This is a basic implementation that accesses the DPSG NAMI API and offers some primitives. Currently this is in alpha state. Anything may change at any time.
currently only some very basic things are supported:
- search
- show (some) details for a Mitglied
- update / change a Mitglied
this is not intended to be a ready solution, but a building block to build your own things
is sort of the library
builds upon this for some samples.
Use this readme for pynami. General documenation for the NAMI api is very few and partially outdated at DPSG Confluence You can also check the NAMI Forums at
There are other projects that can help you access the DPSG NAMI API:
- java:
- node:
- php:
Use python3
git clone
cd pynami
virtualenv venv
pip install -r requirements.txt
# create config file ~/.pynami.conf
# sample can be found in pynami/pynami.conf.sample
cd pynami
this shows a sorted json with all allowed values and types for a search request
"alterBis": "",
"alterVon": "",
"bausteinIncludedId": [
"ebeneId": null,
"funktion": "",
"grpName": "",
"grpNummer": "",
"gruppierung1Id": null,
"gruppierung2Id": [
"gruppierung3Id": [
"gruppierung4Id": [
"gruppierung5Id": [
"gruppierung6Id": [
"inGrp": false,
"mglStatusId": null,
"mglTypeId": [
"mglWohnort": "",
"mitAllenTaetigkeiten": false,
"mitgliedsNummber": "",
"nachname": "",
"organisation": "",
"privacy": "",
"searchName": "",
"searchType": "MITGLIEDER",
"spitzname": "",
"taetigkeitId": [
"tagId": [
"untergliederungId": [
"unterhalbGrp": false,
"vorname": "",
"withEndedTaetigkeiten": false,
"zeitschriftenversand": false