CatchCore is a novel framework to detect hierarchical dense cores in multi-aspect data (i.e. tensors). CatchCore has the following properties:
- unified metric: provides a gradient-based optimized framework as well as theoretical guarantees
- accurate: provides high accuracy in both synthetic and real data
- effectiveness: spots anomaly patterns and hierarchical dense community
- scalable: scales almost linearly with all factors of input tensor, also has linearly space complexity
The download links for the datasets used in the paper are available online.
- Android App rating. 1.32M × 61.3K × 1.28K × 5
- BeerAdvocate rating. 26.5K × 50.8K × 1472 × 1
- StackOverflow favorite. 545K × 96.7K × 1.15K × 1
- DBLP Co-author. 1.31M × 1.31M × 72
- Youtube Favorite. 3.22M × 3.22M × 203
- DARPA TCP Dumps. 9.48K × 23.4K × 46.6K
- AirForce TCP Dumps. 3 × 70 × 11 × 7.20K × 21.5K × 512 × 512
To install required libraries, please type
pip install -r requirements
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Demo for detecting hierarchical dense subtensor, please type
If you use this code as part of any published research, please acknowledge the following papers.
title={Hierarchical Dense Pattern Detection in Tensors},
author={Feng, Wenjie and Liu, Shenghua and Cheng, Xueqi},
journal={ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data},
publisher={ACM New York, NY}
title={CatchCore: Catching Hierarchical Dense Subtensor},
author={Wenjie Feng, Shenghua Liu, and Xueqi Cheng},
booktitle={European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML-PKDD)},