw images onto plots

cowplot 0.8.0

  • The function plot_grid can now also handle base-R (graphics) plots. Code provided by
  • More sophisticated plot alignments of complex plots are now possible. Code provided by Spencer Fox,
  • Plot labels can now be styled. In particular, they follow the theme settings, e.g. if the theme uses a different font than default. This closes issue #37.
  • The positioning of plot labels in plot_grid can now be controlled with additional position parameters label_x and label_y. This closes issue #32.
  • Problems with elements from globally set themes leaking into the plot-grid background have been fixed. This closes issues #60, #63, #66.

cowplot 0.7.0

  • This version of cowplot has been prepared for the upcoming release of ggplot2 2.2.0. As a result of this upcoming switch, the function switch_axis_position() has been removed. Alternative axes will be natively supported by ggplot2 2.2.0.
  • As of this version, cowplot requires R >= 3.3.0. This dependency was added because R 3.3 fixes a critical problem with lists of units.

cowplot 0.6.3

cowplot 0.6.2

  • Updated plot_grid vignette so the tutorial on aligning plots of different types works again. This stopped working at some point and was removed from 0.6.1.

cowplot 0.6.1

  • Added new convenience function draw_figure_label() to label figures with labels such as "Figure 1".
  • Fixes in switch_axis_position() so that rotated axis labels work.
  • Fix missing axis lines in ggplot2 2.1

cowplot 0.6.0

Major changes:

  • Now requires ggplot2 version 2.0.0 or higher. Use cowplot 0.5.0 with older versions of ggplot2.
  • Because of the dependency on ggplot2 2.0.0, the default design is changed. No more bold face for axis labels
  • Add auto-generation of labels in plot_grid()
  • Add vignettes describing plot annotations and shared legends among plots

cowplot 0.5.0

Major changes:

  • Fix label positioning in plot_grid() so it is not affected by the scale parameter
  • Add draw_label() function which can draw both text and plotmath expressions
  • Add parameters hjust and vjust to plot_grid() to allow fine-tuning of label position
  • Add annotations underneath plot, via add_sub() function

Other changes:

  • Improve vignettes

cowplot 0.4.0

Major changes:

  • Added a function switch_axis_position() which can move/copy the x and/or y axis of a plot to the other side
  • plot_grid() can now align graphs
  • plot_grid() can now make grids with varying column widths and row heights

Other changes:

  • Various improvements in the documentation
  • Code has been separated into multiple files for easier maintenance

cowplot 0.3.1

Fix Vignette title

cowplot 0.3.0

First complete implementation ready for initial release