A Leiningen plugin for running a leiningen project without having to check it out from source, or download a binary. It will include all dependencies (downloading them if necessary) and run the project's :main
namespace. Based partly on lein-try plugin.
Leiningen (via Clojars)
Put the following into the :plugins
vector of the :user
profile in your ~/.lein/profiles.clj
[lein-runproject "LATEST"]
{:user {:plugins [[lein-runproject "LATEST"]]}}
You can use lein-runproject
run any project, any version that exists in your profile's repositories.
$ lein runproject fooproj 0.5.1 arg1 arg2 ...
Fetching dependencies... (takes a while the first time)
[Program output]
# or if you don't care what version
$ lein runproject fooproj LATEST arg1 arg2 ...
Fetching dependencies... (takes a while the first time)
[Program output]
To see available options, call lein help runproject
Copyright © 2013 Jeff Weiss
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.