There are a number of changes to the plugin in 0.2 that may break peoples implementations of Leaflet.draw 0.1. If you I will try my best to list any changes here.
Leaflet.draw 0.1 had a created event for each different shape that was created. 0.2 now consolitates these into a single created shape.
The vector or marker is accessed by the layer
property of the event arguments, the type of layer by the layerType
map.on('draw:created', function (e) {
var type = e.layerType,
layer = e.layer;
if (type === 'marker') {
// Do any marker specific logic here
map.on('draw:poly-created', function (e) {
map.on('draw:rectangle-created', function (e) {
map.on('draw:circle-created', function (e) {
map.on('draw:marker-created', function (e) {
e.marker.bindPopup('A popup!');
Renamed the drawing started and stopped events to be the same as the created standard.
-> draw:drawstart
and drawing-disabled
-> draw:drawstop
There has been a whole bunch of CSS changes, if you have customized any of these plese see leaflet.draw.css.