diff --git a/docs/wiki/en_quickstart.md b/docs/wiki/en_quickstart.md
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+++ b/docs/wiki/en_quickstart.md
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+- [Quickstart](#)
+ - [Using Motan in single machine environment](#Using Motan in single machine environment)
+ - [Using Motan in cluster environment](#Using Motan in cluster environment)
+ - [Using Consul as the registry](#Using Consul as the registry)
+ - [Using ZooKeeper as the registry](#Using ZooKeeper as the registry)
+The quick start gives very basic example of running server and client on the same machine. For more details about using and developing Motan, please jump to [Documents](en_userguide).
+> The minimum requirements to run the quick start are:
+> * JDK 1.6 or above.
+> * A java-based project management software like [Maven][maven] or [Gradle][gradle].
+## Using Motan in single machine environment
+1. Add dependency to pom.
+ ```xml
+ com.weibo
+ motan-core
+ 0.0.1
+ com.weibo
+ motan-transport-netty
+ 0.0.1
+ com.weibo
+ motan-springsupport
+ 0.0.1
+ org.springframework
+ spring-context
+ 4.2.4.RELEASE
+ ```
+2. Create an interface for both service provider and consumer.
+ `src/main/java/quickstart/FooService.java`
+ ```java
+ package quickstart;
+ public interface FooService {
+ public String hello(String name);
+ }
+ ```
+3. Implement the service provider.
+ `src/main/java/quickstart/FooServiceImpl.java`
+ ```java
+ package quickstart;
+ import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
+ import org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext;
+ public class FooServiceImpl implements FooService {
+ public String hello(String name) {
+ System.out.println(name + " invoked rpc service");
+ return "hello " + name;
+ }
+ public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
+ ApplicationContext applicationContext = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("classpath:motan_server.xml");
+ System.out.println("server start...");
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+ `src/main/resources/motan_server.xml`
+ ```xml
+ ```
+ Executing main function in FooServiceImpl will start a motan server listening on port 8002.
+4. Implement the service consumer.
+ `src/main/resources/motan_client.xml`
+ ```xml
+ ```
+ `src/main/java/quickstart/Client.java`
+ ```java
+ package quickstart;
+ import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
+ import org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext;
+ public class Client {
+ public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
+ ApplicationContext ctx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("classpath:motan_client.xml");
+ FooService service = (FooService) ctx.getBean("remoteService");
+ System.out.println(service.hello("motan"));
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+ Executing main function in Client will invoke the remote service and print response.
+## Using Motan in cluster environment
+In cluster environment, the external service discovery components such as Consul or ZooKeeper is needed to support the use of motan.
+### Using Consul as the registry
+#### Install and Start Consul
+##### Install([Official Document](https://www.consul.io/intro/getting-started/install.html))
+ # Taking Linux as an example
+ wget https://releases.hashicorp.com/consul/0.6.4/consul_0.6.4_linux_amd64.zip
+ unzip consul_0.6.4_linux_amd64.zip
+ sudo mv consul /bin
+##### Start([Official Document](https://www.consul.io/intro/getting-started/agent.html))
+ Starting the test environment:
+ consul agent -dev
+UI backend [http://localhost:8500/ui](http://localhost:8500/ui)
+#### Motan-Consul configuration
+1. Add motan-registry-consul in the pom of server and client.
+ ```xml
+ com.weibo
+ motan-registry-consul
+ 0.0.1
+ ```
+2. Add the definition of consul registry in the configuration of server and client.
+ ```xml
+ ```
+3. Change the way of service discovery to registry in the configuration of server and client.
+ server:
+ ```xml
+ ```
+ client:
+ ```xml
+ ```
+4. After the server starts, you need to call the hearbeat switch explicitly in order to register in Consul.
+ ```java
+ MotanSwitcherUtil.setSwitcher(ConsulConstants.NAMING_PROCESS_HEARTBEAT_SWITCHER, true)
+ ```
+5. Go to [UI backend](http://localhost:8500/ui). Verify whether the service is normal.
+6. Start client, call service.
+### Using ZooKeeper as the registry
+#### Install and Start ZooKeeper([Official Document](https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/trunk/zookeeperStarted.html))
+Install and start ZooKeeper:
+ wget http://mirrors.cnnic.cn/apache/zookeeper/zookeeper-3.4.8/zookeeper-3.4.8.tar.gz
+ tar zxvf zookeeper-3.4.8.tar.gz
+ cd zookeeper-3.4.8/conf/
+ cp zoo_sample.cfg zoo.cfg
+ cd ../
+ sh bin/zkServer.sh start
+#### Motan-ZooKeeper configuration
+1. Add motan-registry-zookeeper in the pom of server and client.
+ ```xml
+ com.weibo
+ motan-registry-zookeeper
+ 0.0.1
+ ```
+2. Add the definition of ZooKeeper registry in the configuration of server and client.
+ single node ZooKeeper:
+ ```xml
+ ```
+ multi-nodes ZooKeeper:
+ ```xml
+ ```
+3. Change the way of service discovery to registry in the configuration of server and client.
+ server:
+ ```xml
+ ```
+ client:
+ ```xml
+ ```
+4. Start client, call service.