If you've extracted DSDT, you will get 5 errors.
This error is caused by '*' mark in wrong place.
So, remove this lines, then the error will be disappeared.
This error is caused by 'Zero' in wrong place.
Click error line to go to the line, then remove all 'Zero' lines.
If you click compile button after fixing 5 errors, you will get many warnings and new errors.
Look at this error.
That If statement means that if '_SB.PCI0.RP11.PXSX' exists, execute scope below.
In other words, if PXSX not exist, it never run these codes.
But the complier says, where is PXSX? ur trying to access wrong device!!! get the fxxking ERROR.
Anyway, you have to follow below steps to fix errors.
These codes is never executed because PXSX doesn't exist, so you can delete all error lines.