- RVM 1.29.2
- Ruby 2.4.1 and 2.3.4
- Rails 5.1.3
- MySql 5.7.19
- Redis 4.0.1
- Nodejs 8.4.0
- Git 2.7.4
- Heroku-CLI 6.14.20-737bba7
- Docker 17.06.1-ce
Step-by-step (on your bash)
$ git clone
$ cd box-on-rails/
$ vagrant up
After this 'vagrant up' command, Vagrant will be responsible for downloading the operating system configuring a virtual machine in VirtualBox and later downloading, installing and configuring all the packages in the '' script. ! The first time really is a bit more time consuming.
$ vagrant ssh
$ cd /var/www
$ rails new myapp -d mysql
Now a web server is available at http://localhost:3000
(The default password for all services is root).
Basic Usage
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
$ vagrant halt
$ vagrant reload