This file contains a number of Flutter interview questions.
Note: Keep in mind that many of these questions are open-ended and could lead to interesting discussions.
- What is the difference between Stateless and Stateful Widget in Flutter?
- Explain Stateful Widget Lifecycle?
- When to use WidgetsBindingObserver?
- What is a Flutter Tree Shaking?
- What is a Spacer Widget?
- Difference between HotRestart and Hot Reload?
- What is an Inherited Widget and list some examples?
- Why is the build() method on State and not Stateful Widget?
- What is a Pub file in Dart?
- How is Flutter native?
- What is a Navigator and Routes in Flutter?
- What is a PageRoute?
- Explain async,await and Future?
- How do I update ListView dynamically?
- What is a Streams?
- What are keys in Flutter and when to use it ?
- What are Global Keys?
- When to use main Axis Alignment and cross Axis Alignment ?
- when do we use double.INFINITY?
- What is Ticker, Tween and Animated Builder ?
- What is an Ephemeral state?
- What is the role of a Change Notifier Provider?
- What is a ValueListenableBuilder?
- What is an AspectRatio?
- List a few plugins developed by the Flutter Team?
- How does Dart AOT works?
- Difference between var and dynamic type in Dart?
- Difference in between 'const' and 'final' keyword in Dart?
- what is a Null-aware Operator?
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