bazel build -c opt //src/stirling/testing/demo_apps/go_grpc_tls/server:server
sudo dlv --headless --log --log-output=rpc --listen= attach $(pgrep server)
bazel run //experimental/delve_connector:client -- --port=44101
# Add --quiet=1 for benchmarking
For comparsion, one could also run the native delve front-end.
dlv connect localhost:44101
(dlv) t*Framer).WriteDataPadded
(dlv) continue
bazel build -c opt //src/stirling/testing/demo_apps/go_grpc_tls/client:client
$PIXIE_ROOT/bazel-bin/src/stirling/testing/demo_apps/go_grpc_tls/client/linux_amd64/client --benchmark --rounds=3
For benchmarking, one may want to disable turbo boost
echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/intel_pstate/no_turbo
Step 2 could be replaced with a call to stirling_wrapper to benchmark stirling overheads. Note that Stirling attaches multiple uprobes, so the comparison will not be fair unless the extra probes are removed.