This addon for Storybook adds a tab that displays the compiled HTML for each story. It uses highlight.js for syntax highlighting.
Version 6 of this addon requires Storybook 8 and Prettier 3. If you are still using Storybook 7, you can use version 5.
Install the addon and its dependencies.
With NPM:
npm i --save-dev @whitespace/storybook-addon-html prettier react-syntax-highlighter
With Yarn:
yarn add -D @whitespace/storybook-addon-html prettier react-syntax-highlighter
// .storybook/main.js
module.exports = {
// ...
addons: [
// ...
The HTML is formatted with Prettier. You can override the Prettier config
(except parser
and plugins
) by providing an object following the
Prettier API override format in the
// .storybook/preview.js
export const parameters = {
// ...
html: {
prettier: {
tabWidth: 4,
useTabs: false,
htmlWhitespaceSensitivity: "strict",
You can override the wrapper element selector used to grab the component HTML.
export const parameters = {
html: {
root: "#my-custom-wrapper", // default: #root
Some frameworks put comments inside the HTML. If you want to remove these you
can use the removeComments
parameter. Set it to true
to remove all comments
or set it to a regular expression that matches the content of the comments you
want to remove.
export const parameters = {
html: {
removeComments: /^\s*remove me\s*$/, // default: false
You can also use the removeEmptyComments
parameter to remove only empty
comments like <!---->
and <!-- -->
export const parameters = {
html: {
removeEmptyComments: true, // default: false
You can override the showLineNumbers
and wrapLines
settings for the syntax
highlighter by using the highlighter
export const parameters = {
html: {
highlighter: {
showLineNumbers: true, // default: false
wrapLines: false, // default: true
Another way of hiding unwanted code is to define the transform
option. It
allows you to perform any change to the output code, e.g. removing attributes
injected by frameworks.
html: {
transform: (code) => {
// Remove attributes `_nghost` and `ng-reflect` injected by Angular:
return code.replace(/(?:_nghost|ng-reflect).*?="[\S\s]*?"/g, "");