An example which shows how to expose CRUD operations with REST DSL interface and JDBC implementation
Two implementations are available
- XML Rest DSL (default)
- Java Rest DSL
You will need to compile this example first:
mvn install
To run with Java-REST-DSL use:
mvn jetty:run -Dimpl=java-rest-dsl
To run with XML-REST-DSL use:
mvn jetty:run -Dimpl=xml-rest-dsl
To create an person, make a http POST request with firstName and lastName parameters:
curl -X POST -d "firstName=test&lastName=person" http://localhost:8080/rs/persons
Result :
[{ID=1, FIRSTNAME=test, LASTNAME=person}]
To update an existing person, make a http PUT request with firstName and lastName parameters:
curl -X PUT -d "firstName=updated&lastName=person" http://localhost:8080/rs/persons/1
To retrieve an existing person, make a http GET request with the personId as part of the url:
curl http://localhost:8080/rs/persons/1
Result :
[{ID=1, FIRSTNAME=updated, LASTNAME=person}]
To retrieve all the existing persons, make a http GET request to persons url:
curl http://localhost:8080/rs/persons
Result :
[{ID=1, FIRSTNAME=updated, LASTNAME=person}]
To delete an existing person, make a http DELETE request with the personId as part of the url:
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/rs/persons/1
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