diff --git a/index.bs b/index.bs
index 605ebdced..9d5992cd3 100644
--- a/index.bs
+++ b/index.bs
@@ -6819,7 +6819,7 @@ for="ReadableStream">locked if ! [$IsReadableStreamLocked$](|stream|) retu
up">writeAlgorithm, an optional algorithm closeAlgorithm, an optional algorithm abortAlgorithm, an optional number highWaterMark (default 1), an optional algorithm highWaterMark (default 1), and an optional algorithm sizeAlgorithm, perform the following steps.
|writeAlgorithm| must be an algorithm that accepts a [=chunk=] object and returns a promise. If
given, |closeAlgorithm| and |abortAlgorithm| may return a promise. If given, |sizeAlgorithm| must
@@ -6900,14 +6900,22 @@ reason.
set up a
newly-[=new|created-via-Web IDL=] {{TransformStream}} |stream| given an algorithm
transformAlgorithm and an optional algorithm
flushAlgorithm, perform the following steps.
+ for="TransformStream/set up">
transformAlgorithm, an optional algorithm
flushAlgorithm, an optional number
writableHighWaterMark (default 1), an optional
+ algorithm
writableSizeAlgorithm, an
+ optional number
+ (default 0), and an optional algorithm
readableSizeAlgorithm, perform the following steps.
|transformAlgorithm| and, if given, |flushAlgorithm|, may return a promise.
+ If given, |writableSizeAlgorithm| and |readableSizeAlgorithm| must be algorithms accepting
+ [=chunk=] objects and returning a number; and if given, |writableHighWaterMark| and
+ |readableHighWaterMark| must be non-negative, non-NaN numbers.
- 1. Let |writableHighWaterMark| be 1.
- 1. Let |writableSizeAlgorithm| be an algorithm that returns 1.
- 1. Let |readableHighWaterMark| be 0.
- 1. Let |readableSizeAlgorithm| be an algorithm that returns 1.
+ 1. If |writableSizeAlgorithm| was not given, let |writableSizeAlgorithm| be an algorithm that
+ returns 1.
+ 1. If |readableSizeAlgorithm| was not given, let |readableSizeAlgorithm| be an algorithm that
+ returns 1.
1. Let |transformAlgorithmWrapper| be an algorithm that runs these steps given a value |chunk|:
1. Let |result| be the result of running |transformAlgorithm| given |chunk|. If this throws an
exception |e|, return [=a promise rejected with=] |e|.
@@ -6952,7 +6960,7 @@ reason.
The following algorithms must only be used on {{TransformStream}} instances initialized via the
above [=TransformStream/set up=] algorithm. Usually they are called as part of
[=TransformStream/set up/transformAlgorithm=] or
[=TransformStream/set up/flushAlgorithm=].
[=TransformStream/set up/flushAlgorithm=].
To enqueue the JavaScript value |chunk| into a
{{TransformStream}} |stream|, perform !
@@ -6995,8 +7003,7 @@ Including the {{GenericTransformStream}} mixin will give an IDL interface the ap
the behavior of the resulting interface, its constructor (or other initialization code) must set
each instance's [=GenericTransformStream/transform=] to a [=new=] {{TransformStream}}, and then
[=TransformStream/set up|set it up=] with appropriate customizations via the
-[=TransformStream/set up/transformAlgorithm=] and optionally
-[=TransformStream/set up/flushAlgorithm=] arguments.
+[=TransformStream/set up/transformAlgorithm=] and any optional arguments.
Note: Existing examples of this pattern on the web platform include {{CompressionStream}} and
{{TextDecoderStream}}. [[COMPRESSION]] [[ENCODING]]