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Automatic installation for readsb

wiedehopf edited this page May 19, 2021 · 59 revisions

Compile / install script for


  • installs wiedehopf's readsb (fork of readsb / dump1090-fa)
  • change gain and location using easy commands
  • automatically reconfigures fr24feed/rbfeeder so they work with this standalone decoder (if installed)

Installation or Update

Paste or enter the following commands:

sudo bash -c "$(wget -q -O -"
  • Don't forget to set your location as described below!
  • Don't forget to set the gain as described below!

Web Interface

Optionally add other interfaces:

Changing gain:

Manual Command:

sudo readsb-gain 43.9

Configure location

Use this command specifying latitude, then longitude:

sudo readsb-set-location 50.12344 10.23429

Issues / Check the log:

sudo journalctl --no-pager -u readsb
  • If you have any issues, try a reboot an rerun the install script.
  • Otherwise you can open an issue here on github with the above log and the output of the install script included
  • If you would rather report the issue via discord, contact wiedehopf here:

Change the configuration:

sudo nano /etc/default/readsb

make changes, save with Ctrl-O and enter, exit with Ctrl-X then restart the service:

sudo systemctl restart readsb

For available options see:

readsb --help


If you have an airspy, just run the airspy-conf script after installing readsb, DON'T add extra connection in readsb the data is fed into readsb by airspy_adsb.

Remote data source (radarcape or similar): Configure net-only and a receiver with another IP address as a data source

sudo sed -i -e 's/RECEIVER_OPTIONS.*/RECEIVER_OPTIONS="--net-only --net-connector,30005,beast_in"/' /etc/default/readsb
sudo systemctl restart readsb

Change to the correct IP address and 30005 to the correct port if the beast data are available on another port.

DON'T connect to, that will create a data loop.


sudo apt remove readsb

Note that this script might have changed the fr24feed and rbfeeder configuration. Those configurations won't be restored by the uninstall, you'll have to reconfigure them yourself if you want to use the builtin decoder of either of them. I'd recommend against that, if readsb for some reason doesn't work for you or causes issues and that's the reason for the uninstall, try dump1090-fa: