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Using mm-bot binary

wget${MM_BOT_VERSION}/mm-bot.${MM_BOT_VERSION}.linux-x64 \
    && chmod +x mm-bot.${MM_BOT_VERSION}.linux-x64 \
    && mv mm-bot.${MM_BOT_VERSION}.linux-x64 /usr/bin/mm-bot


Step 1: Init bot by command:

mm-bot init

The bot will ask you to setup the bot configuration.

You can get base token, quote token information from TomoDEX pair data

You can re-check the bot configuration:

mm-bot info

Step 2: Send quote token, base token to the main address of the bot.

For example, you want to run bot for pair FRONT/USDT. You have to send at least 1000 USD (in FRONT) and 1000 USDT to the main address.

Step 3: Run bot

mm-bot start


You can update the bot configuration file (${HOME}/.mm-bot/config)to custom your bot.

MAIN_PKEY=xxx // private of the main wallet
RANDOM_PKEYS=xxx // private key of wash wallets for wash trade
BASE_TOKEN=0xAad540ac542C3688652a3fc7b8e21B3fC1D097e9 // base token address
BASE_SYMBOL=ETH // base token symbol
BASE_NAME=undefined // base token name, requires for coingecko price provider
QUOTE_TOKEN=0x45c25041b8e6CBD5c963E7943007187C3673C7c9 // quote token address
QUOTE_SYMBOL=USDT // quote token symbol
QUOTE_NAME=undefined // quote token name, requires for coingecko price provider
PRICE_PROVIDER=ftx // price provider FTX, BINANCE, COINGECKO, POOL (self price provider)
ORDERBOOK_LENGTH=10 // number of orders that will be created by the bot in SELL/BUY side
SEED_PRICE=undefined // seed price for pool, requires for pool price provider
BOT_SPEED=200000 // speed (ms) to reload the bot (update price, cancel, create orders)
WASH_SPEED=200000 // speed (ms) to wash trade
ORDER_SIZE=5 // side of the order in USD
RANDOM_RANGE=50 // percentage for range of side of the orders
WASH_ORDER_SIZE=5 // side of the wash orders
ORDER_STEP=0.02 // Step of orders in per side. Next order = order * (1 +step)

// configuration for uniswap price provider only
BASE_ERC20_ADDRESS= // address of baseToken on Ethereum network
BASE_ERC20_DECIMAL= // decimal of baseToken on Ethereum network
QUOTE_ERC20_ADDRESS= // address of quoteToken on Ethereum network
QUOTE_ERC20_DECIMAL= // decimal of quoteToken on Ethereum network

INFURA_API_KEY= // to retrieve price from uniswap

Run as a service with pm2

pm2 start --name MMBOT ./mm-bot -- start

Price Provider

'pool', // auto-adjust pricing by state of the pool (balance of the tokens in the main wallet)
'coingecko',  // get price from coingecko
'binance', // get price from binance
'ftx', // get price from ftx
'uniswap' // get price from uniswap


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