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An Even Easier Introduction to

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An Even Easier Introduction to CUDA

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CUDA Terminologies

kernel: a funtion that the GPU can run

_global_: a specifier telling the CUDA C++ complier that this is a funtion that runs on the GPU and can be called from CPU code

device code: code that runs on the GPU

host code: code that runs on the CPU

Memory Allocation in CUDA

Unified Memory1

Unified Mmeory creates a pool of managed memory that is shared between the CPU and GPU, briding the CPU-GPU divide. Managed memory is accessible to both the CPU and GPU using a single pointer. The key is that the system automatically migrates data allocated in Unified Memory between host and device so that it looks like CPU memory to code running on the CPU, and like GPU memory to code running on the GPU.

char *data;
cudaMallocManaged(&data, N); // making the data pointer accessible from both the host and the device.

Note: this is a programming model to simplify CUDA codes. However, a carefully tuned CUDA program that uses streams and cudaMemcpyAsync() to efficiently overlap execution with data transfers may very well perform better than only using Unified Memory.

Q: Are we using unified memory or traditional memory allocation techniques?

Execution Configuration

execution configuration: tells the CUDA runtime how many parallel threads to use for the launch on the GPU.

Streaming Multiprocessors: each runs multiple concurrent thread blocks

threadIdx.x / y / z: the index of the current thread within its block

blockIdx.x / y / z: the index of the current thread block in the grid

blockDim.x / y / z: the number of threads in the block

gridDim.x / y / z: the number of blocks in the grid

Grid-Stride Loop

void add (int n, float *x, float *y) 
	int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; // the thread index in the grid
	int stride = blockDim.x * gridDim.x; // number of threads in the grid
	for (int i = index; i < n; i += stride)
		y[i] = x[i] + y[i];

