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Fable UploadCare Widget

Try it: click here

Building and running the app

In the commands below, yarn is the tool of choice. If you want to use npm, just replace yarn by npm in the commands.

How to use in your project

  • Add dependency: yarn add uploadcare-widget
  • Grab the src/UploadCarecomponent.fs file and add it to your project.

How does it work?

Prepare a component helper

 let inline UploadCare props = ofType<UploadCareComponent.Input,_,_> props []

Use it in your React view

        onChange=(fun _ -> printfn "onChange")
        onUploadComplete=(fun info -> printfn "%s" info.cdnUrl)

Update your index.html with credentials

  UPLOADCARE_PUBLIC_KEY = 'demopublickey'; // change to your private key

Use it with Elmish

Just have a look at src/App.fs to see a complete sample


The whole UploadCare API has not been handled in this project. It's merely a simple sample you can then change according to your needs.

So fork this project or send a PR if you wish to add more bindings.


Thanks to @vbfox for his great React to fable tutorials!