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Azure SDK Tools

This package is intended for usage in direct combination with the azure-sdk-for-python repo. It provides:


Module Description
devtools_testutils Primary location for test classes, pytest fixtures, and test-proxy integration.
ci_tools Various azure-sdk-for-python specific build and test abstractions.
packaging_tools Templated package generator for management packages.
pypi_tools Helper functionality build upon interactions with PyPI.
testutils Backwards compatible extension of test classes.

PLEASE NOTE. For the "script" entrypoints provided by the package, all should either be run from somewhere within the azure-sdk-for-python repository. Barring that, an argument --repo should be provided that points to the repo root if a user must start the command from a different CWD.

Building Azure SDK Packages

After installing azure-sdk-tools, package build functionality is available through sdk_build.

usage: sdk_build [-h] [-d DISTRIBUTION_DIRECTORY] [--service SERVICE] [--pkgfilter PACKAGE_FILTER_STRING] [--devbuild IS_DEV_BUILD]
                 [--produce_apiview_artifact] [--repo REPO] [--build_id BUILD_ID]

This is the primary entrypoint for the "build" action. This command is used to build any package within the azure-sdk-for-python repository.

positional arguments:
  glob_string           A comma separated list of glob strings that will target the top level directories that contain packages. Examples: All == "azure-*",
                        Single = "azure-keyvault"

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        The path to the distribution directory. Should be passed $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory) from the devops yaml definition.If that
                        is not provided, will default to env variable SDK_ARTIFACT_DIRECTORY -> <calculated_repo_root>/.artifacts.
  --service SERVICE     Name of service directory (under sdk/) to build.Example: --service applicationinsights
                        An additional string used to filter the set of artifacts by a simple CONTAINS clause. This filters packages AFTER the set is built
                        with compatibility and omission lists accounted.
  --devbuild IS_DEV_BUILD
                        Set build type to dev build so package requirements will be updated if required package is not available on PyPI
                        Should an additional build artifact that contains the targeted package + its direct dependencies be produced?
  --repo REPO           Where is the start directory that we are building against? If not provided, the current working directory will be used. Please
                        ensure you are within the azure-sdk-for-python repository.
  --build_id BUILD_ID   The current build id. It not provided, will default through environment variables in the following order: GITHUB_RUN_ID ->
                        BUILD_BUILDID -> SDK_BUILD_ID -> default value.

Some common invocations.

# build all package that have form azure-storage*. Set dev version for file + requirements before building.
sdk_build azure-storage* --devbuild=True

# build everything under sdk/core, dump into target directory
sdk_build azure* --service=core -d "<artifact_folder>"

Using "versioning" modules

On top of assembling packages, azure-sdk-tools also can be used to complete various tasks with respect to version "maintenance". There are three primary entrypoints, and each fulfills a purpose in the repository.


usage: sdk_set_dev_version [-h] [--service SERVICE] -b BUILD_ID [--repo REPO] [glob_string]

Increments version for a given package name based on the released version

positional arguments:
  glob_string           A comma separated list of glob strings that will target the top level directories that contain packages.Examples: All = "azure-*",
                        Single = "azure-keyvault", Targeted Multiple = "azure-keyvault,azure-mgmt-resource"

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --service SERVICE     name of the service for which to set the dev build id (e.g. keyvault)
  -b BUILD_ID, --build-id BUILD_ID
                        id of the build (generally of the form YYYYMMDD.r) dot characters(.) will be removed
  --repo REPO           Where is the start directory that we are building against? If not provided, the current working directory will be used. Please
                        ensure you are within the azure-sdk-for-python repository.


usage: sdk_set_version [-h] --package-name PACKAGE_NAME --new-version NEW_VERSION --service SERVICE [--release-date RELEASE_DATE]
                       [--replace-latest-entry-title REPLACE_LATEST_ENTRY_TITLE] [--repo REPO]

Increments version for a given package name based on the released version

positional arguments:
  glob_string           A comma separated list of glob strings that will target the top level directories that contain packages.Examples: All = "azure-*",
                        Single = "azure-keyvault", Targeted Multiple = "azure-keyvault,azure-mgmt-resource"

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --package-name PACKAGE_NAME
                        name of package (accepts both formats: azure-service-package and azure_service_package)
  --new-version NEW_VERSION
                        new package version
  --service SERVICE     name of the service for which to set the dev build id (e.g. keyvault)
  --release-date RELEASE_DATE
                        date in the format "yyyy-MM-dd"
  --replace-latest-entry-title REPLACE_LATEST_ENTRY_TITLE
                        indicate if to replace the latest changelog entry
  --repo REPO           Where is the start directory that we are building against? If not provided, the current working directory will be used. Please
                        ensure you are within the azure-sdk-for-python repository.


usage: sdk_increment_version [-h] --package-name PACKAGE_NAME --service SERVICE [--repo REPO] [glob_string]

Increments version for a given package name based on the released version

positional arguments:
  glob_string           A comma separated list of glob strings that will target the top level directories that contain packages.Examples: All = "azure-*",
                        Single = "azure-keyvault", Targeted Multiple = "azure-keyvault,azure-mgmt-resource"

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --package-name PACKAGE_NAME
                        name of package (accepts both formats: azure-service-package and azure_service_package)
  --service SERVICE     name of the service for which to set the dev build id (e.g. keyvault)
  --repo REPO           Where is the start directory that we are building against? If not provided, the current working directory will be used. Please
                        ensure you are within the azure-sdk-for-python repository.

Relevant Environment Variables

This package honors a few different environment variables as far as logging, artifact placement, etc.

Environment Variable Description
SDK_DEV_BUILD_IDENTIFIER Defaults to value "a". The character prefix before the build number when setting dev build versions.
SDK_BUILD_ID When setting dev version, the current build number is passed to the function as an argument. For a local repro, that can be unwieldy, so the value from this environment variable is fallen back on.
SDK_ARTIFACT_DIRECTORY If a given command invocation outputs to an artifact directory, and that directory is NOT provided via CLI args, azure-sdk-tools will fall back to this variable value.

This set of environment variables will grow as more of the common functionality from azure-sdk-for-python is refactored into azure-sdk-tools.