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containerd docker-containerd cri-o Docker Pulls


We are currently in the process of changing the repository name. This alteration may potentially introduce issues during Continuous Integration (CI) runs or while building packages locally. If you encounter any problems, we encourage you to promptly create an issue so that we can assist you in resolving them.

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git branch -m master main
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git remote set-head origin -a

Migration of CSI driver

In release v2.0.0, we are updating the CSI driver name from to This change may cause disruptions to your existing workloads if the driver name is not updated.

To ensure a smooth transition:

  1. Install Both Versions: To avoid any breaking changes, you can install both the old and new versions of the CSI driver simultaneously. Both versions are compatible and have been tested to work side-by-side, as verified in our integration tests.

  2. Update Your Workloads: Migrate your workloads to use the new driver name This process will involve updating your storage class definitions and any other configurations that reference the old driver name.

  3. Remove the Old Driver: Once all workloads have been successfully migrated and verified with the new driver, you can safely remove the older version of the driver from your cluster.

  4. Testing: It is highly recommended to test the migration process in a staging environment before applying changes to production.

We appreciate your cooperation and understanding as we work to improve our repository.

container-image-csi-driver (previously csi-driver-image)

This is a CSI driver for mounting images as PVs or ephemeral volumes.

It pulls images via CRI and shares the image store with the container runtime, then mounts images via the snapshot/storage service of the runtime. Read-Only volumes of the same image share the same snapshot. Read-Write volumes keep their own snapshot and changes until pod deletion.

Compatibility matrix

Tested changes on below mentioned versions -

CSI driver k8s version containerd crio
0.6.x v1.25 1.6.8 v1.20.9
0.7.x v1.25 1.6.8 v1.20.9
0.8.x v1.25 1.6.8 v1.20.9
1.0.x v1.25 1.6.8 v1.25.2



The driver requires to mount various host paths for different container runtimes. So, I build a binary utility, container-image-csi-driver-install, to reduce the installation complexity. It supports kubernetes, microk8s and k3s clusters with container runtime cri-o, containerd or docker. Users can run this utility on any nodes in their clusters to generate proper manifests to install the driver. The download link is available on the release page.

# To print manifests

# To show the detected configuration
container-image-csi-driver-install --print-detected-instead

# To change the default namespace that the driver to be installed in
container-image-csi-driver-install --namespace=foo

# To set a Secret as the imagepullsecret
container-image-csi-driver-install --pull-image-secret-for-daemonset=foo

# To disable the memroy cache for imagepullsecrets if Secrets are short-lived.
container-image-csi-driver-install --pull-image-secret-for-daemonset=foo --enable-daemon-image-credential-cache=false

You can found some installation manifests as samples in examples.

Notice for docker

Until Docker migrates its image and snapshot store to containerd, I recommend you use containerd instead. Otherwise, the driver can't use images managed by Docker daemon.

If your container runtime can't be migrated, you can enable the CRI plugin by clearing the containerd config file /etc/containerd/config.toml, then restarting the containerd.


Users can mount images as either pre-provisioned PVs or ephemeral volumes. PVs can only be mounted in access mode ReadOnlyMany, while ephemeral volumes will be writable. Any changes in ephemeral volumes will be discarded after unmounting.

Ephemeral Volume

For ephemeral volumes, volumeAttributes contains image(required), secret, secretNamespace, and pullAlways.

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: ephemeral-volume
      name: ephemeral-volume
        - name: ephemeral-volume
            - name: TARGET
              value: /target
            - mountPath: /target
              name: target
      restartPolicy: Never
        - name: target
            # nodePublishSecretRef:
            #  name: "ImagePullSecret name in the same namespace"
              image: ""
              # # set pullAlways if you want to ignore local images
              # pullAlways: "true"
  backoffLimit: 0

Pre-provisioned PV

For pre-provisioned PVs, volumeHandle instead of the attribute image, specify the target image.

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
  name: pv-test-container-image-csi-driver-test-simple-fs
    storage: 5Gi
    - ReadOnlyMany
  persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
    volumeHandle: ""
    # nodePublishSecretRef:
    #  name: "name of the ImagePullSecret"
    #  namespace: "namespace of the secret"
    # volumeAttributes:
      # # set pullAlways if you want to ignore local images
      # pullAlways: "true"

See all examples.

Private Image

There are several ways to configure credentials for private image pulling.

If your clusters are in cloud, the credential provider are enabled automatically. If your cloud provider provides a credential provider plugin instead, you can enable it by adding both --image-credential-provider-config and --image-credential-provider-bin-dir flags to the driver. See credential provider plugin.

Otherwise, you need ImagePullSecrets to store your credential. The following links may help.

If the secret is desired to be shared by all volumes, you can add it to the ServiceAccount of the driver, container-image-csi-driver by default, and update the Role container-image-csi-driver to make sure the daemon has permissions to fetch the secret, then restart the driver daemon pod. Users can run container-image-csi-driver-install to generate new manifests and apply them to update.

# use secrets foo and bar
container-image-csi-driver-install --pull-image-secret-for-daemonset=foo --pull-image-secret-for-daemonset=bar

If the secret works only for particular workloads, you can set via the nodePublishSecretRef attribute of ephemeral volumes. See the above sample manifest, and notice that secrets and workloads must in the same namespace. (Since version v0.5.1, pulling private images using the ImagePullSecrets which attached to workload service accounts is no longer supported for security reasons.)

You can also set the secret to a PV, then share the PV with multiple workloads. See the sample above.


Sanity test

See test/sanity.

E2E test

See test/e2e.

Note on logging image size

Image sizes are logged after they finish pulling. We've noticed that for smaller images, usually under 1KiB, containerd may report an incorrect image size. An issue has been raised in the containerd github repository: containerd/containerd#9641.

Community meetings

We conduct online meetings every 1st, 3rd, and 5th week of the month on Thursdays at 15:30 UTC.

Feel free to join us through this Zoom link and refer to the Google document for Minutes of Meetings (MoMs).

Note: If you are unable to attend the meeting but still interested, you can initiate a discussion under Discussions/Queries/Suggestions in the aforementioned Google document.